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Eudaimonia is about living well and doing well in whatever one does, by consuming and

producing too much sugar based products prevents humans from achieving eudaimonia. Sugar
can affect one's brain from functioning properly, it can be an addiction to anyone and worst it
may end someone's life, and because of that reason how would humans achieve eudaimonia if
we weren't living well?, yes eudaimonia is also about living a happy life, but it goes together by
following virtues, such as intellectual and moral virtues, by consuming and producing too much
sugar based products even though we knew what may happen on our body and consumers
health we are neglecting not just the intellectual virtue but also the moral virtue. The most
affected sector of the community are the children who are born and raised in a country who's
almost every product uses sugar, especially delicious ones. Fast food chains, desserts, and
products that almost every kid likes makes them vulnerable to panic attack and anxiety.

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