Chapter 2

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STUDENT ID: 21DH714624

1. Tone: The message is overly harsh and accusatory. The use of phrases like "look,
people, you must do better!" and "man up!" creates an adversarial atmosphere and
makes the recipients feel attacked.
2. The emphasis is on the negatives: The message places a strong emphasis on the
negative outcomes that can result from improper performance evaluations, such as
lawsuits. This approach instills fear and is likely to discourage supervisors from
conducting evaluations at all.
3. Lack of specificity: The message lacks specificity as it only gives general
recommendations on how to carry out performance evaluations without offering any
specific instructions or illustrations. This results in supervisors being uncertain about
what steps to take.
4. Unrealistic expectations: The expectation for supervisors to maintain comprehensive
records of every employee's performance throughout the year is impractical and may
burden them, resulting in imprecise assessments.
5. Emphasis on formality: The message highlights the significance of written
assessments and in-person gatherings, although it may not be the optimal method for
every employee or circumstance.

Suggestions for improvement:

1. Use a more positive and encouraging approach by highlighting the advantages of
conducting evaluations, such as enhancing employee morale and performance, rather
than dwelling on the negative outcomes of inadequate evaluations.

2. Provide more specific guidance: The message needs to offer more precise
instructions regarding the process of carrying out performance assessments, including
providing examples of evaluation forms and checklists.

3. Acknowledge the challenges of performance evaluations: The message may

recognize that conducting performance evaluations can be challenging and time-
consuming, but they are a crucial aspect of being a supervisor.

4. Encourage open communication and feedback: The message should motivate

supervisors to engage in transparent and sincere discussions with their employees
regarding their job performance.
5. Offer resources and support: Supervisors could be given resources and support
through the message, including training courses or workshops, to assist them in
conducting efficient performance evaluations.

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