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Your name: anton Alex


Reflection at the beginning of the semester

Writing essays and using sources (heimildavinna og ritun)

For some of you, this will be the final course in English. The course
concludes with an oral presentation on your research essay.
At this point, it can be useful to evaluate your skills in English and
your language needs for the future.
Read and reflect on the points below before you start writing.

Write in English (at least 300 words)

• about yourself and what you want to do in the future.
• about what you will need English for in education and work in the future.
• about your study preferences and skills.
• about what areas of English, you are confident in (reading, writing,
speaking, vocabulary).
• about what areas of English, you are less secure in.
• what you know already about using sources, citations and paraphrasing
in essays.
• What you know about CHatGBT, and if you have tried using it in your
work or school.
• what you are going to do to make sure that you are successful in this
• what final grade are you aiming for in this course?
I don’t know what I am going to do in the future but I am definitely taking a
break from school and just work in construction. I can use English to
communicate with the workers that are from a different country and only
speak English like my former work colleague Hugene from construction. No
preference just not math I hate math luckily I am finished with it in this
school. I am mostly good at reading and speaking but I am average at
writing and vocabulary as you can see from this texst. I know my fare share
in sources and parafracing but not the best and could definitely improve.
Yes I have used chatgpt but mostly for help with essay like if I am short of a
topic then it can give me an idea. I am going to learn and listen to be
suicseafull in this class and do my homework because I am aiming for a 7,5

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