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Kartläggning SFI

Arbetsmarknad och Vuxenutbildning

Studying Swedish on your own

Studieväg 2-3 (ENG) Interactive learning website and app. Study Swedish via Youtube videos.

uTalk App that allows you to study Swedish from your own
language – hundreds of languages available. Log in for
free using your Göteborg city library card. Ask a
librarian for help. Organised resources for those are new in Sweden and
Gothenburg specifically. Organised reources for those who are new in Sweden,

including links to help you study Swedish. A free beginner’s course in Swedish, from Finland

SVT Språkplay A smart phone app from Swedish public service TV, for
language learning via TV programmes.
Learning Swedish Official An app created for international students. A collection of links to a range of language resources

Popular language learning app for smartphone

Also: SFI textbooks for all level are available at public libraries or book shops,
physical or online.
One idea is to visit the public library and look through what they have, and then buy
your favourite(s) from a book shop.
There are a range of language learning apps available for smartphone use, free or for
a small cost. Try a search using “learning Swedish” or “lära svenska”.

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