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Help to expand knowledge

In the classroom, some knowledge is not limited to textbooks, especially in high school, the
knowledge of textbooks can no longer meet the needs of students. Therefore, for this part of the
extended knowledge, it is necessary to take good class notes to help expand the breadth and
depth of knowledge and improve cognition.

4. Easy to review

Class notes record the knowledge structure, key difficulties, problem-solving methods,
precautions, experience summary and other content of the teacher's lectures. Therefore, class
notes are compressed textbooks, and even some aspects are more conditioned than textbooks.
Make good use of class notes during review, which will greatly improve the efficiency of review.

Class Notes Class Notes Chapter 5

I hurriedly finished reading the book "Efficient Classroom". Although I didn't study it carefully, I
felt a little bit.The content in this article is worth learning, and it requires us to think deeply,
practice in deep thinking, and reflect in practice.The new curriculum standards highlight the
values of ”people-oriented“, focus on ”open innovation", and actively advocate independent,
cooperative, and exploratory learning methods.The task of a Chinese teacher is to make students
realize that they are the protagonist of learning Chinese, and to help them enter the role of
learning Chinese.

1. Create situations to stimulate students' independent learning.

Self-directed learning is a learning method in which students are self-oriented, self-motivated,

and self-monitoring the learning process.Focus on the realization of students' potential, promote
students' distinctive development and sustainable development.It is important that students
have emotional input, internal motivation support, positive emotional experience and a broad
space for free choice.Rogers once said: “The higher the degree of freedom, the higher the
degree of physical and mental investment in learning.”

Therefore, Chinese teachers should create an environment for independent learning and a space
for independent learning for students, so that students can fully enjoy the autonomy and choice
of reading, and experience a process of self-selection, self-questioning, self-exploration, self-
discovery, self-acquisition, self-emotional experience, and self-evaluation.Guide students to find
and use their favorite methods to explore the issues they are interested in.For example,
composition teaching is often too blunt, so as a Chinese teacher, we must focus on the context of
teaching.In the classroom of divergent thinking teaching, I introduced it in the form of guessing
games, and stimulated thinking in the form of painting. Students not only like it, but also enjoy
learning.This allows students to switch from passive to active, thereby stimulating the desire to

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