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Solved Papers ‘MP. PS.C. State Forest Services (Pre pee (S88 CiCombined Graduatell Seeman eran Cen erate OGUIN SI Siacuo Cia ICIEE SUL AP Eee Ou baa Mang WL aac ELL’ ‘+ FD! Inflows|into India Rise}10%, Outflows| Shrink 16% in 2022). UNCTAD) Credit|Guarantee Scheme|Launched for) MSME|Sector) CHUM TOME CTD Ries CUA ROM Ua Cen Ceosseu Mer eeu ENI/Awards}2023) Duleep trophy.2023) Late Sh. Mahendra Jain Rahul Jain 2ALA, ‘Swadeshi Bima Nagar, ‘Agra-282.002 1, State Bank colony. Khandar, ‘Aagra-Mathura Bye pass, Agra-282 005. ‘el: 2531101, 2580966 Website : www.pdgroup.in_ mall: Edtorapublsher@pdgroupin Customer Care 14945, Ansari Road, 3 New Delhi-110 002 ‘Teh: (011) 23251844, 43259035 1611-23737, “Moosarambagh, Teegan Guda, ‘Opp. RTA Ofice Main Road, ‘Beside—Union Bank Hyderabad-500 036 (TS). Tel: (040) 24557283 ‘Tel: (0612) 2363340, 1M. : 09334137572 8310/1, A.K House, Heeranagar, ‘aldwant, Distt -Nainital-263 13: ‘Uttarakhand, ™M.:07060421008 Dear Readers, It is with a sense of great delight and pleasure that we are presenting the September issue of your favourite magazine Pratiyogita Darpan. As usual, present issue of the magazine ‘contains useful material relevant to competitive examinations. Our ‘editorial board and the team of highly qualified and experienced authors take painstaking efforts to present the study material, keeping in view the requirements of our esteemed readers. We are sure that if you read it intelligently and wisely it will go a Jong way in equipping you with knowledge to face the gruelling battle of the examination and bring you the desired success, Wealways try to understand the demandsand requirements of our readers, their suggestions and changes in the pattern and content of the competitive examinations. We make all efforts to include them, as far as possible, in successive issues of the magazine. It gives us great satisfaction to know that our readers have unanimously endorsed the utility of the magazine. In the present issue, a number of core articles on important national and international events, contributed by reputed authors, have been given. Some of the representative articles in the present issue of this magazine are : PM Narendra Modi Conferred with Highest French Honour; AIFF Awards 2022-23; Tamil Nadu ‘Secures Top Position on NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022; Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde Inaugurates PM MITRA Park in Amravati; Wimbledon Open 2023; Netherlands Wins FIM Hockey Pro League Title 2022-23; South Zone Wins Duleep Trophy 2023. ‘The most important section of the Magazine cont number of question papers selected from various competitive ‘examinations. These are fully solved with relevant hints in short, but clear-cut explanations. Al efforts are made to give their error- free solutions. A careful study of and practice session with these papers will be very useful to face any competitive examination. ‘ThecolumnsDivya Darpan, Compendium, Test Your Know- ledge, Memorable Points and Concentric Quiz have been widely appreciated as trusted tools for the benefit of our readers. An intelligent study and memorizing of their content will be highly useful in solving questions in any future examination. Pratiyogita Darpan gives you the best guidance and reading material. Itis upto you to make the best use of i for aright success in any competitive examination. Read Pratiyogita Darpan regularly and intelligently. It gives you the power to master your career and shape your destiny. With best wishes for your brilliant success and bright future. Sincerely yours, a {Avertuementspublsbed inthe Magazine ‘Allright reserved Nopartofthis Magazine may be reproduce, stored ina erieval system or transmitted in any formby any means, Electronic Mecham Potcopying Recording or thers, without the prior writen permission ofthe publiher Whi every efor has been made to ensure accuracy a he {information published inthis ein. either the publisher nor any os employees accep any responsibilty for ary eror or omission Aries that cannot ‘beused are returned othe authors ifaccompaniedby a self addresed and suicently stamped envelope. But no respons taken or ay lossor delay in recuring the material. PratiogtaDarpan assumes no respostbilty for statements and opinions advanced bythe authors nor for any lms made in the PD/September/2023/4 @) 7 our Readers GD Esioriat GE Nation this Month GHG National and international Updates. | EBT Regional News (BA Employment and Career News BD) Forthcoming Competitive Examinations ports World | Memorable Points \ Science and Technology } HORTICULTURAL CROPS 2022-23 (FIRST ADVANCE Cir) logy, Biodiversity and Climate thange Round-up Ratu iggy, 28 “e0luaed GC Btirecd (II ‘Arya VM. ‘Topper—Civil Services Exam, 2022 fm (6th Rank) a HS. Bhavana a ‘Topper—Civil Services Exam,, 2022 (55th Rank) Arnay Mishra a ‘Topper—Civil Services Exam, 2022 (56th Rank) Aditi Varshney my oppere Ci Services Exam, 2022 Piraaagt erine ames So (2) 13.5 Crore Indians Came Out of Multi dimensional Poverty in 5 Years (2015-16 to 2019-21) (3) Export Preparedness Index (EPI) 2022-for States/UTS. Di) Modi's First State Visit to US : The Second Phase of Indo-US Partnership (10) Hiroshima QUAD Summitand india GB) Are indo-Pactc Economic Framework and India's Stand GBD Demographic Potenta of india EB ites :wrotesome Nurton for A Age Group GD ws creendea The European Green Deal GBD reatty creek or indian start-up Ecosystem TD piscine, becorum and Dignity o Parament (1) Foreign Trade Decelerated During Qt ] (April-June) of 2023-24 > ~ 2 te ain Ff ational Relations Articl GB Wor warrior Diplomacy : inception, Reception ~ and Current Trends | GB oncersansngceopoties or terrorism | GUD current status of Genetically Modified Crops in | Ltda UD compendium HID tract vestingin indi: Stats and Challenges [HB Promincat Historical Personalities of India WD rote ant intasry WB current Questionnaire GET mmnonmE (Pre,) Exam, 2022 : General Studies-I BJ S.C. Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier-1), 2022 FEED Bihar B.Ed. Common Entrance Test, 2023, YOUR PAGES EES) Essay Contest } Concentric Quiz Results Test Your Knowledge “The vews and opinions expressed in Pratiyogta Darpan ‘are thse ofthe authors & contributors and don't necessary tlle these ofthe pulser or the er WEBB Potenia Heath impacto fl Jeeven Mission FEY) Madhya Pradesh PS.C State and Forest Services ‘The best motto, the best ethical principle in life isto strive to be good within margin of human possibility. A person who is good of heart and mind is also externally good and relishes doing good to one and all. The selfish and greedy person can never be good. Since we live in the world of imperfect individuals, perfection is not possible to achieve by anyone. Only God is perfect. But a good person partakes of the attributes of God, say, godliness, We have a short sojourn on this planet earth and everybody's life is rounded with a sleep (death), is it not proper for us to lead a good, pious, right and ethical life. The powers and pelf of this world will remain here when we leave the world. We will go empty-handed to the other world. But the good dead of people will go ith them, while the so-called big who hoarded immense wealth and power went away with their hands spread, with nothing on their palms. Alexander, the Great who had conquered lots of territories belonging to ‘others; Soloman, one of the richest persons both, went empty-handed whil Swami Vivekanand left behind a rich legacy of goodness and morality and went away with thi ‘goodness and beauty, something allied to goodness. Therefore, the best principle to cheris to do good and serve others. Goodness is in your nature ‘To be good is your birth right. To spread goodness is in your power. You want to look like a good ‘man, and also welcome to be called a ‘good man. Everybody wants to be so, But very few of us try to become a really good man. Let us first ask ourselves whom we call good men and what we expect of a good man. The answer is simple. A good man is first of all a gentleman, and_a gentleman is he ‘who does not inflict pain on others or does not give any cause for offence to any one. On the other hand, he tries to be helpful and useful to all whom he comes into contact with. If you expect others to be good to you, then be helpful to others. Do unto others, as you want to be done by them. AS you sow, so shall you reap. Ask your innerself—am I a good person ? You would immediately know where you stand. When you join some service— be itas an administrator, you would like to be a good officer, but people will «all you good only when you do a good tum to persons who come to ‘you to redress their grievances. ‘A great author has written that the secret of sound sleep is good work. He had made ita point to doa good work to atleast one person everyday, and felt satisfied when he went to sleep. You can also experi- ence it by doing good work. So many persons suffer from insomnia because they do not do good work and do not enjoy the pleasure of self-satisfaction. What accompanies a. person when he or she goes to the other world ? No money, no wealth, no property, but only his goodness, and at the same time, only goodness remains and lasts forever. But vants of the people like Swami Dayanand and Mahatma Gandhi had their hands full with goodness, when the world bade them good bye for the last God is called good, because He is .g00d to all beings, and likes all. You also begin to like all and be good to all; you too, will be called good. The first step is to like and love your own self, because you are a good person, but outwardly and inwardly you will at once experience that God and ‘goodness will be standing beside you because goodness is next to Godli Some people might think that God wants them to do some things that they do not really want to do or like doing. I think they are right to some extent. We want to go the way of pleasures, while He wants us to take the path of the ‘good’. The great poet of all times, Rabindra Nath Tagore, has written that God had ‘been good to me by rejecting many of my prayers, for pleasant things and thus left me with good things and goodness. Those who followed the path of the good, became good and great like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, ete. God wants His creatures ints like Swami Dayanand and hands full of life is to be good, to become happy by becoming, good and being good to others, and thereby change everything in life. When you ask to know God’s will, you are really asking to be aware of what makes you happy. He will lead you to happiness by always reminding you to extend your love which implies being good to everyone you come in contact with. There is a mistaken and deep rooted belief that the will of the individual and God's will can be separate. But, that is not possible. ‘You want to be happy, God wants you to be happy so the goal of the will is the same in both the cases. ‘Then why bother to know God's will 2 Your will is God's will. Try to know your will and act accordingly. Trying to do good can never lead us to any wrong. We should always follow the dictates of our conscience, which is God's spark in us. If you feel miser- able at some time it means you have taken an ego-decision and that you are not doing the thing, with the idea of doing good and spreading good- ness ‘Be good and you would be ove-some’, says Mark Twain. You try to be good yourself and find the soul of goodness in everything and every- body you come across; then everyone will appear to be good and make yourself look good to everybody. As Bible says “A good man is covered with blessings from head to foot, but an evil man inwardly curses. his luck.” = ISRO Launches Chandrayaan 3 Bharat 6G Alliance Launched by ‘he Ministry of Communications Performance Grading Index (PGD = DAC Approves Proposals for Procurement of 26 Rafale Marine Aircraft Notional Research Foundation Bill, 2023 Approves to Enhance the Research Ecosystem Opposition Political Parties Unite in Alliance as LN.D. © GE Aerospace Signs MoUl wit Hindustan Aeronautics Limited = The Campus of ITT Madras Sets up in Zanzibar (Tanzania) First ever HIT Campus to be Outside India = No-Confidence Motion Moves in Lok Sabla Against Modi Govern- ment sNews in Brief PD/September/2023/13 i ISRO Launches Chandrayaan 3 | ‘On 1th July, 2023, the Chandrayaan-3 was launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) which landed successfully on the moon. The journey of Chandrayaan-3 estimated to take approximately 42 days, with a land- ing scheduled for 23rd August, 2023 at the lunar dawn. With this step toward the space, India becomes the fourth country in the world to achieve this feat and the others are : United States, Russia, and China. Chandrayaan-3 is India’s third lunar mission. The mission took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC) in Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh). It consists of : An indigenous Lander module (LM), © Propulsion module (PM) and © A Rover with an objective of developing and demonstrating new tech- nologies required for inter planetary missions. The LVM3 M4 launcher was successfully lifted off and launched Chandrayaan-3 ane! after 16 minutes, the spacecraft separated from the rocket. It entered into an elliptic parking orbit (EPO). The lander and the rover will have a mission life of one lunar day (about 14 Earth days) as they work on solar energy. The landing site for Chandrayaan-3 is near the lunar South Pole. Several advanced technologies used in Lander to achieve mission objectives ane ‘Chandrayaan ready to launch by ISRO. Laser & RF based Altimeters. Laser Doppler Velocimeter & Lander Horizontal Velocit Laser Gyro based Inertial referencing and Accelerometer package. 800 N Throttleable Liquid Engines, 58N attitude thrusters é& Throttleable Engine Control Electronics. Navigation, Guidance & Control ( design and associate software elements. Hazard Detection and Avoidance : Lander Hazard Detection & Avoidance Camera and Processing Algorithm Landing Leg Mechanism, Camera. ) : Powered Descent Trajectory © © © eece Chandrayaan 1 {© Mission launched on 22nd October, 2008. (On Sth November, 2008 Chandrayaan-1 entered in orbit of moon. © It aimed to create a threedimensional atlas of the moon and conduct mineralogical mapping. The Launch Vehicle was PSLV ~ C11 ‘Chandrayaan-1 made significant discoveries, including the detection of water and hydroxyl on the lunar surface Chandrayaan-2 © Mission launched on 22nd July, 2019. Lander of Chandayaan-2 was Vikram. © ‘The Launch Vehicle was GSLV MRIIEM Although the lander and rover crashed on the moon's surface; the Orbiter successfully collected data and found signatures of water at all atitudes. The objetives Ghandrayaan-3 Sr No ¥ A Ls \ fic payloads planned) on y ide we patton Lander Payloads 4/ f Objectives Radio Anatomy _ of Moon Bound Hyper- sensitive ionosphere and Atmosphere (RAMBHA) Chandra’s Surface ‘Thermo physical Experiment (ChaSTE) Trstrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) To measure the near surface plasma Cons. and electrons) ensity and its changes with time. The measurements OF thermal properties of lunar surface near polarregion. ‘To measure scamidiy around thelanding site and delineating the structure ofthe lunar rust and mantle. Tt is a passive experiment © understand the dynamics of Moon system. Salient Features of Chandrayaan-3 The lander, named Vikram and rover payloads, named Pragyan of Chandrayaan-3 remain the same as the Chandrayaan-2 mission. The aim of lander is to study various aspects of the lunar environment include study: ing lunar quakes, thermal properties of the lunar surface, changes in plasma near the surface, and accurately ‘measuring the distance between Earth and the moon. The propulsion module of Chandrayaan-3 features a new experiment called Spectro-polarimetey of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE) which aims to search for smaller planets ‘with potential habitability by analysing reflected light. Bharat 6G Alliance Launched by I the Ministry of Communications Jecommunications Department (Do) under the Ministry of Communications launched the Bharat 6G The Alliance (BBGA) to enhance innovation and leadership in 6G technology (the next frontier of wire- less communication). The Communication Ministry issued grant of % 24051 crore under the Telecom Technology Develop- ment Fund (CTDP) and also signed two agreements for projects. The Department of Telecom- ‘munications constituted a Technology Innovation Group ‘on 6G (TIG-6G) on Ist November, 2021 with members from various Ministries and Departments. The chief objectives of Bharat 6G Alliance are enable India to become a leading global supplier of IP, products and solutions of affordable 6G telecom solutions, deploy 6G technologies to act as a powerful force multiplier for India@2020. TASER Retroreflecior Array (LRA) Bharat6e Alliance Introduction to the Bharat 6G Alliance (B6GA) © The BOGA is a collaborative platform public and private companies, academia, PD/September/2023/14 \\ institutions) and. standards development organiza- tions. The alliance cooperates bysthe' different part- nerships and synergies with other 6G global alliances to facilitate international collaboration and know- ledge exchange. This alliance will develop the next: generation 6G research and innovation in the country to enable India to be a front-line contributor in 6G technology and manufacturing by 2030. The TIG-6G in turn constituted six Task Forces with industry, academia, R&D institutions and Govern- ment as members on Multi-Disciplinary Innovative Solutions, Multiplatform Next Generation Networks, Spectrum for Next Generation Requirements, Devices, International Standards Contribution and Funding Research and Development. @ = The Six Task Forces focused on innovations that leverage these new technologies to deliver solutions, support these innovations, spectrum. management and oncoming explosion in wireless communications. The Functions of the Bharat 6G Alliance (B6GA) are as follows @ Recommend phase-wise objectives aligned with Atmanirbhar Bharat. ‘Select and fine-tune the research and innovation pathways and identify priority areas for 6G research based on India's competitive advantages. Focus on new technologies such as Terahertz com- munication, radio interfaces, tactile Internet, Al for connected intelligence, new encoding methods & ‘waveforms, chipsets for 6G devices, ete. Utilize India's prosvess in software especially in NFV, Al and edge computing and Support IP development efforts and registration in India as well as product development elforts, Enable and encourage participation in pre-standar- disation activities and standards-making by all domestic stakeholders including industry, academia, national laboratories, start-ups and service providers in National and Global Standards Development and Standard Setting Bodies. Approve R&D/innovation proposals as per delega- tion of powers and coordinate with sectoral orga- nisations for anall-f-nation approach. || Pertormance Grading Index (PG lH ‘The first Performance Grading Index (PGI) was released in 2017 which helped States/UTs to identify specific interventions required to make transformational changes in school education. In the last 4 years, States /UTs reached saturation level in many indicators of PGI, and. few indicators became redundant due to rapid changes adopted during COVID-19 period. The Ministry ‘of Education (MoE) released the Performance Grading Index for Districts (PGLD) combined report for 2020-21 and 2021-22, assessing, the performance of the school education system at the District level. Certain policy initiatives and interventions introduced post imple- mentation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 also required for aligning indicators of PGI for proper tracking the progress. The MoBjhas algo released a report’6n Performance Grading Index (PGI20 for States/ UNS for the year 2021-22. The global agenda for education development reflected in the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) adopted by India in 2015 seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030, The report has 10 grades in which districts are categorized ‘Term used forthe Districts Grades (%) Daksh (Highest grade) ‘Abowe 90 Utharsh 31-50 Ati-Uttam 71-80 Uttam a0 31-60 Prachesta -2 [a1-50_ al Prachesta~3 31-40 ‘Akanshi- 1211090 ‘Akanshi-2 111020 ‘Akanshi-3 Lowest ess than 10) Teachers’ education, being one of the important com- ponents of learning outcomes of students, had meagre Tepresentation in PGI whereas Governance which is a quantitative parameter had over representation. Such a goal will require proper assessment and monitoring of indicators. set out goals so that all of the [Bd critical targets of Sus- tainable Development [eens canbe achieved by 2030. Inthe existing of 70 indicators ‘many of the indicators were filled by States/UTS often putting up additional burden on States/UTs and one of the factors affecting the timely release of report. Therefore, a need was felt to make PGI more dynamic, up to date, and reflect the true performance of the States/UTs, indicators of PGI have undergone transformational changes in 2021-22 and renamed as PGL20, Objectives of the PGI 2-0 The aim of PGI 24 is to achieve optimal education outcomes in terms of improving quality and also to adopt best practices followed by the top performing States/UTs which can be replicated wherever possible in shortest possible time. To give emphasis to teacher education in school education, a separate category and domain on Teacher Education & Training (TET) is now added in PGL 20, The Key Findings of the Report © None of the districts achieved the top two grades (aksh and Utkarsh). © The number of districts categorized as_Ati-Uttam decreased significantly from 121 in 2020-21 to 51 in 2021-22, indicating the impact of the pandemic on educational performance. PD/September/2023/15 Several disfriets (including Krishna and Guntur in Andhra Pradesh; Chandigarh, Dadea! Nagar Hav districts in Delhi, Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha etc) across different states were categorized as Ati-Uttam in both 2020-21 and 2021-22. The number of districts categorized as Prachesta-2 (sixth-highest grade) increased from 86 in 2020-21 to 117 in 2021-22 which suggested that more districts faced challenges in maintaining their performance due to the disruptions caused by the pandemic. Tata Sons Pvt. Ltd. Set Europe's Largest Battery Cell Giga Factory in UK ‘On 19th July, 2023, Tata Sons Pvt.Ltd. announced to set «2 global battery cell giga factory in the UK with a capacity produce 40GW of cells annually. This will be one of the largest ever investments in the UK automotive sector which is estimated over £ 4 billion The key objectives are electric mobility and renewable energy storage solutions and esta- Dilish a competitive green tech ecosystem in the UK for the future climate change prospective. ‘The battery giga factory would produce high-quality, high-performance, sustainable battery cells and packs for 3 variety of applications within the mobility and energy sectors. Production is expected to start in 2026 and JLR and ‘Tata Motors will be anchor customers GIGA FACTORY DAC Approves Proposals for Procurement of 26 Rafale Marine Aircraft On 13th July, 2023, a meeting of the Defence Acquisi- tion Council (DAC) approved three proposals. for procurement of 26 Rafale Marine airerafts from France. ‘The DAC granted Acceptance of Necessity (AON) for procurement of 26 Rafale Marine aircrafts along with associated ancillary equipment, weapons, simulator, spares, documentation, crew training, and logistic support for the Indian Navy from the French Government based ‘on Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) incil The Defence Acquistion Council was founded in 2001 (after Kargil War 1999) on the bass of recommendations by the Group of Ministers on ‘Reforming the National Security System’, The DAC comes under the Defence Ministry for decid- ing on new policies and capital acquisitions for the thece seevices (Army, Navy and Air Force) and the Indian Coast Guard. It is the highest decision-making body in defence sector. The Minister of Defence isthe Chairman of the Counc The DAC accorded Acceptance of Necessity (AON) for capital acquisition proposals worth % 70,00 crore for the Armed Forces & Indian Coast Guard under ‘Buy Indian- IDDM’ (indigenously Designed, Developed and Manu- factured). Key Facts © The price and other terms of purchase will be negotiated with the French Government after taking into account all relevant aspects, including compar- ative procurement price of similar aircraft by other countries. © Integration of Indian designed equipment and establishment of Maintenance, Repair é& Operations (MRO) Hub for various systems will be incorporated into the contract documents after due negotiations. © The DAC also granted the Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for procurement of three additional Scorpene submarines under Buy (Indian) category which will be constructed by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. (MDL). © The procurement of additional submarines, with higher indigenous content, will not only help in maintaining required force level and operational readiness of the Indian Navy. National Research Foundation Bill, |} 2023 Approves to Enhance the Research Ecosystem ‘As per the National Education Policy, the govern- ‘ment approved the National Research Foundation (NRF) Bill, 2023 in the Par- liament to enhance the research system throughout India’s universities, colleges and research institutions. The NRF tell act as apex body RE to provide high-level strategic direction of scientific research in the country at a total estimated cost ‘of 50 thousand crore rupees during the next five years, On the basis of current status, less than 1% or the nearly 40,000 higher leaning institutions in India are engaged in research, The Bill will repeal the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) established by an act of Parlia- PD/September/2023/16 ae ‘ment in 2008 ahdisubsme it into NRF which has an expanded mandate and eovers activities @ver and above the activities of SERB. © The Administrative Department ‘Science and Technology (DST). © Members of Governing Board of DST : Eminent | researchers and professionals across disciplines © The Exofficio President of the Board: The Prime Minister of Ind © The Excofficio Vice-Presidents : The Union Minister of | ‘Science & Technology & Union Minister of Education. (© NRF’s Functioning : Governed by an Executive Council. © Chairman of Executive Council: The Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of Inia Key Objectives of NRF: © Toensure that scientific research was conducted and funded equitably with the participation of the private sector. © To focus on policy making strategies and regulatory processes that can encourage collaboration and increased spending by the industry on research and The Department of development. © To involve colleges and universities in scientific research. © The NRF plans to build research capacities in univer- sities by encouraging, active researchers to take up NRF professorships, regardless of age, and collabo- rate with existing faculty. f Opposition Political Parties Unite j in Alliance as I.N.D.I.A. j Leaders of 26 opposition political parties in India have united to form an alliance in an attempt to win general election of May 2024 with the tagline ‘Jeetega Bharat’, meaning ‘India will win’. The opposition political parties made coalition in two days meet in Bengaluru (Karnataka) from 17 to 18 July, 2023 and the coalition will be called the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA), The Indian National Developmental, Inclusive Alliance, made up of 26 parties, has a collective strength of 142 members in the Lok Sabha. |" OPPOSITION PARTIES MEET UNITED WE STAND! Polhgal Palties [| litical Paries afINC = 14 [PDP ¥y | 2] Apna Dal (Kamerawadi) | 15 | Kerala Congress (loseph) 3] Rashtriya LokDal [16 [CPLWD 4 [ Samajwadi Party 1 Jeri 5 | shiv Sena (UBT) 18 [crate | NCP (Sharad Pawar) | 19 | Revolutionary Socialist Pany ZINN 20 [Al india Forward Bloe | Rashija anata Dal | 21 [MDMK 9 Janata Dal (United) | 22 [VK To|Aam Aadmi Pony | 23 [KOMIK Ti]DM 24 [MK Ame 35 [TUM eK National conference | 26 [Kerala Congress) GE Aerospace Signs MoU with 3 Hindustan Aeronautics Limited |} US based GE Aerospace signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indian aerospace company Hindu stan Aeronautics Limited to produce fighter jet engines for the Indian Air Force. This major decision was made during official visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States. This deal includes the joint production of GE Acrospace’s F414 engines in India, and GE Acro- space continues to work with the receive the necessary export authorization. The effort is part of the Indian Air Force's Light Combat Aireraft Mk2 program. In India GE Aerospace includes : (@ The John F. Welch Technology Bengaluru which opened in 2000 and (i) Multi-modal Factory at which opened in 2018. Historical Background at a Glance In 1986, GE began working with the Aeronautical Development Agency and HAL to support the develop- iment of India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) with Fst engines. Subsequently GE Acrospace’s F404 and. F4l4 have been part of development and production programs of LCA Mkt and LCA MK2 programs. In total, 75 P04 engines have been delivered and another 99 are on order for LCA MKIA. Eight F414 engines have been delivered as part of an ongoing development program for LCA Mk2 'S government to Centre at PM Modi with CEO of GE Aerospace H. Lawrence Culp, Jr PD/September/2023/17 About GE A¢rospace GE Aerospace is a world-leading’ provider of jet engines, components and systems for commercial and military aircraft with a global service network to support these offerings. GE Aerospace and its joint ventures have an installed base of more than 40,000 commercial and 26,000 military aircraft engines, and the business is playing 2 vital role in shaping the future of flight. GE Aerospace has operated in India for more than four decades with wide engagement in the industry including engines, engineering, manufacturing, and local sourcing. In addition to potential new work in India, a number of US facilities that currently support work on the will see additional volume as a result of this cement. -ance of the Agreement F414 engines of GE Aerospace are unmatched and provide economic and national security benefits for both countries and the related customers produce the highest quality engines to meet the needs of their military fleet. Key Facts. © GE Aerospace’s earlier commitment to build 99 tengines for the Indian Air Force as part of the LCA M2 program puts the company in a strong, position to create a family of products in India, including the F404 engine that currently powers the LCA MRI and LCA MKIA aircraft and GE Aerospace's selection for the prototype development, testing and certiication fof the AMCA program with our F414-INS6 engin © GE will continue to collaborate with Indian govern- ment on the AMCA MK2 engine program, © The F414 continues to exceed goals for reliability and time. On current estimation more than 1,600 Fal4 engines have been delivered globally. {|| The Campus of IIT Madras Sets up ||} «|| in Zanzibar (Tanzania) First ever | =|, IIT Campus to be Outside India i The Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt of India and Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEV'T) Zanzibar-Tanzania signed Memorandum of Under- Standing (MoU) for setting up of campus of ITT Madras in Zanzibar (Tanzania). This is the first ever IIT campus to be ‘et up outside India. It is aimed to enhance the friendship between India and Tanzania and on building people to people ties across Africa and the Global South, Ky The Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India and Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoE) Zanzibar- Tanzania during signing ceremony. Ah A A Kéy Facts (4 ii . Nase ca. Melly (NEP) 2020 focuses on internationalization and recommends that “High per- forming Indian universities will be encouraged to set ‘up campuses in other countries” Recognizing the strategic partnership between Tanzania and India, the relationship of educational partnership has been formalized by signing the document which provides the framework for the Parties to detail out the setting up of the proposed campus of IIT Madras in Zanzibar-Tanzania, with plans to launch programs in October 2023, This partnership will bring the top-ranked educa- tional expertise of IIT-M to a prime destination in Africa and serve the imperative current needs of the region. The academic programs, curricula, student selection aspects and pedagogical details will be by IT Madras, whereas the capital and operating expen diture will be met by the government of Zanvibar- Tanzania, ITT Madras degrees will be awarded to the students enrolled inthis campus. IT campus in Zarvibar-Tanzania is envisioned as a ‘world class higher education and researe with a broader mission to develop competencies in response to emerging global requirements, deepen ties between the nations, and support research and innovation in the region. No-Confidence Motion Moves in Lok Sabha Against Modi Government H On 26th July, 2023, the Lok Sabha member (from the Northeast) Gaurav Gogoi had moved a no-confidence motion against the ruling government in the Lok Sabha. Date and duration of discussion on ‘No- ean LOK SABHA confidence motion’ will HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE be decided by the Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. The Congress had ssaeaes issued a three-line whip, asking all its Lok Sabha members to be present for a parliamentary party meeting, ‘No-confidence motion’ can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha. On 17th April, 1952, the Indian Parliament witnessed the first ever ‘No Confidence Motion’ against the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Neheu’s government in August 1953 which was brought by Acharya .B. Kripalani who gathered only 62 votes in favour and 347 votes were cast against the motion. Apart from to prove the majority by the government in the house, the opposition brings the “No Confidence Motion” to also force the Government to discuss important issues. A ‘motion of ‘No Confidence’ against the Government can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha under Rule 198 which is granted by the speaker of Lok Sabha. PD/September/2029/18 4 A\ How to Legally Move a /No Confidence ‘Motion’ ? ‘ ~f The No Confidence Motion is tabled specifically under Rule 198 of the Lok Sabha. The Constitution of India does not mention either a Confid or a No ‘Confidence Motion but on the basis Article 75, the Council of Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha. A motion of No Confidence can be admitted when a minimum of 50 members support the motion in the House under Rules 198 which are as follows: @ Rule 198(1}(a}—Leave to make the motion shall be asked for by the member when called by the Speaker Rule 198(1Xb)—Need to give a written notice of the ‘motion tothe Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha by 10 AM on the day he/she proposes to move the ‘motion. If the notice is received after 10 AM, it shall be deemed to have been received on the next day on which the How Rule 198(2)—If the Speaker is of the opinion that the motion isin order, he/she shall read the motion to the House, requesting those members who are in favour of itt risen their places ‘The motion is taken up within 10 days from the date ‘on which the leave is asked for. Rule 198(3)—If leave is granted the Speaker may allot a day /part of day /days for discussion of the motion. This is done after considering the state of business in the House. Rule 198(4)—The Speaker shall put every question necessary to determine the decision of the House on the motion at the appointed hour on the allotted da Rule 198(5)—The Speaker may prescribe a time limit for speeches. If the motion is passed in the House, the Government is bound to vacate the office. No Confidence Motion’ Historica fete © The No Confidence Motion was first introduced in the United Kingdom. In 1742, the Motion of no confidence was passed against Sir Robert Walpole’s government and it was the first time that a Prime Minister of Great Baitain resigned after a vote of No Confidence by the House of Commons. ‘On the 10th March, 1782, 9 vote of No Confidence was passed against Frederick North's government. Frederick [North was forced to resign from his post. In 2011, under the ’Fixed-term Parliaments Aet in UK, it was observed that Parliamentary General elections must be held every 5 years beginning in 2015. However, in this as well, a vote of No Confidence against the Government oF a 2/3rds majority vote in the House of ‘Commons can still rigger a general election at any time, and ifthe Government does not get the confidence vote ‘again within 14 days of passing the motion in the House ‘of Commons the house is dissolved. A = “aise a = ious Coenen: = re ea 1B. Kripalani = Nehrw | 2155 |22August 1963 @ 37 N.C. Chatterjoe [Lal Bahadur Shastri 2457 | 18 September, 1964 30 307 SN. Dwivedy [Lal Bahadur Shas 1083_|16 March, 1965 4 315 [MR Masani Lal Bahadur Shastri 1580 [26 August, 1965, «6 | me Taner lisa Gone (waa a [UM Trivedi Tindira Gandhi 1345 |7November,1966| 36 «| = (AD. Vajpayee Jindira Gandhi 822/20 March, 1967 |e [asters [incr Gah Tecra renner a [areata India Gand eas ca ssrenca | as Kanwar Lal Gupta _| Indira Gandhi 2, November, 1968) 9% | [P- Ramamurthy nia Gandhi 1010 |20February, 1969 | «8 25 Madhu Limaye [Indira Gand 1 933” |29july, 1970 we Jyotirmoy Basu [Indira Gandhi 1135 BNovember, 1973) S| “Jyotirmoy Basu Indira Gandhi 1127/10 May, 1974 | _Negatived by voice vote oon ence oma Pao a = paren etna eR CM. Stephen | Morarji Desai 1032/1 May, 1978 Negatived by voice vote (YB. Chavan | Morar Desai 92 | july, 1979 Inconclusive; PM resigned | Ganga Fermanies [Teta Gana Ra oy a zr a cori [iinaes a sees tea en ee et eee pe ei la ees eee ee ee pee _e ante ___ta_ugstit __e Sonia Gandhi ‘AB. Vajpayee 2M2|19August. 2003) _189) 314 Seon Kant [ Nard Moa [loam fangs fs | a i| News in Brief Goer a Seren ec carn India’s First Chatbot for Peoples in Stre: (On Sth July, 2023, the first chatbot of India ~ Tele MANAS: ‘was introduced in Jammu and Kashmir (M&K) for enhancing ‘mental health support. This project attempts to offer fast help and chats to people who are in need. The availablity of peo- fessional psychologists, health counsellors, and consultants around-the-clock means that this chathot will have a big, impact ‘on tackling mental health issues in the area. yp “onsmnmsmtety: Tele MANAS "Ronen atiae one New NCERT Books will be Available in 22 Languages Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan held a high-level meeting on the new National Curriculum Framework, and new textbooks based on NEP 2020, in New Delhi. The multilingual education, The learning:teaching material ‘Jaa Pitara’ developed by the NCERT will be taken forward to reach ‘ut to every schoo! in the form of open education resources. ia Guekan's An Objective History of Multiple-Choice Questions — sus: For Anthjetive PGT, TGT UGC-NET/SET prt and Ph.d. Entrance Test Code 1578 % 170.00 By : Dr. B. Eeccl World S PM Modi Visits France on the Occasion of Bastille Day Parade ‘On 13th July, 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached | Paris and Prime Minister of France H.E. Elisabeth Borne received Prime Minister Modi at the airport. 14th July is celebrated as Bastille Day or the National Day in France to observe the anniversary of the Storming, of the Bastille in 1789 during the French Revolution. In 2023, India and France are celebrating, 25 years of Strategic Partnership. The first = New Zealand PM Sign Trade, Bastille Day parade to commemorate ea tit China the momentous event took place in 1790, a year after the storming, of the prison, making it the oldest military Electoral Cooperation parade in the world. The theme of the 20 ett of Exe IN-sy|_ te National aad 23s Sale ee The armies of both countries have Jopon-intia Maritime Exercise been participating in joint exercises and 2023 sharing their experiences. Over the rade years, India and France have become Bawlevaed de Champs-ysées coming reliable defence partners. An Indian ‘"™ Are de THomphe. tr-service contingent took part in the Bastille Day Parade 2023. 241 member The 231d SCO Summit tri-service Indian armed forces contingent led by a military band also pa .. The Indian Army contingent was led by the Punjab along with the Rajputana Rifles Regiment. SPM Madi Visits France on the) Occasion of Bastille Day Parade = India and Panama Signs MoU! on ‘The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Visits UAE % Operation Southern Rendiness 208 = Elon Musk Announces New at | History about Bastille Day or the National Day in France Startup The 1th July regard as one of the revolutionary days (national lida) in Paris is exlbratd with a mixture of solemn military parades and dancing and = New In Brief fireworks. The storming ofthe Basile on fly 14,1789 has been commemorated in France for more than entry. Ie seas the morning of Hth uly, 178% the people of Pars seized weapon fram the armoury at the Invades and marched i the direction of an ancient Royal fortress the Basile. After a biody round of ring the croved broke into the Bas and relesed the handfol of prisoners held there. The storming of the Basil signalled the fist victory of the people of Paris against 9 symbol of the “Ancien Regime’ (Old Regime), The Feast ofthe Federations held on fly 14, 17%, celebrate with great pomp the inst Anniversay ofthe insurrection Joint Communiqué on the Visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to France © Our defence and security partnership is strong and extends from seabed to space. Our economic ties reinforce our prosperity and sovercignty and advance resilient supply chains. Both leaders agreed that promoting clean and low carbon energy, conserving biodiversity, protecting the ocean and combating pollution isa key pillar of cooperation. © This partnership aims at reforming and reinvigorating the multilateral system; building a secure and peaceful Indo-Pacific region; addressing global challenges of climate change, clean energy, health, food security, ind development. PD/September/2023/20 ©, This partnership is looking forward't6 build a better fate te Pgh wir shared Vision for this next phase of the Indio-France Strategic Partnership. Both leaders adopted the “Horizon 2047 Roadmap on the 25th Anniversary of the Indo-French Strategic Partnership : towards a century of French-Indian relations” along with several other outcomes cover- ing a wide range of areas. Key Facts : © The commemoration of July 14 was abandoned in subsequent years. Under the Third Republic, how- leaders (particularly Léon Gambetta) cast about for ways to celebrate the foundations of the regime. © A Deputy for the Seine Department, Benjamin Raspail, moved that July 14 be named the national holiday of the Republic, and Parliament passed an act to that effect on July 6, 1880. © In January 1998, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and President Jacques Chirac elevated the relation- ship to a Strategic Partnership which is known to be cone of the first bilateral partnership for India with any country. © Thatdecisive commitment was an affirmation of deep ‘mutual trust reflected in five decades of a strong and steady partnership of exceptional endeavours. from India’s independence in 1947. New Zealand PM Sign Trade Deal f with China ww Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins visited China from June 25 to June 30, 2023 on a multi-day, multi- city mission to drum up business. New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins met Premier Li Qiang at the Great Hall of the People, greeted by a 48-strong band from the People’s Liberation Army. The trading relationship is worth over NZ$ 40 billion (US $ 33 billion) an- rnually and reaffirms the important econo- ie connections. be ween both the countries. Chinese President Xi told that China had always treated New Zealand as a ‘friend and partner’ and was ready to promote a steady and sustained comprehensive strategic partnership. Joint Statement Released by China and New Zealand 1. The two sides reaffirmed the importance of the 1972 Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplo- ‘matic Relations and the 2014 Joint Statement on the Establishment of a Comprehensive Strategic Part- nership between China and New Zealand. The two sides agreed to build on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations to strengthen high-level contacts, PD/September/2023/21 New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins with Premier Li Qiang atthe Great Hall of the People reinforce gbdperation, build understanding, and manage differences. Both sides undertook to build on recent dialogues in the areas of foreign affairs, trade and economics, and defence, and agreed to strengthen cooperation in various fields, including food safety, agriculture, customs and trade facilitation, science and innovation, and law enforcement. China and New Zealand welcomed the entry into force in 2022 of the Upgrade Protocol to the China- New Zealand Free Trade Agreement which moder- rises and expands on the original agreement. Both sides also undertook to commence the process for negotiations on a ‘negative list’ services framework later in 2023 and also strengthen bilateral trade, and expand cooperation in areas such as e-commerce, trade in services, green economy, and promote the establishment of a dialogue mechanism on new energy vehicles. The two sides are committed to working together to deliver concrete outcomes at the WTO Thirteenth Ministerial Conference (MC13), including in relation to the dispute settlement system, fish subsidies, agriculture, and supporting the necessary reform of the WTO to improve all ofits functions. China and New Zealand reaffirmed their strong commitment towards the achievement of the APEC on 2040, ides signed cooperation under the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP). New Zealand welcomes China's application to join the Comprehensive and Progres- sive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The two sides welcomed ongoing productive exchanges in this area, including regular Ministerial Dialogues with the importance of working to ensure the successful implementation of the Kunming-Mon- treal Global Biodiversity Framework. Premier Li Qiang and Prime Minister Chris Hipkins witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation docu- ments: (Strategic Plan on Promoting Agricultural Co- operation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry for Primary Industries of New Zealand (2023-2027). (i). Export Plan between the General Administration of Customs of China and New Zealand for Export of Fresh Kiwi Fruits from New Zealand to China (iii) Memorandum of Arrangement between the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of the China and the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries on Forestry Cooperation. iv) China New Zealand Food Safety Capacity ing Cooperation Programme between th Administration for Market Regulation of the China and the New Zealand. (¥) Arrangement ona F Roadmap for China- New Zealand Science and Technology Coopera- tion 2023-2027. (vi) Artangemeat betiven the China! National Intel- Jectual Propesty! Administeation and’ the lntel- Jectual Property Ofice of New Zealand, (vii) Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Academic Qualifications in Higher Education between the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Education of New Zealand. India and Panama Signs MoU on Electoral Cooperation The Election Commission of India and Electoral Tribunal (ET) of Panama signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Panama City in the field of election ‘management and administration. This was the fourth MoU signed by ECI with an EMB in the nm Latin American region, with an overall) 31 MoUs with EMBs and international organisa- tions across the world, This Memorandum. of Understanding aims to focus on strengthening, collaboration and knowledge exchange between the two Election Manage- ‘ment Bodies (EMBs). ECI cooperated with foreign Election Management Bodies (EMBs) through its ‘International Cooperation Programme’. ECI has signed MoUs with following countries in the year 2022 : 1. Mexico, 2. Brazil and 3, Chile, The international conference was held in March 2023 fon ‘Inclusive Elections and Elections Integrity’ orga- nised by ECI in March 2023 as the lead for ‘Cohort on. Elections Integrity’ under the aegis of ‘Summit for Demo- cracy’. The Association of World Flection Bodies (A-WEB) and the Electoral Tribunal of Panama also attended. The Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) is the largest association of Election Management Bodies (EMBs) worldwide with 119 EMBs as Members and 20 Regional Associations /Organisations as Associate Members. j 7th Edition of Exercise IN-USN f “The delegates of Election Commis- sion of India and Electoral Tribus ‘SALVEX The 7th edition of exercise IN-USN SALVEX was conducted from 26th June to 6th July, 2023 at Kochi (India) attended by the Indian Navy and the US Navy. It was a routine bilateral exercise conducted since 2005 which provides cooperation in the fields of salvage and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) operations. One of the advanced and well equipped ships participated from both Indian and US Navies, named as 1. INS Nireekshak (the Indian Navy) and 2. USNS Salvor (the US Navy). Besides the participant ships, Specialist Diving and EOD teams from both the Navies was the key feature of this edition. They shared their expertise in maritime PD/September/2023/22 Salvage, operatigns, fostering knowledge exchange and professional development Other Bilateral Exercises Between India and US Yudh Abhyas : It is an annual bilateral exercise ‘conducted between the Indian Amy and the US Army. ‘Copes India : It is an air combat exercise conducted betwen the Indian Aie Force and the US Air Force. Vajra Prahar : It is a joint special forces evercise ‘conducted between the Indian Army’s Special Forees and the US Army Special Forces. Exercise Shatruject : It is a bilateral military exerdise ‘conducted between the Indian Army and the US Army. Yudh Abhyas : It is another bilateral exercise between the Indian Army and the US Army. Objectives of Exercise IN-USN SALVEX To enhance interoperability between the two navies. © To enhance facilitating seamless coordination in salvage and EOD operations. © To refine the working techniques and procedures of EOD operations on land and at sea. q Japan-India Maritime Exercise 2023 ] The 7th edition of the bilateral Maritime Exercise 2023 (IMEX 23) between Japan and India was, hosted by the Indian Navy at Visakhapatnam from Sth to 10th July, 2023. The Iteration of JIMEX kicked off since 2012 to tenhance the interoperability and cooperation between the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force (MSDF) and the Indian Navy. This exercise mainly divided into two routine phases which are follows: 1. The Harbour Phase : The aim of Harbour Phase keeps on professional, sports, and social interactions betiveen the participating units and provides an excellent ‘opportunity to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and strengthen their bonds. The Harbour Phase of on- JIMEX 2023 which encompassed a number of joint activities and fruitful engagements between two navies concluded on 7th July, 2023 2 The — Sea Phase : Basically, the 1 sea phase enhances fighting skills and enhances interoper- ability as well as com- plex multi-discipline operations in the surface, subsurface, and air domains. Units from IN and JMSDF engaged in Sea Phase of IMEX Zin Bay of Bengal JMSDF was represented by the guided missile destroyer JS. Samidare and its integral helicopters. The several Indian navy assets participated in JIMEX 2023 which included (@ INSDelhi (India's frst indigenously built Guided Missile Destroyer) Gi) INS Kamorta (an indigenously de: built Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvette) wed and (iii) INS Shakti (fleet tanker -a submarine) (iv) Maritime patrol aircraft P81 and Dornier. Significance of JIMEX JIMEX 23 provides an opportunity to facilitate ‘operational interactions between IN and JMSDF to foster mutual cooperation and reaffirm their shared commit- ment towards maritime security in the region and it also develops a deeper understanding of maritime operations, and strengthen their overall capabilities, The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra f Modi Visits UAE On 18th July, 2023, Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi visited the United Arab Emirates and met with the Presi dent of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh — Mohamed bin Zayed AL Nahyan in Abu Dhabi. This the fifth visit of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to the UAE in the last eight years. Joint Statement © India-UAE trade rose ‘making the UAE India’s third-largest trading partner for the year 2022-23 and India's second-largest export destination. India is the UAE's second largest trading partner. India became the first country with which the UAE signed a Comprehensive Economic Part- nership Agreement (CEPA). © The following Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Abu Dhabi To promote the use of local curre Prime Minister Narendra Modi with UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed AUNahyan, ss (INR AED) for cross-border transactions by Got of the respective Central Banks. MoU on interlinking payment and messaging, systems by Governors of the respective Central Banks. 2 Tocstablish a campus of Indian Institute of Tech- nology—Delhi in Abu Dhabi, © The leaders discussed that developing the Local Currency Settlement System between the vo coun: PD/September/2023/23 NEW LAUNCHED — ORT Ta) = preparation beeen of all SSC examinations Best short tricks for faster calculations in examinations Weare Greco) ‘Available on Amazon & Ss Eo) |} St open yen tries to settle iteral is @ reflection of mutual: contig. 5 we ly Silll-also"fhclbde the mutual acceptance of domestic card schemes by interlinking national card switches. Integration bet- ween these systems will enhance access to payment services forthe benefit ofthe citizens and residents of the two countries © This visit of Indian Prime Minister strengthens investment ties between the two countries, The UAE became the fourth largest investor in India in 2022-23 (the seventh in 2021-22). They appreciated the plan of ‘Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) to set up a presence in Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City), a financial free zone in Gujarat, in the next few months. © The leaders also discussed the significance of the tripartite MoU between the Ministry of Education of India Indian Institute of Technology (IT Del ‘Abu Dhabi Department of Education & Knowledge (ADEK) for the establishment of IT Delhi. The IIT Delhi-Abu Dhabi will become operational by January 2024 by offering a Masters program in Energy Transition and Sustainability {© Both the countries will enhance bilateral partnership in the energy field (in ol, gas, and renewable energy) and also will come together in the cooperation of Groon Hydrogen, solar energy and grid connectivity ‘The UAE will host the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) from November 30 to December 12, 2023 at Expo City Dubai to-unite the world towards agreement on bold, practical and ambitious solutions to the most pressing global challenge of four time. COP28 is of particular significance as it marks the con- clusion of the first Global Stocktake, a comprehensive ‘assessment of the progress made in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Acknowledging that the world is off- track, the COP28 Presiclency has said it will work to keep the 115C goal alive and ensure that the world responds to the ‘Stocktake with a clear plan of action, including, measures that noed to be put in place to bridge the gaps in peogeess. Sustainable agriculture will also feature prominently on the agenda at COP28, where participants will seek to spur innovation in how food is grown and produced i The 23rd SCO Summit E India chaired the 23rd Shanghai Cooperation Orga- nization (SCO) virtual Summit where leaders called for the formation of a ‘more representative’ and multipolar world PD/September/2023/24 ae ‘order in the glObal. interest, During this Summit, tran officially joined the SCO as the Ninth: Member Country. The theme of the Summit is “Towards a SECURE SCO’ ‘The SECURE acronym was coined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the 2018 SCO Summit sand stands for Security; Economy and Trade; Connectivity; Unity; Respect for Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity; and Environment. These themes have been highlighted during ‘our Chair-manship of SCO. © Establishment Year : 2001 (SCO Charter signed in 2002 ‘and entered into fore in 2003). © Heads of State Council: Decides its intemal functioning, ‘and its interaction with other States & international ‘organisations, and considers international issues. © Heads of Government Council : Approves the budget, considers and decides upon issues related to economic ‘spheres of interaction within SCO, © Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs : Considers issues related to day-to-day activites. © Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) : Established to.combat terrorism, separatism and extremism, Official Language: Russian and Chinese The Key Highlights of the 23rd SCO Summi © The New Delhi Declaration stated that the inter- rational community must come together to “counter the activities of terrorist, separatist and extremist sroups, paying special attention to preventing the spread of religious intolerance, aggressive nation- alism, ethnic and racial discrimination, xenophobia, ideas of fascism and chauvinism. © The leaders adopted two thematic joint statements - ‘one on cooperation in countering the radicalisation leading to separatism, extremism, and terrorism and the second one cooperation in the field of digital transformation © India hay/created five new pillars aid focus area for cooperation in the SCO, which inludes 1. Startups and Innovation 2. Traditional Medicine 3. Youth Empowerment 4. Digital Inclusion 5. Shared Buddhist Heritage. © India rofused to be part of the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) of the SCO members’ economic strategy statement, mentioning ‘interested member states. © India’s opposition to the BRI stems from its inclusion of projects in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK), hich India considers a violation of its sove New Delhi Declaration ‘The New Delhi Declaration was signed by the member nations, which states thatthe international community must come together to “counter the activities of terrorist, separatist and extremist groups, paying special attention to preventing the spread of religious intolerance, aggressive nationalism, ethnic and racial discrimination, xenophobia, ideas of fascism and chauvinism.” © The Indian government coined the New Delhi Declara- jon and proposed at the SCO Summit, aiming to fight ‘against terrorism. © The Declaration also proposes four other joint state- ments on deradicalisation, sustainable lifestyle to tackle climate change, production of millets and digital trans formation, © Russian President Vladimir Putin during his address at the SCO Summit underlined the need for counter- terrorism, and supported the New Delhi Declaration “Russia supports the New Delhi declaration which gives «a consolidated approach to international issues. We will continue to strengthen tes with SCO member states,” he said, © During his virtual address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said “some countries use cross-border terrorism and give safe haven to terrorists” without naming any country. He also urged the SCO countries to condemn it. i Operation Southern Readiness 2023 E INS Sunayna participated at Seychelles from 10 to 12 July, 2023 in Operation Southern Readiness 2023 conducted by Combined Maritime Forces (CMF). The visit was aimed at strengthening multilateral ties and enhanc- ing cooperation through CME exercise which is a multi- national initiative aimed at enhancing maritime secur countering piracy to ensure safety and freedom of naviga- tion in the region. India is not a member of CME. At the India-US 2+2 dialogue held in April (2022), India had announced that it would join the CMF as an Associate Partner. This was CMF's second iteration of Operation Southern Readiness. The first occurred last September when CMF and the Seychelles conducted similar training cn the island, allowing partners to meet face-to-face, form relationships and learn from one another. PD/September/2023/25 : Objectives ofthe Exercise WE aimed at strengthening Mullifatefal ties and enhancing cooperation through CMF exercise which is a multinational initiative aimed at enhancing. maritime security, countering piracy to ensure safety and freedom ‘of navigation in the region. About Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) ‘The Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) is a mulli- national maritime partnership, which exists to uphold the International Rules Based Order (IRBO) by countering illicit non-state actors on the high seas and promoting security, stability and prosperity across approximately 32 million square mites of international waters, which encompass some of the world’s most important shipping lanes. CMF has five Combined Task Forces 1. CTF 150 (Maritime Security Operations outside the Arabian Gulf) 2. CTF 151 (Counter Piracy) 3. CTF 152 (Maritime Security Operations inside the Arabian Gulf) CTF 153 (Red Sea Maritime Security) CTF 154 (Maritime Securit Training) Cees CMF has 38 member nations : Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt France, Germany, Greece, India, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, the Nether- lands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, the Philip- pines, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singa- pore, Spain, Thailand, Tarkiye, UAE, United Kingdom, United States, and Yemen. Key Facts © The joint training exercise attended by representative s from USA, Italy, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and. ship participation from UK, Spain & India. © It is a multinational maritime partnership, which exists to uphold the Rules-Based International Order (RBIO) by countering illicit non-state actors on the high seas and promoting. security, stability, and prosperity across approximately 32 million square ‘miles of international waters, which encompass some of the world’s most important shipping lanes. Continued on Page 31 oo @ ACRONYMS INDIA — Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance NCS — National Center for Seismology NCUI —— National Cooperative Union of India RPE — Railway Protection Force UNODC — United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime >» APPOINTMENTS q@ Justice S.K. Singh Justice SK, Singh was appointed acting chairperson of National Green Tribunal (NGT) on July 6, 2023 following the retirement of Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel. The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, in a notification, said Justice Singh would act as the chair person until an appointment is made to the post. Justice Singh was appointed as Judicial Member of NGT in March 2020, S.K.Singh Two Judges Appointed in the Supreme Court Telangana High Court Chief Justice Ujal Bhuyan and Chief Justice of Kerala High Court S. Venkatanarayana Bhatti were appointed as judges in the Supreme Court on July 12, 2023. Justice Ujjal Bhuyan was serving as Telangana High Court Chief Justice since June 28, 2022. Justice S.V. Bhatti was serving as Chief Justice of Kerala High Court sinee June 1, 2023, Jaishankar Elected to Rajya Sabha External Affairs Minister Subra- manyam Jaishankar was declared elected unopposed to the Rajya Sabha from Gujarat on July 17, 2023. This will be his second term in the Rajya Sabha. Two others Kesridevsinh Jhala and Babubhai Desai were also elected to the Rajya Sabha from Gujarat. S.Jaishankar Four Chief Justices Appointed in High Courts The four Judges were elevated as Chief Justices of Gujarat, Kerala, Odisha and Telangana in July 2023. The President of India Draupadi Murmu appointed Justice Sunita Agrawal as Gujarat High Court Chief Justice Justice Ashish Jitendra Desai as Kerala High Court Chief Justice, Justice Subhasis Talapatra as Odisha High Court Chief Justice and Justice Alok Aradhe as Telangana High Court Chief Justice P/September/2023/26 National and International Ajit Agarkar Ajit Agarkar has been appointed chairman of the selectors panel for the Indian men’s team in July 2023. The panel includes Salil Ankola, Shiv Sunder Das, Subroto Banerjee and S. Sharath, Ajit Agarkar, the former Indian fast bowler, filled the position which had been vacant since February 2023 after Chetan Sharma stepped down in the wake up of a sting operation conducted by an Indian television network. Ajit represented India in more than 200 inte national matches in all three formats of the game. Tushar Mehta Tushar Mehta has been reappointed as Solicitor General for India for a period of three years. Ina notifi cation issued by the Ministry of Person nel Mehta's reappointment date is July 1, 2023. Mehta was appointed as the Solici tor General in 2018, He got an extension in 2020. Solicitor General is the second most senior law officer after Attorney eral. The Appointments Committe of the Cabinet also approved the re-appoint- ment of other six law officers Vikramjit Paine: Banerjee, K.M. Nataraj, Balbir Singh, SV. Raju, N. Venkataraman and Aishwarya Bhati as Additional Solicitor General for the Supreme Court for a period of three years Ajit Pawar Ajit Pawar took oath as the Deputy Chief Minister in Maharashtra Government on July 2, 2023, He is the 8th Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra He is the nephew of Sharad Pawar, chief of Nationalist Congress Party. He is a member of the Maharashtra Legis- lative Assembly representing Baramati constituency as a leader of Nationalist Congress Party ‘lit Pawar along with eight MLAs joined the Eknath Shinde Government. He will share the post with BJP leader Devendra Fad Manoj Yadav Haryana cadre Indian Police Service officer Manoj Yadav was appointed as Director General, Railways Protection Force (RPF) on July 17, 2023. Yadav, who was the Haryana DGP from 2019-21, is the senior most IPS in the cadre and is on central deputation at present Ajit Agarkar Ajit Pawar

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