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October 2030

Presented by: Imperial, Juan Miguel
What are the
features of an affetive
In their pioneer book Effective Public Relations, Professors Broom,
Cutlip, and Center list the 7 Cs of Effective Communication. This list is
widely used today, especially in public relations and advertising.
1.Completeness 2.Conciseness
When you're concise in your
In a complete message, the communication, you stick to the
audience has everything they need point and keep it brief. Your
to be informed, and if applicable, audience doesn't want to listen or
to read six sentences when you
take action. Does your message
could communicate your message in
include a call to action so that your
two to three. Are there any
audience clearly knows what you adjectives or filler words that you
want them to do? Have you can delete? You can often
included all relevant information, eliminate words like for instance,
like contact names, dates, times, you see? Definitely. Kind of, literally,
locations, and so on? basically, or I mean... Are there any
unnecessary sentences? Have you
repeated the point several times in
different ways?
3.Consideration 4.Concreteness

To be effective, the speaker should Concreteness When your

always consider relevant message is concrete, then your
information about his/her receiver audience has a clear picture of
such as mood, background, race, what you're telling them. There
preference, education, status, are details, but not too many,
needs, among others. By doing so, and vivid facts, and there's
he/she can easily build rapport with laser-like focus. Your message
the audience. is solid.
5.Courtesy 6.Clearness

Clearness in communication
The speaker shows courtesy in
implies the use of simple and
communication by respecting the
specific words to express ideas.
culture, values, and beliefs of his/
It is also achieved when the
her receivers. Being courteous all
speaker focuses only on a single
the time creates a positive impact
objective in his/her speech so
on the audience.
as not to confuse the audience.

Correctness in grammar
eliminates negative impact on
the audience and increases the
credibility and effectiveness of
the message.
Why is effective
Effective communication can play an
important role in nurturing positive work
experiences for you and for other
people. The following is what makes
effective communication essential:
2. Preventing
1. Building trust
or resolving
Effective communication fosters The ability to communicate
trust with others. effectively plays a large role in
resolving conflicts and preventing
potential ones from arising.
3. Providing 4. Creates
clarity and better
direction relationships
This involves finding constructive Listening carefully and offering
ways to point out when something quality feedback helps people to
isn’t working as well as providing feel heard and understood. This, in
helpful feedback to get people turn, nurtures mutual respect.
back on track.
5. Improves 6. Promotes
productivity - team building
With effective
With effective communication, With improved communication, team
conflicts are resolved quickly, members will be better able to rely
people can better manage their on each other
workload and distractions are

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