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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Koronadal City
Senior High School

Earth and Life Science

Relative and Absolute Dating

Submitted by

June Francis L. Perez

Name of Student

12-HUMSS 15
Grade and Section

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Koronadal City
Senior High School

This lesson introduces concepts such as relative and absolute dating, the correlation of rock
layers. Relative dating focuses on the sequence of events, while absolute dating provides specific ages or
dates using methods like radiometric dating and half-life. There are principles that play a crucial role in
determining relative ages by assessing which rock layer is younger or older, guided by principles such as
Original Horizontality, Superposition, Cross Cutting, Faunal Succession and Lateral Continuity. Original
horizontality asserts that sedimentary layers are deposited in flat formations, while superposition
indicates that younger layers overlay older ones. Cross-cutting involves intrusions like magma or faults,
creating younger layers, and lateral continuity assumes the horizontal continuation of layers. Absolute
dating relies on the decay of radioactive isotopes and their half-life to ascertain precise ages.
Understanding these concepts is essential for unraveling the Earth’s history and comprehending its
evolutionary processes over time.
Learning concepts of relative and absolute dating, as well as associated principles like
superposition and cross-cutting, allows students to grasp the historical chronology of Earth’s geological
events. This knowledge provides a timeline of our planet’s evolution, helping students understand the
development of landscapes, climates, and life forms over millions of years.
These concepts encourage students to engage in scientific inquiry and develop critical thinking
skills. By analyzing rock layers, fossils, and applying dating techniques, students learn to evaluate
evidence, make informed interpretations, and draw logical conclusions. This skill set is transferable
across various scientific disciplines and promotes a deeper understanding of scientific methodologies.
The concepts of relative and absolute dating have practical applications in fields such as geology,
archaeology, environmental science, and paleontology. Understanding these principles is foundational
for careers involving resource exploration, environmental impact assessment, and archaeological
research. Therefore, learning these concepts prepares students for potential careers in these scientific
fields, making the knowledge directly applicable to real-world challenges.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Koronadal City
Senior High School

Relative Date/Age – refers to the order in which events occur.
Absolute Age – refers to the age in years.

 geologists use field observations to determine relative ages.
 the determined which layer of rock/ rock is younger or older.


 Principle of Original Horizontality - sediments are deposited in flat layers if not disturb the
maintain original horizontality
 Principle of Superposition – heaviest = deepest = oldest; lightest = settled on top = youngest
 Principle of Cross Cutting – there is magma intrusion; fault is younger than the other layers
• Principle of Faunal Succession – it has the fossils found in rocks and if there is a presence of
fossils, geologists will be able to determine which period in the Earth’s history the layer has formed,
because of this fossilized organism. Because there are fossils that lived on a certain period in the
Earth’s history, they will know if what era that layer formed.
 Principle of Lateral Continuity – horizontal layers with dike. Possibly, nagkaroon ng erosion or
changes with the geologic forces that change this area but definitely with the principle of lateral
continuity ang mga layers na iyan ay continuous.
Remember: So, those principles are used in order to know what rocks are young and old. So, that
process is called: RELATIVE DATING.

Scientists or geologists use the information in correlation of rocks to identify the relative age of
As said, RELATIVE AGE determines the comparative age where the layers of rocks were formed.
It is only limited in identifying which layer was made first and which was made last .
The exact age cannot be determined in using relative dating

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Koronadal City
Senior High School

Because of the information and technological advancements that we have right now, geologists
can now determine the absolute age of rocks, rock layers, and fossils. This process is called Absolute
Dating or Radiometric Dating.

 the use of records of radioactive decay in rocks.
 Radioactive decay happens when unstable isotopes/elements decompose spontaneously.

ISOTOPES - atoms of the same element (same number of proton) but with different number of

o The atomic number of the element represents the number of protons in the atom.
o The proton is the positively charged particle of the atom found in the nucleus.
o Neutron is the uncharged particle. It is neither positive nor negative. It is also located in the
nucleus of the atom with the proton.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Koronadal City
Senior High School

o Mass Number is the sum of the proton and neutron in the nucleus.

HALF-LIFE - is the time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to turn to half of its original

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Koronadal City
Senior High School

Radioactive Isotopes Disintegration Half-Life

Carbon-14 ¹⁴C-¹⁴N 5,700 yrs.
Potassium-40 ⁴⁰K-⁴⁰Ar/⁴⁰Ca 1,300,000,000 yrs.
Uranium-238 ²³⁸U-²⁰⁶Pb 4,500,000,000 yrs.
Rubidium-87 ⁸⁷Rb-⁸⁷Sr 49,000,000,000 yrs.

Parent Material - unstable isotope, radioactive

Daughter Material - stable element, decay product
Ex. Carbon-14 among animals
Death 1st H.L. 2st H.L. 3rd H.L. 4th H.L.
Parent 100% 50% 25% 12.5% …
Daughter 0% 50% 75% 87.5% …

As time passes by, the parent material to become stable is decreasing its amount. So, nade-
deposit naman yung na-release na amount or the stable isotopes as the daughter material. So, that is
how we illustrate half-life. How scientists do this measurement of half-life, of radioactive decay. So, in a
rock sample, They try to measure the presence of these radioactive particles. So, definitely in that
specific rock, There must be a parent material and a daughter material. So, they compare the amount of
the parent material and the daughter material with the half-life of the parent material. So, once they are
able to determine the amount of daughter material, they will try to compute back in time na kailang
half-life kaya ito. So, they will add up that, and they will be able to determine the absolute age of that
particular rock. So, absolute dating or radiometric dating.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Koronadal City
Senior High School

This knowledge that scientists and geologists do are so helpful for us to understand the history
of our planet. There are still a lot that we don’t know about our little planet, but we are trying to know
the history because if we know our past, it can be our guide for our future.

How important is/are the concept/concepts that you have learned to your daily life and to the

The concepts of relative and absolute dating, integral to understanding the Earth’s geological
history, have profound implications for our daily lives and humanity’s collective knowledge. These
concepts enable us to decipher the chronology of events, providing insights into Earth’s evolution over
Relative dating, focusing on the order of events, relies on field observations and principles such
as Original Horizontality, Superposition, Cross Cutting, Faunal Succession, and Lateral Continuity. These
principles serve as tools for geologists to determine the relative ages of rock layers. This knowledge is
not only fascinating but also essential for understanding the Earth’s dynamic history, influencing our
daily perceptions of landscapes and ecosystems.
The principles employed in relative dating, such as Original Horizontality and Superposition,
offer a glimpse into the Earth’s past. Faunal Succession, linking fossils to specific periods in Earth’s
history, enriches our understanding of ancient life forms. Lateral Continuity helps us appreciate the
continuity of geological layers. These principles collectively contribute to a broader comprehension of
the planet’s geological processes.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Koronadal City
Senior High School

Absolute dating, employing radioactive decay and half-life, provides a method to determine the
exact ages of rocks and fossils. Understanding isotopes, mass numbers, and the decay process allows
scientists to calculate the absolute age of materials. This precision is crucial for constructing a detailed
timeline of Earth’s history, influencing our understanding of past climates, extinctions, and geological

Beyond the classroom, these concepts find practical applications in fields such as geology,
archaeology, environmental science, and paleontology. The ability to determine relative and absolute
ages is foundational for careers involving resource exploration, environmental impact assessment, and
archaeological research. This knowledge not only fuels scientific curiosity but also translates into
practical solutions for real-world challenges.
The pursuit of knowledge about Earth’s history is not merely an academic exercise; it serves as a
guide for our future. As we unravel the mysteries of our planet’s past, we gain insights into the
consequences of geological processes. This understanding is crucial for making informed decisions about
environmental conservation, resource management, and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters.
In conclusion, the concepts of relative and absolute dating are indispensable for enriching our
daily lives and advancing humanity’s understanding of the Earth’s evolution. These concepts offer not
only a historical narrative but also practical applications in various scientific disciplines. As we delve into
the depths of our planet’s past, we equip ourselves with the knowledge needed to navigate the
challenges of the present and shape a sustainable future.

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