Prayer A4

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All content presented in this book is based on biblical concept

on the issue of PRAYER and how is biblicaly viewed in various
books in the bible.All right reserved by ONE.

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What is Prayer?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, prayer is an address to God

in word or thought. Prayer means talking to God in the form of giving Him
praise, thanks, expressing one’s needs or desires. However, I define prayer
as the “Consciousness tune-up of the inner self”, toward the throne of the
presence of the Almighty God.

What I mean is that, when we pray, we tend to elevate our consciousness

towards a more lofty existence than the one we are already in. When we
pray, we are actually bringing ourselves closer to a communion with the
divine; and when we have a communion with our creator, when we in a
meeting with our maker, we have every opportunity to tender our

A good example to describe the instance of praying to God is one having a

meeting with a king. Imagine you have the opportunity once a year to
meet with the king of your land, won’t you prepare the best way you can
and cherish every moment of the meeting. If we will do so for an earthly
king and ruler, how much more we should do for the ruler of the whole
universe. The most interesting part is that, the ruler of the whole universe
desires and is ever willing to listen to our prayers.

We talk to God through prayers while He talks to us through the

scriptures.There is no distinction to a class of people for whom prayer is
made for. Everyone can pray depending on one’s understanding of
actually what prayer is and what one needs.The essence of prayer is to
Understanding Prayer
draw us closer to our creator and at the same time we can use the
opportunity to entreat our creator to ease off our problems and grant us In the book of Genesis, it is stated “Jacob in his dream saw ladder plung
our heart desires.It is written in the scriptures, thus: “A prayer of Moses from the earth reaching the heaven. Angels were ascending and descen
the man of God” {Psalm 90:1}. Moses of the bible, the son of Amram and from it to earth. {Genesis 28:12}. It means that man’s pure thought
the greatest prophet of all, understood the efficacy of prayer, and he (meditative prayer} and pure verbal statement (invocative prayer} to G
prayed. The The challenging vicissitudes of life cannot come to an end as ascends through the gate (ladder) of prayer plunged from earth to heav
long as this earth endures {Genesis 8:22}
Prayer then can be said to be the request of whatever one needs with
entire Bible is one long story of the prayers of God’s people and how he supplications to the almighty God; who in turn supplies it to him from t
answered them and is still answering them today. throne (store house) through the same ladder of request.
Combining Effort and Prayer How To Pray

Prayer is transformative. Distractions impede performance. Do not say I 1. Prepare your mind and heart:
have prayed thereby abandoning the efforts of praying more. With effort
Prayer is an action that requires the unification of the mind and the heart.
comes progress, if not total success. One who is despaired will never
Our heart harbours emotions while our mind nurtures thoughts and
advance. Also, as one prays, he should work hard in order to beautify his
reasons. Our hearts create the emotions that spark thoughts and our minds
decide how to express those thoughts. To pray, one needs to unify his mind
Payer + Hardwork = Success and heart, and that is when we say that we are in the mood to pray. To be
in the mood to pray, means, we have aligned our minds to express our
People rely solely on miracles these days. A miracle can only take place
hearts’ emotions.
when effort complements prayer. (Exodus 14:21-23; 26-28)
You do not necessarily need to go to the mountains to put yourself in the
The Commandment To Prayer
mood to pray, but you need to create the awareness of divinity around you
The law of prayer is not to render honour with the mouth while the before you can pray fervently. God is everywhere, but to feel His presence,
heart is distant. But from the innermost heart should one supplicate for you need to tune up the divine consciousness around you before we can
mercy from God. (Deut 26:8-10 and Psalm 27:8). This is man’s greatest feel it.
fulfilment and the only finest acquisition on earth he can strive for. The
Some of the ways to prepare the mind and heart to pray to God.
door is open and our inner self beckons for the priceless minutes of
prayer; let us enter. Singing praises and worships before praying: Doing this elevates our
consciousness from the mundane to a lofty consciousness and realm of
Problems and Need of Man
From the very day man sinned against his creator, his problems issued
Meditation: This involves clearing the mind of every thought and focusing
forth (Gen. 3:16-19). No one’s life is devoid of problems and needs. We
on one thought, which is the divine. Meditation will assist you to feel
need to strive with effort and prayer to excel in areas of work, good
vibrations of higher frequencies that normally you cannot feel. In
health, healing, success, peace, business, marriage, etc.
meditation your body will be there but your consciousness is somewhere
Every good thing is at the reach of man (Gen. 1:28-30). else. Meditation is most times practiced by people who have mastered how
to control their thoughts and emotions.
God understands every language, it doesn’t matter the language you
speak, nor how fluently you speak; only make sure you pray with the Concentration: This practice involves clearing your mind of every distraction
proper intention and focus. When you pray, free your mind and pour out to give attention to a particular action. This is some worth like meditation.
you heart to God. If you feel like crying, cry, because a broken and a But meditation sometimes requires the use of certain materials to influence
contrite heart God do not despise (psalms 51:17). Do not hold back your consciousness tune-up. It might also require you go to a quiet place;
emotions before God. And do not forget that faith in God is the secret to however, to concentrate does not necessarily need such. This is the practice
answered prayers. that suits short prayers in an uncomfortable environment.
2. Start by Thanking God Ask your needs from God with sincerity of heart. Say your heartfelt prayers
When you are in the mood to pray to God, the first action in prayer is with a broken and a contrite; heart for God does not despise such heart.
to offer thanks to the creator for all He has done, is doing and will Psalm 51-17. When you request form God of anything, do not ask randomly,
continue to do. When we appreciate Him for all He has done, He will be be specific and give reasons why He should do what you asked of Him. For
willing to do more. Thank Him for the gift of life, health, business, food example, when you ask God for money, tell Him what you need the money
shelter, money, safety, etc; remember that whatsoever you have is the for, e.g. education, feeding, charity, etc. Doing so will make you ask
gift of God, for riches and honour come from the Lord 1 Chronicles reasonably and for a reasonable course.
29:12. 5.Thank God in Anticipation for a Favourable Answer
3. Ask for divine forgiveness. When you do this, it’s as if God is the one now owing you. For you have
The next prayer point after thanking God should be asking Him for declared to him that you have unwavering faith in Him.
forgiveness. The bible says “Blessed is the man whose sins the Lord 6. Pray for Others
does not count against.” Psalm 32:2.It is also stated in the book of
Isaiah 59:1-2 saying “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save When we pray to God for others, our prayers get answered faster. So,
nor His ear dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from consider praying for others as you pray for yourself.
God”. However, we do not need to panic as long as we have made up
7. Back up your Prayer with Events in the Bible
to repent, return to God and ask for forgiveness, “For I take no
pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord; repent Reminding God how He helped others in the bible and why He should help
and live.” Ezekiel 18:32.The bible also says: “If my people, who are you, because he never changes. Use the power embedded in the book of
called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face psalms and other bible portions to complement your prayers.
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I
Spiritual Activities That Work with Prayers
will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7-14. From this
portion of the bible, we can understand that asking and receiving God’s 1. Fasting
forgiveness guaranties answered prayers
As a religious term, fasting can be defined as the process of abstaining from
4. Speak as the Spirit Leads eating food during a prayer session. It is a ritual that was commanded by
God in the bible Leviticus 23:32, and was practiced by a lot of people in the
At this point you can table all your requests and supplications before
the Almighty God, however, make sure you also ask Him for the grace
to always draw close to Him and to always do His will. When you ask
God for something, implore His grace and favour. “For His mercies
endures forever.” Psalm 136-2.
Fasting is a spiritual exercise that helps in spiritual growth and imbues .
spiritual discipline. Most times in the scriptures when people fasted, It. Yes! Temptation comes, trials come, all are for the good when we
they did so as a penance intended to serve as reparation for the act of overcome them, and it’s just a matter of time.
sin. 1Samuel 7:5-7, Nehemiah 9:1-3, Jonah 3:69. In biblical era, fasting is
most sometimes associated with acts like wearing sackcloth and putting is written in the scriptures saying: “There will always be poor people in the
ashes on the head.There is a mystical and spiritual benefit associated land. Therefore, I command you to be open-handed toward your fellow
with fasting. When one fasts, he burns fat and blood, in this process; it Israelite who is poor and needy in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11. The bible
is as if the person in question is already bringing himself/herself as a also says: the foreigner residing among you must be treated as a native-
living sacrifice before God. Fasting is a very wonderful tool that can be born. Love them as yourself…” Leviticus 19:34.
utilised in prayer, especially when it is done with sincerity of heart as
Giving charity after a prayer session is a very powerful gesture that can bring
opposed to a show off fasting which the bible condemns. Isaiah 58:34.
quick answer to a prayer. Also, when you are praying for a child, helping
2. Keeping the Laws of God orphans will not be a bad idea as well as visiting the sick. Charity has a way
of turning events around.
One cannot be in sin that grace may abide. If you love me keep my
commandments. A lot of people, in the name of receiving grace, have 4. Use of the Book of Psalms
rejected the laws of God. The laws of which God Himself said which
One of the books of the bible that is full of prayers and supplications on any
“keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them will live by
topic you can ever think of is the book of psalms. Reading and singing the
them. I am the lord.” Leviticus 18:5.Ezekiel 18:9 says “He follows my
Psalms is one of the most ancient spiritual practices. Using psalms to pray
decrees and faithfully keeps them. That man is righteous; he will surely
will definitely enhance your praying experience. Praying God’s words back
live, declares the Sovereign Lord.”The book of proverbs 7:2 says: “keep
to Him is a powerful way to pray, and that is what the book of Psalms can
my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of
assist you to do.
your eye. If we can adhere to the secular laws of man that does not
guarantee eternal life, how much more the laws of our heavenly father The Psalms are God’s own prayer book for us and are great way to God’s
who can destroy our soul. Obeying the laws of God as much as we can words back to Him. Within the Psalms, every human emotion is covered,
tells God that we care about Him to honour Him, He will in turn honour from grief, despair, and confession to praised, joy, and thanksgiving.
our prayers, for the bible says: “Those who honour me I will honour, Timeless laments and evergreen praises words that have been sung and
but those who despise me I will disdain.” 1 Samuel 2:30.” prayed for thousands of years; ancient words that still speak to us today.
The Psalms can help one develop a sound and well ordered prayer language.
3. Giving Charity
Method of Using the Book of Psalms to Pray to God
Arms giving is a very spiritually elevating gesture. Our soul feel
immense joy when we remember an act of kindness we offered to Read and pray one chapter each day. This method entails reading one
someone else, so also does God feel. Everyone is God’s children, chapter of the book of Psalm each day, thereby working your way up from
helping one of God’s children makes God happy, and no one ever loses one chapter to another. This method will help you develop your prayer
by doing what is right. language and learn the book of Psalms. It will also help you broaden your
prayers to include topics you may not have otherwise prayed for.
Use topical Psalms as a base for your prayers. In the process of learning Prayer for Multiplying One’s Business and Wealth
the book of Psalms, you may be drawn to certain ones for various
Recite Genesis 30:37-43 (x7) in the morning, afternoon and evening for 7
needs. You may decide to pray certain psalms for certain days like
days consecutively with immense concentration. Add midnight prayers
grief, a psalm to comfort you in hard times, a Psalm for giving thanks,
with Psalms 20 and 121, for it has been known by the masters of mystics
etc. It’s a good thing to memorize a psalm which you can sing any time
that the heavenly doors of blessings are always open during the watch of
the need calls, like Psalm 23 —“the Lord is my shepherd”, which is a
the night. After the 7 day period of prayers, give charity to the less
popular Psalm. As for me, my favourite is Psalm 121.Sing the Psalms.
privileged and orphans.
King David sang the Psalms as songs. You can still do same today. You
can find music for each of the psalms in various hymn books and Prayer for Success in Academic Pursuit
contemporary worship songs. Sing them before praying; sing them in
the middle of your prayers. Sing them at work, sing them while Do not rely on magic pens and exam malpractices as most people do. There
working walking. The bible says my mouth shall sing your praise all day is no magic that can see you through but your efforts in reading your books
long, if you form the habit of singing the psalm every time, you have with prayers will always carry you on. No one is created to be a failure. It is
succeeded in drawing your being closer to the divine being. laziness and distraction that bring many down in their academic pursuit. If
you are having problems in your exams or academic pursuit, the following
Short Prayers prayers will see you through.
Sometimes, some situations call for a short prayer that does not give Recite Psalm 45 and Ezekiel 36:24-28 hourly. This should be done for 4days
the person praying the chance to make any prior preparations. For conclude the prayer by reciting 2 chronicles 6:38-40.
example, you are in an airplane and the pilot announces that there is a
technical problem with the engine; in such a situation, you don’t have Prayer for Healing the Sick
time for preparatory rituals, you just go ahead and make that pressing
Repentance from one’s bad ways and returning to God almighty for mercy
request from God for safety. Many people did it in the scripture and it
is the first step. Then recite Exodus 34:6-7, Psalm 51 and 67, followed by
worked. Elijah did it at Mount Carmel 1Kings 18:36-38; Eliezer did it in
psalms 20,6,9,18,55,69,90,91,102,103,116 and 142. If the sick person’s
Aram Naharaim Genesis 24:11-21.Having learnt what prayer is and
name has a meaning that does not pertain to life, change it to another that
how to pray, it’s time to put them into action. This piece of writing is
pertains to life if necessary. Call on the angel – Rafael for healing.
not to give you fish, but to teach you how to catch fish. The prayer
Conclusively, recite Isaiah 38:4-20 and Numbers 12:13
practices listed below have been tried by many and they worked, you
can also give it a try. Prayer for Court Case

Few Prayer Points and their Prayer Guides Firstly, make sure you are not guilty of the crime you are accused of. If you
are guilty, then go and make peace with the person you have a dispute
The following are some of the problems of man and prayers which can
with. If you can avoid going to court in the first place, please do so, there is
bring solutions and happiness in one’s life. Those who have practiced it
no gain in dispute.
testified of the answers the Almighty God offered, thereby relieving
them of their problems.
NOTE: If you have a police/Court case and you are passing through Prayer for Connection and Uplift
injustice in the matter, do the following: Success comes through hard work and prayer; there is no magic that can
Observe some hours of fasting for 3 days. On each day, recite Psalms 1, withhold you from attaining your goal if you go for it. The following prayer
2, 3. Invoke the angel who rules on the pillar of justice – Atsalyah (53x). steps have proved to be efficacious in providing divine open doors to many
Conclude with Jeremiah 50:29-34. that applied them.

Note: Where you see the names – Babylon and Chaldean, replace with Observe four (4) days chain prayer, chain prayer means bringing your
the names of your accusers, the police or court judge. Do this for 3 supplication before the throne of the Almighty timely; it can be one hourly,
days; you will experience true justice and victory. Conclude with Psalm two hourly or three hourly throughout the prayer period. The chain prayer
7. should start from morning to sunset. It might seem to be a big challenge,
but remember that that every good thing comes with a sacrifice, in this case
Prayer for Disappointments the sacrifice you are making is having a communion with your creator, and I
don’t think there is any companion better than that. In those periods of
It could be that every of your appointment turns out bitter in the end,
your prayer, avoid talking to anyone until your prayer is over.
and you go home disappointed. Don’t worry; every problem has a cure
and its end will be the beginning a joy. As you pray, tell the Almighty why He should uplift you and tell Him what
you will do in His name when He gives you the connection you are asking
Recite: Isaiah 51:9-11; Psalms 40; 54; 57; 77. As you pray add this
for. Recite psalms 8, 65, 113:1-8 and 1 Samuel 2:6-10. At the conclusion of
statement:He redeemed my soul from going down to the grave. It’s not
each day’s prayer say the following:
in me that walk to direct my footsteps but in the God that created me.
He has made my way straight and has levelled mountains before me. The God of hosts, praise worthy is the man who trust in you. Oh God save
There shall I walk and not stumble and I shall rejoice in his presence me, may the king of kings answer me as I call. Let light, Love and power of
(7x). God, restore His plan for me on earth. Say this three (3) times.

Prayer for Barreness Prayer for Marriage

Have you been barren for years after marriage? The law of the The book of Genesis said that Adam woke up and saw Eve, therefore he
almighty creator says: be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth said:“This is the bone of my bones…” (Genesis 2:23-24). To find one’s spouse
exceedinglyThis is a positive commandment but its only sin that breech is easy as surely as the process is committed into the hands of the Almighty
this not to happen. The bitterness of barrenness can be compared to Creator. The scripture says “And Isaac came from the way of the well Lahai-
that of the death of a beloved. Hanah’s prayer changed her situation. roi, for he dwelt in the south country. And Isaac went out to meditate in the
Yours can change too. Do the following: field (a house of prayer) at the evening, and he lifted up his eyes and saw…”
{Gen. 24:62-65}
>Pray for forgiveness of sin reciting Psalms 51 and 130.
It’s all about lifting up of your spiritual eyes toward the throne of the maker
>Observe 7days of midnight prayers especially between the 7th and
of all; you will behold your spouse. Take the following steps in other to
15th day of the appearance of the new moon. Recite psalm 113 and 1
achieve positive result.
Samuel 2:1-5.
Be punctual and regular to the house of God praying for 7 consecutive The will of the almighty creator who is blessed forever, is not that man he
days. Also in the evening, never forget to be in God’s house for your created in his image should perish but, that man should live and serve Him.
prayers for it was at the time of the evening prayer that Elijah the God bestowed upon man, the power to control the forces of nature and
prophet received the answers to his prayers at mount Carmel. bring nature to his service. This includes both seen and unseen forces and
Recite psalms 32, 38, 70, 71, 121 and 124 each day of your stay in the
house of prayer.

Try as much as possible to visit a marriage ceremony and give gift to the Genesis 1:27-30, made us to understand that our God wants man to exercise
couples. control over nature. He has given us dominion over He created. With prayer
we can move mountains and perform miracles. Joshua son of Nun, prayed
Prayer for Help in Troublesome Times
and the sun stood firm and the moon stayed still until the Isrealites got
The following steps will help you out of your troubles. victory. Joshua 10:12-14.

>Reflect on your past ways, observe total repentance and return to your
maker in whole heartedness. Confession of sins helps to reduce, if not
totally remove troubles.

>Observe some days of fasting (if possible) and pray with the following
No problem in life is permanent, it will dispel when we
psalms 16, 20, 25, 38, 54, 81, 85, 86, 87, 102, 130 and 142. invite our creator, so, turn to God in prayer and your
NOTE: Fasting can atone sins quickly; for the one who fasts, burns
problems will be solved
his/her fats and blood as if he/she brought a sacrifice upon the alter of

At the end of your prayers for at least 4 days, give alms to the poor,
destitute and widow, with faith and trust in God, all your problems will

In all your prayers always make this divine biblical in all your prayers
always say this biblical verse: three times “O Lord God, master of hosts,
hear my prayer, give ear oh God of Jacob Selah.”

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