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TEST 2 inte Guidance Part 1 ‘The focus of assessment in Part 1 is on an essay based on two points chosen from three given inthe task. The target reader ‘must be informed and able to understand your point of view You must discuss the two points you choose, giving detailed ‘reasons for your views; and clarifying your overall opinion. Marks ate awarded for appropriate content, organisation, coherence and cohesion, range of language and the effect on the target © ‘eager, You should organise your essay clearly and use an appropriate register. Part 2 ‘The focus'of assessment in Part 2is on writing appropriate, «coherently and answering the question, You should use an appropriate organisation and layout for the given task. Marks ate awarded for suitable content, clear orgarisation and good Coherence and cohesion (which might include using appropriate linking words) You should also use a range of language (vocabulary and structures) in the right register forthe given {ask and achieve the appropriate effect on the target reader. General points * Practise writing tasks n the given time. There is no point in spending longer than 45 minutes when waiting a practice ‘sk, nthe exam, each task carries equal marks, so there Is ‘nothing to gain by spending too long on Part 7 and then not having enough time to-compiete Part 2. Practise writing only the required number of words, There 's no point in writing answers that are too long as they may include irrelevant details and take too much time. * Work with a partner so that you can help each other to spot ‘ecurring mistakes by eciting each other's work. Keep a checkist of your own grammatical and speling mistakes so ‘that you know what to look out for. Get into the habit of reading the instructions carefully every time you answer a question, and always check your writing 10 ‘make sure that you have included everything required. ‘Make sure you understand the appropriate format and fegister for every type of task in the Writing paper. * Revs connec 0 that you can use these appropriately in any tas * Don’t only check for grammatical mistakes. Always reed your answer through after you have written it to check that its coherent and makes sense. Part 1 * Read all he information before you start to write, and think about which points to choose for your essay. Do you have enough ideas for each one? * Dos much work as you can on using a range of language. Working onthe Reading and Use of Englah paper wil asa hep you with this, + Spend time thinking of issues and ideas for different topics 50 that you have ideas for the tasks. You could build up a file with these ideas and refer to it when you practise writing a {ask of revise for the exam. Topics you discuss when preparing forthe Speaking paper are also useful vart 2 * Build up ideas about different topies in the same way as for Part 1, and practise writing inthe different genes. ‘+ Consider what your own strenaths in writing are. Do you like writing ely and interesting answers, or more formal and informative answers? This wil help you choose the best type ‘of task in the exam, +The questions in the exam may require you to use different language functions. Work on different ways of giving advice, eseribing, explaining, and 30 on, TEST 2: WRITING Tip Strip Question 1: + Read all the input and ‘choose which two Books to discuss in your essay Think about feasons for and against ‘ach type of book you choose, with examples to support your views Decide which type of Book mos porta for people to read, an why, Make sure your line of argument and ‘examples suppor your conclusion, ‘+ Remember to include ‘a clear introduction to the topic of books and reading in general + You don't have to use the opinions given — you may have plenty of ‘eas of your own. If ‘you do use them, don't Use the words, just the ideas. Link your ideas cleanly and coherently using 3 range of connectors and clear paragraphs. Use a range of language 10 explain and justify the points you want to make, *+ Make your argument 2 interesting and persuasive as possible, Part 1 ‘You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided. 41 You have listened to a radio discussion programme about the importance of reading different kinds of books in modern society. You have made the notes below: What type of book is most important toread nowadays? , * fiction * history * science Some opinions expressed in the discussion “You learn a great deal about people by reading fiction, 30 it helps with relationships." ‘History is just a collection of facts - you can find out all you need to know on the internet. ‘It’s important for everyone to know about science nowadays, but some ideas in books can be hard to understand ' Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which type of book you think is most important to read nowadays, giving reasons in support of your answer. ‘You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. TEST 2: waiting Part 2 Write an answer to one of the questions 2~4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided, and put the question number in the box at the top of the page. 2 You see the following announcement on a music website: Have you been to an interesting and unusual music festival or concert recently? Write a review for our website and tell us about it. Explain what it was, and what made it interesting and unusual. Do you think this kind of event is relevant today? We will put the most interesting reviews on our website. Write your review. 3 Your friend Sarah has applied for a job in the office of an English Language College that has students from all over the world, and has asked you to write a letter of recommendation for the College Principal. Applicants should have good communication skills, be a team player and well-organised. In your letter you should include information about your friend's relevant work experience and personal qualities, and reasons for recommending them for the job. Write your letter. 4 You have just finished a short period of work in a company abroad as part of your business course. You have now been asked to write a report for your course organiser. In your report you should explain what you did and how you benefited from the period of work, describe any problems you had and make recommendations for other students on the business course who will be working in the same company abroad later. Write your report Tip Strip Question 2: * This review should be interesting and engaging for users of the website, so it should not be to0 formal in style. ft should be clearly crganised and paragraphed so that itis easy to read. * Think of an engaging opening to catch the reader's interest, and make sure that your opinion i clearly expressed at the end. * Use techniques such as rhetorical questions to interest and engage readers. * In this task you must describe the festival, explain what made it interesting or unusual and justify your reasons for whether itis important or nat. Question3: Read the instructions carefully to identify the job; what skis are required and any other relevant information you might want to incde, In this tsk the job working ina busy office, and the person required needs o be well-organised, work well with others ‘nd baie gel cementation skill * "Your letter should be written in a formal or semi-formel syle. + You should decide why you want fo recommend your fiend, give your reasons clearly and provide detals of why your fiend would be suitable forthe job ‘Question 4: * Explain the purpose ofthe report inthe introduction * ‘Your report may have headings and some bullet points to make it easy for your tutor to pick out relevant information, but make Sure that you show a range of language in the other sections. * inthis task you must say what you did and explain the benefs, describe any problems and make recommendations for other students, Your recommendations may est om the problems; make sue the reasons you ave are ears the couse utr can assess them: EEE tes: waiting

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