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Course: Mechanics and Waves for Engineers • Instructor: Souraya, Farid and Ali • 11/21/2021 • Questions: 18

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Person X pushes twice as hard against a stationary brick wall as person Y. Which one of the following statements
1 is correct? 0/1
X A: Both do positive work, but person X does four times the work of person Y.
X B: Both do positive work, but person X does twice the work of person Y.
X C: Both do the same amount of positive work.
> D: Both do zero work.
X E: Both do positive work, but person X does one-half the work of person Y.
The momentum of an isolated system is conserved
2 0/1
X A: only in inelastic collisions.
X B: only in elastic collisions.
> C: in both elastic and inelastic collisions.
In the present figure, determine the type of the collision. The masses of the blocks, and the velocities before and
3 after, are shown. The collision is 0/1
> A: perfectly elastic.
X B: partially inelastic.
X C: completely inelastic.
X D: characterized by an increase in kinetic energy.
X E: not possible because momentum is not conserved.
A piece of fruit falls straight down. As it falls, the:
4 0/1
X A: gravitational force does positive work on it and the gravitational potential energy increases.
> B: gravitational force does positive work on it and the gravitational potential energy decreases.
X C: gravitational force does negative work on it and the gravitational potential energy increases.
X D: gravitational force does negative work on it and the gravitational potential energy decreases.
X E: answer depends on whether or not air resistance is present.
Which requires more work, increasing a car's speed from 0 mph to 30 mph or from 50 mph to 60 mph?
5 0/1
X A: 0 mph to 30 mph
> B: 50 mph to 60 mph
X C: It is the same in both cases.
X D: Not enough information to decide
How much work would a child do while pulling a 12-kg wagon a with a 22-N horizontal force over a distance of 4.3
6 m? 1/1
> A: 95 J
X B: 52 J
X C: 67 J
X D: 109 J
It requires 0.30 kJ of work to fully drive a stick into the ground. If the net force acting along the stick to drive it
7 into the ground has a magnitude of 828 N, what is the length of the stick? 1/1
> A: 0.36 m
X B: 0.23 m
X C: 0.31 m
X D: 0.41 m
A force acts on an object, causing it to move parallel to the force. The graph in the figure shows this force as a
8 function of the position of the object. How much work does the force do as the object moves from 4 m to 6 m? 1/1
> A: 20 J
X B: 30 J
X C: 0 J
X D: 40 J
X E: 70 J
A 5.0-N projectile leaves the ground with a kinetic energy of 220 J. At the highest point in its trajectory, its kinetic
9 energy is 120 J. To what vertical height, relative to its launch point, did it rise if there was no air resistance? 1/1
X A: 44 m
X B: 24 m
> C: 20 m
X D: 10 m
X E: It is impossible to determine the height without knowing the angle of launch.
What is the net power needed to change the speed of a 1600-kg sport utility vehicle from 15.0 m/s to 40.0 m/s in
10 4.00 seconds? 0/1
X A: 100 kW
X B: 10.0 kW
X C: 140 kW
X D: 14.0 kW
> E: 275 kW
A block of mass m = 9.0 kg and speed v and is behind a block of mass M = 27 kg and speed of 0.50 m/s as shown
11 int the figure. The surface is frictionless, and the blocks suddenly collide and couple. After the collision, the 0/1
blocks have a common speed of 0.90 m/s. How much kinetic energy of the blocks is lost due to the collision?
> A: 8.6 J
X B: 2.0 J
X C: 4.6 J
X D: 11 J
X E: 31 J
Three small masses are positioned as follows: 2.0 kg at (0.0 m, 0.0 m), 2.0 kg at (2.0 m, 0.0 m), and 4.0 kg at (2.0
12 m, 1.0 m). Determine the coordinates of the center of mass (or center of gravity) of this system. 1/1
X A: (0.50 m, 1.5 m)
> B: (1.5 m, 0.50 m)
X C: (2.5 m, 1.5 m)
X D: (2.5 m, 0.50 m)
A car of mass 850 kg is moving with to the right with a speed of 20.0 m/s. The driver increases the speed in the
13 same direction to 27.0 m/s in 10.0 s. What is the magnitude of the average force to induce this change? 0/1
X A: 297 N
X B: 361 N
X C: 433 N
> D: 595 N
X E: 763 N
Determine the post-collision magnitude of velocity, vf, on the following figure:
14 0/1
X A: 3.2 m/s
X B: 7.50 m/s
> C: 5.50 m/s
X D: 8.50 m/s
Two iceboats (one of mass m, one of mass 2m) hold a race on a frictionless, horizontal, frozen lake. Both iceboats
15 start at rest, and the wind exerts the same constant force on both iceboats. 1/1
X A: The iceboat of mass m: it has twice as much KE as the other.
X B: The iceboat of mass m: it has four times as much KE as the other.
X C: The iceboat of mass 2m: it has twice as much KE as the other.
X D: The iceboat of mass 2m: it has four times as much KE as the other.
> E: They both cross the finish line with the same kinetic energy
A 2.0-kg ball moving eastward at 3.0 m/s suddenly collides with and sticks to a 4.0-kg ball moving northward at
16 2.0 m/s. What is the magnitude of the momentum of this system just after the collision? 0/1
X A: 14 kg . m/s
X B: 2.0 kg . m/s
> C: 10 kg . m/s
X D: 6.0 kg . m/s
X E: 8.0 kg . m/s
A ball is thrown upward from the ground level to a height of 40.0 m. Calculate with what speed does the rock
17 leave the ground. (Assume no air resistance) 1/1
X A: 38.5 m/s
> B: 28.0 m/s
X C: 18.5 m/s
X D: 08.5 m/s
X E: 45.0 m/s
Calculate the instantaneous power at t = 2.0 s for a work that has the following expression: W(t) = – 5t + 10 t2 + t3
18 1/1
X A: 15 W
X B: 21 W
X C: 35 W
> D: 47 W
X E: 59 W

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