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THE SHINING THING lie: —Arse gratias artis, he muttered,

The problems of makeready, registration, —that’s all any of it is.
A SERIES OF show-through, and feed William Gaddis, The Recognitions
NEGATIVE CHOICES Will the grippers grip the sheet
Notes for inscription and errata correctly? THE RIGHT ATTITUDE
Compiled and typeset by Louis Lüthi And I saw the figure 5 writ in gold Language. Not that a person should not
“Down time” was a big factor in the make grammatical mistakes, but the mis-
JOUR TYPO recent negotiations, just as “wash-up time” take should not degrade. Anyone can make
The half eager, half bashful beginning— is expected to complicate the negotiations a mistake in writing, even a grammatical
the awkward holding of the stick—the to come. Percy handed the two-pound can or spelling mistake, but some people dress
type-box, or perhaps two or three old of yellow ink to William. themselves in classic togas and these folks
cases, put under his feet for the novice William was sitting naked in the bed are devastated by a mistake, even a minor
to stand on, to raise him high enough— wearing the black hat. Rowena was in the one. The writer, on the other hand, who
the thumb in the stick—the compositor’s bed too, wearing the red blanket. We have does not want to be too impeccable in artic-
rule—the upper case almost out of reach— to let them do everything they want to do, ulation can allow himself frequent stum-
the lower case spread out handier before because they own the business. Often they blings and no one will hold him respon-
him—learning the boxes—the pleasing scandalize the proofreaders, and then sible for those. Therefore, a writer must
mystery of the different letters, and their errors don’t get corrected and things have care not only for language, but, above all,
divisions—the great ‘e’ box—the box for to be reset, or additional errors are inserted for finding the right attitude to language,
spaces right by the boy’s breast—the ‘a’ by a proofreader with his mind on the which is to say an attitude that is least
box, ‘i’ box, ‘o’ box, and all the rest—the shining thing he has just seen. Atlases are inhibiting. It is a lousy stylist who allows
box for quads away off in the right hand William’s special field of interest. There his words to be used against him. And lousy
corner—the slow and laborious formation, are many places he has never been. is he who, like some women, makes a rep-
type by type, of the first line—its unlucky “Yesterday,” William began utation for himself of being without sin.
bursting by the too nervous pressure of You have your way of life and we ours The least little sin then becomes a scandal.
the thumb—the first experience in ‘pi,’ Donald Barthelme, Witold Gombrowicz, Diary
and the distributing thereof—all this, “Our Work and Why We Do It”
I say, what jour typo cannot go back in DICTATION
his own experience and easily realize? MY HAND Though he liked having Beckett with
Walt Whitman, on his I have just finished setting up the whole him, Joyce at the same time kept him at
first instruction in typesetting of Mr. Eliots [sic] poem with my own hands: a distance. … Once or twice he dictated
You see how my hand trembles. a bit of Finnegans Wake to Beckett, though
ANY BUT HIS OWN Virginia Woolf, referring to dictation did not work very well for him;
As for himself, he was no longer the poor The Waste Land, which was published in the middle of one such session there
journeyman typesetter he had once been; by the Woolfs’ Hogarth Press was a knock at the door which Beckett
he had become a master of this trade, didn’t hear. Joyce said, ‘Come in’, and
which he combined, oddly, with that ERR ATUM Beckett wrote it down. Afterwards he read
of man of letters and philosopher. If he (pl errata) back what he had written and Joyce said,
deigned to go on doing manual labor, n an error in printing or writing. ‘What’s that “Come in”?’ ‘Yes, you said
it was after having hung his corduroy • (errata) a list of corrected errors that’, said Beckett. Joyce thought for
frockcoat and his sword on a nearby wall. appended to a book or published in a a moment, then said, ‘Let it stand’.
Besides, he no longer set any but his own subsequent issue of a journal. Richard Ellman, James Joyce
works, and such was his fertility that he no New Oxford American Dictionary
longer bothered writing them: standing COPYIST (2)
in front of his case, the fire of enthusiasm NOTE Alas a copyist has introduced a few errors
in his eyes, he assembled in his compos- The publisher regrets that Fig. 2 has been Into this classical text about the unity
ing stick, one after the other, the letters of incorrectly set. of opposites
those pages both inspired and riddled with Harry Mathews, Tlooth Making it mean something else entirely.
mistakes, pages containing odd spellings Frank Kuppner,
and calculated eccentricities that everybody COPYIST (1) “A Cosmic Footnote”
has noticed. His system was to use different —Jesus Christ, whose fault was that?
typefaces, which he varied in keeping with Everybody knows I wrote that Rilke’s FOUR READINGS
the presumed importance of such-and- references were occasionally obscure, and Why is the title of the book The Medium
such a passage, in a single volume. Cicéro that dumb Radcliffe girl I had typed is the Massage and not The Medium is the
was for passion, for passages meant to have obscene when she copied it. Message? Actually, the title was a mistake.
a great effect, gaillarde for simple narra- I’d like to know who the hell copy-read When the book came back from the type-
tion or moral observations, and petit-romain that. And putting a t in genial … setter’s, it had on the cover “Massage” as
encompassed in a small amount of space … it still does. The title was supposed to have
thousands of tedious but necessary details. Uninterrupted, he stood there read The Medium is the Message but the type-
He sometimes enjoyed trying out a new staring at the uncoupled caducei of the setter had made an error. When McLuhan
system of orthography: he would open stethoscope; then twisting them closed like saw the typo he exclaimed, “Leave it alone!
a parenthesis all at once to let the reader metaled snakes in his hand he whispered, It’s great, and right on target!” Now there
know, then go on with his chapter, either —That’s what it is, that’s all any of it is … are possible four readings for the last word
doing away with some of the vowels, in the But he could not break it, and he looked of the title, all of them accurate: Message
Arabic fashion, or making a mess of the up and away, instantly found the blond and Mess Age, Massage and Mass Age.
consonants, replacing c with s, s with t, girl earlier accused of putting a t in genial,
t with ç, and so on, always following the made up, composed, as pretty (she would
rules he explained in depth in his notes. never be beautiful), as inanimate and stale MIDDLE INITIALS
Gérard de Nerval, as a photograph, once accused of taking In his afterword to The Stories of Breece
Confessions of a Journeyman Typesetter the v out of live; now, of putting an f in D’J Pancake, John Casey, who assembled
the collection, explained how Pancake had a life-giving effect on the process BLACKOUT
got his unusual initials: “When he sold his of my writing. She sat with on their painted porch
first story to The Atlantic he scarcely took scow aback din swing.
a breath. (He did do one thing by way of flicker skaeg ne Salvador Plascencia,
celebration. The galley proofs came back barge quagg peat The People of Paper
with the middle initials of his name set up sieve catacomb
oddly: Breece D’J Pancake. He said fine, stint chisel sect POSSESSION
let it stay that way. It made him laugh, and, As I type the sequence of thoughts
I think, it eased his sense of strain—the Susan Howe, in the language which is “appropriate”
strain of trying to get things perfect—to Souls of the Labadie Tract to them, I make a series of negative
adopt an oddity committed by a fancy choices. I eliminate word and thought
magazine.)” A FALSE REPORT associations as they press against my
“Breece D’J Pancake at 55,” But I suggest that the moment when surface. Which shows again that writing
New York Times, June 29, 2007 language became human was very closely is more akin to sculpture than to drawing:
related to the moment when a man it consists of constant chopping. The
LETTER invented a story, a myth in order to excuse result will be a “text,” namely a thought
What do I care if e is somewhere upside a mistake he had made—perhaps in giving developed in lines consisting of letters
down, or g comes from the wrong fount? a danger signal when there was no occasion and covering a paper surface. I have now
I really don’t. for it; and I suggest that the evolution of a “Mesopotamian brick” covered with
D. H. Lawrence, specifically human language, with its char- cuneiform incisions. My original almost
Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers acteristic means of expressing negation— shapeless thought has now achieved a
of D. H. Lawrence of saying that something signalled is not recognizable form. And I can recognize
true—stems very largely from the discovery in it the fact that the language has taken
PURPOSELY COMMITTED of systematic means to negate a false report, possession of it.
Besides the ordinary errata, which hap- for example a false alarm, and from the Vilém Flusser,
pen in printing a work, others have been closely related discovery of false stories— “The Gesture of Writing”
purposely committed, that the errata may lies—used either as excuses or playfully.
contain what is not permitted to appear George Steiner, After Babel A SENSE OF SUPERIORITY
in the body of the work. Over the clicking of the machines Alvin
Isaac D’Israeli, “Errata,” FAME told me that he lived apart from his wife
Curiosities of Literature What a jovial and a merry world would this and son. His son did not like Alvin’s friends
be, may it please your worships, but for or the food Alvin ate, and made the same
TR ANSPOSITION that inextricable labyrinth of debts, cares, excuse over and over again not to see him.
For UCSD Ian Hamilton Finlay created woes, want, grief, discontent, melancholy, He told me about his circle of friends—
a one-word poem installed at one edge large jointures, impositions, and lies! a group of Brooklyn vegetarians. He was
of the north playing field between the Doctor Slop, like a son of a w——, as my planning to eat Thanksgiving dinner with
Humanities Building and the student father called him for it,—to exalt himself, these vegetarians and he was planning to
apartments of Thurgood Marshall College. —debased me to death,—and made ten spend the Christmas holiday sleeping at
UNDA consists of five stone blocks into thousand times more of Susannah’s accident, the YMCA. He told me about his travels—
which are carved, in various sequences, than there was in every body’s mouth, That to Boston and places in New Jersey.
the letters U, N, D, A, and an S-like mark poor Master Shandy * * * * * * * * He asked me many times to go out on a
which is the editor’s notation for “trans- * * * * entirely.—And FAME, who date with him. We went once to the circus.
pose these letters.” The letters on each loves to double every thing,—in three days He told me about the typesetters’ agency
block in the sequence carry out the trans- more, had sworn positively she saw it,— that never found him any work. “Don’t
positions indicated by this curved mark so and all the world, as usual, gave credit to I seem ambitious to you?” he asked.
that regardless of the order of the letters, her evidence——“That the nursery He complained to me about the lack of
each block ultimately spells out UNDA. window had not only * * * * * * * order in our office, and about the poor
In the course of the multi-part sculpture, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * writing in the pieces we were given to
the wave sign rolls through UNDA, the * * *;——but that * * * * * * * typeset. He said it was not part of his job
Latin word for wave, while the tops of * * * * * * * * * * *’s also.” to correct spelling and grammar. He told
the stones are aligned with the distant Laurence Sterne, The Life and me with indignation that he would not
horizon of ocean. Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman do more than should be expected of him.
The Stuart Collection, He and I had a sense of superiority to
University of California, San Diego RESISTANCE those in charge of us, and this was only
4 HELGA aggravated by the fact that we were so often
ECHO In her mid-thirties. She wears ********** treated as though we had no education.
(symmetrical poem) She is wearing *********************** Lydia Davis,
Michael Palmer, Why can’t I make her ***************** “Alvin the Typesetter”
“View from an Apartment” *************************************
************************************* CORRUPT LINES
TRIBUTARIES ************** something inside my head No hallowed skein of stars can ward, I trow,
It was the first time I experienced the joy is resisting the story of Helga. God, prob- ran the couplet, Who once has crossed the
of possessing a green card that allowed me ably. I should never have asked him here. lusts of Angelo.
to enter the stacks of a major collection of Helga is crucial, she brings all the other “No,” she protested aloud. “‘Who’s
books. In the dim light of narrowly spaced girls together. Forget what she looks like, once been set his tryst with Trystero.’”
overshadowing shelves I felt the spiritual what she wears. Imagine what she sees, The pencilled note in the paperback had
and solitary freedom of an inexorable hears, says. It may be possible to slip her mentioned a variant. But the paperback
order only chance creates. Quiet articu- past him that way. Here we go again. was supposed to be a straight reprint of the
lates poetry. These Lethean tributaries Alasdair Gray, Janine, 1982 book she now held. Puzzled, she saw that
of lost sentiments and found philosophies this edition also had a footnote:
“According only to the Quarto edi- happens that x is adopted as a substitute GEM
tion (1687). The earlier Folio has a lead for the letter deficient. The true reason, My leaps up when I behold
inserted where the closing line should perhaps, is that x is rather the most super- A in the :
have been. D’Amico has suggested that abundant letter in the cases, or at least was So was it when my began ;
Wharfinger may have made a libelous so in the old times—long enough to render So is it now I am a man ;
comparison involving someone at court, the substitution in question an habitual So be it when I shall grow old,
and that the later ‘restoration’ was actually thing with printers. As for Bob, he would Or let me die !
the work of the printer, Inigo Barfstable. have considered it heretical to employ any Bob Brown, “(Wordsworth)”
The doubtful ‘Whitechapel’ versions other character, in a case of this kind, than
(c. 1670) has ‘This tryst or odious awry, the x to which he had been accustomed. A JIBE
O Niccolò,’ which besides bringing in a “I shell have to x this ere paragrab,” The sheep were a miserable-looking lot,
quite graceless Alexandrine, is difficult said he to himself, as he read it over dingy, close-cropped, undersized and
to make sense of syntactically, unless we in astonishment, “but it’s jest about the misshapen. They were not cropping, they
accept the rather unorthodox though per- awfulest o-wy paragrab I ever did see”: were not ruminating, they did not even
suasive argument of J.-K. Sale that the line so x it he did, unflinchingly, and to press seem to be taking their ease. They simply
is really a pun on ‘This trystero dies irae …’ it went x-ed. stood, in an attitude of profound dejection,
This, however, it must be pointed out, Next morning the population of their heads bowed, swaying slightly as
leaves the line nearly as corrupt as before, Nopolis were taken all aback by reading though dazed. Murphy had never seen
owing to no clear meaning for the word in The Tea-Pot, the following extraordinary stranger sheep, they seemed one and all
trystero, unless it be a pseudo-Italianate leader: on the point of collapse. They made the
variant on triste (= wretched, depraved). “Sx hx, Jxhn! hxw nxw? Txld yxu exposition of Wordsworth’s lovely ‘fields
But the ‘Whitechapel’ edition, besides sx, yxu knxw. Dxn’t crxw, anxther time, of sleep’ as a compositor’s error for ‘fields
being a fragment, abounds in such corrupt befxre yxu’re xut xf the wxxds! Dxes yxur of sheep’ seem no longer a jibe at that most
and probably spurious lines, as we have mxther knxw yxu’re xut? Xh, nx, nx!— excellent man. They had not the strength
mentioned elsewhere, and is hardly to sx gx hxme at xnce, nxw, Jxhn, tx yxur to back away from Miss Dew approaching
be trusted.” xdixus xld wxxds xf Cxncxrd! Gx hxme tx with the lettuce.
Thomas Pynchon, yxur wxxds, xld xwl,—gx! Yxu wxn’t?Xh, Samuel Beckett, Murphy
The Crying of Lot 49 pxh, pxh, Jxhn, dxn’t dx sx! Yxu’ve gxt
tx gx, yxu knxw, sx gx at xnce, and dxn’t THE CHANCE
IN A SPIR AL gx slxw; fxr nxbxdy xwns yxu here, yxu THAT MIMICS CHOICE
But at that very moment when one thinks knxw. Xh, Jxhn, Jxhn, Jxhn, if yxu dxn’t Cynthia had been on friendly terms with
the author is going around in circles, gx yxu’re nx hxmx—nx! Yxu’re xnly a an eccentric librarian called Porlock who
he is in fact moving in a spiral. For it is fxwl, an xwl; a cxw, a sxw; a dxll, a pxll; a in the last years of his dusty life had been
one of his characteristic traits never to pxxr xld gxxd-fxr-nxthing-tx-nxbxdy, lxg, engaged in examining old books for mirac-
consider himself satisfied, to be incapable dxg, hxg, xr frxg, cxme xut xf a Cxncxrd ulous misprints such as the substitution of
of stopping, incapable of fixing himself bxg. Cxxl, nxw—cxxl! Dx be cxxl, yxu fxxl! “l” for the second “h” in the word “hither.”
in a posture that he would present as Nxne xf yxur crxwing, xld cxck! Dxn’t Contrary to Cynthia, he cared nothing
definitive. As for the changing result of his frxwn sx—dxn’t! Dxn’t hxllx, nxr hxwl, for the thrill of obscure predictions; all
explorations, you are free, reader, to see nxr grxwl, nxr bxw-wxw-wxw! Gxxd Lxrd, he sought was the freak itself, the chance
in it only random reconstructions, belated Jxhn, hxw yxu dx lxxk! Txld yxu sx,yxu that mimics choice, the flaw that looks
rationalizations, having no relation with knxw,—but stxp rxlling yxur gxxse xf an like a flower; and Cynthia, a much more
the primeval disorder of things. xld pxll abxut sx, and gx and drxwn yxur perverse amateur of misshapen or illicitly
Marcel Bénabou, sxrrxws in a bxwl!” connected words, puns, logogriphs, and
Why I Have Not Written Any of My Books Edgar Allan Poe, so on, had helped the poor crank to pur-
“X-ing a Paragrab” sue a quest that in the light of the example
X-ING she cited struck me as statistically insane.
“Is it a long paragraph, Bob?” “LES JEUX SONT FAITS, Vladimir Nabokov,
“Shouldn’t call it a wery long para- NOUS SOMMES FUCKED” “The Vane Sisters”
grab,” said Bob. Fred de Stabenrath purportedly exclaimed
“Ah, well, then! do the best you can this right before he was ki [xxxxxxxxxxxxx BETTER
with it! We must get to press,” said the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I wrote: in the dark cavern of our birth.
foreman, who was over head and ears in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The printer had it tavern, which seems
work; “just stick in some other letter for o; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpart better:
nobody’s going to read the fellow’s trash missingxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx But herein lies the subject of our mirth,
anyhow.” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Since on the next page death appears
“Wery well,” replied Bob, “here goes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx as dearth.
it!” and off he hurried to his case, mutter- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So it may be that God’s word was distraction,
ing as he went: “Considdeble vell, them ere xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]* Which to our strange type appears
expressions, perticcler for a man as doesn’t *Zampanò left the rest of this foot- destruction,
swar. So I’s to gouge out all their eyes, eh? note buried beneath a particularly Which is bitter.
and d–n all their gizzards! Vell! this here’s dark spill of ink. At least I’m assum- Malcolm Lowry, “Strange Type”
the chap as is just able for to do it.” The ing it’s ink. Maybe it’s not. Maybe
fact is that although Bob was but twelve it’s something else. But then that’s MARKING TIME
years old and four feet high, he was equal not really important. In some cases, And yet the walls of the room in which
to any amount of fight, in a small way. I’ve managed to recover the lost text the women worshiped the machine were
The exigency here described is by (see Chapter Nine). Here, however, plainly covered with floral wallpaper, as
no means of rare occurrence in printing- I failed. Five lines gone along with a pendulum on the mantelpiece struck
offices; and I cannot tell how to account for the rest of Mr. Stabenrath. and at three o’clock.
” ”
it, but the fact is indisputable, that when Mark Z. Danielewski, Willem Frederik Hermans,
the exigency does occur, it almost always House of Leaves Imaginable the God Imaginable
THE LEAP POSSIBILITIES REFRESHED dash into the street, wave down an oncom-
He stopped, to gaze at the wall showing Williams writes: ing car, jump in just in time and take off
blank between the machine and the And so it comes with the stranger (supposedly) just as her
reproving sign hung above the table. to motor cars— husband reached the street with a pair of
The light dimmed almost to a mere color, which is the son her shoes in one hand and a small steak
and rose again, at which the bird outside knife in the other.
struck the glass, and fluttered against leaving off the g Madeline Gins, Word Rain
the pane; but he saw nothing and heard of sunlight and grass (or A Discursive Introduction to
nothing, preparing himself for the leap: It seems clear that the poet meant to write the Philosophical Investigations
“And then of a sudden, my heart the word “song” in the third line of the of G,R,E,T,A, G,A,R,B,O, It Says)
started sprang up in my breast, as I first stanza, and inadvertently left out the
understood found the true meaning in g of that word. One imagines the flash of ONLY ONCE
of in the message brought held forth for imagination as he realized his error and VITALE: The story is scrolling at a fixed
to all mankind, of all faiths, and creeds, then, instead of returning to the line to rate from the bottom of Penn’s screen
and color, in this symbol of life eternal. amend it, saw the possibilities of the poem to the top like the introductions to the
My bones no longer seemed to cut through refreshed. The work takes a new direction, “Star Wars” films. It takes 20 minutes to
the flesh into the hard pallet where I lay, the lost letter reappears audaciously in reach the end, and Jillette can’t stop it.
the night air engulfed me but it was a night the next stanza. Yet that lost g is gone from JILLETTE: Yes. No, we can’t—we’ve
in spring, and it raised me up. For as the the poem. What if that line had read, as already started. We can’t go back.
lights of their tapers shown so small against I suspect it was meant to read, “which is VITALE: And once the story has scrolled
the gigantic darkness of the night, still the song”? through to the end, a built-in computer
they shown from afar off, as they lives they And so it comes virus destroys it.
led lead shine in atonement before Him to motor cars— WILLIAM GIBSON (AUTHOR):
wh Who created all, in atonement for the which is the song There’s something very satisfying I think
dark deeds of the world they today. No, for a writer—the idea of a—a form that
I thought, such lives as these cannot be in of metal and glass allows you, in effect, to say, “OK, sit down
vain. And as the fresh life of in the air rose Gilbert Sorrentino, and pay attention. We’re only going to
everywhere about me, the symbol which Splendide-Hôtel say this once.”
these good men bore to one of their num- “Amazing Disappearing Computer Book,”
ber soon to be taken from them among TYPO-FREE an interview with William Gibson about
them amongst them became a part of it the Raymond Chandler was so obsessive about Agrippa (A Book of the Dead)
it. The deep thrill of the Spring, and of all typo-free manuscripts that to cut down
life reviving, paralyzed me for that instant on the amount of his retyping he finally BLACK HUMOR
as, w even now, Easter week approached, worked on half pages. Gaddis spent his last years in Three Mile
and with it, the message of life beyond David Markson, Reader’s Block Harbor in East Hampton. His children
the grave, and to all mankind humanity, commissioned the gravestone for his
that hope which springs eternal in the STORY burial plot in Oakland Cemetery in Sag
human breast every human breast that In the story, the two people saw their Harbor. On the stone’s front are carved
opens its portals to its fellow the service neighbor’s wife (the one from the house his name, the dates of his birth and death,
of its fellow man, and in this expression on their left—south of them as their houses and his children’s nickname for him,
of His the divine will, no longer fears death all faced west) scantily dressed beneath her “Papa.” The back bears an excerpt from
no longer, but procures acquires secures navy blue raincoat or housecoat run s out The Recognitions, his 956-page first novel,
insures obtains nears draws nearer to of the house, through the spray of the all- published in 1955.
Resurrection.” night sprinkler, over the wet, slippery lawn The attribution misspells the book’s
William Gaddis, The Recognitions to reach the sidewalk just as her husband title: The Recongnitions.
opened the front door. As they watched, …
TO CURVE they also saw lights going on in three of Mr. Filler and Ms. Bletter lingered
— To write is not to give speech to be the houses across the street (the one on a moment to read the quotation on the
seen. The game of common etymology the left—grey shingles with pink shutters; back of his headstone:
makes of writing a cutting movement, the middle one had a fieldstone façade “And the sun, which had kept so close
a tear, a crisis. with a special blue plexiglass vestibule; all the day, sought before leaving it to fill
— This is simply a reminder that the the one on the right side—white shingles, the sky with color, a soft luster of pink,
proper tool for writing was also proper blue shutters). They saw telephone wires and then purple against the pure blue
for incising: the stylet. with birds on n them, part s of the moon, color which refined the clouds to their
— Yes, but this incisive reminder still a chalky suggestion of the vanishing sun, own shapes and then failed, discovering
evokes a cutting operation, if not a spindly new trees, (don’t skip the next one) in them for minutes the whole material of
butchery: a kind of violence—the word street lights, garbage cans, some tiny chil- beauty, then leaving them without light to
flesh is found in the family, just as graphy dren in the corner of the picture running mock the sky, losing form, losing edges and
is a scratch. Higher and further back, to off out of view, a few passing cars, several shape and definition, until soon enough
write and to curve meet. Writing is the parked ones including their own green with darkness, they disappear entirely.”
curve that the turn of seeking has already Buick with one of the front doors not com- Ms. Bletter spotted the typo in the
evoked for us and that we find in the pletely shut. They looked at these things attribution first. “She said, ‘Oh my God,
bending of reflection. and each preferred some to others even there’s a mistake,”’ Mr. Filler said. “It’s
— In each word, all words. as they watched the outstanding events weird, a total black-humor nightmare,
— Yet speaking, like writing, engages us of the moment. They stood still and to have a typo on a writer’s tombstone,”
in a separating movement, an oscillating watched. They bounced with empathy on he said, not laughing at all.
and vascillating departure. their neighborhood vf anxiety trampolines. “For a Careful Writer,
Maurice Blanchot, Each had a universal and a particular one. A Tombstone Typo,” New York Times,
The Infinite Conversation They saw the woman now sensing her September 28, 2003
husband-to-be out of doors, behind her,

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