A1 - Skills, Qualties and Responsibilties PE

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Shreyaan Verma



The ability to talk and listen to others, to show and illustrate. This could be where a manager
changes tactics and formations from the side of the pitch or in the dressing room.


Having the experience and understanding of the demands of the game. A clear range of
ideas and drills to improve players. A good manager will be able to develop young players
and get the best out of them. They would also research the next opponents.

Organisation of equipment

Ensuring the correct size equipment and number of items are there for the session. A good
leader would ensure that they have the correct equipment for the training session.

Activity structure

The sessions planned will be easily linked to the next and will progress naturally into the
next. They will be built to target specific needs of the players and team.

Target setting

The sessions have a purpose and are designed to develop specific aspects. Leaders will set
goals and aims for individuals and the team. This may be to develop speed in a player and
strength in another or ball retention within the team.

Use of language

The correct terms and terminology will have to be used by the leader to communicate clearly
with the players. This may involve different languages and perhaps even the need to employ
a translator.

Identifying faults and fixes after a performance or training session. Leaders must be able to
do this to help the team and individuals perform better next time.



Leaders must present the image that they want their players to. Sometimes they may want
to distance themselves from the players by wearing suits so that it clear they are in charge.


The leader must encourage and keep them going. Showing an interest in their performances
and progress is important to keep them focussed. Manchester United often won games late
in the match as a result of continued enthusiasm from their manager.


Leaders must have self belief in themselves, that what they are doing is right. They must
also have belief in their players. Arsene Wenger has stuck to his philosophy despite a long
trophy drought.

Leadership style

Laissez Faire, Autocratic, democratic, consultative, persuasive styles can be used to get the
best out of players and teams. A good leader will be able to apply these appropriately.

Leaders will motivate their teammates during the game, in training and in private
conversations to get the best out of them. Some may be motivated by money and contracts,
others by feeling wanted and valued in the team.


Players need to enjoy being there. Leaders can use humour to motivate and engage their
players and keep them involved. Using it at the right time is key, so that the game is still
taken seriously.


Leaders need to mix well with the team and have the ability to get the best out of them. They
need to be able to take command and have a real presence. Extrovert – outgoing and loud,
Introvert – quiet and shy.


Professional conduct

Leaders should demonstrate the standards and decorum they expect of their players. They
should lead by example, shaking hands with the opposing manager whether they win or lose
and respecting the referee’s decisions.

Health and safety

Leaders have a responsibility for the health and safety of their players. They should listen to
them and rest them when they need rest and ensure they are given time to develop.

Leaders should not favour one player over another and should give everyone an equal
chance of success. Some managers use squad rotation to ensure this is not the case.


Leaders have the responsibility to ensure that players are covered.

Child protection

Any coaches employed by the club need to be DBS/CRB checked so that they do not take
advantage of the young players.

Legal obligations

Leaders must ensure that players are not played when they are ineligible and that young
players are educated and developed appropriately.


Leaders should not cheat and should display the ethical and moral code they expect of their

Rules and regulations

Leaders must know these and ensure that they are able to get their team to play within them.

Leaders must express what they hold dear to themselves and are central to their beliefs.
Arsene Wenger ensures his team plays one way because that is how he believes Football
should be played.

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