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Received: 28 August 2019 | Accepted: 11 February 2020

DOI: 10.1002/jor.24630


Molecular biology of meniscus pathology: Lessons learned

from translational studies and mouse models

Muhammad Farooq Rai PhD1,2 | Robert H. Brophy MD1 | Vicki Rosen PhD3

Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Washington University School of Medicine, Abstract
St. Louis, Missouri
2 Injury to any individual structure in the knee interrupts the overall function of the
Department of Cell Biology & Physiology,
Washington University School of Medicine, joint and initiates a cascade of biological and biomechanical changes whose endpoint
St. Louis, Missouri
is often osteoarthritis (OA). The knee meniscus is an integral component of knee
Department of Developmental Biology,
Harvard School of Dental Medicine, biomechanics and may also contribute to the biological homeostasis of the joint.
Boston, Massachusetts Meniscus injury altering knee function is associated with a high risk of OA pro-
Correspondence gression, and may also be involved in the initiation of OA. As the relationship
Muhammad Farooq Rai, Department of between meniscus injury and OA is very complex; despite the availability of
Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University
School of Medicine, 425 S. Euclid Ave. transcript level data on human meniscus injury and meniscus mediated OA,
MS 8233, Saint Louis, MO 63110. mechanistic studies are lacking, and available human data are difficult to validate
in the absence of patient‐matched noninjured control tissues. As similarities exist
Vicki Rosen, Department of Developmental between human and mouse knee joint structure and function, investigators have
Biology, Harvard School of Dental Medicine,
188 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. begun to use cutting‐edge genetic and genomic tools to examine the usefulness of
Email: the mouse as a model to study the intricate relationship between meniscus injury

Funding information
and OA. In this review, we use evidence from human meniscus research to identify
National Institute of Arthritis and critical barriers hampering our understanding of meniscus injury induced OA and
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases,
Grant/Award Numbers: AR064837, AR074992
discuss strategies to overcome these barriers, including those that can be examined
in a mouse model of injury‐mediated OA.


genetics and genomics, meniscus, osteoarthritis, repair

1 | INTRODUCTION factors.3 Moreover, a number of genetic components have been

linked to OA,4 and it is likely that identification of additional
The knees are the largest synovial joints in the human body and genetic susceptibility variants will augment our understanding of
are among the joints most commonly affected by the highly pre- individual susceptibility to primary knee OA. In contrast to primary
valent degenerative disease known as osteoarthritis (OA). Despite OA, secondary OA occurs after an injury, and an injury to any
extensive research, the etiology and pathogenesis of primary individual knee structure(s) disrupts the normal function of the
idiopathic OA are not fully understood. Although the increasing knee and initiates a cascade of biological and biomechanical
prevalence of OA has been attributed, at least in part, to an in- changes, which often terminate in posttraumatic OA.5
crease in life expectancy and the obesity epidemic, a recent The meniscus, a fibrocartilaginous structure found in the knee
study has, however, reported that the high prevalence of OA (and also in the jaws), is an integral part of the complex biomechanics
cannot be explained by increases in longevity and obesity alone, of the knee joint and may also contribute to the biological
necessitating the identification of additional independent risk homeostasis of other knee joint structures, including the articular

© 2020 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

J Orthop Res. 2020;1–10. | 1

2 | RAI ET AL.

cartilages of the femur and the tibia. Meniscal injury frequently alters 2.1 | Structural heterogeneity of meniscus
knee functions and often leads to progressive degenerative disease
of the joint. Traumatic meniscal tears are common in young, Each meniscus can be divided into an anterior horn, body, and
active individuals and as a result, approximately 690 000 partial posterior horn, and can also be divided into an outer region, middle
meniscectomies and almost one million additional knee arthroscopies region, and inner region.17 Anatomically, the outer edges and ends of
are performed every year in the United States. Meniscal resection each meniscus are attached to the tibia by ligaments. The inner edges
for traumatic or degenerative meniscal tears is reported to be lack attachments, allowing for frequent adaptation in meniscus shape
associated with a two to sevenfold risk of development of with joint movements. The vascularity of the meniscus is described as
symptomatic knee OA.8,9 While altered tibiofemoral contact force consisting of three zones. The outer red‐red zone is essentially at the
and joint destabilization resulting from injured meniscus appear to be meniscus‐capsule junction and has excellent vascularity and potential
the primary drivers for OA initiation, a clear mechanistic for healing of meniscal repairs. Moving centrally, the middle
understanding of how meniscus injury/degeneration initiates a cas- red‐white zone has intermediate vascularity and healing potential.
cade of molecular events leading to OA remains elusive. The inner white‐white zone has essentially no vasculature and
In this review, we use evidence from human meniscus research minimal healing potential. It is important to note that the healing
to discuss critical barriers hampering our understanding of the capacity of the meniscus varies by region; meniscus outer regions
pathogenic mechanisms of meniscus injury induced OA. These that contain ample vasculature and neuronal signals are more likely
barriers include the heterogeneous nature of meniscus, both in to initiate a regenerative response than the meniscus inner region,
terms of structure and function; the influence of both intrinsic and a more cartilage‐like structure.18 It is thought that the lack of
extrinsic confounders (risk factors); lack of understanding of the vasculature in the inner and middle regions of the meniscus is
capacity of the meniscus to regenerate due to limited success in responsible for the low reparative and regenerative capability that
enhancing meniscus healing with available treatments; and, lack occurs after injury in this region.18
of availability of patient‐matched noninjured controls. These
significant obstacles currently preclude the development of a
mechanistic understanding of meniscus injury induced OA that 2.2 | Cellular heterogeneity of the meniscus
would not only provide important insights into the pathogenesis of
OA but also help identify targets for therapeutic intervention. Unlike articular cartilage which consists of only one cell type, the
Finally, we discuss strategies to overcome the aforementioned meniscus is comprised of several distinct cell populations with
barriers, including the utility of a mouse model predictive of me- unknown lineage relationships to one another.19 The main cell type in
niscus injury mediated OA. the inner and middle regions of the meniscus is the fibrochondrocyte,
a round or oval‐shaped cell surrounded by abundant extracellular
matrix.20 The major fibrillar collagen produced by meniscus
2 | TH E MEN I S CUS IS A C O M PL EX fibrochondrocytes is type II collagen.21 Meniscus fibrochondrocytes
S T R U C T U R E T H A T PE R F O R M S D I V E R S E stain negatively for a cluster of differentiation (CD) 34, a surrogate
FUNCTIO NS R EQUIRED F OR OPTIMAL marker for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. In addition to
KNEE JOINT FUNCTION fibrochondrocytes, the inner avascular region of the meniscus also
harbors a unique progenitor cell population that exhibits multilineage
Human menisci are C‐shaped structures located between the differentiation potential and migratory activity.22 In contrast,
femoral condyle and the tibial plateau within the knee. Composed the outer region of the meniscus consists predominantly of spindle‐
primarily of fibrocartilage endowed with high water content, the shaped fibroblast‐like cells within a dense connective tissue matrix20
menisci are strong, flexible, and resilient.10 Menisci perform composed mainly of type I collagen.23 These cells exhibit positive
diverse functions critical to normal knee physiology. Physically, they staining for CD34 but are negative for CD31, a marker for platelet‐
distribute loads across the knee and provide a low friction surface endothelial cells. It is suggested that this cell type contributes to
for joint movement.11 Biologically, menisci contribute to the the healing capability of the outer meniscus since the presence of
composition of synovial fluid12,13 and communicate, via production the vasculature is an important factor in this as well.24
of both biomechanical and biological signals (such as inflammatory
pathways, anabolic and catabolic markers, and immune system
pathways) with the adjacent articular surfaces of the tibia and 3 | C U R R EN T TR EA T M EN T O F M EN I SC U S
femur, and perhaps the synovium and other tissues in the knee joint IN J U RI E S I S O N L Y P A R T I A L L Y S U C C E SS F U L
as well.14 Often underappreciated is the structural and
cellular complexity of the meniscus that allows for these functions. There is now an increased realization that surgeries aimed at saving the
When injured, impaired meniscus function has a huge impact on meniscus are preferable to meniscus removal.25 Currently, three types
joint physiology, increasing the risk for development of OA, and of surgical managements are in practice: meniscus repair, arthroscopic
contributing to poor joint health and disability. partial meniscectomy, and meniscus replacement or transplant.26
RAI ET AL. | 3

The structural diversity of the meniscus allows for tailored approaches greater healing potential,46,47 others have reported that patients,
for the treatment of meniscus injuries based on their location. Repair is under the age of 30 years, experience significantly higher rates of
most often performed in tears occurring in posterior medial region of subsequent meniscectomies than older patients and that meniscal
the meniscus27 as the tears within this zone are the most amenable to repairs healed equally well in young and old patients.48,49
interventions. Recently, because of increased awareness of the Microarray analysis of injured menisci has revealed that gene
significance of meniscus preservation and associated degenerative signatures associated with the immune response, inflammation, cell
(osteoarthritis) changes due to meniscectomy, there has been an cycle, and cellular proliferation are increased with age, whereas genes
attempt to expand repair to include tears in more locations and with associated with cartilage and skeletal development and extracellular
different configurations. Partial meniscectomy is a procedure in which matrix synthesis are repressed with age, suggesting a distinct
damaged fragments of the meniscus are debrided while preserving as phenotype of meniscus degeneration with aging.45 From a mechanistic
much meniscus tissue as possible. While both meniscus repair and perspective, autophagy, a natural cellular homeostasis mechanism that
partial meniscectomy may be acceptable treatment options for certain facilitates normal cell function and survival by removing unnecessary
types of meniscus tears, meniscal repairs have a higher reoperation or dysfunctional components and allowing the orderly degradation and
rate than partial meniscectomies, although the repair is associated with recycling of cellular components,50 is also significantly changed in the
better long‐term outcomes.29,30 Meniscus repair techniques are meniscus during aging. Aging and injury can lower basal levels of
considered to be a significant challenge for lesions found in the inner autophagy and result in meniscus degeneration and development of
avascular region, primarily due to the lack of blood supply and perhaps OA.51 Conversely, induction of autophagy has been shown to
in part because this inner avascular zone appears devoid of stem significantly reduce the severity of OA.52
cell populations.24 As such, evolving techniques for meniscus
reconstruction employing implantation of meniscus substitutes with or
without exogenous stem cells and/or growth factors are being explored 4.2 | Sex
in this setting.31 When a substantial portion of the meniscus is
damaged or deficient, meniscus transplantation of fresh or frozen There is a consensus, and available data strongly supports the
meniscal allografts is the last remaining treatment option. The observation that females are more affected and burdened by knee
biological and synthetic substitutes must possess the anatomical, OA than males.53 Rates of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears
biological and mechanical characteristics of the meniscus, making their are also higher in women than men when engaged in similar
utility limited by availability. activities.54 Men, however, have a greater prevalence of meniscus
injury than women.33 There are relatively small differences observed
in gene expression of meniscus tissue when segregated by sex, with
4 | M U L T I T U D E O F FA C T O R S I N F L U E N C E a need for more investigation in this area.

A multitude of (risk) factors can influence meniscus biology, injury, 4.3 | Genetics
and repair. Biomechanics obviously play an important role in terms
of how meniscal resection impacts the joint overall but the focus Interestingly, it has been noted that meniscus damage also occurs in
of this review is on other factors that impact the biology of the the absence of knee trauma,35 suggesting that factors other than
underlying meniscus. Each factor may work independently or in acute injury could contribute to this damage. One study provided
concert with other factors, further highlighting the complexity of evidence for genetic predisposition for meniscus damage.36 In this
meniscus biology and pathology. Some of the most important factors study, authors used the Framingham cohort to determine whether
are discussed here and summarized in Table 1. radiographic hand OA is associated with meniscus damage by
examining the correlation of finger OA on hand radiographs, and
the number of fingers affected by OA, with the presence of meniscus
4.1 | Age damage. The prevalence of meniscus damage was 24.9% to 47.2%
and was positively associated with the number of fingers affected
Like any musculoskeletal tissue, the biology of the meniscus is by OA. This observation supports the concept of a common
impacted by aging. It has been reported that increasing age is systemic/genetic predisposition and/or a common environmental
associated with an increased risk for meniscus injury33 and the risk factor for radiographic hand OA and meniscus damage.
prevalence of degenerative meniscal lesions frequently increases with
age.35 Further, it has been reported that aging heightens the risk for
complications after meniscus surgery.34 However, there is some 4.4 | Obesity
discrepancy in the literature with regard to the impact of age on
meniscus repair. While some authors have reported that young Obesity has a strong impact on meniscus health; it is associated
patients are the best candidates for a meniscal repair because of their with a high risk of the first hospitalization due to meniscus
4 | RAI ET AL.

T A B L E 1 Factors that contribute to meniscus injury and pathology

Factor Functional attribute Reference

Age Increased risk for meniscus tear Jones et al33

Heightened risk for complications after meniscus surgery Abram et al34
Increased risk for meniscus degeneration Englund et al35

Sex Female sex is associated with lower risk for meniscus tear Jones et al33

Genetics Genetics increases predisposition to meniscus damage Englund et al36

Obesity Increased risk of first hospitalization due to meniscus lesions Kontio et al37
Decreased knee flexion after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy Kluczynski et al38
Increased incidence of medial meniscus body extrusion Zhang et al39

Activity level High activity levels, e.g., service in Armed Forces is associated with increased incidence Jones et al33
of meniscus injury
Participation in ball playing sports, gymnastics and jogging predict the highest risk of Kontio et al37
meniscus lesions
A gradual increase in activity (e.g., frequency, duration, and intensity) may be warranted Cattano et al40
prior to returning to activities that involve running

Time from injury Duration of complaint is associated with heightened risk of meniscectomy Jiang et al41
Shorter duration of symptoms prior to partial meniscectomy is associated with a greater Haviv et al42
improvement in clinical symptoms after surgery

Prior knee injury and Prior ACL tears is associated with a decreased risk of meniscectomy Jiang et al41
surgery Young people with ACL injuries have a very high associated incidence of meniscal disease Reid et al43
at the time of corrective surgery

Tear pattern Root tear is associated with increased pain MacFarlane et al44
Young patients with ACL tears have a very high prevalence of meniscal pathology Reid et al43
Strong association between ipsilateral meniscus tear and medial meniscus body extrusion Zhang et al39
No predictable relationship between meniscal damage and meniscal symptoms MacFarlane et al44

Status of the articular A weak evidence exists to establish a link between early degenerative changes in the Rai et al45
cartilage cartilage and gene expression in meniscus

Abbreviation: ACL, anterior cruciate ligament.

lesions,37 and decreased knee flexion after arthroscopic partial visfatin.1 These adipokines play important roles in metabolic
meniscectomy. Medial meniscus body extrusion is more homeostasis through autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine signal-
common in patients with elevated body mass index (BMI).39 ing56 and provide a critical nonbiomechanical link between
Transcriptome profiling of fragments of injured meniscus showed obesity and OA.57 A detailed description of how adipokines
that higher BMI is negatively associated with extracellular impact metabolic homeostasis and OA is reviewed in Rai and
matrix gene transcripts in human injured meniscus. 55 Interest- Sandell. 1 While adipokines exert catabolic and anti‐anabolic
ingly, greater gene expression differences exist between obese effects both on meniscus and articular cartilage, meniscus has
and overweight patients than obese and lean patients or between been shown to be more susceptible to adipokine‐stimulated
lean and overweight patients. Gene ontology analysis revealed catabolism than articular cartilage.58 Additionally, specific
that biological processes related to oxygen transport, calcium‐ adipokines play different roles in meniscus homeostasis and
binding, extracellular matrix, metal ion binding, and metabolic injury. For instance, visfatin, but not leptin, exerts catabolic
process were enriched in the obese and lean or overweight effects on the meniscus,59 while adiponectin and resistin have
comparison. In contrast, no significant biological processes other been shown to be higher in meniscus tear patients with early
than axon guidance were enriched for the lean and overweight degenerative changes on radiographs. 60
comparison. This finding suggests that there is a weight‐threshold
at which injured meniscus has a magnified response to increased
body weight. Additionally, obesity‐related changes in gene 4.5 | Level of activity
expression present a plausible explanation for how the biology
of the meniscus may contribute to the elevated risk of OA in The activity level of the individual is a very important factor in
obese patients. Adipose tissues are a major source of cytokines, determining the rate of meniscus damage. It has been reported
chemokines, and metabolically active mediators called adipokines that members of the armed services (Army and Marine Corps)
(or adipocytokines) including leptin, resistin, adiponectin, and have an increased incidence of meniscus injury.33 Participation in ball
RAI ET AL. | 5

related sports, gymnastics and jogging predict a higher risk of 5 | RE LATIONSHIP B ETWEE N M E NISCUS
meniscus lesions.37 Moreover, occupational hazard such as kneeling IN JU RY AN D O A I S NOT FU LLY
has also been reported to influence meniscus degeneration as ELUCIDATED
degenerative tears were reported to be more prevalent in individuals
with increased kneeling such as floor layers compared to those with Current patient data suggest a strong link between meniscus injury
less kneeling such as graphic designers.61 and knee OA,47,70–76 but also suggests that this linkage is complex
(Figure 1). The role of the meniscus in the initiation and progression
of OA is thought to be minimal unless injured.68,77 Once injured,
4.6 | Time from injury emerging evidence suggests that meniscus injury disrupts a number
of key biological processes and signaling pathways leading to joint
While there is a fair amount of literature on the significance of degeneration (Table 2). Meniscus cells secrete inflammatory
the time of intervention versus time from injury in ACL tears,62–65 cytokines and degradative enzymes in response to injury or altered
little is known about the impact of time from injury on intervention loading81,82; these signals then affect meniscal cell biology, limiting
after meniscal tears. There is one report suggesting that the duration the native repair potential of meniscus lesions in vitro and likely in
of symptoms is associated with a heightened risk of meniscectomy vivo.83 Deleterious effects of injury and/or aging on the meniscus can
but meniscal symptoms may not be obvious after meniscus injury. also affect the homeostasis of other joint tissues, including the
Clinical data suggest that a shorter duration of symptoms prior to synovium and articular cartilage,12,78,79,82,84–86 likely via secreted
partial meniscectomy is associated with a greater improvement in MMP activity provided by injured meniscus cells.86–90 Additionally,
clinical symptoms after surgery.42 studies comparing torn meniscus from knees undergoing partial
meniscectomy to OA knees revealed that menisci undergoing partial
meniscectomy exhibited a repair phenotype compared to the
4.7 | Concomitant knee injury and surgery inflammatory profile seen in the OA meniscus,70,71 a finding that
suggests that the meniscus gene expression profile changes both
A prior knee injury is associated with a decreased risk of with injury and degeneration and that these profiles are distinct from
meniscectomy.41 However, it has been reported that young people one another.91,92 Taken together, current information clearly
with ACL injuries have a very high associated incidence of meniscal suggests a biological role for the meniscus in knee OA. One plausible
disease at the time of surgery.43 A comparison of gene expression scenario is that meniscal damage induces mechanical instability
signatures in isolated meniscus tears versus meniscus tears with and increases loading stress in the knee; this, in turn, stimulates the
concomitant ACL tears found increased inflammation and depressed production of catabolic proteins such as cytokines, chemokines, and
matrix synthesis in combined injuries, suggesting that the meniscus matrix‐degrading enzymes by joint tissues and over time results in
appears to undergo more substantial molecular changes as a result OA.82 It is also possible that the initial response of the meniscus to
of combined injury.66 injury could be a repair response, which interacts with the other
tissues in the knee in a manner that switches this repair potential
into catabolic signals that lead to tissue breakdown.
4.8 | Tear pattern Unfortunately, developing a mechanistic understanding of
meniscus‐mediated OA is very difficult to establish in human studies,
Meniscus tear is a known predisposing factor for the development of
posttraumatic OA and meniscus tears account for 12% of all knee
OA.67 Approximately 50% of people with meniscal tears have
radiographic evidence for OA 6 to 20 years after injury68,69 suggesting
that meniscus injury represents a sentinel event for early‐stage OA.
While meniscus tears can present with a wide range of patterns, they
are generally classified as traumatic and degenerative.
A recent study found that the gene expression signatures in
injured meniscus vary based on the nature of tear (degenerative vs
traumatic), a finding that may have important implications for both
the varying potential for healing following meniscus repair and for F I G U R E 1 Simple diagram showing complex interaction between
the differential risk for developing OA.43 Traumatic (vertical) tears meniscus tear, degeneration, and osteoarthritis (OA). Meniscus tear
expressed higher levels of chemokines and matrix metalloproteases and degeneration both often lead to OA over a course of years.
New evidence suggests that OA also contributes to meniscus
(MMPs) and lower levels of collagen than degenerative (complex,
degeneration and likely increases the susceptibility to a meniscus
horizontal, or flap) tears. However, to date, no predictable tear. A meniscus tear may precede meniscus degeneration or vice
relationship between meniscal tear patterns and meniscal symptoms versa. Moreover, the presence of a number of confounding factors
has been established.44 (listed in Table 1) further complicates this interaction
6 | RAI ET AL.

T A B L E 2 Biological processes and pathways altered in meniscus injury and degeneration

Process/Pathway Gene/protein involved Comparison Tissue Method Condition Reference

Inflammation ↑ IL‐6, TNFα Injured vs non‐injured sites Human meniscus ELISA APM Ogura et al78
↑ IL8, CXCL6, MMP3; Traumatic vs degenerative Human meniscus Real‐time APM Brophy et al79
↑ IL‐10, IL‐6, TNFα, IL‐8 Chondral changes vs control Human synovial ELISA APM Bigoni et al12

Adipokines ↑ ADIPOQ, RETN Degenerative changes Human meniscus Real‐time APM Brophy et al60
on X‐rays PCR

Autophagy ↓ ATG‐5, LC3 Meniscus degeneration Murine meniscus IHC DMM Meckes et al51
↑ BECN1, CASP3 Medial vs lateral meniscus Lapine meniscus Real‐time Arthrotomy Heard et al80

Abbreviations: ADIPOQ, adiponectin; APM, arthroscopic partial meniscectomy; ATG ‐5, autophagy related 5; BECN1, beclin 1; CASP3, caspase 3;
COL1A1, collagen type I alpha 1; CXCL6, C‐X‐C motif chemokine ligand 6; DMM, destabilization of medial meniscus; ELISA, enzyme linked
immunosorbent assay; IL, interleukin; IHC, immunohistochemistry; LC3, light chain 3; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; PCR, polymerase chain reaction;
RETN, resistin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

particularly since obtaining suitable control knees may be practically different providers and locations. The second barrier requires more
impossible and/or unethical. It is also unlikely that tissue will be sensitive yet noninvasive means of detecting early joint degeneration
available immediately after the meniscal injury. There have been such as cartilage sensitive magnetic resonance imaging or more
attempts to study meniscus tears from clinically asymptomatic specific serum biomarkers. Advances in both of these areas may
patients; however, there are obvious practical and ethical challenges in facilitate future studies aimed at more precisely understanding
collecting meniscus tissue from asymptomatic individuals, even though the impact of the meniscal injury on the knee.
meniscus tears are common in asymptomatic individuals.
Ideally, a comparison between normal uninjured meniscus and a torn
or degenerated meniscus is required to determine if the biology of 7 | WH AT MIGH T WE L EARN F ROM USIN G
menisci truly differs between the two conditions. However, harvesting MOUSE M O DE LS TO S TUDY THE R OLE O F
of “intact” meniscus from an asymptomatic knee is obviously not MENISCAL INJURY IN THE DEVELOPMENT
possible for ethical reasons. Normal meniscus may be accessible OF KNEE OA?
from deceased donors, but a variety of factors such as the nature of
injury/disease causing death, the presence or absence of systemic Currently missing from our understanding of the impact of meniscus
inflammatory or autoimmune disorders, and acute or chronic exposure injury on OA is knowledge of the events set in motion by meniscus
to medications make it difficult to be sure whether this tissue is a trauma that drives subsequent articular cartilage degeneration.5 The
reliable surrogate for a truly intact healthy meniscus. similarities of joint structure and biology, combined with a vast array
of genetic and proteomic tools, have led investigators to use the
mouse to study joint injuries and examine articular cartilage
6 | S T R A T E GI E S T O O V E R C O M E B A R RI E R S pathogenesis.96 Mice have become an increasingly popular model
I N H U M A N ME N I S C U S R E S E A R C H AR E system for the study of posttraumatic OA. Current mouse models of
EMERGING meniscus injury that progress to knee OA include destabilization of
the medial meniscus (DMM), meniscal ligament injury (MLI), and
More clinical and translational studies are needed to better medial meniscus tear (MMT). In each, disruption of meniscus function
understand the circumstances under which meniscal injury leads to directly affects knee biomechanics, compromising multiple joint tis-
the initiation and or furthers the progression of knee OA. While sues, most prominent of which is the knee articular cartilage. It is
there have been a number of studies recently that attempt to inform important to note that mouse knee biomechanics are not
this question, two challenges make it particularly identical to those of humans and the differences that exist may affect
difficult. First, a wide range of factors such as age, BMI, activity level, the pathophysiological processes leading to OA. This is also true for
and concomitant injury can influence meniscal injury biology and the the tissue components making up the knee joint; mouse articular
subsequent development of OA, making it necessary to recruit large cartilage is much thinner than human articular cartilage and the
numbers of patients to account for these covariates. Second, OA mouse meniscus undergoes ossification during tissue maturation,
takes years if not decades to develop a following meniscal injury, unlike the human meniscus. Last, but not least, mouse meniscus
requiring relatively long follow up to document the development biology (in health and disease) does not necessarily represent human
and progression of OA. The first barrier can be overcome with meniscus biology (in health and disease) as animal findings do not
collaborative efforts to recruit larger cohorts of patients across always translate to humans. These differences should be considered
RAI ET AL. | 7

when interpreting data obtained from meniscus injury post‐traumatic leaving us unable to compare meniscus injury events to meniscus
OA models and balanced against the ability to perform mechanistic development events in a species other than mice.100
studies through genetic manipulation in mice. While mice are considered to be a great resource for OA
research due to the ability to study the function of single gene, and
mouse meniscus injury models that induce OA such as DMM, MLI,
7.1 | Relationship of biomechanical and biological and MMT are popular among the scientific community, direct
changes in the development of OA comparison between human and mouse meniscus has limitations, as
described above. One area where mouse meniscal injury models will
Structure‐function studies have clearly established that disruption of be valuable is the comparison between tissue morphogenesis during
the complex meniscus extracellular matrix network negatively affects development and tissue regeneration after injury.
joint biomechanics and joint function. However, analyses of meniscal Studies that exist for mouse meniscus morphogenesis are largely
injuries in humans and large animals strongly indicate that the in- incomplete. Once completed, they should provide us with the
complete meniscal tears that are common in patients do not sig- knowledge of the genes that are activated during meniscal
nificantly alter meniscus biomechanics at the time they occur, but often development, allowing us to ask whether these genes are reactivated
result in the development of knee OA decades later. Injured meniscus after injury, to uncover the signaling pathways that initiate this
secretes a variety of factors including activated MMPs, and damage‐ process, and to investigate the ability of therapeutic agents to
associated molecular patterns.84 Brophy et al79 reported that meniscal enhance signaling pathways associated with meniscal morphogenesis
tissues from traumatic tears show much greater expression of chemo- thereby enhancing meniscus healing.
kines and degradative enzymes including interleukin 8, C‐X‐C motif
chemokine ligand 6, MMP‐1, and MMP‐3 that have been implicated in
articular cartilage degradation. However, it is difficult to establish a 8 | C O N CL U S I O N
direct cause and effect relationship due to the variable nature of the
meniscus injury, the differences in time from injury to when the sample The meniscus is a key tissue in the knee, performing a diverse range
is taken, the specific site within the meniscus where the specimen was of functions necessary to maintain optimal knee joint function and
taken from and the overall health status of each individual with an homeostasis. The functional diversity of the meniscus is derived from
injured meniscus. Availability of a mouse model of meniscus injury that its structural and cellular diversity, and our lack of understanding of
progresses to knee OA would allow for the study of the complex re- the intricacies of meniscus biology are major reasons why the current
lationship between meniscus injury and OA without having to treatment of meniscus injuries is only partially successful. A number
determine how differences in age, sex, injury site, time postinjury, and of intrinsic (age, sex, genetics, and body weight) and extrinsic (nature,
health status influence data interpretation. time, and pattern of injury and degeneration) factors influence
meniscus homeostasis, repair and injury response. As meniscus
injuries often lead to OA over the long term, evaluating the
7.2 | Why meniscal injuries exhibit failed healing relationship between meniscus injury and OA is difficult. Although
responses? efforts have now been directed toward the study of molecular and
cellular level changes that occur with a meniscus injury, degenera-
How tissue regeneration programs are triggered after an injury is an tion, and regeneration, identification of specific molecular pathways
emerging research focus due to the availability of new technologies that underlie the meniscus injury response and the cellular
that allow for interrogation of injury on a genome‐wide level.97 In mechanisms they influence are missing in the current literature.
mammals, tissue regeneration ability is organ‐specific and While transcript‐level data on meniscus injury, degeneration, and
age‐dependent. The use of mouse models has been transformative in regeneration exist, these are difficult to validate in the absence of
resolving key mechanisms of tissue repair allowing investigators to patient‐matched non‐injured control tissues. As similarities exist
ablate specific cell types, map cell lineages, track cell progeny after between human and mouse knee joint structure and function,
tissue injury, and perform bulk and single‐cell RNA‐sequencing.98 investigators have begun to use cutting‐edge genetic and genomic
Recent results in mice suggest the number of genes that are tools to examine the usefulness of the mouse as a model to study the
exclusively dedicated to tissue regeneration will be limited, and intricate relationship between meniscus injury and OA.
large‐scale repurposing of genes with functions in embryonic
development will drive the regeneration response after injury.98 This AC KNO WL EDG M EN TS
paradigm can be observed during bone repair where the regenera- The publications cited from the author's laboratories were partially
tion process mimics many aspects of skeletal development and many supported by the National Institutes of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal
developmental genes are reactivated upon injury in the same tem- and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
poral and spatial patterns.99 With respect to meniscus regeneration, grants R00 AR064837 and P30 AR074992. The content is solely the
no information in the current literature focuses on the genes that responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the
direct meniscal morphogenesis in any species other than the mouse, official views of NIAMS or the NIH.
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