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Braleys 4 Jesus

Sharing the Ministry!

Greetings to all of our friends around the country! Autumn is upon us, though if you lived in Texas youd have no idea. Temperatures are steadily in the 80s and 90s, even reaching 99 one day in late September! To which, I say, yuck. But, Ill survive. Thank you for your prayers and support! You will notice that along with our lovely newsletter, we have enclosed a new prayer card. Take a minute to read through it if you would. You can hang it on your fridge if you want, but Ill leave the nature of your home dcor up to you. :) Recently, I got the chance to share about the ministry with our home church here in Texas. It was a great opportunity to share our story and get a chance to know some people a little better. You never know how the Lord will use these meetings, so please pray for the Lord to provide new supporters. In the office, I have been pretty busy assisting with new safety procedures we are trying to implement. Our Fulfillment Center here at GFA, deals with large mailings and boxes of books and even uses a forklift for these things. Our hope is to protect our employees in a way that honors the Lord, and also to protect the ministry so we can continue to do the work effectively and efficiently. Its a blessing to be able to serve the ministry in this way.

Howdy from Carrollton! October 2011

Prayer Requests/Praises
Got to share at our home church! Pray for more open doors and more supporters. Pray for good health for us and our entire staff at GFA Please pray that the Lord would be glorified through our lives. Pray that 50,000 Bridge of Hope children would be supported this year. Thank you for all of your prayers!

To support us financially online go to:

The girls visited the Dallas Zoo recently. They wanted to bring this guy home, but I explained to them that goats aren't very tasty... masu/

Family Fun
Well, the girls grow both older and somehow cuter. Sometimes, I just stare at them and cant believe how much I love them. And God loves us and them even more! We serve an awesome God to be sure! The girls went to the zoo recently. Rie LOVES animals. Every

morning she looks out the window to see if anyone is walking their dog. And animals seem to love her. Usually, she is sharing kisses with canine, goat, or whatever other species crosses her path. Sinclair is 4 now and it is so strange to see her growing into a young lady. You know your kids are going to grow up, but its still

kind of a shock to see it happening. Sinclair still loves to read and is eager to pray and take care of her little sister. Sinclair and Rie pretty much hate to be apart. Whenever one is asleep the other is always suggesting we go wake the other up. They have the occasional fight too, but they never stay mad for long.

This is Caleb, who comes to visit sometimes. They play mostly Cartoon themes and Hawaiian music...

Our monthly goal is at $3,426. Our monthly pledges equal $2,414. That means we are 70% supported. We our believing that we will be 100% soon!

MISSONARY ATTACKED WITH SWORDS, LEFT FOR DEAD-A group of anti-Christians, eager for blood, brutally attacked a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary with swords and other weapons. On September 23 around 8:30 p.m., Pastor Bashuda received a call from one of the believers in his church asking for prayer. He got on his bicycle and headed for the house when the attack happened. As Bashuda rode his bicycle, he noticed a car coming toward him on the dark, narrow road. Bashuda pulled over to let the car pass, but instead, the car stopped, and five angry men went after the missionary. Pastor Bashuda tried to race off, but they caught him and began beating him with swords. The brutal attack left Bashuda unconscious.

When he reached Bashudas village, he called to the first person he could find, saying, A man from your village is badly injured and is lying down on the road. He and the villagers headed back to the place where Bashuda was lying helplessly. When the villagers recognized their pastor, they quickly brought him to the hospital.

Bashuda is currently in critical condition and desperately needs prayer. Please pray that the Thinking the Christian was dead, the group of men drove Lord will miracuoff, leaving Bashuda on the side of the road. Half an hour lously heal Pastor Bashuda of his injuries, bringing glory to His powerful name. Pray also for his attackers, that later, a man riding his bicycle saw Bashuda and checked to see if he was okay. He found out what village the pastor they will come to know the redeeming love of Christ. was from and rushed off to find help.

To support us financially online go to: masu/

Summur Time!
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Him, Thanks for all of your prayers for our family, we have been mostly healthy with just a few minor colds.
I have taken a break from my regular radio job for the time being. It wasn't going to work out anymore with my friend who was watching the girls, and the Lord had put it on my heart that it was time to be home more with them. He was telling me that for a while, but it took a phone call to confirm it. He is so full of mercy and grace for us, it just blows my mind! I have been staying busy though. A couple from GFA got married and I was able to decorate their reception. It was so much fun, and thankfully it came together.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Timmons!

Thanks for your love and support! I love you all! Summur

You can get more of Summurs time on Summurs blog at Its good clean fun for the whole family. If you need prayer or just want to visit we can be reached via email @ or Or you can contact us even more directly @ (209) 918-8096 or (209) 275-8078. And my work phone is 1-972-3003139 GOD BLESS! We would love to hear from you and be glad to pray for you. Just drop us an email or give us a ring. We miss you all, and as always, we thank you for your prayers and support.

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