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Measure the Sky 2nd Edition Chromey

Solutions Manual
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Chapter 8

1. The overall quantum efficiency of the device is

(1 − R)qN
Q= = (1 − R ) q
where R is the surface reflectivity, N is the number of incident photons, and q is the
fraction of those photons that penetrate the surface that are detected. For the original
device, substituting Q = 0.4 and R= 0.3 into this equation yields q = 0.57. For the AR
coated surface, Q = .95 x .57 = 0.54.

2. From the scatter in the three samples given, compute the uncertainty in the value of a
single trial as s = 3.6 mV, so the output signal to noise ratio is SNOUT = 116/3.6 =
32.2. Because one knows the number of incoming photons, we can estimate SNIN =
(10000)1/2 . Therefore:
⎛ SN ⎞
DQE = ⎜ OUT ⎟ = (.322)2 = 0.104
⎝ SN ⎠ IN

3. The number of detected events are

N d = qN IN
σ d = qN IN
The number of output electrons is NO = yNd, and its uncertainty, by equation 2.16, is:
2 2
⎛ σd ⎞ ⎛ σy ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ σy ⎞ (1 + σ y qN IN / y 2 )
2 2
⎛ σO ⎞
⎜⎝ N ⎟⎠ = ⎜⎝ N ⎟⎠ + ⎜⎝ y ⎟⎠ = ⎜⎝ qN ⎟⎠ + ⎜⎝ y ⎟⎠ = qN IN
O d IN

Therefore, the DQE is

⎛N σ ⎞
⎛ SN ⎞ q
DQE = ⎜ OUT ⎟ = ⎜ O O ⎟ = ≤q
⎝ SN IN ⎠ ⎝ N IN ⎠ (1 + σ y qN IN / y 2 )

4. Relative probabilities for Fermi-Dirac statistics at T=3 K are:

P ( Ec ) 1 + exp{−EG / 2kT } 1 + exp{−1.17 / (6 × 8.26 × 10 −5 }

= = = 1.87 × 10 −1025 ≈ 0
P ( Ev ) 1 + exp{EG / 2kT } −4
1 + exp{1.17 / (4.96 × 10 )}

A similar computation at 300K gives 1.53 x 10-10

Boltzmann statistics at T=3 K give an even smaller value at 3K. Likewise, at 300 K :
P ( Ec ) ⎧ E ⎫ ⎧ −1.12 ⎫ −20
= exp ⎨− G ⎬ = exp ⎨ ⎬ = 2.44 × 10
P ( Ev ) ⎩ kT ⎭ ⎩ .0248 ⎭

6. Read-out time will be the number of clock cycles required divided by the frequency of
the clock. For an array of R rows and C columns, each pixel requires one cycle to
move to the amplifier, and each row usually requires one cycle to read into the serial
register. Additional cycles for each row may be needed to produce an overscan S
columns wide. For this example, with no overscan:

R(C + S) + R 8192(8193)
T= = = 2685 s = 45 minutes
f 25000

7. In the table , let – indicate the barrier potential, + indicate the collection potential, and
0 indicate an intermediate (transfer) potential:
Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3 Gate 4
(a) Collection + + – –
(b)Shift right:
t0 + + – –
t1 + 0 – –
t2 0 – – +
t3 – + – 0
t4 + + – –
(c)Shift down:
t0 + + – –
t1 0 + – –
t2 – 0 + –
t3 + - 0 –
t4 + + – –
3 25 6
5 1
4 2
25 6 14 3 25
5 1
36 36
4 2
6 14 3 25
5 1
4 2
3 6
5 1

8. See figure above and note gates. Let – indicate the barrier potential, + indicate the
collection potential, and 0 indicate an intermediate (transfer) potential:
Gate 1 2 3 4 5 6 14 25 36
(a) Collection + + + + + + – – –
(b)Shift 60°
upper right:
t0 + + + + + + – – –
t1 + + o o o + – – –
t2 o o – – – o + – –
t3 – – – + – – o – –
t4 + + + + + + – – –
(c)Shift down:
t0 + + + + + + – – –
t1 o + + + o o – – –
t2 – o o o – – – – +
t3 – – – – – + – – o
t4 + + + + + + – – –
9. (a) A pixel under a star image will continue to collect flux after during the first 0.01
sec after the read has begun. Consider a 100 x 100 array that reads at 100 kHz. Each
read cycle takes 10-5 sec, and each read of the serial register takes 10-3 sec, therefore
the electrons stored in a star image during the exposure will have shifted down the
parallel registers by 10 pixels before the shutter closes. But each of those 10 pixels
will collect light from the star for 10-3 sec. In the resulting image each star will
therefore appear to have a 10-pixel long tail of constant brightness along the columns
of the array.

(b) Poor CTE on the serial array will spread signal along the rows: Images will appear to
have tails that decrease in brightness with distance along the rows.

(c) If dark current is measureable, dark background would be lower in the colder area.
CTE might also be adversely affected in the cold region. .

10. (a) From equation 8.6 for the temperature dependence of the dark rate in a CCD,
d = dN D dt , we can write
d233 233 ⎛ −E ⎡ 1 1 ⎤⎞
= exp ⎜ G,eff ⎢ −
d300 300 ⎝ 2k ⎣ 233 300 ⎥⎦⎟⎠
⎛ −1.12 ⎡ 67 ⎤⎞ −3
= .777 exp ⎜ ⎢⎣ 6.9900x10 4 ⎥⎦⎟⎠ = 1.5 × 10
⎝ 1.722x10 −4
d233 = 150 e − s −1

Where we assume the band gap is that of silicon.

(b) Solving the above for temperature where d = 10 electrons/s yields T = 212 K

9. (a) f =(.999)256 = .774, (b) f =(.999)4096 = .0166

10. (a) S= 400, (NOISE)2 = 400 + 25(200)2, SNR = 400/(106)1/2 = 0.4

(b) S2= gS = 4 x 106, the relative uncertainty in S2 is given by
⎛ σg ⎞ ⎛ σS ⎞
⎛ σ2 ⎞

⎜⎝ S ⎟⎠ = ⎜⎝ g ⎟⎠ + ⎜⎝ S ⎟⎠ = ( 0.05 ) + ( 0.05 ) = ( 0.0707 )

2 2 2

So the square of the total noise is:

σ2 = σ 22 + 25 × (200)2 = (.0707 x 4 x106)2 +106 = 7.9977x 1010

An the signal to noise is:

SNR2= S2/σ= 4 x 106/2.82 x 105 =14.1

You should use the intensified CCD for this measurement.

11. SNRin is the same in each case, therefore compare the SNRout values. This is just a
generalization of the previous problem. In the case of the bare CCD,

( N + R2 )
In the case of the intensified CCD,

g2 N 2
SNR = 2

(N 2σ g2 + g 2 N + R 2 )

Setting SNRI > SNRB, and noting g>>1, gives

g 2 (N + R 2 ) > N 2σ g2 + g 2 N + R 2
(g 2 − 1)R 2 > N 2σ g2
gR > N σ g

so if R/N, the total read noise relative to the signal, is greater that the relative
uncertainty in the gain, then it pays to use intensification.

12. (a) τ = C/G´ = 0.06 sec, ΔT = P(1-exp{-t/t})/G´ =2 x 10-4K

(b) Assume the resistance, R, of the semiconductor will be inversely proportional to
the rate at which dark current charge carriers are generated, so from equation (7.9):

3 A

R = R0T 2 e 2 kT

The logarithmic derivative of this gives

dR 3 dT AdT
=− −
R 2 T 2kT 2
ΔR ⎡ 0.02 ⎤ ΔT −4
= − ⎢1.5 + −5 ⎥ T = 1.86 × 10
R ⎣ 2(8.62 × 10 )T ⎦

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