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Prince of Peace College, Inc.

Balete, Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

Babao, Jane Rosselle P.

BSED IV- English

Participate and Assist

Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in face- to- face
learning environment?

To continually participate and assist in fact- to- face learning environment I can contribute in
building a positive and safe learning environment. First, I will make sure that I have good relationship
with students and my Resource teacher. Second, I can help my CT in implementing classroom rules
for good behavior and manners of the students. Third, when it`s my turn to speak, I will use positive
reinforcement to students for them to be more inspired and motivated to participate in class. Lastly,
find time for fun. I can suggest that the lesson should not flow seriously for the entire hour. We can
use games and other fun activities for it to be more effective in teaching and learning process. Also,
the lesson will not be dull and boring.


Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it seems that
everything is familiar. However, as teaching learning theories evolve over time there are changes
that are taking place.

What changes have you noticed in the face- to- face classroom spaces?

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now

Traditional teaching can be observed (chalk and There were projectors and screens use in the
board). classroom.
Students were all in the classroom everyday for Limited face- to- face happen.
the whole day.
If information was needed, library was always Google or internet is always on the go.
the answer.
Reporting were done by means of visual aids Students use PowerPoint more often.
such as manila paper or cartolina and marker.

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