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2017 IEEE 42nd Conference on Local Computer Networks Workshops

Wireless Communication Aspects in the

Internet of Things: An Overview

Umit Deniz Ulusar Gurkan Celik Fadi Al-Turjman

Computer Engineering Department Institute of Science and Technology Computer Engineering Department
Akdeniz University Electrical-Electronic Eng. Dept. METU, Northern Cyprus Campus
Antalya, Turkey Akdeniz University Mersin, Guzelyurt, Turkey Antalya, Turkey

Abstract — Recent advances in technology propelled the increase data rates for mobile users. To be able to build more
development of resource constrained tiny devices and the concept sophisticated networks, it is essential to understand the physical
of Internet of Things (IoT). Potential applications spanning phenomena behind the propagation of wireless signals over
various fields of science from environmental to medical have been long distances in various environments and conditions. Also,
emerged. Different architectures, routing protocols, performance
different architectures, routing and design goals can be
issues and goals have been suggested. In this work, we review
fundamental concepts, recent developments and critical design considered for wireless networks. Since the performance of a
factors under IoT-specific constraints and objectives such as routing protocols are closely related to the architectural models,
energy efficiency and environment protection. we strive to capture architectural issues and highlight their
implications [3]. In the following sections, we also discuss
Index Terms — Internet of Things, path loss, heterogeneous design factors under the IoT specific objectives and constraints.
networks, wireless sensor network, radio frequency identify,
I. INTRODUCTION This section introduces the fundamentals of radio signal
The term “Internet of Things” was coined at the end of the
last century to describe devices with computing capability and A. Wireless Signal
internet connectivity. While the idea of connecting devices to Wireless signal is typically transmitted in the form of
internet has been around for some time, recent developments in electromagnetic waves travelling through the propagation
electronics field and market trends created new research areas space. For wireless communication, there is a transmitter and
spanning from environmental monitoring to industrial control receiver antennas that is attached with some geometry. Figure 1
[1]. depicts a simple wireless communication model. The
Number of connected devices and users are rapidly transmitter propagates a signal that is modulated onto the
increasing, which results in an exponential growth in global carrier signal. Receiver performs demodulation to separate the
data traffic. With the advent of ubiquitous wireless carrier signal and receive the information. There are different
communication, in addition to mobile phones and laptops a strategies for modulating the carrier wave such as frequency
wide range of daily used items such as refrigerators, modulation (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM).
televisions, personal digital assistants (PDAs), tablets, air-
conditions and smart sensors are directly connected to the
internet. According to Cisco’s Global Visual Networking
Index, mobile data traffic will experience sevenfold growth
between 2015 and 2020. It has also predicted that mobile
network speed will increase threefold and the number of
mobile connected devices will reach to 11.6 billion by 2021,
which will be more than the world population [2].
Complex and large scale wired networks all around the
world have been realized with high throughput. Hybrid use of
wired and wireless networking components and exponential
increase in the number of connected devices bring new
challenges and design issues. Service providers have been Fig. 1. Wireless communication model.
trying to find solutions to improve connection quality and

© 2017, Umit Deniz Ulusar. Under license to IEEE. 165

DOI 10.1109/LCN.Workshops.2017.82
Widely used communication technologies include 4th
Generation Long-Term Evolution (4G/LTE), Wireless Fidelity
(Wi-Fi) and satellite communication. Typically, different
technologies use different frequency ranges and
communication protocols. Environmental factors and obstacles
may hinder signal propagation between transmitter and receiver
antennas and can cause the signal to be reflected, refracted or
diffracted. Modelling such physical phenomena and
considering design parameters such as path loss, delay and
mean queue length (MQL) are essential for providing rapid
design solutions to numerous network deployment problems
B. Path Loss (PL)
Path loss is the attenuation of the signal power. Main path Fig. 2. Obstacles between transmitter and receiver antennas.
loss reasons are: gains of the transmitter/receiver antennas,
D. Routing
heights of the transmitter/receiver antennas, distance between
transmitter and receiver, communication frequency range, non- Routing is defined as using the optimum path to reach from
line-of-sight (NLOS), obstacles, user mobility and transmitter to receiver. Typically, the optimum path depends on
environmental conditions. the design goal of the routing model. Widely used models are
Various researchers have studied path loss and offered minimum delay, minimum cost or maximum lifetime. Data
different propagation models. Hata Okumura’s stochastic routing in sensor networks are classified into three main
fading propagation model is one of the most known models for categories; data-centric, hierarchical and location-based [5].
PL and typically gives the closest values to the real Some design considerations are delay, energy consumption,
measurements. The model is considered valid for frequency error rate and reliability.
range between 150 MHz and 1500 MHz and distance greater Some of the widely known routing protocols are:
than 1 km. Egli model’s frequency range is from 30 MHz to 3 Sequential Assignment Routing (SAR), The Stateless Protocol
GHz. Green-Obaidat model is mainly for 2.4 GHz frequency. for Real-time Communications in Sensor Networks (SPEED),
Walfisch-Ikegami model is appropriate for frequency between Real-Time with Load Disturbed Routing (RTLD), Multiple
800MHz and 2 GHz and distance from 200 m to 5 km. TM90 Constraint Multi-Path (MCMP). In order to satisfy energy
model is valid for distance less than 10 miles [4]. consumption, QoS parameters and fault tolerance, SAR utilizes
a table-driven multipath approach. SPEED uses a combination
C. Environment/Terrain of non-deterministic QoS-aware forwarding and feedback
Environment around propagation space affects signal control. RTLD uses packet velocity, residual power of sensor’s
characteristics. Main factors are location, population and flora. battery, and link packet reception rate (PRR) metrics for
Population wise the environment is typically divided into two forwarding decisions. MCMP’s main focus is on providing
subgroups; urban and rural. In the urban areas, user mobility reliability in multipath routing using an analytical formulation
within the network and network utilization are significantly [6] [7].
higher. In terms of flora, the vegetation of the environment and
humidity increases the attenuation of radio waves [4]. III. IOT AND FUTURE ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES
Some of the widely used terrain models are ITU, ITU-R The advent of sensing and communication technologies,
452, Longley-Rice Irregular. The ITU terrain model merges represents the next step in the evolution of wireless sensor
free-space path loss with a single diffraction. Digital Elevation networks (WSNs). Next generation WSN systems demand that
Model (DEM) is used to compute the loss due to the most connected devices could be able to work autonomously and not
significant path obstruction. ITU-R 452 model estimates only upload and download data but also process them for self-
median path loss by aggregating free-space path loss and decision making. Smart cities and e-health are examples of
several other factors such as; absorption due to atmospheric such applications that support large number of user access on a
gases, knife-edge diffraction, obstruction from the curvature of multi-application platform. Users may include: individuals
the earth and tropospheric scatter. It also includes some trying to access information for their personal use, private and
calculation for local clutter losses based on land cover public institutes, and government agencies responsible for
classification data. Longley-Rice Irregular Terrain Model has issuing public alerts [8][9]. WSNs and its foreseen future
similar properties with ITU-R 452 but does not consider clutter present a fully connected billions of smart objects (such as cars,
losses [4]. Figure 2 shows an example where the line-of-sight is homes, offices, factories) and people, interacting on world-
lost due to obstacles, attenuation of signal and fresnel zone an scale systems where devices can understand and react to
ellipsoidal region between transmitting and receiving antenna. events. However, this vision has significant challenges such as
energy consumption, cost and scalability [10].

A. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) network protocols, and data management. Development of real
Advances in low power integrated digital electronics have time task scheduling algorithms that can guarantee the
led to the development of micro-sensors with data processing deadlines of time-critical applications, understand, preserve and
and communication capabilities. These sophisticated provide resource requirements, are needed. Network and
electronics measure ambient conditions related to the routing protocols could be optimized to minimize
environment, transforms observations into an electric signal communication latency, ease transmission conflicts, prolong
and can process to reveal events happening near the sensor. inactive periods of transceivers and provide efficient
The sensors communicate usually via radio transmitter, send broadcasting mechanisms. In terms of data management, by
collected data through a gateway or directly to a data collecting eliminating data redundancy due to sampling frequency and
center (sink) [5]. multiple sensor sampling, aggregating data from multiple
Integration in modern networking poses a new set of sources before communicating, network overhead can be
constraints on quality of services (QoS) and require suitable decreased.
routing strategies which are key for meeting different demands B. Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets)
for network capacity provisioning. Currently, the WSNs have
HetNet is a form of wireless network which consists of
played a significant role in proliferation of the IoT paradigm.
devices using different underlying radio access technology
Wireless multi-media sensor networks (WMSNs) are a type of
(RAT). Combining multiple RAT’s creates interoperability
WSN and expected to be one of the pillars in realizing the IoT
problems such as mobility, handover and QoS. But, as the
paradigm by fostering applications such as smart cities, smart
number of mobile users and increase in data traffic, wireless
agriculture, smart security and emergency systems [6].
cellular networks have come to a point where single RAT
achieves non-optimal performance. Additional gain is obtained
from advanced network topology that can bring the network
closer to the mobile user.
Heterogeneous networks usually combine macrocell base
stations (MBS) and femtocell base stations (FBS). Current
HetNets experience exponential growth in energy consumption
and usage. One promising solution for cellular operators in this
regard is deployment of femtocells. Deployment of femtocells
will also reduce the need for adding expensive macro base
station towers. Recently, FBSs have been used by many mobile
operators in outdoor deployments in rural and heavily
populated areas. In the near future, mobile FBSs will become
more prominent and will offer better mobile coverage and
capacity [3]. As shown in Figure 4, on top of that, FBS can also
be used to aggregate mobile traffic and relay to macrocells or
Fig. 3. Applications of WMSNs in different environments.
to other access networks.

Figure 3 shows some of the application areas and many of

them have different network requirements such as for smart
security, network reliability and requiring minimum
maintenance are desired. Certain applications of WMSNs may
operate for several years. The deployment strategies of
multimedia devices also depend on the application and the
environment. Each sensor node shall be modified distinctively
according to each application scenarios. It provides typical
WSNs with additional capabilities such as being able to
understand the network and user behaviors and store large
volume of generated data in the cognitive information centric
sensor networks (ICSNs) infrastructure. ICSNs are a paradigm
of WSNs that focus on delivering information from the
network based on user requirements rather than serving as a
point-to-point data communication network. This paradigm,
dynamically identifies optimum data delivery paths by
observing past actions and outcomes, making intelligent Fig. 4. A typical HetNet included macrocell and femtocells.
adaptations to improve the network lifetime [11].
For WMSN real-time performance is an active research
area that focuses on several aspects, such as task scheduling,

C. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) stations consume more energy than fewer base stations. On the
With IoT there are hundreds of devices connecting other hand, for mobile users, this may also result in a decrease
simultaneously, which complicates the identification of devices in battery life of devices. Mean queue length (MQL), routing
and users. One of the possible solutions is using RFID which is complexity, delay, response time, blocking probability, mean
a scalable solution for wireless identification, detection and error byte, data traffic are other constraints for modelling IoT.
tracking. An RFID system consists of a tag and a reader with Most of the limitations are related to reduced area coverage and
an antenna and transceiver [12]. There are two types of tags: accurate localization [16].
active and passive. Active tags have the necessity of a powered
system, and have a limited life expectancy [13]. Passive tags
are typically powered by electromagnetic signals generated by Initially WSNs were designed for specific applications such
readers. Each tag has an identification number and a memory as temperature monitoring and tracking goods during
that stores additional data such as manufacturer and product transportation. Recently, sensor nodes have become
type. The reader is the active component of the system and heterogeneous and can incorporate multiple sensors. Thus,
attached to an energy source [14]. WSN applications evolved from supporting application-
specific deployments to providing an application platform that
IV. IOT IN WIRELESS APPLICATIONS users can access and gather variety of data. Main design factors
With ubiquitous and seamless connection requirements of are coverage and connectivity, scalability, energy-efficiency
IoT, devices can be physical or virtual, have different and cost. In recent studies, energy-aware routing protocols that
functionalities and can be identified and tracked by their monitor available energy in each node and select the optimal
corresponding neighbors[15]. Connectivity between various path while satisfying the QoS requirements has been proposed.
parts of IoT network requires a seamless integration between Multipath routing strategy has emerged as the technology of
its heterogeneous components. Additional design issues are choice in WSNs [19]. Cost has three components: deployment,
required to be considered if someone wants to devise a routing maintenance and operation of a network. Main research areas
protocol for networks with dynamic topologies and are on the development of cost aware routing protocols.
heterogeneous data generating or sharing systems [1]. In such,
a comprehensive paradigm and an incentive data sharing policy VI. SUMMARY AND OPEN RESEARCH ISSUES
is required to motivate sensor owners to participate in sensing This study covers some of the current and future concepts
process and to ensure that provided data is fairly priced. IoT of networking such as WSNs and IoT. Future research for
networks aim to provide a service that can satisfy certain routing protocols includes the integration of sensor networks
quality requirements anytime and anywhere. To be able to with wired networks in IoT. Most of the applications in
provide the required service quality, network design must security and environment monitoring require data obtained
consider all the conditions such as populousness of area, from the sensor nodes to be transmitted to a server so that
mobility of devices and location [14]. Figure 5 shows some of further analysis can be done. Development of smarter,
the research areas that are related with IoT. autonomous, decision making sensor nodes are new research
areas. Also energy efficiency, coverage, quality, scalability are
major design issues.
This work is supported by Tubitak project 115E198.
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