All Around 2 - Extra Practice

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UNIT 1 - Extra Practice

1. Read and complete. Then, write the names.

pet tail Art small eleven England

haven’t got sister

1. I’m Tom. I’m twelve years old and I’m from ………………. . I have got a brother and a
………………. . And I’ve got a playful dog, Spike! My favourite subject is ………………. .
2. My name’s Julia. I’m from Italy. I’m ………………. years old and my brother is fourteen. I’ve got a
cat. It has got a long ……………….!
3. I’m Harry. I’m ten years old. I’m from Canada. I ………………. any brothers or sisters. But I’ve got
a ………………. . It’s ………………. and quiet.

…………………………. …………………………. ………………………….

2. Listen and complete the file.

Name: …………………………..

Age: …………………………..

Country: …………………………..

Favourite subject: …………………………..

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3. Write the missing letters.

1. 2. 3. 4.

S __ i __ n __ e __ a n __ __ a __ e M __ t __ s Ge __ g __ a p__ __

4. Listen and write T (True) or F (False).

1. Rita likes Technology. …..…...…

2. Rita has lessons on Monday and Thursday. …..…...…

3. Peter’s favourite subject is Language. …..…...…

4. Peter loves writing. …..…...…

5. Gregory’s favourite subject is Maths. …..…...…

6. Gregory has Art lessons on Friday. …..…...…

5. Look and answer.


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1. Has Luke got a new pencil case? ..………………………………………………………………………

2. Has he got a new sharpener? ..………………………………………………………………...…………

3. Has he got new crayons? ....………………………………………………………………….……………

4. Has he got new scissors? …..……………………………………………………..………………………

5. Has he got a new school bag? …………………………………………….………………………………

6. Has he got new pencils? …..………………………………………………………………………..………

6. Answer.

1. Have you got coloured pens? ………………………………………………………………….

2. Have you got a calculator? ………………………………………………………………….

3. Have you got two rulers? ………………………………………………………………….

4. Have you got a big notebook? ………………………………………………………………….

5. Have you got a pink eraser? ………………………………………………………………….

7. Classify these words.

Art grey hamster PE pencil case

sixty-six tortoise black school bag thirty
orange History rabbit forty-eight sharpener

Pets School subjects Numbers Colours School objects

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8. Complete the questions.

Kevin: Have you got a new classmate?

Lucy: Yes!

Kevin: …………………………… name?

Lucy: His name’s Ryan.

Kevin: Ryan? Can you ……………………………?

Lucy: R-Y-A-N

Kevin: …………………………… from?

Lucy: He’s from Australia.

Kevin: …………………………… any brothers or sisters?

Lucy: No, he’s an only child.

Kevin: …………………………… football well?

Lucy: Yes, he’s very good at sports. But his favourite subject is Language.

9. Complete the file and write about your friend.

My friend
Name: …………………………..
Surname: …………………………..
Age: …………………………..
Country: …………………………..
Hair: …………………………..
Eyes: …………………………..
Favourite subject: …………………………..

My friend’s name ………………………….. .…………………………………………………………………..


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UNIT 2 - Extra Practice

1. Look, answer and match.


1. 2. 3. 4.

I’m a ………………. . I’m ………………. . I ……………………. . ….…………………..

I fly planes. …….……..

I put out fires. …….……..
I cook Italian food. …….……..
I help sick people. …….……..

2. Look and write.

1. What do you do? …………………………………….………..

Where do you work? …………………………………….………..
2. What do you do? …………………………………….………..
Where do you work? …………………………………….………..

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3. Listen and circle.

4. Read and write the names of the places in the map.

This is my street. My house is opposite the hospital and next to the café. There is a pet shop
between the hospital and the library. And there is a hotel next to the library. My favourite place is the
toy shop. It is between the café and the cinema.

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5. Listen and tick the places the people mention.

6. Look at the street in 5 and answer.

1. Is there a cat between the school and the park? ………………………………………………………

2. Are there any trees? ..…………………………………………………………….………………………

3. Is there a bank next to the church? ....………………………………..…………………………………

4. Is there an ambulance in front of the hospital? …..……………………………………………………

5. Are there any houses? ……………………………………………………………………………………

6. Is there a car behind the bank? …..………………………………….…………………………..………

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7. Look and write.

1. 2. 3.

1. I’m a ………..…………..….. . I ………..…………..….. sick people. I work from 8 am to 4 pm

in a ………..…………..….. .
2. I’m ………..…………..….. . I ………..…………..….. experiments. I work
……………….………..…………..….. .
3. I ……………………………………. . I ………………………………. people.
I …………………………………….. streets.

8. Write the questions.

1. ……………………………………………………………………..…….. ?
Luis Rodriguez.
2. ……………………………………………………………………..……..?
I’m 37.
3. ……………………………………………………………………..……..?
I’m from Mexico.
4. ……………………………………………………………………..……..?
I’m a vet.
5. ……………………………………………………………………..……..?
I work in a pet shop.
6. ……………………………………………………………………..……..?
Yes, I love helping animals!

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UNIT 3 - Extra Practice

1. Write the missing letters and match.

1. g __ t __p 2. br __ s __ my t __ e t __ 3. h __ v __ br __ a __ f __ s __

4. g __ to s __ h __ __ l 5. t __ __ e a s __ o __ er 6. g __ to __ e __

2. Look and decode.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

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3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

3. Look and correct the information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. I cook at midday. …………………I don’t cook at midday. I cook at one o’clock…………………… .

2. I play volleyball every Tuesday. ………………………………………………………………... .
3. I clean my house on Sunday. …………………………………………………………………… .
4. I eat fruit every week. ………………………………………………………………………..…… .
5. I ride my bike to work. ……………………………………………………………………………. .

4. Listen and circle the correct option.

1. I get up early / late on Saturday and Sunday.

2. I don’t have breakfast at home / school.
3. I usually / sometimes drink some chocolate milk in the morning.
4. I usually chat with my family / friends in the evening.

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5. Unscramble the words.

What’s the weather like?

1. 2. 3. 4.

osmtyr yarni wrma ldoc

……..……………… ……..……………… ……..……………… ……..………………

6. Listen and draw.

7. Complete with in, on or at and answer.

1. Do you go to school …………… the morning? ……………………………………….………….

2. Do you go to the cinema …………… Saturday? ……………………………………..………….
3. Do you celebrate your birthday …………… March? …………………………………………….
4. Do you read books …………… night? ……………………………………………………...…….
5. Do you go to the beach …………… summer? ………………………….……………………….
6. Do you go have English lessons …………… 10 am? …………………….…………………….

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8. Unscramble the questions. Then, match them with the answers.

1. bike / do / ride / When / you / your

……………………………………………………….. ?
2. do / What / winter / you / in / do
……………………………………………………….. ?
3. sports / do / practise / you / Where
……………………………………………………….. ?
4. on / do / get up / you / Why / Sundays / early
……………………………………………………….. ?
5. eat / you / Do / junk food / usually
……………………………………………………….. ?

……... Because I take guitar lessons.

……... I play with the snow.
……... No, I always eat healthy food.
……... Every afternoon.
……... At school.

9. Use the phrases to write about your usual activities.

get up late do my homework have picnics

go swimming go to bed early celebrate my birthday

1. I …………………………………….. on sunny days.

2. I ……………………………………………… in autumn.
3. I ………………………………………………. in the afternoon.
4. I never .…………………………………………………………. .
5. I don’t ..…………………………………………………………. .
6. I …………………………………………………………………. .

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UNIT 4 - Extra Practice

1. Read, look and label.

………………….. ………………….. ………………….. …………………..

Kelly is very intelligent and hardworking. She always does her homework.
Peter is disobedient. He always eats in class.
Lucy is very creative and generous. She loves Art and she always makes presents for her friends.
Tommy is lazy. He always sleeps in class.

2. Read and answer.


1. Andy never studies and he cheats in exams. He’s d…………………………. .

2. Leo always keeps his things in order. He’s t…………………………. .
3. Laura never tells our secrets. She’s r…………………………. .
4. Tim doesn’t talk to many people. He’s a bit s…………………………. .
5. Max and Karen always do what the teacher says. They’re o…………………………. .

3. Listen and circle the correct option.

1. My best friend is very sociable / friendly. She talks to everybody at work / parties.
2. Clara is a very intelligent / hardworking girl. She always / never studies but / and she passes
all her exams.
3. Our teacher sometimes gives us special prizes. She is very generous / friendly.
4. My brother Tom is so lazy / disobedient! He never does his homework.

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4. Complete the questions with the verbs and answer.

tell talk watch keep help

1. Do you always ………………….. secrets?

2. Do you usually ………………….. in front of the class?
3. Do you ………………….. your friends with homework?
4. Do you always ………………….. the truth?
5. Do you always ………………….. TV?

5. Rewrite these sentences using the correct punctuation and capitalisation.

1. do you go to school on saturdays

2. i love fruit strawberries are my favourite
3. don’t forget to wear a cap it’s sunny and hot
4. my best friend is sociable generous and reliable
5. have a look at my new clothes do you like them
6. we need to buy two things milk and eggs

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6. Unscramble and classify the words.

1. apjamys: ……………….. 2. ghhi esehl: ………..……… 3. cnkecale: …..……………

4. nerigras: ……………….. 5. asdnlsa: ……………….….. 6. orealvls: …………..……..
7. lebatcre: ……………….. 8. psiplres: …………….…….. 9. ctao: ……………….……..

Clothes Shoes Accessories

7. Listen and complete. Then, draw.

My friend Lucas is a bit messy. Look at his bedroom.

1. There’s a ………………….. on the bed.
2. There are ………………….. under the chair.
3. There’s a ………………….. in the drawer.
4. There are ………………….. under the bed.
5. There’s a ………………….. on the lamp.

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8. Answer about your friend. Then, draw.

1. What’s your friend like?

2. What does your friend look like?
3. What does your friend usually wear?

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UNIT 5 - Extra Practice

1. Complete the interview.

Reporter: (1) ……………………………….., Cindy? Comentado [AM1]: Agregué numeración para poder
controlar las respuestas en las AK
Cindy: I’m twenty.
Reporter: What (2) ……………………….. play?
Cindy: I can play the guitar
Reporter: What time (3) ………………………………..,?
Cindy: I get up at 7:00.
Reporter: (4) ……………………………….. for breakfast?
Cindy: I (5) ……………. orange (6) …………., milk and toast.
Reporter: What (7) ……………………………….. every day?
Cindy: I (8) ……………….. the guitar, (9) …………….. e-mailsmessages from my fans and (10)
………………….. to the gym.
Reporter: Do you go to bed early?
Cindy: No, (11) ……………….. . I have concerts at night.
Reporter: And (12) …………………………… in your free time?
Cindy: I (13) ……………….. TV and (14) ……………….. to music.

2. Correct the wrong information about Cindy.

1. Cindy hates spiders. (snakes)

……. She doesn’t hate spiders. She hates snakes. …………..
2. Cindy likes running. (walking)
3. Cindy usually eats meat. (vegetables)
4. Cindy wants to go on tour to Europe. (South America)
5. Cindy usually goes to the park in her free time. (stay at home)

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3. Read what Cindy says and write.

1. ‘I usually go to the cinema with my friends.’

She usually ……………………………………………………….. .
2. ‘I am sociable and friendly. I have got lots of friends.’
3. ‘I never have lunch.’
4. ‘I have got a brother and a sister.’
5. ‘I want to study Music at university.’

4. Listen and complete these curious facts about Cindy. Then, number the

1. Cindy always ……………………. to Italy in winter.

2. She ……………………. eating pizza.
3. She never ……………………. the dishes. She has got a dishwasher.
4. She ……………………. special food for her dog.
5. She never ……………………. shirts.
6. She ……………………. three different phones.

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5. Read and write: noun, verb, adjective or adverb?

1. She has got blonde hair.

2. She can play the guitar very well.
3. She gets up very early every morning.
4. In summer, she always goes to the beach.
5. She hates snakes.

6. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

write go live
record play like

Ben ………………………. in England with his wife. He is a very popular rock singer and he also
………………………. the drums in his band. He’s very hardworking and he ……………………. all the songs.
The group usually ………………………. an album every two years. When Ben is on holiday, he always
……………………. to the beach. He ……………………. reading about music and listening to new bands.

7. Read the answers and write questions.

1. ………………………………………………………………. ?
He lives in England.
2. ………………………………………………………………. ?
He sings and plays the drums in a rock band.
3. ………………………………………………………………. ?
Every two years.
4. ………………………………………………………………. ?
No, he doesn’t go to the mountains. He likes the beach.
5. ………………………………………………………………. ?
He likes reading and listening to music.

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8. Listen to the dialogue and number.

Boy 1: I’ve got two tickets for a rock concert on Saturday. Do you like rock? …1…
Boy 2: You too! ……..
Boy 1: Ok, do you feel nervous when you play on the radio? ……..
Boy 2: Sorry, I only like electronic music. And I usually play music on the radio on Saturday. ……..
Boy 1: Great! Have a good time! ……..
Boy 2: No, I feel excited! This is my favourite activity. ……..

9. Read the file and write.

Birth Name: Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta

Current Name: Lady Gaga
Birth Date: March 28, 1986
Birthplace: New York, USA
Occupation: singer, songwriter, actress and producer
Instruments: voice and piano
Family: one sister
Curiosities: 21 tattoos

Lady Gaga’s real name …………………………………………………… . She’s ………………………………..,

USA. Her birthday is …………………………………….. . She’s a …………………………………………. and
……………………………. . She ………..………………………………………………… the piano. She
………………………………………… . Did you know that …………………………………………….………… ?

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UNIT 6 - Extra Practice

1. Label the pictures.

1. ………………….…. 2. ………………….…. 3. ………………….….

4. ………………….…. 5. ………………….…. 6. ……………. into the sea

2. Listen and correct the mistakes.

1. I’m playing with the waves. ………………….

2. I’m swimming in the pool. ………………….
3. We are playing in the pool at the sports centre. ………………….
4. My sister is collecting leaves for my Grandma. ………………….
5. My cousin is surfing small waves. ………………….

3. Now, correct the sentences in 2.

1. I’m not playing with the waves. I’m playing with ……………………. .
2. ………………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………………………
5. ………………………………………………………………………………

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4. Complete the text with the verbs in the box in the Simple Present or the
Present Continuous.

have (x2) read (x2) surf go play lie make

eat swim sail collect

Dear Gilly,
I 1) ……………..…….……………. a really cool time here in Brazil with my grandma and grandpa.
Every day, we 2) …….……………. to the shopping centre to buy souvenirs, 3) …………..………. a
sandwich or 4) ………………..…………. an ice-cream. At the beach, I 5) ……………..…………….
sandcastles, 6) …………………..………………. huge waves, 7) ………...……………………………. or
………………….…………. volleyball. Grandma and grandpa 9) …………..………….………. shells,
…….……..……. and 11) …………………. into the sea. Right now, they 12) ………………………….
on the beach and 13) …………………………. magazines.
See you next week!
Write soon,

5. Choose a picture, colour and complete.

Pic with my friend!

I'm with my friend, Pedro. He ………………………………………. hair and his eyes
………………………… . We usually ……………………….……. and have great fun together. In this
photo, we are ………………………….………………….. . He’s wearing ………………………………...
and …………………………………… .

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6. Answer about you.

1. Where do you usually spend your holidays?

2. What do you usually do on holidays?
3. What don’t you do when you are on holidays?

7. Match the sentences to the pictures.

1. He’s climbing up the cliff.

2. She’s riding past the park.
3. They’re running towards the sea.
4. They’re walking along the beach.
5. He’s going down the water slide.
6. We’re walking across the river.

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8. Listen and write T (True) or F (False).

1. Toby is a professional surfer. …………….

2. He wants to find a jellyfish. …………….
3. He’s swimming over an arch. …………….
4. He dives into the deep part of the sea. …………….
5. He finds the jellyfish. …………….

9. Write the missing letters.

1. f __ __ 2. d __ a __ o __ f __ __ 3. __ e e __ l __

4. b __ t t __ r f __ y 5. l __ d __ b __ __ 6. b __ e

10. Read the information and write about mosquitoes in your notebook.

Name: mosquitoes
Characteristics: pale brown with white stripes across the abdomen, 6 long legs, wings and antenna
Habitat: wet places
Habits: more active at night
Diet: plant nectar (males); plant nectar and blood (females)
Predators: dragonflies
Curiosities: lay eggs in water

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UNIT 1 – Answer key
Extra Practice

1. Complete with there is or there are.

1. There is; 2. there are; 3. There is; 4. there are; 5. There is

2. Look and answer.

1. No, there aren’t. 2. Yes, there is. 3. No, there aren’t. 4. Yes, there are. 5. No, there isn’t. 6. Yes,
there is.

3. Listen and write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false sentences.

2. T; 3. F. There aren’t shelves with books. There are shelves with toys. 4. F. There isn’t a big desk.
There is a small desk. 5. T

4. Unscramble the sentences. Then, write the missing letters.

1. Sam loves testing new video games. geek

2. Emma likes wearing fashionable clothes. trendy
3. I enjoy making decisions and organising activities in my group. leader
4. My sister hates watching TV programmes about celebrities’ lives. gossip
5. Lucy doesn’t like paying attention to every detail. analytical

5. Listen and complete.

1. thirteen; 2. sisters; 3. History; 4. home; 5. grandfather; 6. trees; 7. cinemas; 8. watching; 9. beds;
10. window; 11. studying
6. Read this fact file and complete the text below.
1. fifteen; 2. Rosario; 3. Argentina; 4. father; 5. mother; 6. There are; 7. playing; 8. listening; 9.
teacher; 10. school; 11. doctor; 12. hospital

7. Answer about you.

Students’ own answers.
8. Now, write about you. Use the text in 6 as a guide.
Students’ own answers.

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UNIT 2 – Answer key
Extra Practice
1. Complete and match.

1. forget; 2. fight; 3. run, Walk; 4. write

2, 4, 3, 1

2. Read and complete the camp rules with must or mustn’t.

1. mustn’t; 2. mustn’t; 3. must; 4. must; 5. mustn’t
3. Label the cooking actions.
(from left to right) 1. boil; 2. chop; 3. spread; 4. stir; 5. bake
4. Circle the correct option.
1. Can; 2. must; 3. Can; 4. Can; 5. must
5. Listen and complete.
1. I go; 2. must, your pets; 3. must study; 4. must do; 5. must go

6. Look at Andrea’s weekly plans and correct the sentences.

1. going to the dentist.
2. She isn’t going to play tennis on Tuesday. She’s going to have a piano lesson.
3. She isn’t going to have a party on Friday. She’s going shopping with her mum.

7. Unscramble the questions. Read the diary and answer.

1. Where is Tony going to travel? He’s going to travel to Argentina.
2. Why is he going to visit his aunt? Because he loves her.
3. When is he going to travel? He’s going to travel tomorrow.
4. How is he going to travel? He’s going to travel by plane.
5. What is he going to do? He’s going to the glaciers.

8. Listen, write and circle the answer.

1. What; Students circle the girl with the cake in the oven.
2. Who is she going; Students circle the girl with the boy.
3. How is she going; Students circle the girl with the bike.

9. Write about your plans for the weekend.

Students’ own answers.

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UNIT 3 – Answer key
Extra Practice
1. Classify the adjectives.
-er: sad, wet, ugly, pretty
more / less: modern, beautiful, attractive, expensive, comfortable

2. What’s your opinion? Choose and write.

(Sample Answers)
1. English is more interesting than Maths.
2. Lions are more dangerous than tigers.
3. Russian is more difficult than German.
4. Trains are more comfortable than planes.
5. Hamsters are more active than rabbits.
6. Phones are cheaper than tablets.

3. Compare the forms of transportation using the words in the box.

Students’ own answers.

4. Listen, match and write.

1. oldest; 2. better; 3. faster; 4. fattest
2, 4, 1, 3

5. Answer.
Students’ own answers.

6. Listen and underline the mistake. Then, write the correct information.
1. fifteen votes for volleyball
2. Football is the most popular sport.
3. Sunglasses are trendier than caps. / Caps are trendier than watches.
4. There are seventy-eight votes for the virtual reality set. / There are sixty-five votes for the video
game system.
5. The virtual reality headset is the best gadget of all.
7. Write the missing letters.
1. Mars; 2. Moon; 3. rings; 4. Mercury; 5. Sun; 6. Pluto; 7. asteroids; 8. Neptune

8. Write the superlative forms of the adjectives. Then, match the questions with the
1. the heaviest; 2. the highest; 3. the smallest; 4. nearest; 5. the biggest; 6. the tallest; 7. the fastest;
8. the thickest

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1. Blue whale; 2. Aconcagua; 3. Bee hummingbird; 4. Mercury; 5. Jupiter; 6. Burj Khalifa;
7. Cheetah; 8. Sequoia tree

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UNIT 4 – Answer key
Extra Practice
1. Classify.
People: singer, bassist, drummer, soloist, songwriter
Instruments: guitar, cello, trumpet, violin, piano
Music styles: pop, blues, rock, classical, folk
2. Listen to the facts about Queen and write T (True) or F (False).
1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. T; 5. F

3. Complete the questions with Was or Were. Then, look and answer about Pedro and his
school days.
1. Was the school big? No, it wasn’t.
2. Were the books interesting? Yes, they were.
3. Were the students happy? Yes, they were.
4. Was the teacher young? Yes, he was.
5. Was the classroom small? No, it wasn’t.
6. Was Pedro tall? No, he wasn’t.
4. Listen and number.
5, 2, 1, 4, 3

5. Read the information and correct the sentences.

1. last weekend; was a festival last Friday
2. There weren’t two rock bands. There was a rock band and there was a punk band.
3. There wasn’t a rap competition. There was a hip-hop competition.
4. There wasn’t a competition in the afternoon. There was a competition at night.
5. There wasn’t only one food truck. There were food trucks. / There was more than one food truck.
6. Look and complete the dialogue.
1. Yes, there were. 2. Was there; 3. Yes, there was. 4. Was there; 5. No, there wasn’t. 6. Were
there; 7. No, there weren’t. 8. Were there; 9. Yes, there were. 10. Was there; 11. No, there wasn’t.

7. Look and write sentences with the verbs in the past tense.
1. listened to music; 2. played football; 3. cleaned her bike

8. Read and complete.

was born; May 5, 1988; London; released her first album; received her first Grammy Awards;

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UNIT 5 – Answer key
Extra Practice
1. Unscramble the words and match them with their definitions.
1. carnivore; 2. omnivore; 3. paleontologist; 4. fossils; 5. herbivore; 6. dinosaur
3, 1, 6, 5, 4, 2

2. Read and write the past form of the verbs in brackets. Then, complete the file.
1. was; 2. ate; 3. weighed; 4. walked; 5. ran; 6. had; 7. were; 8. was
Name: Pterosaur; Class: omnivore, insectivore; Weight: 135 kg; Motion: walk, run; Special
characteristics: wings, tail, eyes, small beak
3. Look and use the prompts to compare the dinosaurs.
1. The Oviraptor and the T-Rex walked on two legs.
2. The Oviraptor had a beak.
3. The T-Rex was taller than the Oviraptor.
4. The T-Rex had a bigger head than the Oviraptor.
5. The T-Rex was heavier than the Oviraptor.

4. Listen and write the verbs in the past.

1. travelled; 2. got; 3. met; 4. saw; 5. sat; 6. visited
5. Label the pictures and match.
(from left to right, top to bottom) 2. gladiator; 3. scribe; 1. pharaoh; 4. soldier

6. Complete the text with the past form of the verbs in the box.
1. got; 2. walked; 3. ate; 4. marched; 5. arrived; 6. climbed

7. Listen and complete with the adjectives in the box.

1. enormous; 2. ancient; 3. Mexican; 4. exterior; 5. final
8. Unscramble the clues and answer.
1. The Aztecs dedicated this stone to the sun god. Aztec Sun Stone
2. He named the first fossil. William Buckland
3. The Mayas used these folding books to record important information. codices
4. She discovered the first Iguanodon fossil tooth. Mary Ann Mantell

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UNIT 6 – Answer key
Extra Practice
1. Look and complete the postcard.
1. went; 2. ate; 3. drank; 4. orange juice; 5. took; 6. photos; 7. saw; 8. went; 9. bought; 10. dress

2. Complete the questions and answer.

1. Did, drink, he did; 2. did, do, He rode; 3. Did, run 800 metres, they did; 4. did, do, He ate; 5. Did,
sing, No, he didn’t.

3. Look and correct the sentences.

1. broke her leg
2. walk; ran
3. She didn’t buy a skirt. She bought shoes.
4. He didn’t wash the dishes. He washed his hair.
5. He didn’t travel to Italy. He travelled to France.
4. Read and write.
2. He wrote a letter three days ago.
3. The day before yesterday, he went to a hospital.
4. He travelled to Japan four days ago.
5. He got up at 5 am six days ago.

5. Listen and order the pictures.

1. 3, 1, 2
2. 2, 3, 1
6. Look and write.
1. Sam is going to skateboard.
2. Tony is going to swim.
3. Dallas is going to ride his bike.
4. Lisa is going to ski.

7. Listen and circle.

1. Students circle the girl on the sofa.
2. Students circle the boy on the chair.
3. Students circle the boy with the photo album.
4. Students circle the girl on the desk.
5. Students circle the children with the presents.

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8. Use the prompts to make questions. Then, answer about you.
1. What did you do yesterday afternoon?
2. Did you go to the dentist three days ago?
3. Did you go to the beach last holidays?
4. Are you watching TV now?
5. What are you going to do next weekend?
Students’ own answers.

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Extra Practice – Audio Script

Unit 1. Exercise 3. Listen and write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false sentences.
Boy: My bedroom isn’t very big. There isn’t a carpet on the floor and there aren’t any posters on
the wall. But, there are shelves with my favourite toys. There is a small desk next to my bed but
there isn’t a mirror.

Unit 1. Exercise 5. Listen and complete.
Girl 1: My name’s Luna. I’m thirteen. I’ve got two brothers and three sisters. We are Peruvian and
we live in a large house near Lima. My father is a History teacher and he works at university. My
mother is a translator and luckily, she works at home!
Boy: I live on a farm with my grandfather, my mother and my two sisters. I love living in the
countryside because there are plenty of trees and animals. Obviously, there aren’t any cinemas
around, but it doesn’t matter because I don’t like watching films.
Girl 2: I love my bedroom. It is small and warm and I share it with my sister. There are three beds:
one for me, one for my sister and one for any of our friends. There is a big desk near the window
and I always study there. My sister prefers studying in the sitting-room because there is a TV set
and she can watch TV. How can she concentrate?

Unit 2. Exercise 5. Listen and complete.
1. Can I go to my friend’s house?
2. You must feed your pets.
3. She must study every day.
4. He must do his homework.
5. I must go to school today.

Unit 2. Exercise 8. Listen, write and circle the answer.
1. What is she going to do? She is going to bake a cake.
2. Who is she going to visit? She is going to visit her friend John.
3. How is she going to travel? She is going to ride her bicycle.

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Unit 3. Exercise 4. Listen, match and write.
1. The Simpsons is one of the oldest cartoons on TV.
2. My English marks are better this month than last month.
3. I’m not faster than you.
4. She’s the fattest animal on the farm.

Unit 3. Exercise 6. Listen and underline the mistake. Then, write the correct information.
According to our users’ choice, there are thirty-eight votes for basketball, ninety-nine votes for
football and fifteen votes for volleyball. The results show that basketball is more popular than
volleyball among our users. And not surprisingly, football is the most popular sport!
What do users say about trendy accessories? Up to now, there are twenty-five votes for watches,
thirty-nine votes for caps and eighty-seven votes for sunglasses. So, sunglasses are the trendiest
accessories. Do you agree? There is still time for you to vote. Visit our website and submit your
Now, last but not least, users choose among three good gadgets. There are seventy-eight votes
for the virtual reality headset, sixty-five votes for the video game system and forty-one votes for the
drone. A big clap for the virtual reality headset, the best gadget of all!

Unit 4. Exercise 2. Listen to the facts about Queen and write T (True) or F (False).
Narrator: We are talking about Queen today. By the ‘80s, they were one of the biggest bands. And
we have five facts about some of the members of the band:
1. Brian and Roger were members of another band before Queen. The name of the band was
2. Freddie's real name was Farrokh Bulsara.
3. He wasn't from London. He was born in Zanzibar.
4. Some of Freddie's favourite artists were The Beatles, David Bowie and Led Zeppelin.
5. Barcelona was one of Mercury's great songs as a solo artist.

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Unit 4. Exercise 4. Listen and number.
1. Yesterday, Amy wasn’t happy.
2. She was sad because she was sick.
3. She wasn’t at school.
4. She was at home all day.
5. Her friends weren’t with her.

Unit 5. Exercise 4. Listen and write the verbs in the past.
Narrator: Yesterday, Molly Adams, used a VR headset in her History lesson and she travelled back
in time. At first, she got nervous but then, she started to take photos with her phone.
1. She went to Egypt and met Cleopatra.
2. She saw how the Maya built the pyramid in Chichen Itza.
3. She talked to Shakespeare and sat in the Globe Theatre to see a play.
4. She visited Olympia and watched the ancient games.

Unit 5. Exercise 7. Listen and complete with the adjectives in the box.
Narrator: A surprising discovery
In 1790, when workers excavated to level the ground in the main square, they discovered an
enormous stone. When they uncovered the stone completely, they saw that it had ancient
symbols. It was the Aztec Sun Stone, dedicated to the sun god. After its discovery, a Mexican
historian convinced the viceroy to preserve it. So, the stone remained on an exterior wall of the
cathedral for almost 100 years. In 1964, the stone reached its final destination where it is today,
the Museo Nacional de Antropología.

Unit 6. Exercise 5. Listen and order the pictures.
1. Yesterday, I went to the cinema with my brother and sister. Then, we met some friends. Finally,
we ate ice cream.
2. Last year, she broke her skateboard. A month later, she wrote a letter. Last December, she sent
it to Santa Claus.

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Unit 6. Exercise 7. Listen and circle.
1. Carrie did aerobics an hour ago.
2. Martin is waiting to see the doctor.
3. James went to Disneyland last year.
4. She is doing her homework now.
5. They’re going to a party.

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Editable material for exclusive use of All Around teachers.

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