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Prof WJ Bekker

Department of Electronic Engineering

016-950 9410

MEng (Energy Efficiency)

Renewable Energy (EERNE6A)
Assignment 2

Question 1

1.1 Name three types of Hydropower Facilities and discuss/explain each in detail. Where appropriate,
use a diagram to assist your discussion/explanation.
1.2 Name and briefly explain the working of the major types of hydropower turbines, and name specific
applications under each major classification.

Question 2

Explain what Geothermal energy is, and how it works, using a diagram to illustrate relevant terminologies
and concepts. Furthermore,
2.1 Name the three (3) main uses of Geothermal Energy,
2.2 Name five (5) disadvantages of Geothermal Energy, and
2.3 Discuss the reliability and renewability of Geothermal Energy.

Question 3

3.1 What is Thermal Energy and explain how it can be stored by referring to three (3) different systems.
Use diagrams in your extensive explanation.
3.2 Calculate the Thermal Storage Capacity of 1 m3 of water at 20⁰C.

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