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► Quesiions 1-10

Que,tioru 1-7
Compleit IN form below.
\Vriu NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER far t ach aruwtr.

( ( . ( f

Hotel Columlnu Guest information

f il'll name:
z1- - - -_-
453 _ _ _ __
S lTftt addttu:
Town/City: Lewn
State / County: Easts.-.
Zip/ P011:ccde: +- ------
Ccuntry: United Kin&dcm
s ______
6 _______
ID type:
ID number: 874236195
Number ol niahts: J7 ______

Form completion

Task guide
► For this taak, you have to compi.te • form with wordl and numbers thlt you hur on
the recording, which la always• conveiution batwn two people.
► Read the instructions c■l'llfully, u they will Id you how many wardl you can u• for
-■ch • -· In• form completion ta, the rubric will always 1911 you the maximum
number of words that you can u• in wh ■-r. Some of the •---will almoat
always be numbers.
► Look ■t the form carefully and ._ how much you can predict. Think about who might
complete • form like this, and whit the com,erution is generally going to be ■boul.
Key words will help you predict the context. One of the__.. might be NqUNling
lnform1tion, arranging I meeting or miking I complllftt. fot example.
► You must write words thlt you ICtUllly hur. Do not c:l\lnge the form of 11,y wordl.
► The questions follow the order In which you tiu, the lnformltion in the recording.
► You might have to write n1mH of people o, ptecn thlt you have never heltd before.
They will uauelly be apelt for you. Longer lllfflN 1nd numben lphonl numbers. fot
example) will usually be repeated.
► You will only b1 expected to know the apelling of very common finr name1 1nd
surn1mn, and very f1moua place nama Laa common or flfflOUI onN will always be
apelt out. Th... will not be spelt OUL ShOftllt' numbers will p,oblbtf nae be repNted.


TEsrs Exam Essentials


Que,tiona 8-10
Label rhe map below.
Write the cOTTect lerter A-ff ntxt to IJ"tStions 8-10.
Where are the followmg plaas situated?

To 1111lon - Avenld1 Constituclon

!__ __.· II~ L F

main 0 H
1q111r e

7~ 1
To airport

8 museum
9 art gallery
10 conference centre

Labelling a map/plan/diagram (lJ

• For thl1 t11k, you h1v1 to label I map, 1 plan or 1 QUlllions correctly largely depends on 1t1rting off in
di1gr1m with points tu1u1lly the nam11 of placeal the right place. Sometimes, II is lhl call w ith thi1
u1ing information that you hear on the recording. task, an earlier part of the recording will help you
• Thi■ type of t11k i1 often 1ppli1d to HC1ion 1 of the know where the 1pe1kers are. Sometimes, however,
Li1t1ning tllt, when two 1p11kars .,. in I lypical you will need to listen 10 1 reference to the sl■rting
social environment. You might hear two spe..ers paint - I'm just lea"inr, rl'II 1ratiotl now, for example.
11king for and g iving direction■, for 1x1mpl1. ► There ire 1lw1ys more pl1C11 marked on the map
► The questions follow the order of the recording.
than you need. You will usually hive to choo11 1hr11
If you r11liH you hive mls11d 1h1 Information or four answers from eight or nine option■. Some
of th111 options will often be clo• together on the
' you need to 1n1wer I quntion, don't panic. Focu■
carefully in order to an1wer Iha next quntion.
► The map and the recording will give you I starting
map or plan, ind you muat keep listening carefully to
make 1ure you Identify the correct answer. You wlll
1lw1ys feel more confident about 1n answer if you
: point. Li1t1n carefully becau11 answering the know why another option 11 definitely wrong.



► Questions 11-20

Questioru 11-14
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN 1,vo WORDS for ea£h answer.

Benefits of alotment prdenln1

convmEional prdms EOO small / can arow far mott on own pkK cl land
very sociable/ communal - people from Eoally difffflnc 11 ...- ............ come rogtthcr
good exercise - cosu far laa Ehan 12 ..-·-··-·-··- membership!
pleasure & sense cl achievemenc - boch menial & physical benef'iE
mvlronmernal benefiE - provide urban areas wim eamdal I l ......,_____ for wildlife
~ + reduction of 14 ··---·- - due to lw traffic rransponine produee

Notes completion

Yuk guide
► For thl1 taak, you mutt write piecN of Information glwn In the recording you hear.
► Notn are often Cll"ganlNd aa though aomebody listening to the apealler haa made them
In a notebook. They might not be full MntencN, and might not lhlrt with capital i.tter■
or hawi full atopt.
► There will usually be I h..ding It the top of the not• and this will help you mm
prediction• about the recording.
► Read the lnatructiona carefully, • they will tell you how many words you can UN for
each answer. The number of words variea In NCh taal: of this type, but you will
generally be inatruc:tecl to u• either two o, three words (SN the iMtruCtions for
questions 11-14 aboWI>. You may also be told to use numbers in your answers.
► Look It the notes carefully and try to mm predictions. Key words will give you soma
Idea of whit the talk or conversation will be about. If there is • key word that you don't
know, it will probably be explained early in the recording. Listen for ii carefully.
► There might be lina of notes without gaps to fill. Read these carefuJly, aa they will help
you undemand more about the topic of the recording.
► You mUII write words that you actually heer. Do nae rephra• or change the form of
word■ you hHr. AnlWlln will be Incorrect if you miapell any words.
► The question• follow the order In which you hear the lnformalion In the recording.
(Nota that later In th• COUl"N you will SN very tlmilar Im typN in which notes.,.
organiNd into tabla and flow charta.)



', f ( I I ( HI .'

Quntion, JS-17
List THREE advantages of allotmcnt•groum food.
Write NO MORE THAN 1WO WORDS for ecuh answer.
15 ........,...........................................................................
16 ....................................................................................
17 ................ ,...........................,.......................................

Short-answer questions (1)

Task 9ulcle
► For th le ta■k. you h■vl to ld■ntify r1l1t1d 111ml thll you h11r 011 the recording. You
w ill be told 10 li■t l1cIor■, l111uree, qu1/ilie■• ,111on1, c1u111, benafill, 1dv1n11g111,
d/11dv1n11ge■• problem,, improv■m■nll end ■o on. M1k1 1ur1 you are familiar with
general referencing noun■ Ilk• 1h111.
► Read the ln11ruction1 carefully, 11 they will 1111 you how many word■ you can u11 for
each an■wer. Two or thrN word ■ 11 u■ual, but occ11ionally you w ill be told to u11 only
one word. Make 1ur1 you do not u11 more words than la allowed.
► You can write your ■ newer■ In ■ny order, but you will almost certainly find ii 111ier to
wr lll 1n1wer■ ,11 you he■ r them.
► Maki IUrl lhlC11ch illm you lilt 1n1w•r■ the QUIiiian. In 1hi1 CHI , for eJ11mpl1. Heh
an■wer mu■t be 1n 1dv1nt1g1.


Tesrs Exam Essentials

Qwestlmu 18-20
I.Abe.I ihi plan below.
Choo5t THREE aruweu from 1he box and wriie 1he Lmns A-G nex1 co qwe51ioru 18-20.
A compost bin
8 flower bed
C glass house -
D grass walkway
E pond
stone sink
vegetable bed 0 ---

11 ...

11 ...

18 ............................... ~
19 ............................. .. t
20 ............................. ..

Labelling a map/plan/diagram (2)

Task guide
• For tl'III llO. you have 10 lebel I map, a plan or I firtl tNII. you will need to look et lhl map, plan or
diagram by c1'100Ilng l11mI ◄often 11'11 namet of pllcftl diagram Ind el tl'le list of item, carefully 1nd mike
from 1 11'1I provided In I box, 11 you llaten 10 lhl prediction, about the topic of the 11111 before you
Information 1h11 you hear on 11'11 recordinQ. lllrl lillenlng.
• ConlrHt 1h11 I Hk lype with 11'11 lebelling 11111 you ► h ia lmportlnt tl'let you look carefully et 11'11 map, plan
have 1lre1dy Hin. In thll lllk, there were lddillonI1 or diagram 10 thll you can find your way around
option• on lhe map, while here there are additional it once the recording (or 11\e relev1n1 part of the
option• In 1h1 llIt of item,. recording I 11ar1L
• Often, 11 11 the c111 here, you will have 10 chooN
► The item, In lhe box will be lilled elphlbeliCllly (or
two or t hrH Item• from• 1111 of NYen hem, In the in a aimilerly logical wayl, but will not be mentioned
bo11. Sometlm11, you will hive 10 choo11 more l1emI in ltle ume order on tl\e recording.
(perhape I lx or u venl from a longer 1111 of i1em1 in • The Quntlona follow the order of thl recording.
the box. If you rHIIN you have mined lhe lnformetlon
► II 1h11 lllk II tht IICOnd or third in 1 ■If ill of 111111, you nnd 10 1n1wer • que11ion, dor,'t panic, Focu1
you will Ilr11dy know the general topic. If II ia the carefully in order 10 lntWef the next qu111ion.


l[L TS


' ,fr 'lf1'J ·

► Questions 21-30

Question.f 21- 24
Answer the questions below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD fur each answer.
21 What course does Lily want to stud~• next year?

22 Where is Lily probably going to study?

Z3 What course are Mark and Lily studying on now?

Z4 What does Lily think Mark might be afraid of?

Short-answer questions (2J

Task guide
► For this task, you have to write answers to separate who, what, where, when type
questions, using Information you hear on the recording. The tHk can be applied to any
of the four sections of the Listening teat.
► Read the instructions ca refully, 11 they wilt tell you how many words you can use for
each answer. One or two words i s usual but occasionally you w ill be allowed to use
three. Instructions will sometimes say that you can also use a number. Make sure you
do not use more words than i s allowed.
► The questions fo llow the order in which you hear the information in the recording.
► Generally, most answers will be nouns, but adjectives are possible. Nouns w ill usually
be either uncountable or plural so that you do not have to worry about whether or not
to use an articl e. Occasionally, a short phrase will be an answer ( if you have been told
to use up to three words I. Q: Where was the gold discovered? A: tomb, or in the tomb,
for example are both correct. If answers are names. longer numbers or dates. they will
usually be repeated .
► You must write words that you actually hear. Do not change the form of words you
hear. Answers will be incorrect i f you m isspell any words.
► Language used In the questions w ill paraphrase language used on the recording (lhey
w ill not include exactly the same words and phrases). As you listen, you will need to
identify words and phrases on the recording that mean the 11me 11, or something
similar to, word s and phrases In the questions.
► Occasionally, you m i11ht th ink that you can answer a question by applyl n11 general
knowledge. However, the aim is to lest whether you understand what the speaker 11y1,
and you must l isten fo r the words used on the reco rding.


TESTS Exam Essentials


Questions 2S-30
Who make5 the following poinu!
A Mark
B Lily
C Tutor
Write 1he correct le1cer A, B or C nex, w questions 25-30.
25 most artists do not cam much money
26 renting studio space can be very e.xpcnsive
27 art schools help promote young an ists' work
28 some people disapprove of artistic courses
29 young artlst.s need regular evaluation of their work
30 amateur artists have an unrealistic view of their work


• For thl1 t11k. you haw to ■newer I Mria of Quntiona, by c:hOoling from the ume list
of option• In Heh c:■H,
• When thil tHk 11 applied to MCtlon C of the Llllenlng 1-. It mune m11Chin9 piec:e1
of lnform■tlon with c■t■90rlel mentioned In the lec:lu,.. Thia lull will be 1pplied when
1 the lecturer t1lk1 ■bout ■ number of di■tinct Cltegorin- ■ourcee of energy or gen,..
1 of film, for ex1mple. Note that when applied to Mellon C, the lull 11 111fY 1lmilar to lh1
clH1iflc1tlon 11111 thet i1 1110 1pplled to the Reeding 1111 r... page 321.
• When thi1 tllk I■ 1pplled to Mc:tlon 3 of the U.1nlng Int. • i1 the c:ne hire, It
1 u1u1lly m11n1 m1tc:hing opinion,, c:ornmenll, 1uege1tion1, lie:. wilh the ep11k1t1. H
th• t11k 11 ■pplled when there ,,. only two ..,....,., one of the option• will probably
bl I c:ombin11ion of lhl other two - A Jane, 8 Gr■hlm, C Both J■ ne ■nd Gr1hlm. for
• L■ ngu■g1 uled in lh1 quntlont wiU p■ r■phr■N language Uled in the c:onven■ tion. Al
you Ullen, you will need to Identify words 1nd phr■ N■ in the quntioM 1h11 me■n the
l Hffll thing,
► Although thl pouibl1 IIIIWlrl .,. lhl ■■me for IICh Quettian. the QUMtiont do not
1 d1p■ nd on Heh other. You can get one QUIiiian wrong and the next one righL
• Al with 111 muhipl1 c:hoic:I lypl tllkl, don't try to 'bruk the code'. II i9 not pouibll
to predict how m■ny ■nlWlrl will be A, I or C, or to find IOffll lOl'I of p■nern. Thi,.
I might bl thrN A 1n1wer1 1nd only one C 1nswer. for 111M1ple.
• The qu11tlon1 follow the order in which you llur the informllion in the recording.
Hire, for e111mple, you will hNr one of lhl 1p11klrl talk ■bout atti• fflMfin{I mon.y
before you hHr the Hme or another apeaker talk about ranti"fl atudio -,,-. If you
rHliH you have miued the inform1tion you nNd to IIIIWII' 1 Quntion, do not p■ nic:.
Focu1 c:uefully in order to ■nlWlt' the Mid quntion.

22 IELTS: Test 1 ► ► UfflNINC MODULE• ► SECTION 3

·- f. 'I
• .. ,,

~ •


_,:· _ . ,,:, . Exam Esse.nt,als

► Questions 31-40

Q1m1iom J J- 35
Complete the summary below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS far each anslLoer.

Laughter in psychological therapy

Moe1 reople acknowled,ie 1ha1 any lreabllml involvm, Jllychological thaapy is JI ··-··..- ............................

anJ do nor immeJ1a1ely -,cia1e ii with Jauah1er. People normally Jauah w1wn 101Mthi"1 i1 funny, 10

Jl .......................................... la not recoenited as 11 lhould be. l.auahter ii not limply I rnc:1ion ro 6ndi111

If we un.Jentand thia, we will no loneer J5 ______ _ _ _ t,y pq,,lc Jauahinr unexrecredly.

Summary c:ompletion

Task guide
► For thl1 teak. you mu11 complete 1 1ummery, u1lng ldH of the loplc. If there ii• key word that you don't
Information you hNr on the recording. know. II le lluly that that word will be explained Nrly
on the recorclng. u.ten for It Cllefully.
~ A1umm1ry GO!T!P!etlon tllk w!!I UIUl!!y be Ont
of two or thrN t11kl applied to one NCtlon of the • RNd the aummary rlgl,t through CINfully Ind IN
Ll1tenlng tnt. 10 It will be 1 1ummery of Juet pert of 1 how much you can predict. Look It the wordl that
talk. lecture or converution rather then 111 of It. come before and after NCh gap to meke ■ure that
your ■newere rit both loglcally and grammetically.
► Completl ng • 1umm1ry can be - • then completing
note, or Nntencu, N the aummery proyldu • more You may occ■lionally lfNl lh■I you can guea eome
complete picture of what the recording will be ebout. .,._. from yout general knowledge, but you mull
How.Yer. you heve more to rNd before you liat9r\ liaten to check the UICI wordl uNd on the recording.
and there 11 uaually more perephrned langu■99 to • RNd the ll'lllructlona c■rafully, N they will tell you
de1lwlth. how many word■ you can UN for NCh 1n■wer. You
will generelly be lnatructed to UN either two or
► IINr In mind what • aummery IL What you ,.eel will
be • condenNd, ■lmpllfled ver■lon of WNI you hear. lhrNworda.
1 Some of whit you hear will be worded differently ► You mUII write word■ 1"lt you actually hear. Do
from what you reed. not rephr■- or change the form of word■ you hNr.
► There will UIUllly be. heeding et lhe top of die
Anawera will be lncorrld if you mlapell any words.
1umm1ry. Ruel thi1 flrat. apecl1lly If the 11111 ii the • The queatlona follow die order In which you hear the
flr■t t11k of the NCtlon, 11 It will give you I general lnform■llon on the rac:ordlng.


TEsTs Exam Essentials

Questions 36-40 39 The lecturer feels that people in the medical
professions must
Choose the correct letter A , B or C.
A encourage patients to understand the seriousness of their
36 What does the speaker say about cathartic psychotherapy? conditions.
A There is a limic co how much pain laugh cer releases. B recognise that people do not necessarUy laugh to hide
B Laughter release1 various negacive emocioru. true feelings.
C It is possible to estlm:ite how much pain Is released each C uop patients laughing inappropriately.
time a person laughs.
40 What does the lecturer conclude by saying about the
3 7 According to the lecturer, losing self-control catharsis o f laughter?
A is often ~neflcial. A le hel ps people to forget distressing memories.
B is acceptable when we are children. 8 People find chemsd ves in a position of control.
C makes feelings o f pain and sadness last longer. C People can ~neflt from seeing the humour in
unfortunate circumstances.
38 Which of the following regarding recent research does
the lecturer NOT suggest?
A The way people nore emotions Is more physical than
B People find it easier co laugh than to express other
C Laughing replaces the need to cry or get angry.

Multiple-c:hoic:e with single answer

• For thl1 tHk. you mutt chooN the correct an1wer the muhiple choice ta1k is the aec:ond ta■lc, ao·you
from thr11 po11ibl1 option,, A, B or C. !Noll that for 1lr1ady know what the lecture it about.
th• aam1 talk type in the Reading teat, you are given • Vou will need to continu■ to look carefully at ■Kh
four option, A-0.1 of three option, H you li1ten to the relevant part of
• Multipl1-choic1 question, in the Li1t1ning tell vary in the recording. If you realile you have milNd the
term, of complexity. When applied to HCtion 1, thay information you nead to anawer a qu11tlon, do not
will require you IO litten to relatively ttraightforward panic. Focu1 carefully in order to anawer the ne,ct
fact,. When applied 10 11Ction1 3 and 4, they will queltion.
t11t your undlratanding of opinion,, argument, • Lang1J891 uud in the que1tion1 will paraphra11
and 1ttitudl1. They might aome1im11 require you to language uaed on the recording !they will not include
underatand what i■ Implied or 1ugQ11ted. exactly the ume word, and phr11111. A1 you li1t1n,
• Multipl1-cholce queationa ere tither In the form of wfl you will need to identify word, and phraae, on
qUlltionl (IN Ountion 38 lbove), OI Nntencet lhlt the recording that m11n the ume II or 1om1thing
n11d completion (IN Ouestlon 31 above). Occaslonally, 1imilar to word1 and phraN1 both In the qua11ion1
• quettion will Ilk you which one of three option■ it and in the option,. However, if you hear word■ on
' not true or correct (He Ountion 38 above!. the recording that are the ume u word• uud In
J one of the options, do not a11ume that It mean, it 11
• The question■ follow th■ order In which you hear 1he
1 Information on the recording. Within Heh option, you the correct .,,_r, h i■ your underatandlng of whola
, may hear reference to the thr11 option, In any order. idea• that it tntad here.
► Thia type of mulliple-cholce talk will often be
1 • At with all multiple-choice type tllkl, don't try to
'br■alc the code'. It l1 not pouible to predict how
combined with other muhiple-choic1 type t11k1 lin
many •n-r■ will be A. B or C, or to find tome both the Li■tening and R11ding t11t1I. Vou might
aort of pattern. There might be three conNCutive A hev1 three 1ingle anawer multiple-choice que11ion1,
1n■-r1, for ex1mpl1.
followed by • talk that require■ you to chooN
answer■ form • lilt of fiVII option,, for example.
• Raad through the queation■ and options n carefully
• ponlbl■ and try 10 make pradiction1 about the See page tlO for another type of multiple-choice talk.
content of the whole lecture and the ■pecific part
of the lecture that r■latu to uch queation. Here,

r IELTS: Test 1 ► ► LlfflNINO MODULE ► ► SECTION 4


You should spend abou1 20 minwes on Quution.s J-12 , which are based on Reading Passage l on ?Qges 28 and 29.

Racy telenovetas inspire social change

B razil's popular soap operas have done more
than just entertain people - they have reduced
the birth rate by three million and driven up
the rate of divorce, a new report has found. Their
colourful storylines of glamorous love triangles,
coordinator of the Telenovela Centre at USP, one of
Brazil's leading universities, said it was the first time that
research had been undertaken on such a w ide scale.

Alberto Chong, one of the study's authors, said the

paternity mysteries and rags-to-riches successes reason for the change was the 'aspirational ethos' of the
have long dominated Brazilian airwaves. Now the country's soaps, which, unlike their grittier equivalents
racy telenovelas that are the mainstays of the country's in Britain, tend to portray the upper levels of Brazilian
powerful TV Globo network are being credited with society. That generally means characters are whiter,
more than just their audience pulling-power. wealthier and better educated than mo:st of Brazil's
190 million people. They have fewer children and are
A study of population data stretching back to 1971 more likely to be separated or divorced. Viewers instantly
has revealed that Brazil's popular and often fanciful took to that image. 'If the leading female character of
soap operas have had a direct impact on the nation's a telenovela was divorced or separated, the divorce rate
divorce and birth rates, as the main channel that rose, by an average of 0.1 percentage point', Mr Chong
broadcast them gradually extended its reach across said. 'At the same time, women in areas reached by the
the country. According to the report, prepared for the Clobo signal had 0.6 per cent fewer children than those
Inter-American Development Bank, the rate of marriage in areas with no signal.' This may appear lo be a small
break-up rose and the number of children born to each Impact, but equates to millions fewer babies born over
woman fell more quickly in areas receiving the TV two decades.
Clobo signal for the first time.
TV Clobo reacted with hostility to the study, saying
Over the two decades th at were studied, an estimated that It underestimated the intelligence of lhe channel's
three million fewer Brazilian babies were born than viewers. A spokesman asserted that the soaps' portrayal
would have been if telenovelas had never been of divorce and smaller families reflected the trends of
broadcast, and 800,000 more couples separated or the time, rather than brought them about. 'Our dramas
divorced. If the effect continued to the present day, the are attuned to the questions being aske-d in society.
numbers would be even greater. 'Exposure to modern While we don't doubt the novelas make people think,
lifestyles as portrayed on television, to emancipated we don't believe they actually influence their opinions
women's roles, and to a critique of traditional values, or choices,' said Luis Erlanger, Clobo's communications
was associated with increases in the share of separated director. Mr Chong rejected the view, pointing out that
and divorced woman across Brazil's municipal areas,' the chances of a new-born baby being named after a
the report's aut hors said. soap star were higher in areas where the
soaps were broadcast
Every Brazilian knows that what happens on TV
Clobo can affect the real world. Its schedules dictate Other intemat.ional studies have shown that television
kick-off times for football matches, its costumes influence can infuence behaviour and transform social mores,
design and fashion and the telenovelas' plotlines have especially where the population does not have
influenced the outcome of elections. However, the constant access to mixed media. In India, the arrival
revelation that the cult of the telenovela has had such of cable television in remote areas caused pregnancy
impact on the most intimate aspects of its viewers' rates to fall and enrolment in education among girls to
lives will startle Brazilians. Maria lmmacolata lopes, the rise. Inhabitants of lutsaan, a village in northern India,


were passionate fans of the radio drama Tinka Tinka Simplemente Mario first aired in the late 1960s. The
Sukh. The programme is claimed to have promoted central character was a rural girl who escaped to the
gender equality and encouraged renouncement of the city to find won< as a maid. She learnt to read and,
local custom of demanding a bridal dowry. Enrolment more importantly, to sew, enabling her to become a
of girls in the loc:al school rose by 25 per cent. In other successful fashion designer. The show was so popular
parts of the country, soap viewers were more likely to that when Maria married her literacy teacher, thousands
refute the commonly held view that a husband was of avid viewers collected outside the church to bestow
justified in beating his w ife. gi fts on the happy couple. Across the country, increased
enrolment in literacy classes coincided with the storyline.
A Rwandan radio serial Musekeweya has had an even
more notable impact. Devised and broadcast by Radio Back in Bra2il, although they have lost viewers to
la Benevolencija, a partner of Oxfam, the story centres the internet, the influence of the novelas remains
on the conflict between two fictional tribes and the evident The increased presence of slender blondes Is
doomed romance between two of its characters. The crredited with driving a shift away from what was once
project has the high hope of mending ethnic tension a nationwide preference for guitar-shaped brunettes.
and encouraging reconciliation. This may be fiction, 'Novelas in Brazil take on a greater importance than a
but the backdrop Is very evidently the period just simple drama because they move people,' said Mauro
before the horrendous events of 1994. Alencar, the author of several books about the genre.
'But the novela is above all a reflection of society. It
One of the earliest programmes to have a far-reaching feeds off what is exposed in day to day life and recreates
impact on audiences was the Peruvian telenovela a fictional version .'


TEsrs Exam Essentials

Quutimu 1-f
Choose the correct letier A, B, C or D.
Write )lour aruwer5 in boxel 1-4 on )IOUT aruwer sheet.
1 According to the text, which of the following features is typical of Brazilian telenovela.s?
A There is a tendency 10 favour large families.
B Relationships are often unstable.
C Characters can not escape their social class.
D Storylines are generally realistic.

2 TV Globo soap operas

A are more popular than football matches.
B are frequently set in the fashion industry.
C have a degree of political content.
D frequently shock the viewing public.

3 Viewers are attracted to Brazilian soap operas because

A they would like to be more like the characters in them.
8 they reflect what happens in their own lives.
C the characten are excellent role models.
D they clearly show vie=rs how to behave.

4 What is the point made in the sixth paragraph ?

A T V networlcJ deserve criticism for their Irresponsible storylinea.
8 TV drama 1hould be seen purely aa entertainment.
C People are behaving just like the ch aracters they 1tt in the telenovelas.
D There is disagreement about h ow influential TV drama really is.

Multiple-choice with single answer

► Thia talk normally consi111 of Questions that focus ► Occalion1tty, • multiple-choice Question will direct
on I particular part of the l)Hllge r11her than on you to a specific peragr1ph or section 1nd checlc thlt
lnform11ion 1pr11d throughout tl)e p■ nage. you underlland the main poif\t of ii or the mea■ge it
► The exception to thi1 ii I 'global' queltion, which conveys (IN Ouation 4 above!.
chec:kl your comprehenlion of the whole pe-■ge . ► Multiple-choa questions often teat your
'Global' que1tlon1 might check that you understand underst■nding of complex information and opinion.
lhe menage that the p■nage conveys or the writer'■ Vou will need to rnd I specific part of the text very
purpou. You mi9ht need to chooN lhe but summary carefully.
of the p■ n■ge or lhe beat title for ii. A global Question • Language UHd in the quntiOM will p■raphr...
ii 1lw1ya the 1111 quntlon on I panage IIH language uHd in the p■uage. You will often nHd
Ountion 12-the l11t QUHtion on lhi1 p■ 1119el. 10 read very carefully to Identify words 1nd phr1111
► Multiple choice quet1lon1 ■re either in the form of in the p■ a■age 1nd In the question■ that mean the
wit queltiona (IN question 1 1bovet, or aentencn 11mething.
that need completion (He Ountlons 2 1nd 3 lboYel. ► Mike sure lhat the option you choose answers the
Occnlon11ty, 1 question will Ilk you which one of four quntion. An option will 10metimes be true ■ccording
option■ ii not true or correc:1 - Which of the following lo the text but not provicM 1n 1n■wer to the quntion
1t1tementa ■bout the city la NOT correct?'. for example. lhat you have been 11ked.
► H there ■re aever1I multiple-choice que1tion1, they ► See P191 Be for another type of multiple-choice tnk.
will follow the order of the relevant Information in
the peuage.



Q1m1io,u S-l l
Ckmif, uit folu,wing ideas as re/mmg 10 uie courury.
A Brovl (alphabetical ordt-r)
B India
D Ru,anda
Write Ult corrm lecttT A- D in bous 5-1 J on ,our ans= shetc.
5 changes 10 wedding tradition
6 a relationship destined to fail
7 a desire to learn how to read
8 a reflection of real-life social and political unrest
9 domestic violence being less tolerated
10 changing perceptions of bcaury
11 an appnreni !nabil11)• to separate realiry and fant3S")'


Task guide
► For 1hi1 t•1k. you h1v1 10 milch plecn of lnform•llon (g1nar1llv 1111em1n111w ith
c111gori11 within 1h1 pa11•g1.
► You mu11 not rely on what you think you might know about • cllegory. Yo u mu11 locatt
l hl part of the p11ug1 1h11 1upportt !hi 11111m1n1.
► Miki 1ur1 1h11 !hi lnform11ion in !hi p1111g1 m11ch11 llllC!ly thl llltement In the
q u111ion. Olten, olhar 11a1ements w ill have a con nection with the 11111m1nt
but not milch It euctlv.
► The ca11gori11 w ill be li11td in a logical order. ch rono loglc1lly or 11pt, 1btttcally, for
eumplt . Neither the c•11gori11 nor the qu111l on1 will bt present ed in the 11mt1 order
in which they occur in the text. Make 1ure you wrilt the ltlltr you intend 10 writt each
t ime you 1n1war I qu111ion.

__ 1_
32- -IE=L=T=
-= 1 =►-►~R=EAD
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-
Step-by-step guide _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
First. identify the part or parts of the passage which 0untion5
provide information about each category. This w ill 1 Look again at the parts of the passage you identified in
mean that you can concentrate on the relevant part step 1 and find the part that relates to Question 5. You
of the passage and w ill not have to keep checking the want to find informat.i on about weddings in particular,
whole passage. Remember, though, that a category and a 1pecific reference to a change in tradition.
may be mentioned in more than one part of the
2 The ninth paragraph contains information about a
wedding but does it specifically provide information
about changing tradition - yes or no?
• Step 1 - Locate the cat~orln In the pauage
Read through the passage and identify where
information about each category A-0 is provided. 3 Which paragraph contains information about changes
In w hich paragraph(sl and where exactly in the to wedding tradition?
paragraph i ■ the information?
A Brazil 4 Which wOfd in the relevant paragraph means the same
as custom and which phrase is related specifically to
B India

5 Does the whole sentence say that there have been

C Peru
changes - yes or no?

D Rwanda
Now identify which country (A-01 this part of the
passage relates to. Write your 1n1W• for Question 5.
Ountlon e
• Step 2 - RHd carefully
Read the list of ideas carefully III you read the relevant 1 Look again at the parts of the passage you Identified
part of the passage carefully. in step 1 and find the part that relates to Question 6.
Here. you w ant to find information about a relationship
and specifically an unhappy one.
• Step 3 - Find the 1n1wen
For some questions, language used in the statements 2 Which is the relevant paragraph?
will paraphrase language used in the passage.
However. classification tasks involve more than 3 Which is the key line that paraphrases relationship
simply matching words and phrases with a similar dHtined to fain
meaning. The aim of the task is to assess whether you
understand ideas in the passage and can match them
to the ideas expressed in the statements. Now identify which country (A-0) this part of the
passage relates to. Write yow .,,,_ for Question 6.
Now apply the Hme 1tep•by•1tep 1ppro1ch to
Ountlons 7-7'.

Que.J tion 12
Choose the correcr lerter A , B. C or D .
12 W hat is t he conclusion that should be drawn from reading th is pa.ssage?
A In tht' fururt'. soap Opt'l'll.S will shapt" tht' way many pe<>plt' livt'.
B PNlplc being mOucncccl by what they watch on TV Im M>mc obvious hcncfil:$.
C Soap opera writers should ensure that their characten behave rtspom1bly.
D Average family mt will continue to full In countnes wht rt )OOp operas are very popular.



¥011 should spend about 20 mimim on Qwes1ion.1 J3-27, which art bo.sed on Reading Passage Z on pageJ 34 and 35.

How to Build a Tree House


A tree house Is a place where you can give free rein to Building a Platform
your individual creativity. HoweYer, while there are almost
as many types of tree hous.e as there are types of tree, some The platform. providing a secure foundation for the rest of
general principles do apply when It comes to tree house the structure, Is the key element of almost any tree house.
construction. It should be built close to the trunk. with diagonal bracing
for extra strength, If it Is not supported by branches or
Before you begin your tree house plans, check with your
posu. Make sure the platform is level. and keep it balanced
local planning authorities about any restrictions on building
centrally around the tree to support uneven loads and
tree houses that may exist. In some places, if a structun!
reduce swaying.When securing the structure,do everything
is below a certain size and not used as a permanent you can to limit damage to the tree. Ideally use rope lashing,
dwelling It will not need planning approval, but there may be but make sun! you know the right knots. If necessary, use
restrictions on height or on windows overlooking adjacent strong galvanised steel screws, as ungalvanised screws or
properties. Safety Is vital during constructlon.Always use a nails will rust and encourage disease and rot.Avoid cutting
safety harness, and flrmly tle It to a strong branch. Think the bark all the way round, or constricting it too tlghdy with
before you act, and keep a first aid kit handy.
rope or w ire.
Once the platform is secure, you need to add the floor.
First Steps For this you might use plywood sheets or conventional
First, you need to choose a tree and decide on a position floorboards.The walls can either be built In situ in the tree
within It for your tree house. Think about what you want or prefabricated on the ground and then hoisted up Into
from your tree house: Will It be an adult hideaway or position (for larger tree houses the latter Is much easier and
children's play areal If you are considering a tree house for safer).To minimise the amount of work done while perched
children, keep It close to the ground: Consider whether you up in the tree, you can even add external wall finishes on the
want your tree house to be hidden or visible, and make sure ground and prefix doors and windows. The roof may also be
it will not disturb other people. pre-assembled, but if branches are to penetrate it, or if it is
an irregular shape, it is generally best to build It In situ. Once
Choose a mature, healthy· tree with no special protection in position, the roof should be covered and protected with
orders that may affect pruning. When selecting a tree it is
roofing felt. If desired the roof can be finished with local
best to consult a qualified arborist, and if any pruning is
materials such as palm leaves o r recycled shingles.
necessary arrange for this ·to be done professionally. Decide
how you want to access your tree house and what materials
you want to use. Whatever you decide, It Is best to start Windows and Doors
small and simple. In a tree house, adhering to convention Is unnecessary. This
Every tree is different, so let the tree be your guide. Follow is a place to experiment and indulz:e your design finwies.
the form of the tree, allow for growth and movement, and Whether your taste leans toward Gothic towers or rustic
keep the structure lightweight. Keep the various positions cottages, the possjbillties for window.s and doors are endless.
of the sun In mind when planning small decks. If there is not The important thing is to keep them in proportion to the
one Ideal tree, then several closely spaced, smaller trees will size and design of the tree house. For safety and lightness, use
suffice. Ideally, plan the structure on paper before starting Perspex or Plexiglas Instead of glass for windows. Try to use
wori<. allowing for a deck If you want one. Never make the old or recycled Items whene-.,er possible.
tree house too big for the tree.


Deck and Railings hand1rails, are better for higher constructions. Spiral steps
windi ng around the trunk are always fun and look more
Nothing can beat the experience of sitting ouulde a
naturral than a straight fl ight. If higher still, It Is a good idea
tree house, among the leaves and branches, on an outside
to break the journey with a series or landings. Sometimes
deck, balcony or veranda. A deck can be part or the
it Is possible to build a bridge or rope walkway from an
tree house platfonn, or It might be In a separate place nearby, adjacent tree, building or area of high ground. For really high
perhaps at a different level and reached by a rope bridge or
tree houses, a rope pulley system with a harness or chalr
wooden walkway. Whichever you choose, the deck must be may be the most convenient method. A rope pulley with a
surrounded by safe railings. Functional these may be, but as
buket Is Indispensable for hoisting up provisions, whatever
w ith doors and windows, you can still give your lma&lnation the heicht your tree house.
free rein. For something different, why not make a giant
hammock by attaching a strong rope net to the deck! Spread After all the effort ln\lO!wd In designing and building a
tree house, the last thing you want Is for It to fall down.
with pillows and cushions It makes a great place to relax.
Remember to check the floors, decks and railinp frequently
for rot or weakness. Inspect any steps, ladders and walkways,
Tree House Access and repair damage Immediately. Check the tree annually for
Now that you have bullt your tree house, how will you get growth and movement, and adjust or reflx attachments to
up there! A simple wooden or rope ladder Is fine If the the tree as necessary.
house Is not far from the ground, but steps, Ideally w ith



Que,tioru 13-18
Compleu rlit senlfflCl1 below with words taktn from Rt4dmg Pa.uagc 2.
Wriu NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answtr.
13 .............................. will provide information about remictions that might apply to your constructio n.
14 Planning approval is not usually necessary for a small tree house that is llO( a __..................._ .... .
1S A .............................. held!5CCurcly in place is essential when working h igh up in a t.ree.
16 A tree house planned as .............................. can be built higher than one planned for children to play in.
17 You might not be allowed to prune a nee that has .............................. .
18 Small decks will benefit from ................- ........ _ at d ifferent times of the day.

Sentence completion - filling

gaps with words from the text

Task 9ulcle
► For thi1 tHk, you have to compl11e individual ► The tall w ill normally consi• of NntlfflCel lhat focu1
untencH, u1ing information provided in the IHI. on • particular part of the pesuge rather than on
► The tHtl will come from a variety of ■ourcn and Information lpNd lhroughoul the whole pauage. If
even if the 1ubject matter ii outlide your experience, the ■-,tenc:a do 1111m to lhewhol■ p■aage, you will
1uch H thi1 p■ 11age on tr•• hou-. remember that need to ac:an the tut to locate the r.ittvant pieces of
all the information you need to •n-r the quntion1 ,,.,rmatlon.
will b• found in th• IHI. ► Sometlm■1. ■ Mntence completion Ink will have I._
► The IHk ii 1imilar to other gap-filling tHkl (1ummary own heading, which will help you loc■te th• relevant
or fl ow chart complation. fM example). but Heh p■ rt of th■ p■ sug■.
untanc• l1 up■ rate, and thera ii not necnurily ► You mull write word• that appear in lhe text. Do
• connection bet-•n the 1peciflc topic of Hch. n.o t UM other word• or phr•- that you think make
ContrHt thi111111 with • note compl11ion tnk. which ..,, .. , and do not change the form of word■.
requirn you to compl11e information in r,ote form ► Read the ln•ructions c.arefully, u they will tell vou how
rather than compl11e full gremmatically convention•I many word■ you can UM fof uch answer. Th• number
1entencn. of word■ varia in NCh IHk of thi1 type, but you will
gen. .lly be inatructed to UM either two or thrN word■
c- the lnstructiona for Cl,arion, 1~ 18 aboveJ.


; ... ':;u..... . . \ .... -11':'·~.;.;,_

TESTS : ~~-l \\ . -E~ ":•~~\Essei ._· ,:. t


Qu,utimu 19-23
Lahti iht diagram btlow.
Writt NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS fram lht rtading passagt for ta.en answer.

Platforms, windows and doors


19 ................................................................. . 20 ..................................................................
adds strength preferable to nails and screws

21 ................................................................ .. 22 .................................................................. 23 ................................................................. .

constructed from plywood sheet■ adds protection moat 1uitable materlal1 for windows
or old boards


TEsrs Exam Essentials

Qi.estimu 24-21
Ccmpleit tach stnienct wiilt iltt corrtct tnding A-ff from iltt box below.
WriU! Ult corr«1 lettn A-Hin bou5 24-27 on JOUT arulAff Wtt .
24 An outside deck
25 A basic wooden ladder
26 A rope walkway
2 7 A rope pulley

A should be higher than the main pan of

the construction.
B saves carrying items up ladders and
C can connect one tree with another.
D should not be too unconventional in
E is best suited to low constructions.
F is a potentially dangerous option.
G can be constructed to wind around the
trunlc of the tree.
H may increase the likelihood of a
construction collapsing.

Sentence completion - choosing endings

Ta•k guide
► For this task. you have to complete• number of sentences by choosing from ■ list of
possible endings listed in ■ box, using information provided in the passage. There ■re
always more options (sentence endings) than there are questions !sentence stems). so
you must dismiss some of the options as incomtet.
► This task may focus on information in a particular part of the passage or on information
spread throughout the whole passage. If the task checks your comprehension of the
whole passage. you will have to scan the text for relevant information.
► The questions will follow the order in which information is provided in the passage.
The option• will be randomly ■rr■ff9e(I in the box.
► The aim of this task is to test your understanding of the passage; not to test your
grammar. Any of the endings will frt grammatically with any of the sterns. so you will
need to reed carefully to check that the information given is correct. Often. ,111 the options
will begin with the same part of speech, a simple past verb or I modal verb. for ex■mple.
► Language used in the sentence endings llnd sometimes in the sentence atemsl will
paraphr1se language used in the pass19■, You will nNd to read 111 of the options
carefully to iden1ity which •av the same thing u the relev1nt Plrtl of tha 'text.
► The ■dditionel options !thole which are to be dismissed) will 1lw■vs rel■te to
' information provided in the text, 1nd will often be close in meaning to infonnation
required to 1nswe, 1 question. Don't choose an option simply because it appe1111 to
i mmediately relate to a sentence stem - it may be there to deliber■tely m i slead you.

- -

- - - - -- -

You should spend about 20 minutes on QueJtioru 28-40, which are based on Reading Pas~ 3 on pages 41 and 43 .

Do animals think?
When an animal knows it is being chased and starts to run. is it
obeying some ancient instinct, or docs it 'know' to be afraid?

A Mammals have brains so they can feel pain and C II humans can experience the universal emotions
fear and can react in disgust. If a wildebeest did of fear, anger, disgust. happiness, sadness, and
not feel pain, it would continue grazing as lions surprise, then so can mammals. But does an animal
slowly devoured it. If an antelope did not sense think about its state of fear? Does it have not just a
fear, it would not break into a sprint at the first hint mind but a theory of mind? Does it have a sense of
of cheetah. If a canine were not disgusted, it would its own Identity and that of another being? Can it
not vomit; it would not be, as the saying goes, sick put itself in another animal's shoes, so to speak?
as a dog.
All animals communicate, but only humans have
Pain , fear and disgust are part of a mammal's survival language. The puzzle remains: do animals think?
machinery developed over tens of millions of years of can they think about abstractions, about the past
evolution. Homo sapiens have, however, only been or about other animals? Researchers have wrestled
around for about 200,000 years so all three emotional with a series of experiments to see whether animals
siates owe something to mammal origins. If football are capable of behaving as if they had the capacity
hooligans can feel those emotions, then so too do to learn, the will to Improvise and the ability to
deer, foxes and dogs. The argument Is about how guess what other animals are thinking. Dogs show
'aware' or 'conscious' non-human mammals might a remarkable capacity to guess human Intentions
be during these emotional events. When an animal correctly. Dogs, however, have lived intimately with
knows It Is being chased and starts to run, Is it humans for 15,000 years, so are unlikely to make
obeying some Instinct Inherited from ancestors that Ideal test subjects.
knew when to nee a danger zone or does it actually
'know' to be afraid? D Primates, humanity's closest relatives, show
unexpected abilities. Researchers from St Andrews
I That might be the wrong question. A human in 1999 counted 39 different ways in which
startled by a strange shape in a darkened corridor chimpanzees deal with food . Since these differ
experiences a pounding heart, lungs gasping lor according to group and geography, they have used
air and a body in recoil. This is the well-known the word 'culture' to describe these differing methods.
flight or fight reaction. A human appreciates the full One female chimpanzee in Kyoto, convinced
force of fear and has already started to counter the researchers that she could place Arabic numerals in
danger a fraction of a second before the brain has ascending order one to nine. Monkeys astonished
time to absorb and order the Information presented a team at Columbia University in New York in 1998
by the menacing figure. This is because mental by distinguishing groups of objects numbering one
calculations are too slow to cope with surprise to four. Chimpanzees in large captive colonies forge
attack. Pain precedes logic. Touch something alliances, switch sides and double-cross each other.
hot and you withdraw your hand even before you They have also been seen in the wild systematically
have lime to think about doing so. Once again, the searching for leaves that have a medicinal effect.
wisdom ls after the event. From such observations, a new branch of research
has been born. It is called zoopharmacognosy.


I Chimpanzees and humans share a common for the rations when not being watched. It seems
ancestor, and 98% of their DNA. Do more distant the smaller pig could guess what the oth er was
mammal relatives share the capacity for cogitation? thinking and outsmart it. In a human, this, is what
Several years ago, Keith Kendrick at the Babraham we call 'intelligence'.
Institute In Cambridge astonished the world by
revealing that sheep could recognise up to 50 G One of the animal world 's highest achievers,
other sheep and up to ten human faces for at least however, is not a mammal al all. Betty the crow
two years after first seeing them. If a sheep can lives in an Oxford laboratory. She repeatedly p icks
tell the difference between its flock members from up a straight piece of wire, bends ii Into a hook
flash cards and screen pictures, it must surely have and uses the hook to lift an appetising treat from
a sense of these other creatures even when they a tube too deep for her beak. Before achieving
are not there. Perhaps this means It also has an this feat for the first time, she had never previously
Idea of 'self' . seen a piece of wire. So an animal far r,emoved
from humankind could identify a ch allenge,
F More disconcertingly, pigs have demonstrated contemplate a simple matter of physics, identify
their own theory of mind. Mike Mandi of Bristol a tool shape, select a raw material, make a tool
University revealed astonishing evidence at the and retrieve the reward. Birds are cousins not of
British Association science festival in 2002. A larger mammals but of the dinosaurs. Humans and birds
and stronger pig that did not know where loocl last shared a common ancestor 200 million years
was hidden had learned to follow a weaker, but ago. Experiments like these confirm, over and over
better Informed pig, to the trough. At this point the again, that other mammals are more like us than
weaker p ig would start to use distracting behaviour we thought. It becomes increasingly difficul t to
to keep the bully p ig guessing, and only lunge know just what it is that makes humans different.



Qvestion.s 28-JS
- .

Reading pa.isage 3 has six sections. A-Q.

Which seclian contains tht' followmg information!
Write the correci letter A-Fin boxes 28-35 on ) OUT answer 5hee1.
NB You ma-y w e an-y leti:er more !Mn ona.
28 an investigation into the extent of animal intelligenc.e and awareness
29 rhe suggestion that an animal less rcc.ogniscd for its intelligence has an impressive memory
30 evidence that at least one species of animal has multiple intelligences
31 a comparison of what different living creatures experience emotionally
32 an account of a supposedly simple creature that has learnt a clever trick
3 3 acknowledgment that inherited abilities should not be seen as a measure of intelligence.
34 an explanation of what happens 1,1,•hen a person is frightened
35 an account of how one animal got the better of another

Matching information to sections of text

Task guide
► For this task, the p■saage 11 divided into uction1. Sometimn, each 1ection will be a
tingle paragraph, but usually at lust one ol the sections w ill con1iS1 of mo,e than one
paragraph. You mull identify which nction contain• specific piecH of information.
► For this task. questi on, will not be worded as full Hntences - they will not begin with
a capital letter and end in a lull 11op. The options ■re expre11ed II ideas, and will
frequently requi re you to i<Mntify, a 1uggnrion, a comparison, an explanar/on
and 10 on l see the range of theH words uud in this taskl .
► Sometimes, the nm• section will be the answer to more than one question. The
instruction a will tell you when you un use a lener more than once. It ii also possible that
a MCtion w ill not be the answer to any of the questions, thOUGh the in11ruction1 will"°'
tell you this. Don) worry that you have not chosen a section as one of your answers.
► This task tests you r overall under11anding ol the pa11age and the 1tction1 that make
it up. The idea is not to scan for words or phr11es that appear in both a qunti on and
a section ol the text. Don't choose an answer simply because that option contein1 the
same wo rds as a sect ion of the passage. Key words that appear in questions will often
appear In I number of sections.
► Don't choose • section as an ansWitr because it contains i nform11ion rel ated to
someth ing in a question. Information in mo,e than one section will almost certainly
relate to aomtthing i n a question. but only one section will contefn the precise
information you require.
► Because this t11k tests your understanding of the whole passage, any second task
applied to the passage w ill mean reading all or parts of the text again.



;:'£:IKING ti'OOl ll E

Qwe,rion., 36-40
Answer 1he queJ11ons below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ONLY from 1he ~xr /or each ansu.ff.
36 Accord ing to the text, which an imnl is huntN and eaten by lions?
37 What sort o f people arc given as an example of low intelligence humans?
38 Which phrase in section B means run away or stay and confront the dan~?
39 Acco rd ing to the text, which two an imals successfully completed numer ical tasks?
40 What type of tool did Betty the crow make from a piece of wire?

Short-answer questions

Task guide
► For thi1 tHk. you have to write an1wer1 to 11p1rate w,,o, wnar, whttre, whttn type
que1tlon1, u1ln11 Information thet 11 provided In the pe11111e,
► If thi1 t11k l1 the firat 111k applied to a p1111111. qu11tlon1 will u1u1lly apply to lull one
part of lhe 11111 and you w i ll not have to scan 1h1 whole 11111 before you understand
whal the p1111111 11 about. When thl1 t11k 11 the final t11k of two c,r three t11k1.
qu11111on1 will u1ually apply to the whole p1111ge and you w ill need to read the te•t
again to locate an1wer1. This tHk often com11 alter I teak thet requi r11 you to reed for
more general meeni ng. 11 i1 the cue here.
► Read the in1truction1 carelully, u they wi ll tell you how many words you can u11 tor
eech 1n1w1r - one, two or three words i1 u1u1I. Some1im11 in1truc1ion1 will IIY that
you will 1110 need to uH I number. Make 1ure you do not use more words then i1
► The questions follow the order in wh ich in form11l on is given in the passage.
► L09ically, most answers w ill be nouns. but other pans of speech are possible. Nouns
will usually be either uncountable or plural 10 that you do not have to worry about
whether or not to use an anicle. Occasionally, 1 shon phr111 will be an answer (if you
have been told to use up to three words). 0 : Wh11re was 1h11 gold disco1111111dl A: in the
tomb. for ekample.
► You mu11 write words thll appeer In the p11nge. Do not change the form of any words
thll you use in an answer.
► Langua111 used in t he qu111ion1 will paraphrase lenguage used in the tut (they will
not Include ..actly the 11m1 words and phr1111). You will need to identify wordt and
phr1111 In the te•t thll meen the 11me II or someth ln11 1imi111 to words end phr1111
In the queatlont .
► Occ11ionally, 1 qu11tion w lll refer you to a specific paragraph or section of the text.
11pecially if you 111 required to identi fy a phra11 that you may no, be familiar w ith (He
Ou111 rion 381.
► Occ11ion1lly, a queation w ill requ ire you to identify two 1n1-r1 ( IH Outtsllon 391. You
need to identify the two words end write end between them, You will only score one
mark for both an1wer1 and you will not Kore a mark if only one of them it correct.

46 11::. · ·, Test 1 ► ► READING MODULE ► ► PASSA~: •

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