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Prodi : D3 Akuntansi
Mata Kuliah/SKS : English for Business/2 SKS
Dosen : Alma Huwaida Ramadhani, M.A.
Ruang : Daring
Sifat Ujian : Open book
Waktu : Take home

We have had our discussion about money talk on our previous meeting, now for your
midterm examination, please make a short essay consisting of 3 or 4 paragraphs about this
topic question: "How does saving a portion of your allowance or income each month
help you achieve your financial goals?"

Terms and conditions:

1. Each paragraph should contain a minimum of 5 sentences.
2. Make sure to use some vocabularies from our previous discussion about money
talk and bold the word to highlight the vocabulary you use.
3. You are free to use your dictionary and find any resource and reference from the
internet as long as they are reliable.
4. No plagiarism would be tolerated.
5. The due date of this assignment is by the end of this week.
6. Show me your best effort, broken English is more appreciated than doing a

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