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Ladies and gentlemen, teachers, and my dear fellow students,

Today, I stand before you to talk about a tradi on that goes beyond mere threads and rituals. It's about a
celebra on of bonds that transcend me, a celebra on that not only unites brothers and sisters but also
carries a deeper significance—one that many of us might be unaware of. Today, I want to delve into the
lesser-known aspects of Raksha Bandhan. let's peel back the layers of this beau ful tradi on and explore
some fascina ng aspects that make it more than just a rou ne ceremony.

1. The Cosmic Connec on:

Ever thought about Rakhi's connec on to the cosmos? Well, ancient Hindu scriptures men on the
sacred thread as a symbol of the cosmic link between mortals and the divine. It's said to represent the
umbilical cord that es us to the universe's energy.

2. Rakhi in Space:

Hold onto your seats for this one! In 2007, during the space mission of Sunita Williams, an Indian
American astronaut, she celebrated Raksha Bandhan with her brother back on Earth. She ed a Rakhi
around her own wrist in the microgravity of space, emphasizing the bond that knows no bounds, not
even Earth's atmosphere.

3. Bond Beyond Borders:

Raksha Bandhan has a transcultural and transna onal appeal. Did you know that in 1947, Mahatma
Gandhi requested the women of India to send Rakhis to the Muslim leaders of Pakistan to promote
peace and harmony during the par on? This gesture showed how Rakhi could bridge even the deepest

4. Rakhi of Unity:

In 1992, when India was celebra ng its 45th Independence Day, school children across the na on ed
Rakhis to soldiers sta oned at the Siachen Glacier, the highest ba leground on Earth. This symbol of
unity and apprecia on highlighted the soldiers' sacrifices and their protec ve role in guarding our
na on.

So, as we approach Raksha Bandhan, let's not merely see it as a ritual but as a tapestry of history,
diplomacy, spirituality, and innova on. It's a reminder that tradi ons are like living organisms, evolving,
adap ng, and embracing the spirit of the mes.
Thank you, and as we celebrate Rakhi this year, may we e the threads of love, unity, and understanding
with a deeper apprecia on of its rich tapestry.

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