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SWAMY’S HANDBOOK — 2014 a | limits of CGHS atthe time of liness should produce medical certificate ‘fiewoss | tanieate fom 2 CGHS docter, as opted out of CGUS facilities rnreapect of Government servant who has opted out of cis (2ynsespet of erties provided by nis her spouse's employer the nd vain efor avaling te commuted ae sie bythe hor fe 5 approved by that employer is allow ceed — OM, dated. 19-10-2011. ; ce igota COS ln Co eect om | gust Hears aoa mated Goverment servant may pods A, aR RMP if there is no AMA available within a radius of # kins of cert gence Rule 39 (1) _oinsan erent cei ena CGroumstances of the ae _ li ted in a prive crise em rei tc tse ea ee Slee et cs emcee sh a nop see ear caect, ot) for the eaten of which the Ec ei cn a oy 7 Rule 19°0) other disease — Ri 0, Leave sanctioning authority ray secure second medical opinion, if considered necessary.— Rule 19 3). 10, A Goverament servant who ison leave on medical cerifiate will be ria eduction ofa medical coruficate of Biness cm egies Medical racons the ASA) Pes Rule 24 @) and Rude 19 nes ee rave without sanction, will be debited against nov ewe pap in, fee FOL. Salary is admissible forthe entie period of overstays ee i ion Rule 25 (1) and Audit Instruction. 12. fl absence duty yates liable to disciplinary OM ah Br outa et DAMIAN, 13 Bicate an interruption of Hefvice unless it)is regularizes Taacion under Rule 25 (1). ofleave renders aGovernment LEAVE RULES ae 14. Permanently incapacitated Government servanis not to be invalided — ‘A Govemment servant who has been permanently incapacitated from Government service on account of mental or physical disability shall not be invalided or reduced in rank. If he is not suitable for the present post, he could be shifted to some other post with the same pay scale and service benefits. If not possible to adjust, he may be kept on a supernumerary post until a post becomes available or his superannuation, whichever is earlier. No promotion shall be denied — Rule 20 (2). 15. Transfer to foreign service.— Ifa Government servant is transferred to foreign service while on leave, he ceases, from the date of such transfer, to be on leave and to draw leave salary.— Rule 21, GID. 2. Barned Leave 1. Credit-— Credit willbe afforded in advance ata uniform rate of 15 days on the Ist of January and Ist of July every year, The credit tobe afforded wll te reduced by th of extaontinary leave availed andor period of dies non during the previous hal-yea, subject oa maximum of 15 days and lo the extent of such credit only.— Rules 26 (1) and 27 (3) and GID (2). 2. Accumulation — Earned leave can be accumulated up to 300 days in addition to the number of days for which encashrnent has been allowed along. withLTC. > 3. While limiting the maximum of 300 days, where the balance at credit is 286-300 days, further advance credit of 15 days on Ist January / Ist July will be kept separately and. set-off agains the EL availed of during that half-year ending 30th June / 31st December. However, if the leave availed is less than 15 day, the remainder wll be credited tothe leave account subject othe ceiling of 300 days at the close of that half-year— Rule 26, GID (2). 4.The credit forthe half-yearin which a Goverment servantis appointed will be afforded at the rate of 34 days for each completed calendar month of service which he is likely to render in the calendar half-year in which he is, appointed — Rule 27 (1). 5. The credit for the half-year in which a Government servant is due to retire or resigns from the service will be afforded atthe rate of 2+ days for each completed calendar month in that half-year up to the date of retirement/ resignation — Rule 27 (2) (@). 6. The credit forthe half-year in which a Governmentservant is removed / dismissed from service wil be afforded at the rate of 2+ days per completed calendar month up to the end of the calendar month preceding the calendar month in which he s removed f dismissed. Ta the case of death ofa Government tervant while in service, credit will be afforded atthe rate of 2+ days per ‘completed calendar month upto the date of death — Rule 27 (2) (b) and (c) | | } | 16 SWAMY'S HANDBOOK — 2014 +7, Hfa Government servant retires / resigns / isremoved /is dismissed / dies i the middle of a calendar year, the eared leave c the rate of 3p th of any extraordinary the ae Oded Rule 27, GID) 1c afording credit, factions ofa day sho nearer eg Te days to be rounded as 8 days.— Rule 27 (4) 9. EL. on account of Unaailed Joining Tne — sie, horumber of days admissible (subject to a maximum o ce he: the mu spr cays avd salle credited othe ered env subject to the following conditions: — (a) ‘The Government servant is ordered to join the new post withou availing full admissible joining time; OF sreited should be reduced at ‘eave taken in that half-year and the leave juld be rounded off to the Unavailed joined time, sf 15 days) reduced, t n He proceeds alone 10 the new place and joins the post. without availing full joining fe and takes his family later within the permissible time for claiming travelling allowence forthe family — Rule 26, (b) The credit of earned leave plus the tunavailed joining time credited Jrould not exceed 300 day’ (in addition to the number of days for svhich encashment has been allowed along with LTC)— (0) (@) (ii) and proviso thereunder ) The concession of showing advance cre separately in (© Wesuis not appieable--Rule 26, GID G). sfer within the same station, 10. One day joining time admissible for trans not availed, cannot be credited to the BL Account 11, Bamed leave-can be availed up to 180 days at atime.— Rule 26 (2), Exception: ceeding 30 days «) are eave exceeding 180 days but no recoding 3 (©) Ramen reds CroupA and Group Officer, eee a een exges of 180 ds is fet nt se aaa eah, haan Burma, SH Lanka, Nepal 2 1 Pakistan. —Rule 26 (3). Sf. jarned leave may be taken FLO ease ea A ‘ soa 3, Half Pay Leave GOVI. PoLy TER; “Cia s1-1-95-— aid 2 ns fr xh some yee Rule 26 the leave it wa at de nd at a time up to 300 days as leave % a LEAVE RULES a eave with or without MC, but does not include periods of suspension treated as dies non, overstayal of leave / joining time unless otherwise regularized, 2. From 1-1-1986, half pay leave is eredited in advance at the rate of 10 days onthe 1st of January and Ist of July every year. The advance credit for the half-year in which a Government servant is appointed will be a the rate of 513 days for each completed calendar month of service he is likely to render in the half-year in which he is appointed 3. The half pay leave to be credited every half-year will be reduced at the rate of one-eighteenth of the period of dies non / suspension treated as dies non, during the preceding half-year, subject toa maximum of ten days. 4, The credit forthe half-year in which a Government servant i due 10 retire / resigns willbe afforded atthe at of 4 days foreach completed calendar roonth of service in that half-year up tothe date of retirement resignstion 5. Thecreditforthe half-year in which a Goverment servant is removed / dismissed from service willbe afforded at the rte of} days per completed calendar month up to the end of the calendar month preceding the last calendar ‘month of service, Inthe case of death ofa Government servant while in service, crecit will be afforded atthe rate of $ days per completed calendar moath up <0 the date of death — Rule 29 (2) (c) and (ca). 6, Half pay leave can be availed cither with or without medical certificate — Rule 29 (4) 7. The grant of half pay leave to a temporary official is subject to the sanctioning, authority satistying himself that the official will return to duty after its expiry. This condition is not applicable where such official is declared completely and permanently incapacitated for further service — Proviso to Rule 29. 8. While affording credit, fraction shall be rounded off tothe nearest day— Rule 29 (5), 4, Commuted Leave 1. Commuted Jeave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due ccan be taken on medical certificate. — Rule 30 (1). 2. Commuted leave can be taken without medical certficate— up to a maximum of 90 days in the entire service if utilized for an ‘approved course of study certified to be in public interest — Rule 30 (LA), ‘up to a maximum of 60 days by a fomale Government servant if it isin continuation of maternity leave. — Rule 43 (4). | SWAMY'S HANDBOOK — 2014 : Upto 18 months with medical cetfieate for cancer, mental ites, ve ary eral opens of bec onn, Prany part ofthe body and leprosy.— Rule 32 (2) ( srvice— Upto (0 Offi winere te leave is equied forthe purpose of prose 2A mans, were in pul intrest Re 32 2) ‘by any other kind of leave, leave, intervened! f a, wo sels ofextaoeinary leave iterensdby Sayer ne should be treated as one continuoas spell for the ‘maximum limit— Rule 32 (5); without leave 4, BOL may also be granted to regularize periods of absence without le retrospectively — Rule 32 (6) 4. Leave Bntilements for Vacation Department Staff eta a Sr ston Sere she action Departments sdmisibltoa Government servant ofa Vieaton en 2 Nosema ear wt earache fal vacation Rue 28 (0) (0 parti it himsetfof any vacation ovis prevented eat, ered [eave wl be adssble © va action Deparment ProW30 0 3.Hf, im any yea, from enjoying more than 15 days of han for that year as to an employee o Rule 28 (1) (©) . avails of only-a pértion of the vacation, he will hi amy ae uh ppbpotion a 30 day, as the umber of days of estar ne ge Bi apes can Je) seo eam jaloyees for the frst year of their servi is not admissible 2 ute 28(1) ©). |. POLYTECHNIC 5. *Yeur’ means tel dtd of actual duty and not enlendar yea, LEAVE RULES oon 6. The non-availing of vacation should be due to a general or a special Gero a bigher authority asking him forgo he vacation — Rule 281) (a), fore (1 7. From 1-9-2008, half pay leave is admissible as in the case of other employees, —OM, dated 11-11-2008. 8, Vacation can be combined with any kind of leave; but the duration of vacation and eamed leave combined should not exceed the amount of EL due and admissible — Proviso to Rule 28 (2) 9. Vacation can be combined with casual leave.— Rule 28, GID (3) 10. The facility of crediting unavailed portion of joining time under Rule 26 (1) (a) (ii) is also admissible to persons serving in Vacation Departments — Note below Rule 28 (3) 1. Bont areoahersntn Daparmans— Pes evig in Veo Depart Calan exh faeeay eeecd ta ot leave mde he pronase of Les aes fori era which ahothoe bs rshol was /acstcc hug oe Oi ded 3 : 8. Maternity Leave 1. Admissible to married / unmarried female employees during — (@ Pregnancy: 180 days from 1-9-2008. Admissible only to employees with less than two surviving children — Rule +43 (1), (®) Miscarriage / Abortion (induced or otherwise): Total of 45 days in the entire service excluding any such leave taken priorto 16-6-1994, Admissible irrespective of number of surviving children. Appli- cation should be supported by a certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner for NGOs and from AMA for GOs.— Rule 43 (3). 2. The leave is not debited to the leave account.— Rile 43 (5), 3. Tei granted on full pay— Rule 43 (2), 4, It may be combined with leave of any other kind. — Rute 43 (4), 5. Any leave (including commuted leave up to 60 days and leave not due) ‘may be taken without medical certificate up to two years in continuation — Rule 43 (4). 6. Counts as service for increments. — FR 26 (b). 7.Counts as service for pension.— Rule 21 of CCS (Pension) Rules. rr SWAMY'S HANDBOOK —2014 to whom the provisions of Employees’ State edlay wl be reauced by thebenefit admissible ding period Nore below Rude $3 (2) 8. In the case of offici Insirance Act apply, the leave s ‘under the Act for the correspon 9. Not admissible for ‘threatened abortion’ — Rule 43, GID (4) 10, Admissible for induced abortion — Rule 43, GID (2). 9, Paternity Leave -vant with less than two surviving children. Leave is also admissible on valid adoption Eligibility: Male Government ser “Apprentices are also cligible. Ptemity of a child below the age of one year i ays before, ion: s during wife's confinement. upto 15 days befor oe nat rom ns aor diver ofthe cd an or 15.698 Hom the Gate of valid adoption of a child. ‘Leave Salary: Equal to last pay drawn, ‘Not to be debited to the leave account, May be combined with any other kind of leave except casual leave. Not to be refused normally en days before or up to six months from date of ss cpen te eave not avaed of tia 35 lapsed -— Rules 43-A and 43-AA, ‘To be applied up delivery or from the date. this period, it should be teated Jken as ward under the Guardians and Wards Act, Notification, dated 4-4-2012. 1890 subject to conditions. —. 10, Leave to female Government servant on adoption of child iving children, ale employee, with ewer than two surviving children, 1, Granted to a Fomeidbelo the age of one yet, fora period of 180 day on vepiately af from 22-7-2009. Child includes a ate of valid adoption ee ed dat of a Guardhane and Wards Act, 1890 subject 10 ions. 2 Leave salary will be equal to the pay drawn immediately before - Hupageding 22 eave oy Thimay be conned withev of an oben ion of Child Adoption Leave, leave of the kind due and! eng ot due and commuted leave not exceeding 60 days admissible (including leave n & LEAVE RULES te ‘without production of Medical Certificate) for a period up to one year reduced by the age of the adopted child on the date of legal adoption without taking into account the period of Child Adoption Leave, 5. Facility not admissible to the female employee already having two surviving children atthe time of adoption 6. Leave not debited against the leave account.— Rule 43-B and Notification; dated 4-4-2012, 11. Child Care Leave ‘Women employees having minor children may be granted Child Care Leave by an authority competent to grant leave for a maximum period of 730 days during their entize service for taking care of up to two children, whether for tearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness, etc. Child Care Leave shall not be admissible ifthe child is eighteen years of age or older. During the period of such leave, the women employees shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. It may be availed of in more than one spell. Child Care Leave shall not be debited against the leaveaccount. Child Care Leave may also be allowed for the third year a3 Jeave not due and commuted leave up to 60 days (without production of medical certificate). It may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible, Conditions: 1. Requires prior sanction. 2, Intervening holidays will count as Child Care Leave as in the case of Eamed Leave, 3. Inrespect of disabled / mentally challenged children, it is permitted ‘up to the age of 22 years subject to conditions and submission of certificates, 4. Child Care Leave may not be granted in more than 3 spells in a Calendar Year. 5. Child Care Leave may not be granted for less than 15 days. 6. Child Cate Leave should not be sanctioned during probation period. except in cases of certain extreme situations and a minimal leave should be sanctioned. LTC cannot be availed during Child Care Leave. — Rule 43-C, OMs, dated 18-11-2008 and 30-12-2010, Child Care Leave is also admissible to Civilian Female Industrial Employees working in Defence Establishment subject to conditions. — OM, dated 20-10-2011, 150 SWAMY'S HANDBOOK— 2014 | t any, under the cencashment had been allowed in previous appointments, if any, caste na Astenomous Body or Bodies / Public Setor Underaking() does not exceed. 300 days. appointed on Encashment of Eamed Leave is allowed to retired officers appoint contract basis, on termination of contract, even if within the frst two years, Subject othe condition thatthe total numberof days for which eneashment is STlewed on termination of contract together with the number of days of Earned Be eave os Full Pay Leave for which encashment had already been allowed does rot exceed 300 days, Appendix - I and OM, dated 31-1-2011 19, Castial Leave nual Leave tnt a recopizad form of leave ad pnt subject 0 a4 es a te aa fini A ofl en Casual Leave 2 spas at om day and py notin 1. Casual Leave can be combined with Special Casual Leave / Vacation ‘but not with any other kind of leave. 2, Itcannot be combined with joining time. 3, Sundays and Holidays fling during a period of Casual Leave are not counied as part of Casual Leave 4, Sundays / pubic holidays /resticted holidays / weekly offs ean be prefixed suffeed to Casal Leaye aes 5, Casual Leave can be taken while on tou, but no daily allowance will be stimisible for the perio. 6. Casual Leave ean be taken for half-day ls, ce ould not normally be granted. © f:éssentially intended for short periods. It sh vuld not normal re eal faye anyone time, excep under special circumstances 8, LIC can be availed during Casual Leave. ‘9, Entitlement (per calendar year) — ji ith those entitled to 17 holidays-— 8 days:—For employees w ican Mason daysas Special Casal Leave for specific requirements o to the disability of the official, eee 12 For those not entitled to 17 holidays— 10 days. ‘viduals appointed and joining duty during the middle of a year may 2 eae Peep onatly ont be ullextenat the dsereioncf Competent Authority. LEAVE RULES is ‘Half-day’s Casual Leave — Government servants who have got some urgent work but do not require one day’s leave can avail of half-day’s Casual Leave. The dividing line will be the lanch break. If the leave is forthe forenoon, the official can attend office immediately after the lunch break and if itis for the aftemoon, can leave office at the commencement of the lunch break. Late attendance.—Half-day's Casual Leave should be debited to the Casual Leave account for each late attendance. However, late attendance up to an hour for not more than two occasions in a month can be condoned by the ‘Competent Authority, if convinced that itis due to unavoidable reasons. Disciplinary Action. —In cases where even debiting half-day’s Casual Leave does not ensure punctual attendance of the official, disciplinary action can be taken in addition to debiting half-day's Casual Leave— Appendix - IT Combining with EL.— Officials who have got only half-day’s Casual ‘Leave al credit, when applying for half-day’s Casual Leave for the afternoon of 4 day should ensure that they atend office the nextday, since Casual Leave cannot be combined with Esmed Leave, However, if due to sickness or other compelling grounds, hes nt able to attend te next day, combining with Eamed leave can be permitted us an exception. Oficials who have already applied for and got sanctioned the leave due and admissible from a particular day, shovld ‘not be granted half-day’s Casual Leave for the previous afternoon. — Rule 11, GID (2) 20. Special Casual Leave 1. In Sports Events.— (a) Admissible up to a maximum of 30 days in a calendar year for attending — (1) coaching or training camps under Rajkomari Amrit Kaur Coaching ‘Scheme or similar All India coaching or training schemes; (2) coaching or training camps atthe National Institute of Sports, Patiala; (3) coaching camps in sports organized by National Sports Federation / Sports Boards recognized by Government (Department of Youth, ‘Affairs and Sports); ‘Technical officials concemed with the administration of events (1) to (3) above and also mountaineering / trekking expeditions, will be given the facility of Special Casual Leave, __(®)Admissibte up toa maximum of 10days in any one year for participating in nter-Ministerial and inter-Departmental ournaments and sporting events held in and outside Delhi. Period in excess of 30/10 days in a year will be treated as a regular leave Players injured curing sporting events — Special Casual Leave may also be granted to a sportsperson getting seriously injured or being hospitalized during swantv’s HANDBOOK — 7014 Now ete cet nmbers, PNR sc soul fis Ray el names TIS 2. ofa yt en days of aval eee dcawn separately for self and family. a dhe claim shoul be subsite eee i, outstanding advance reated as One rvbety Ee st at 2% over GPF init on the: imate ofe00¥=07 WE 4 portion of rime bur unatties portion of tea within stipulated ime ae () When lam sure chargeable on tat aroun aan 10 covey gensine ane date of Te cess aval due t0 2 ton ibe advance becares excess aval 5 BT (o When a part of Mol of the Government Serva reasons beyond the CORT. Sap charging of uni easy a sataied. sabmited within Boe aaa ai advance staken, lain sould DOSUDTISS T eeted. 2, When no advan Wen on of retum journey. Otherwise! ‘from the completion of return from, 3, Advance can be: st — reson ae san ia I 6, UNC to Home Town oyees irrespective of the dist wwolved. soyees resp the distance involve ‘Admissible to all empl nexceptional circumstances, ais treated as fina. IREXCePI ON Nang ene ome town once deel F ‘Admissible on é ome wa 2012-13 and soon. aving his family at his Home 1 Ermira, J (nen i ery gear instead of AMINE Fy, POLY TECHINICAn empty cession fx himself alone ONT AMMAN. Gani snd fay once in #0 Yeas 1. seuot on of eto jou " mn is admissible in lieu of {s 2010-13. The lat seope— 1 Tsconseson te carat oak SO a to Home town in 8 BIO

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