Biology Revision Ahh (2019)

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Paper 1 (May TZ1)

1) What is the relationship between the ratio of surface area to volume and cell diameter
B (Going down)

2) What do structures X and Y have in common?

A (Have a double membrane)

4) In which of the following examples is osmosis occurring?

B (I and II)

5) Which of the following has the greatest mitotic index

C (Cells in mitosis 4, Total cells 25, Mitotic index 0.16)

6) In the chemical reaction shown, what is formed?

B (Disaccharide)

7) Which of these requires the use of lipoprotein complexes to be transported in the blood
A (Cholesterol)

9) Based on this graph, what is the most likely optimum pH for this enzyme
C (Between 7 and 8)

10) Which of the following mRNA base sequences is complementary to the DNA sequence

11) What can we conclude based on these data?

C (As temperature increases so does cell respiration)

12) Which of the following statements fits what is shown on the graph?
C (At low light intensity there is a net production of CO2 due to respiration)

13) If there are 48 chromosomes in the somatic cells (body cells) of a chimpanzee what
can be deduced from this information
D (We can know how many autosomes diploid cells have)

14) When are bivalents present in meiosis

B (Prophase I)

15) If two creeper chickens are crossed, what is the expected phenotypic ratio
C (2 creeper: 1 normal) Cc x Cc

16) Which pedigree accurately reflects how red-green color blindness is inherited
A (2 black squares and 1 circle and 1 square)

19) In anaerobic environments, which of these produce methane?

A (Archaea)

20) Which of these are homologous structures?

D (Primate and penguin forelimbs)

21) Which of the following is the best example of natural selection?

C (Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics)

22) How is the animal shown similar to all members of phylum Chordata
C (Bilateral symmetry)

23) Which cladogram best describes the probable phylogenetic relationship between the
4 species

Paper 2 (May TZ1)

2 a) Which picture is a mitochondrion? Give one reason for your choice
C (Cristae are visible inside)

b) There is a theory that mitochondria evolved from free living prokaryotes. Discuss
evidence for this theory
Mitochondria have 70s ribosomes, a looped circular chromosome and replicate
through binary fission like prokaryotes do.

5 a) Given: Table with common names and binomial names of animals. List one feature
that could be used to characterize these animals as mammals.
Have hair/fur

b) Given: Table with common names and binomial names of animals. Which two
species are most closely related?
Golden Jackal and Grey Wolf or Canis aureus and Canis lupus

c) Given: Table with common names and binomial names of animals. List two species
that are in a different genera.
Hapalemur aureus and Canis aureus/Canis lupus/ Vulpes vulpes

6 a) Given: A karyotype- all the chromosomes from one body cell of an adult human.
Identify the sex of the individual and give one reason
Sex: Male (Has one y chromosome)
b) Given: A karyotype- all the chromosomes from one body cell of an adult human.
Trisomy has occured in one of the chromosomes. Identify which chromosome and
state the condition that this leads to.
Chromosome 21,( leads to down syndrome)

7 a) Outline the steps of mRNA production during transcription

RNA polymerase separates the strands of DNA and adds nucleotides with
complementary bases to the template strand. For example, if the template strand has guanine
the RNA polymerase will add cytosine. At the end of the gene the mRNA molecule detaches
from the template strand of DNA and strands of DNA rewind.

b) Cell membranes contain proteins. Describe their functions.

Proteins transport materials by facilitated diffusion using channel proteins and active
transport by using proteins like the sodium potassium pump. Proteins in the cell membrane
participate in cell-cell recognition using glycoproteins and have receptors so they can bind to
and respond to hormones. Finally, proteins are involved in cell adhesion.

c) Sometimes natural selection leads to speciation. Explain how.

Organisms tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support which
leads to competition for resources. Due to random mutation there is variation within populations
which is required for natural selection to occur. Those that are best adapted and have
advantageous alleles will survive and pass on their traits which leads to changes in gene
frequency. Geographic and behavioral isolation can lead to reproductive isolation overtime due
to genetic divergence, and if populations are reproductively isolated long enough speciation can
occur. Genetic divergence is often due to differing selection pressures when a population is
segregated into two different environments.

8 a) What effects do detritivores have on ecosystems and how do they obtain nutrition.
Detritivores are heterotrophs that eat detritus. This removes waste from the
environment through decomposition and helps prevent the spread of disease. By breaking down
organic detritus they move inorganic nutrients back into the soil which benefits producers. Some
detritivores also dig in the soil which improves soil aeration.

Paper 1 (May TZ2)

1) What are found only in prokaryotic cells?

B (Pilli)

2) Magnification x2000
Which of the following is the maximum diameter of the nucleus identified as X.
A (10 um)

3) What does the micrograph image of the cell demonstrate?

C (Metaphase)
4) Develop of cancer
B (Mutations in oncogenes and cell cycle regulatory proteins are affected by oncogenes)
(I and III)

5) How are these concentrations maintained

D (Na+ out and K+ in by active transport)

6) What is the location of hydrogen bonds?

C (Between (+) H and (-) 0 between two molecules

7) What two polysaccharides are shown below?

A (X- Glycogen and Y- Amylose)

8) Which describes genome and proteome?

C (The genome is the same in cells of different tissues, but the proteome varies)

9) Which DNA strand is transcribed and which mRNA codon would tRNA anticodon bind?
C (DNA strand 1, third)

10) What can we hypothesize based on the graph?

B (After infancy, most indian people do not produce lactase)

11) What does the graph demonstrate

D (Absorbtion peaks are different on chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b)

12) What is the type of fatty acid illustrated in the diagram above?
B (Unsaturated cis-fatty acid)

13) What can we gather from this graph?

C (Largest increase of incidence of three copies of a chromosome is age 35)

14) Family affected by cystic fibrosis

What is the genotype of the father who has a son with cystic fibrosis
C (Aa only)

15) If the children in a family were found to have blood groups A, B and 0 what must the
genotypes of the parents be?
B (Ai and Bi)

16) Why is the genetically modified maize called Bt maize thought to be affecting the
monarch butterfly in the USA?
D (Maize pollen containing Bt toxin blows on to plants that the monarch caterpillar eats)

17) How is carbon transferred from the producers in a food web to consumers?
B (As protein only)

20) Which of the following are necessary for natural selection?

C II and III only(The inheritance of traits that give an advantage and genetic

21) A scientist found the seeds of an unknown plant species. What assumption can the
scientist make about the species?
A (Pollen grains contain the male gametes)

22) In what phyla are organisms with bilateral symmetry found?

A (Arthopoda, platyhelmintha and annelida)

23) Order the following taxa by the decreasing number of species they contain
A (Domain, phylum, order, family)

Paper 2 (May TZ2)

2 a) The cell labeled X is undergoing mitosis. State what stage of mitosis this is and
give a reason
Telophase, as the chromosomes have arrived at the poles

b) Summarize the how, during pregnancy, karyograms are used.

A karyogram is a diagram showing all the homologous chromosomes present in
the cells of the individual. The karyogram is analyzed for chromosomal abnormalities such as
trisomy 21. Missing chromosomes can also be detected and sex can be determined

3 a i) List two reasons why biomass decreases going up a food chain in terrestrial
Organisms respire which results in a loss of mass in the form of C02 and a loss of
energy in the form of heat. Many organisms excrete waste products such as urea and fecess,
both of which result in mass loss. All these types of mass loss at one point in a food chain
means that there is less mass available to the next link in the food chain. Additionally, many
parts of organisms are indigestible by organisms that feed them. For example, bones. Energy is
lost between trophic level, which means that trophic levels have less energy available to
synthesise organic compounds.

4 a) The plants in the image are labelled X and Y and belong to different phyla. State
which phylum each plant belongs too.
X-Filicinophyta Y-Coniferophyta
b) Many factors cause mutations. Explain how one of these many factors can cause
Mistakes in replicating DNA can cause mutations. Mutations result in an altered
sequence of base pairs which in turn affects the functioning of proteins.

c) Summarize the various kinds of evidence scientist use to categorize species in

different clades.
Species are placed in clades based on shared characteristics such as DNA base
sequences, amino acid sequences in proteins and by comparing homologous structures. The
fewer the differences the more recent in time their common ancestor is.

d) Use the cladogram to determine which family is most closely related to



5 a) Summarize four kinds of transport across membranes and describe their use of
Simple diffusion facilitated diffusion and osmosis are all kinds of passive transport
and do not use energy. Facilitated diffusion uses a protein channel, and osmosis sometimes
utilized aquaporins and involves only the diffusion of water. Active transport uses ATP to pump
molecules up their concentration gradient. Endocytosis uses energy to form infoldings of the cell
membrane around vesicles whose contents are brought to the cell.

6 b) Summarize how glucose is synthesized during photosynthesis.

Specific wavelengths of light are absorbed by chlorophyll and the light energy is
converted to chemical energy in the form of glucose. Carbon dioxide is used to produce glucose
and protons and electrons reduce organic compounds during glucose production.

Paper 1 (November TZ0)

1) The following image has been magnified using a microscope. Given the information
provided, what magnification has been used?
C (3000x)

2) Potassium ions are very important in axons, which type of cell transport do they use to
move across the membrane through potassium channels?
C (Facilitated diffusion)

3) Which of the following supports the theory of endosymbiosis?

B (Mitochondria and chloroplasts have DNA that is circular and distant from the DNA of
the eukaryotic cell.)

4) Which of the letters indicates a cell in anaphase?

5) Based on the information given, what is the mitotic index
B (0.4)

6) When macromolecules become monomers, what reactions have occurred?

B (Hydrolysis and Catabolic reactions)

7) Of the given molecules, which is the best suited to storing energy in humans for the long

8) Which of the given properties applies to water?

D (Xylem, the water veins of plants rely on the cohesiveness of water molecules)

9) Using the nomogram, determine the minimum mass of a 165 cm woman who is
B (67 kg)

10) If the pH changes, what is the impact on enzymes?

D (The shape of the active site in all enzymes can be permanently changed due to
extreme pH changes)

11) Meselson and Stahl’s work was instrumental in evidencing what theory?
D (Semi conservative replication)

12) Which of the given answers is an example of a human anaerobic respiration by-
C (Lactate)

13) Given the image, how would you expect the fluid to move at the point labelled X and
what is the role of this fluid at the point marked Y?
C (The fluid is moving up, and its role is to absorb carbon dioxide)

14) What does this karyogram indicate about the individual?

D (The individual is male (XY) without Down Syndrome

15) Pelargonium is a plant with several varietals. One of which has yellow leaves, however
crosses of this plant produces offspring with green, yellow, and white leaves in a 1:2:1
ratio. What would the phenotypic ratio be of a green x yellow cross?
C (2:2:0

16) Given the pedigree chart below, how could you describe the allele that codes for salivary
antigen secretion?
A (Dominant)
17) PCR IS A laboratory technique, which of the listed answers explains a use for it?
B (DNA amplification)

19) Which of the letters on the given diagram transfers the greatest carbon mass annually in
a woodland ecosystem?
B (CO2 in atmosphere dissolved in water to green plants)

20) When organic material is partially broken down under low pH, waterlogged and
anaerobic conditions, what is it known as?
D (Peat)

21) Look at the given images- Which limb is evolved for flight?
D (Bat wing)

22) Which organism meets the three following criteria: One opening for both ingestion and
egestion, stinging tentacles and radial symmetry
B (Cnidaria)

23) Which of the given images shows a filicinophyte?


Paper 2 (November TZ0)

2 a) What is the purpose of codons?
Codons are 3 bases on a strand of mRNA that code for one amino acid in a polypeptide

b i) What would be the corresponding amino acid sequence of this mRNA sequence

b ii) What would be the corresponding DNA base for this mRNA sequence

c) What would be a theory that would explain that in some organisms some codons have a
different meaning?
The genetic code is universal, there are only a few exceptions where codons code for
different amino acids than in the codon table.

d)i) Peptide bonds are the C and N

d ii) What reaction forms a peptide bond and releases water in the process?
Condensation reaction
e) Rubisco: Function: Enzyme for carbon fixation: Confirmation: Globular
Spider Silk: Structural Fibrous

3 c) Give three of the features of homologous chromosomes found in eukaryotic cells

A eukaryotic chromosome consists of linear DNA and histones for stability. Homologous
chromosomes share the same genes in the same locations on the chromosome but may not
have the same alleles for each of those genes.

d) Complete the table comparing the anaerobic respiration of both yeast and humans
Ethanol and carbon products: Yes for yeast
Lactic acid products: Yes for yeast
Low ATP: Yes for both
No for everything else

4 a) What is the short term outcome of offspring overproduction?

Competition for resources increases

b) Consider the effects of overpopulation on the fittest members of a population in terms of

individual survival and reproduction
Individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive
overpopulation than those that are poorly adapted. This means that they will survive, reproduce
and pass on their genes to the next generation. Therefore, the frequency of well adapted
individuals within that population increases due to natural selection.

5 b) How are organisms classified?

The binomial classification system is scientifically developed to classify organisms from the
broad domains of eukarya, eubacteria, archaea down to species. This way species are
classified into groups with other organisms with common ancestry. This can be evidenced by
shared characteristics and similarities in development

c) How are inorganic nutrients and energy moved through ecosystems?

Autotrophs take in inorganic molecules from the abiotic environment, in particular the
energy system is from the sun, which is then converted into chemical energy by photosynthesis.
Through this process, carbon dioxide and water are converted into energy containing organic
compounds. These organic compounds are used by consumers in cellular respiration for energy
for growth and movement and are transferred through the food chains. Between trophic levels
approximately 90% of energy is lost through waste and excretion. When organisms die, the
decomposers recycle the inorganic nutrients which allows for reuse.

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