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Centre : Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS)

Course : Foundation in Science
Year / Trimester : Year 1 / Trimester 1
Course Code / Title : FHSC1014 / Mechanics

Tutorial 1: Introduction - Main

1. (a) State the dimension of the followings.

(i) Velocity.
(ii) Force.

(b) Suppose an equation related with force F, viscosity ƞ, speed v, radius r is given
by this formula
F = k x v y r z ,
where k is a dimensionless constant;
x, y, and z are the power to which ƞ, v and r.

Given that the dimensions of viscosity ƞ is ML–1T–1.

Use dimensional analysis to determine the value of x, y and z.
[Answer: (a) (i) LT–1, (ii) MLT–2; (b) 1, 1, 1]

2. (a) Discuss briefly whether in general the method of dimensional checking can
positively confirm that an equation is correct.

(b) Newton’s law of universal gravitation is represented by

F =G 2
where F is the gravitational force,
M and m are masses, and
r is a length.
Given that the dimensions of force is MLT–2.

What are the dimensions and SI unit of the proportionality constant G?

[Answer: (a) No; (b) L3M–1T–2, m3 kg–1 s–2]

3. The flow of a liquid with density ρ, round an obstacle of width b, changes from
streamline to turbulence when the critical speed v is reached. If η is the viscosity of the
liquid and given their relationship as below:


where C is a dimensionless constant.

Deduce the dimension of η.

[Answer: ML–1T–1]

4. Jessica is studying the equation 𝑃 + 2 𝜌𝑣 2 = constant, where P is the pressure in the
fluid, p is the density of the fluid, vis the flowing speed of the fluid, g is acceleration
due to gravity and h is the height of the fluid from the ground. By using the method of
dimensional analysis, show that the equation is dimensionally correct.
[Answer: The equation is dimensionally correct]

5. Peter is standing at an initial coordinate of (15.0 m, -15.0 m). Then he moves to a final
coordinate of (12.0 m, 225°).

(i) Convert the initial coordinate into polar coordinate.

(ii) Compute the displacement covered by Peter.

[Answer: (i) (21.2m, 315°), (ii) 24.4 m]

6. (a) The Cartesian coordinate of a point in xy-plane is (x, y) = (4.00 m, –3.50 m).
Find the polar coordinate of this point.

(b) Convert the polar coordinate (r, θ) = (5.00 m, 137°) into Cartesian coordinate.

[Answer: (a) (5.32 m, 319°); (b) (–3.66 m, 3.41 m)]

Tutorial 1: Introduction – Extra

mgd 2T 2
7. What are the dimensions for the physical quantity expressed as , where m, g,
16 2l
d, T and l are the mass, acceleration due to gravity, distance, period and length
[Answer: B]

8. Suppose A = BC, where A has the dimension LM–1 and C has the dimension LT–1. What
is the dimension of B?
A TM–1 B L2T–1M–1 C TML–2 D L2TM–1
[Answer: A]

9. (a) The velocity of sound in medium of density ρ is given by the equation

v= ,
where k is a constant.

Deduce the dimension of k and state its unit in terms of SI base units.

(b) Suppose the speed of a sail-boat is given by an equation

vboat = k ql ,
where k is a dimensionless constant,
q is a constant with dimension, and
l is the length of the boat.
Find the dimension of the term q.
[Answer: (a) ML–1T–2, kg m–1 s–2; (b) LT–2]

10. Thermal energy Q absorbed or released by an object is given by the expression:
Q = mc
where m = mass
c = specific heat capacity
 = change in temperature of matter

(a) What are the SI units of specific heat capacity, c?

(b) If Y = c , what are the SI units of Y?
1 −1
[Answer: (a) J kg–1 K–1; (b) J 2
kg 2

11. The equation of de Broglie wavelength, λ is

where h = Planck constant
m = mass
v = speed

(a) What are the dimensions for Planck constant?

(b) Write the base SI unit of Planck constant.
[Answer: (a) L2MT–1; (b) m2 kg s–1]
12. The speed limit on an interstate highway is posted at 75 mi/h. What is this speed in
(a) kilometers per hour
(b) feet per second
(c) meter per second?
[Answer: (a) 121 km/h; (b) 110 ft/s; (c) 33.5 m/s]

13. Four lengths have been measured and recorded as follows:

L1 = 3.427 m, L2 = 3.5 m, L3 = 0.333 m, L4 = 32.000 m
(a) What is the uncertainty in each measurement?
(b) What is the result if L1 + L2?
(c) What is the result if L1 + L3?
(d) What is the result if L1 – L3?
(e) What is the result if L2 – L1?
(f) What is the result if L1  L2?
(g) What is the result if L4  L3?
[Answer : (b) 6.9 m; (c) 3.760 m; (d) 3.094 m; (e) 0.1 m; (f) 12 m2; (g) 96.1]

14. The two hot air balloons in the following picture are 47.8 m and 61.2 m above the
ground. A person in the left balloon observes that the right balloon is 28.5° above the

What is the horizontal distance x between the two balloons?

[Answer: 24.7 m]

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