Aryo Kusumo Rahadyan - V1422009 - UTS - Akuntansi B

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Name : Aryo Kusumo Rahadyan

NIM : V1422009
Class : Accounting B
This is My Financial Transformation
Normally, people will saving a portion of their allowance or income each month, which
is a significant predictor of financial success. But, in my personal experience, I just receiving
a monthly allowance of only 700 thousand Indonesian rupiahs from my parents. The
vulnerability to overspending and the immersions into unnecessary expenditures have led me
down a path of financial strife. At the beginning of each month, I never paid much attention to
how much money I had, and I frequently indulged in impulsive spending, making it almost
impossible for me to save my money.
My lack of capability in managing my finances became even more apparent towards
the end of each month when I would invariably find myself in a tight spot, struggling to meet
essential expenses. I'd realize that I needed to disclose my predicament to my significant other,
explaining why I couldn't join them for certain activities or outings due to a lack of funds. This
financial problem took a toll on my relationships , causing unnecessary stress and tensions. But
Im still Grateful because my significant other is understanding my financial problem.
However, with time, I began to comprehend the importance of budgeting and saving.
By setting aside even a small portion of my monthly allowance, I started to build a safety net,
ensuring that I could cover unexpected expenses and achieve my financial goals. This
transformation from financial vulnerability to stability was a valuable lesson, and it has
motivated me to prioritize saving and responsible spending to secure my financial future.

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