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Volume 359, Number 9305

Focusing on health in the crisis in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is—and is in—a precarious state. This pressure to discriminate against often seriously
once-thriving nation known as the bread basket of injured patients and risking personal harm. The
southern Africa received its first famine-relief Lancet has learned that some rural district hospitals
shipment from the World Food Program at the end closed temporarily, since their staff were too
of last month. In recent years unemployment, frightened to report for duty. Concerned professional
inflation, and HIV-infection rates have soared. But it organisations, such as the Zimbabwe Medical
is the sharp rise in political violence and fears of a Association and the Zimbabwe Nurses Association,
slide towards dictatorship that has made Zimbabwe a felt they had no avenues of appeal in circumstances
focus of international concern. where the rule of law was being disregarded by the
On March 9 and 10, presidential elections will take very agencies of law enforcement.
place, the results of which will have a profound There is every indication that the violence of the
impact not only on that country but also on her 2000 election campaign is being repeated in the
neighbours in southern Africa. Robert Mugabe, who current presidential election campaigns. A mission to
has led the nation since independence in 1980, faces Zimbabwe last month by Physicians for Human
the stiffest challenge yet to his hold on power. Rights, Denmark, reported: “All evidence, including
Mugabe’s party, Zanu-PF, has used its parliamentary our observations, clearly indicates that politically
majority to pass four pieces of legislation designed to motivated violence in Zimbabwe is widespread and
rig the election results. The laws include provisions increasing on a daily basis.” The group also recorded
banning independent election monitors, criminalising “unequivocal evidence of torture”. The Lancet has
any public criticism of Mugabe, strengthening received reports of health professionals being attacked
government security powers, outlawing trades-union for treating members of the opposition parties.
activity, and silencing the media. If the current situation continues, the threat to
Official demands for free and fair elections from health reaches beyond provision of care in Zimbabwe
outside Zimbabwe have been largely inconsistent and to a wider impact on public health in southern Africa.
ineffectual. The European Union decided on Feb 3 Zimbabwe’s crisis is sending waves of instability to
to suspend a decision on imposing “smart” sanctions. neighbouring nations. Zimbabwe’s imploding
These sanctions would have included the freezing of economy is already one reason for the deterioration in
assets and foreign bank accounts held by Mugabe and foreign investment in southern Africa. Further
his inner circle, who are widely believed to have destabilisation would be felt even more keenly were a
transferred large sums overseas. The EU put humanitarian crisis to ensue. South Africa is
sanctions on hold pending safe entry of observers. reportedly making quiet preparations for an influx of
It is worth remembering that EU observers were in refugees from Zimbabwe. Add to such a situation the
place for the parliamentary elections in Zimbabwe in very high prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis in those
2000—and subsequently reported: “The scale of who would be displaced and the potential public-
violence and intimidation in the run-up to the health challenge becomes only too clear.
campaign and during the election period marred the The crisis in Zimbabwe is not only that
final result. The government failed to uphold the rule international agreements on democracy and press
of law and compromised law enforcement agencies.” freedom are being bypassed. International
Health care was not excluded from this violence and understandings on physicians’ professional autonomy
intimidation. There were reports of nurses being and governments’ responsibilities to protect public
physically assaulted and raped. Hospital staff health are also being ignored. While diplomatic
encountered demands to not treat or admit victims of activities continue, medical organisations worldwide
political violence, usually after or around election have a duty to highlight these abuses.
rallies. Health professionals were put in the invidious
position of having to choose between bowing to the The Lancet

THE LANCET • Vol 359 • February 9, 2002 • 455

For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.

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