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Singkil. Giring, Paliyan, Gunungkidul kode pos: 55871


Read the text and answer the questions.

Mr.Indra : What’s wrong with you?

Sherly : I have a stomachache.

Mr. Indra : How long have you felt like this?

Sherly : Since yesterday. Actually, I like eating spicy food.

Mr. Indra : That’s absolutely the problem. Your habit is unhealthy and it gives bad
effects to your stomach. Have you taken the medicine”

Sherly : No. I never take the medicine.

Mr. Indra : Let me give you the prescription. You can get the medicine at the
pharmacy. I hope you will get well soon.

Sherly : ….

1. Who is probably Sherly?

A. Mr. Indra’s patient.
B. Mr. Indra’s doctor.
C. Mr.Indra’s dentist.
D. Mr. Indra’s nurse.

2. What is Mr’. Indra;s purpose by saying “ I hope you will get well soon”?
A. Mr. Indra wishes that Sherly will recover from her illness soon.
B. Mr. Indra hopes that Sherly needs a long time to recover.
C. Mr. Indra wishes that Sherly ‘s condition gets worse.
D. Mr. Indra hopes that Sherly will find other doctor.
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialog is ….
A. I am sorry to hear that
B. I disagree with you
C. Don’t mention it
D. Thank you

Read the text and answer the question.

Dina : That’s the ringing bell. Hurry up.

Lina : Yes. It’s 7.30 am.

Dina : I didn’t see you at school yesterday. Where were you?

Lina : I joined the online singing contest and I got the first winner in the contest.

Dina : Congratulations on winning the online singing contest.

Lina : Thank you. I always practice singing with Intan, my aunt’s daughter in
her house three times a week.

Dina : I hope you will win the contest again next year.

Lina : Thank you.

4. Dina says” Congratulations on winning the online singing contest”

What is Dina’s purpose by saying that expression?
A. She agrees with Lina’s idea.
B. She disagrees with Lina’s idea.
C. She praises Lina’s achievement.
D. She gives advices to Lina for her competition.

5. Where does the dialog probably take place?

A. At home.
B. At school.
C. At the bus stop.
D. At the cross road.

The text is for questions number 6-8.

Mikha : Tonight, I will go to school prom night.
Shinta : What will you wear?
Mikha : I’m going to wear my pink gown.
Shinta : What? That pink gown? You are going to look pale and old. The color doesn’t
match your skin tone.
Mikha : Are you sure? You said I am beautiful with that gown?
Shinta : You were. But now I think you’re better wearing a soft-colored gown, so that
you may look prettier. It also matches your skin tone. Do you have a soft-
colored gown?
Mikha : You may be right, sis. All right, I will try to follow you. I do appreciate your
Shinta : Thank you, little sister. May I see the collection of your clothes to choose the
most suitable gown for you?

6. “You may be right, sis.”

What does the expression mean?

A. Mikha agrees to change the gown.

B. Mikha is going to wear a pink gown.
C. Shinta says that Mikha is pale and old.
D. Mikha and Shinta are arguing about the pink gown.

7. According to Shinta, how does Mikha look like in a pink gown?

A. Mikha looks pale but fresh.
B. Mikha looks pasty and aged.
C. Mikha looks young and fresh.
D. Mikha looks georgeus and fresh.

8. “It also matches your skin tone.”

The word “it” refers to ….
A. Mikha
B. Shinta
C. the pink gown
D. a soft colored gown

The text is for questions number 9 and 10.

Mr. Ikro : How can I help you?
Jill : I would like to buy this book, Sir. But I didn’t bring my membership card.
Can I still get the discount?
Mr. Ikro : Sure, don’t worry. However, in order to redeem it from the system, I will
need your membership number. Can you recall the number?
Jill : Sure. Thank you. I really appreciate it. My number is 1618-0339-8875

9. What does Mr. Ikro do?

A. He is a school librarian.
B. He is an office secretary.
C. He is a school laboratorian.
D. He is a bookstore manager.

10. “… in order to redeem it from the system”

The word “redeem” can be best replaced by ... .
A. save
B. send
C. read
D. take

The text is for questions number 11 and 12.

11. If the reader is a diabetic person, she will …

A. keep this medicine away from her children.
B. shake the bottle before taking this medicine.
C. keep this medicine in the freezer after taking it.
D. consult her doctor before taking this medicine.

12. From the text we know that the patient is allowed to take the medicine … .
A. every time the symptom occurs
B. at the most 30 ml a day
C. for three weeks
D. as she wishes

13. The following statements are based on the text. Choose the correct ones.
I The bottle contains 5 mL of the medicine.
II The medicine should be kept in the freezer.
III It needs a certain temperature to keep the medicine.
IV The medicine is aimed to help people with stomachache.
A. I and II.
B. I and III.
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

The text is for questions number 14 to 16.


14. Before consuming the product, people should read the text to … .
A. understand about how many vitamin we need per day.
B. know where to go if they want to buy the product.
C. see if the product has other kinds of flavor.
D. get detail information about the product.

15. What information the label above provides us with?

A. The ingredients.
B. The expired date.
C. The manufacturer.
D. The storage suggestion.

16. Based on the information in the label above, who will likely consume the food?
A. Baby who is in breastfeeding period.
B. Lady who is in very low carbohydrate diet.
C. Adult who avoid cholesterol contained food.
D. Kid who needs to eat a lot of food with Iron nutrition.

The text is for questions number 17 to 20.

How To Make Kolak Pisang

Materials :
1. A bunch of Kepok bananas
2. 4 glasses of thick coconut milk
3. 1/4 kg of palm sugar
4. ½ tsp. of salt
5. 2 glasses water
Steps :
1. First, Peel the bananas and cut them into small circle.
2. Second, Boil them in 2 glasses of water for 5 minutes
3. In the other pan, boil the coconut milk with a pinch of salt and the palm sugar and stir
well. Don’t let coconut milk come to quite boiling to get delicious sauce.
4. After the sugar is dissolved, put in the bananas and boil for 10 minutes.

5. Finally, it can be served in hot or cold with ice.

17. The text will be beneficial for people who ….
A. is fond of eating traditional snack
B. is eager to be a professional chef
C. likes cooking Indonesian food
D. wants to collect local recipes

18. When do we mix the boiled bananas with the coconut milk sauce?
A. After the water is boiled.
B. After the sauce cooked well.
C. Before the sugar is dissolved.
D. Before the coconut milk boiled.

19. From the text we know that we need … to cook kolak pisang.
A. a mixer
B. two pans
C. a freezer
D. six glasses

20. We should put boiled bananas into the sauce and boil them to get … kolak
A. tasty
B. salty
C. sweet
D. aromatic

The text is for questions number 21 to 24.

Jamu Cabe Puyang
Jamu Cabe Puyang is good to alleviate the lower back pain, sore muscles, cramps,
and improve the production of red blood cells.
 300 gram Temulawak (curcuma)
 8 pieces cabe puyang (long pepper)
 300 gram Temu Ireng (black curcuma)
 400 gram turmeric
 1 piece Noni
 1 tbsp Fennel leaf (daun adas)
 ¼ teaspoon pepper
 1 tbsp Kedawung seeds
 1 ripe tamarind
 1 tbsp Temu Kunci (finger root)
 1 liter spring water
 Palm sugar to taste (optional)

1. Crush all the ingredients (except sugar) using electric blender.
2. Bring spring water to boil, add in crushed ingredients. Simmer for 10 minutes, or
until desired consistency.
3. Remove from the heat, and strain Jamu using clean cloth.
4. Add palm sugar (optional), mix well.
5. Jamu Cabe Puyang is ready to serve.

21. By reading the text, the readers are able to … .

A. explain how to describe jamu cabe puyang
B. describe how to consume jamu cabe puyang
C. explain the ways in making jamu cabe puyang
D. describe the steps in preparing the ingredients to make jamu cabe puyang

22. What will happen if we don’t strain Jamu using clean cloth?
When we drink the jamu, it will ….
A. feel bitter
B. feel rough
C. be sweeter
D. be more delicious

23. ” Add palm sugar (optional), mix well.”

The word “optional” in this context means that we …
A. are free to add palm sugar or not to add palm sugar.
B. must add palm sugar as much as possible.
C. are free to choose the best palm sugar.
D. must add palm sugar as we like.

24. The following statements are based on the text. Choose the correct ones.
I We need less curcuma than turmeric.
II We need more curcuma than black curcuma.
III The ingredient we need the least is pepper.
IV The most important ingredient is palm sugar.
A. I and II.
B. I and III.
C. II and III
D. II and IV

The text is for questions number 25 to 28.

How to Use a Virtual Background in Zoom for Android

1. You need to make sure the virtual background feature is enabled on your Zoom
account. This must be done from the Zoom website. Sign in and go to the “Settings”
section on your profile.
2. Under the “In Meeting (Advanced)” section, make sure “Virtual Background” is
3. Next, open the Zoom app on your Android phone or tablet. Join a meeting or create a
new meeting with video enabled.
4. Tap the screen to bring up the controls and select the “More” button.
5. From the pop-up menu, select “Virtual Background.” If your device doesn’t support
Virtual Backgrounds, you won’t see this option.
6. There will be a few preloaded backgrounds you can use. Simply tap one to make it
your background.
7. To use a custom virtual background, scroll over to the right and tap the “+” button.
8. Zoom will open a file manager, and you can select any image on your device. Zoom
for Android does not support video backgrounds.
9. Once you select an image, it will appear as your background. Tap “Close” to leave the
background picker interface.
10. That’s it! Go forth and have some fun with your Zoom calls.

25. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. To describe the virtual background feature in Zoom for Android.
B. To show off to the readers that he is able to change his zoom background.
C. To explain step by step how to change the virtual background in Zoom for Android.
D. To make sure the readers understand the steps to change the background in Zoom for

26. The following statements are based on the text. Choose the correct ones.
I We need to enable the virtual background feature on our Zoom account as the first step.
II We can enable the virtual background feature under the “In Meeting (Advanced)” section
on our zoom account.
III We should see the “Virtual Background” option from the pop-up menu on any android
device after tapping the “More” button.
IV We can select any videos on our device by tapping the “+” button.

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

27. What will happen after we tap the “+” button?

A. The video background will be added.
B. The virtual background will emerge.
C. Zoom will delete the File Manager.
D. The File Manager will show up.

28. Why do we need to sign in to our Zoom account on the web?

A. Because the Zoom website offers more accessibility to tweak Zoom settings.
B. Because the Zoom account is very powerful in choosing videos as the background.
C. Because the option to enable the “Virtual Background” feature is only accessible on the
Zoom account.
D. Because the Zoom app supports a feature to enable the Virtual Background option only
by tapping the button.

The text is for questions number 29 to 32.

Once upon a time there was a baby-frog who happily lived with his mother near a pond.
One day the baby-frog decided that he wanted to explore the world.
He hopped for hours until he met for the very first time in his life, a cow.
The cow scared the hell out of the tiny frog, so he quickly hurried back to his mom.
After the baby-frog told the story of the frightening big animal, his mother wanted to know how
big the beast exactly was.
“Was it this big?” she asked before pumping up her cheeks full with air.
“No mother, it was bigger than that.” said the baby-frog.
“Was it this big then?” his mother asked, after which she blew more air into her cheeks.
“No mother, it was much more bigger than that.” said the baby-frog.
“Did you mean it was this big?” his mother replied while she tried to pump even more air into
her cheeks.
Finally the mother frog exploded from the high pressure which had built up.
(Taken from:
29. The story writer wrote the text in order to ….
A. amuse readers with the story
B. describe the characters of the story
C. persuade readers to read the story
D. retell their experience in the past

30. Where do you think the story took place?

A. Around the world.
B. In the hell.
C. In a pond.
D. In a wood.

31. What did the mother frog do after listening the baby frog’s story about the frightening
A. She asked the baby-frog to blow air into his cheeks.
B. She pumped air out of her cheeks to make them flat.
C. She made high pressure on her cheeks to make them tough.
D. She kept blowing air into her cheeks to show the size of the animal.

32. What do you think about the mother-frog?

A. She was able to describe the cow clearly.
B. She was lack of strategy to explain how cow was.
C. She did not try to give the baby frog clear understanding.
D. She used her adequate knowledge to tell her baby frog about the cow.

The text is for questions number 33 to 36.

Long ago, there was a handsome young man named Awang Sukma who lived in a forest
peacefully. Once a month, Awang Sukma went to a clear lake under a shady tree to admire its
beauty. "Hmm, how beautiful this lake is!" Awang Sukma wondered.
The next day, when Awang Sukma was blowing his flute, he heard the noise near the
lake. Looking for the source of the noise, Awang Sukma saw 7 beautiful girls playing water.
"Could they be the fairies?" thought Awang Sukma. The girls were not aware if they are being
watched and left their shawls scattered around the lake. Captivated by their beauty, Awang
Sukma took one of the shawls.
Hearing to suspicious sound, the fairies were shocked and hurriedly took their shawl.
Unfortunately, the youngest fairy could not find her shawl. She was left alone, confused and
terrified. At that time, Awang Sukma came out of hiding. "Do not worry pretty lady, I will
help you, as long as you agree to marry me” pleaded Awang Sukma. Having no one and
nowhere to go, she had no other choice than accepted the proposal.
One day the fairy went to the barn to take some rice. Accidentally, she found her shawl
inside. Feeling betrayed, she determined to return to heaven. Realizing what happened, Awang
Sukma came over and apologized for his improper action, but she didn’t listen to him and flew
to heaven.
Adapted from:

33. What does the text talk about?

A. Awang Sukma and his fairy wife.
B. Awang Sukma and his seven wives.
C. Awang Sukma and a wonderful lake.
D. Awang Sukma and his dishonest wife.

34. What happened after the fairy found out that her shawl was hidden by his husband?
A. She hid in the barn
B. She apologized for her actions.
C. She decided to return to heaven.
D. She listened to her husband’s apology.

35. Look at the quotations below.

1 “The girls were not aware if they are being watched and left their shawls scattered around
the lake.”
2 “Captivated by their beauty, Awang Sukma took one of the shawls.”
3 “Feeling betrayed, she determined to return to heaven.”

From the quotations above, we can infer that Awang Sukma is…
A. Smart, kind, and responsible.
B. Selfless, kind but irresponsible.
C. Selfish, tricky, and deceitful.
D. Smart, selfless but easily frustrated.

36. “Feeling betrayed, she determined to return to heaven.” (paragraph 4)

The word “betrayed” is similar in meaning to…
A. loved.
B. deceived.
C. protected.
D. respected

The text is for questions number 37 to 40.

Once upon a time, there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo who ruled
Blambangan kingdom. The king had a loyal Prime Minister named Raden Sidopekso. The
Prime Minister had a wife named Sri Tanjung. She was so beautiful that the king wanted her
to be his wife.
One day, the King sent his Prime Minister to a long mission. While the Prime Minister
was away, the King tried to get Sri Tanjung. However, he failed. He was very angry. Thus,
when Sidopekso went back, the King told him that his wife was unfaithful to him. The Prime
Minister was very angry with his wife. Sri Tanjung said that it was not true. However,
Sidopekso said that he would kill her.
He brought her to the river bank. Before he killed and threw her into the river, she said
that her innocence would be proven. After Sidopekso killed her, he threw her dead body into
the dirty river.
The river immediately became clean and began to spread a wonderful fragrance.
Sidopekso said, “Banyu…Wangi… Banyuwangi”. This means “fragrant water”. Banyuwangi
was born from the proof of noble and sacred love.

37. Read the sentences carefully.

I Raden Sidopekso was a loyal Prime Minister of Blambangan kingdom.
II Sri Tanjung was Raden Sidopekso’ wife who was very beautiful.
III King Sulahkromo fell in love with Sri Tanjung.
IV King Sulahkromo failed to get Sri Tanjung.

Which ones are complications of the story?

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV

38. From the text we know that Sri Tanjung is a loyal wife. Which information supports this
A. The King told Sidopekso that her wife was unfaithful to him.
B. Sri Tanjung said that what the King told him about her was not true
C. When Sidopekso did a long mission, the King tried to get Sri Tanjung but he failed.
D. Before Sidopekso killed Sri Tanjung, she said that her innocence would be proven.

39. “He was very angry.” (paragraph 2)

What does the word “he” refer to?
A. Sidopekso.
B. King Sulahkromo.
C. The Prime Minister.
D. Sri Tanjung’s husband.

40. What is the moral value that should be learnt by Sidopekso?

A. He should not easily believe in something before knowing the truth.
B. He should protect her wife well from danger around her.
C. He should love her wife and doesn’t hurt her.
D. He must be careful in doing his duty.

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