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Students feel that their previous knowledge is incomplete, that they do not

correspond to new concepts, and therefore students are unhappy. In turn, these
feelings induce them to seek, find solutions to certain problems, compare their
knowledge with other sources (books, other opinions).
7. Reflection.
During this period, students can express their feelings and thoughts. For the
teacher, the students' actions are the basis for thinking, changing and improving
their work.
In this structure, we clearly see three stages of the lesson: the first stage includes
"Introduction", the second stage consists of "Self-study" and "Social construction",
and the third stage - "Socialization", "Posting". , "Dissatisfaction" and "Reflection"
- it is quite possible to assume.
The project "Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking", which has been
developing in the country since 1997, also follows three structural stages of the
lesson: "Awakening Interest - Recognizing Meaning - Thinking". This structure
describes how the thought process develops and is aimed at “involving each
student in a reflective dialogue with his classmates and teacher” (S. Mirseitova,
2008, 116).
Let's focus on how this project describes the features and objectives of each step of
the lesson.
At the stage "Awakening interest" (Evocation), students are motivated to the
learning process, pay special attention, are motivated to learn new material. At this
stage, the following three goals are achieved:
1. Students recall their previous knowledge of the topic in question.
Knowledge research is a process that connects the new with the old, new
knowledge is necessarily formed on the basis of some personal experience
(previous knowledge). By recalling their own knowledge, students actively
identify, analyze, and correlate their knowledge with new information that will be
considered in the future. Thus, they make sure that there are no "gaps" in their
knowledge and do not stop the learning process for a minute.
2. Students are actively engaged.
The acquisition of knowledge is an active activity. To gain informed knowledge,
students must actively participate in the learning process: they must be able to
transfer their knowledge and understanding to others through thinking, speaking
and writing.
3. Students are encouraged to think by setting learning goals.
To increase creativity, at this stage, students should be involved in setting the
objectives of the study. Self-motivated goals do not stifle learners' drive for new
knowledge. Feedback from students' personal experiences is always diverse,
prompting them to exchange ideas and discuss. In turn, these differences of
opinion lead to different questions for each student. And the answers to these
questions stimulate active work (think, read, write, speak).
The stage "Realizing the meaning" is characterized by the fact that students answer
the questions that arise when mastering new material, based on their own
At this stage, students interact directly with new information or ideas,
independently research and search for them.
The main tasks of this period are:
1. Increase the interest of students in the learning process, involving them in the
work to acquire new knowledge.
Compared to other stages of the lesson, students are more independent and do not
need teacher intervention. They are engaged in active cognitive work, using
various effective teaching methods, and form their own ideas and opinions about
new knowledge. If students are not involved in such work, the meaning of the
study may be lost.
2. Encourage students to form their own opinions and ideas.
Active students form their own perception of new information. If necessary, they
review it, ask questions, and try to identify areas of disagreement. In such cases,
passive learners are more likely to give up what they don't understand.
During the reflection phase, students modify new information by comparing it with
their previous knowledge (concepts).
At this stage, they form new knowledge based on the concepts of the past through
questions, suggestions, discussions, research. Learning means change and
transformation. Change can take the form of new concepts and terms, new actions,
new situations of knowledge, and new beliefs. Such changes occur when students
actively participate in the formation of new concepts based on previous

Table number 40
According to the project "Development of critical thinking through reading and
stages of lessons

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