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1) Mention green house gases.
2) Define: a) Molality b) Mole c) Limiting reagent d) Molarity
3) Write the prefix used in SI system for: 1) 10-9 b) 10-12 (similar question)
4) Explain: 1) law of definite proportion 2) law of conservation of mass
3) Avogadro law 4) law of multiple proportions 5) Gay – Lussac’s law
5) Mention three postulates of Dalton’s Atomic theory.
6) An organic compound contains 40% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, 53.3% oxygen. Molecular mass of the compound is
186.156g. Calculate its empirical and molecular formula. (Similar problems)
7) What are homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures? Give an example for each.
8) Define and write unit: i) Mass ii) Weight iii) Density iv) Amount of substance
9) Calculate the molecular mass of the following.
a) Ethane (C2H6) b) Ammonia (NH3) c) Oxalic acid (H2C2O4.2H2O)
10) How many moles of methane is required to produce 88 g of CO2 after combustion. (Similar problems)
11) Name the drug used in the treatment of AIDS.
12) What is amu?
13) An Organic compound contains 24.26% carbon, 4.05% hydrogen and 71.67% chlorine. The molecular mass of the
compound is 99.96u. Find its empirical and molecular formula.
(Atomic mass of C = 12, H = 1 and Cl = 35.45)
14) Convert 370C to 0F.
15) CaCO3 decomposes to give CaO and CO2 according to the equation CaCO3 → CaO + CO2. Calculate the mass of
CaO and CO2 produced on complete decomposition of 5g of CaCO3. (Similar problems)
16) What is the percentage composition of carbon and hydrogen in methane?
17) What mass of calcium carbonate is to be decomposed to obtain 4.4g of CO2 in the following reaction?
(Molar mass of CaCO3 = 100) (Similar problems)
18) Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 2.3 moles of solute dissolved in 4.6L.
19) Calculate the mole fraction of ethanol in a solution containing 20g of ethanol and 100g of water.
20) If 120g of propane (C3H8) is burnt in excess of oxygen, how many grams of water are produced?

1) What is the shape of s-orbital, p-orbital and d-orbital?
2) What are: i) Isotopes ii) Isobars iii) Isotones
3) Who discovered proton, electron, neutron.
4) Write any three characteristics of cathode rays.
5) Write any two limitations of Rutherford atomic model.
6) Write any two postulates of plank’s quantum theory.
7) In which region Lyman and Paschen series are appeared?
8) What is photoelectric effect?
9) Calculate the wavelength of radiations emitted from an electron of hydrogen atom undergo transition from energy
level with n = 2 to the energy level n = 1. (Similar problems)
10) Write any four postulates of Bohr’s theory.
11) State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and write the mathematical expression for it.
12) Explain the significance of four quantum numbers.
13) State: i) Pauli’s exclusion principle ii) (n+l) rule iii) Pauli’s exclusion principle
iv) Aufbau’s principle v) Hund’s rule
14) Write the electronic configuration of Cr and Cu atom.
15) Write the different between Orbits and Orbitals.
16) Calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in 35Br80
17) Calculate the wave number for the longest wave length transition in Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum.
(Given: RH = 1.09677 X 107 m-1)
18) What will be the wavelength of a ball of mass 0.1 kg moving with a velocity of 10 ms -1 ?
(Given: h = 6.626 × 10-34 Js) (Similar problems)
19) Calculate the energy of one mole of photon of radiation whose frequency is 5 x 10 14 Hz. (Similar problems)
20) Calculate the frequency of yellow radiation having wavelength 5800 Å. [1Å = 10 -10 m, C = 3× 108 ms-1]
21) Calculate the wavelength, frequency and wave number of a light wave whose period is 2.0 × 10 -10s?


1) In which region Lyman and Paschen series are appeared?
2) Define: a) Covalent radius b) Ionization energy c) Electron gain enthalpy d) Electro negativity
e) Atomic radius (How does vary along the period and down group? Give one reason for each)
3) What are isoelectronic species? Give example.
4) What are transuranium elements?
5) Ionization energy of nitrogen is more than oxygen. Give reason.
6) State Mendeleev’s periodic law.
7) Assign IUPAC name to the element with atomic number 101 to 120.
8) Write the general electronic configuration of: i) s-block ii) p–block iii) d–block IV) f–block
9) What are representative elements?
10) What are metalloids? Give an example.
11) What are transitional and inner transitional elements? Give an example of each.
12) Name the most electronegative element in the periodic table.
13) State Modern periodic law.
14) Write a brief note on s, p, d, f block elements.
15) Explain the periodic table on the basis of periods.


1) What you mean by Catenation?
2) Explain the classification of organic compounds with one example each.
3) Write any three characters of homologous series.
4) Explain the following isomerism with one example: i) Chain isomerism ii) Functional isomerism
5) Explain the following isomerism with oneexample: a) Position isomerism b) Metamerism
6) Explain the following effect with an example: i) Inductive effect ii) Electromeric effect
7) Explain the following effect with an example: i) Resonance effect ii) Hyper conjugation effect
8) Write any two differences between
i) Inductive effect and electrometric effect ii) Inductive effect and Mesomeric effect
9) How is sodium fusion extract prepared? Discuss lassaigne’s test for the detection of nitrogen and chlorine in the
given organic compound.
10) Mention one use of chromatography.
11) Write the principle involved in the estimation of carbon and hydrogen. Give diagram and calculation.
12) Explain the carius method for the determination of percentage of halogen in an organiccompound.
13) How nitrogen is estimated in an organiccompound by Duma’s method.
14) Define: i) Electrophile ii) Nucleophile iii) Carbocation iv) Carbanion v) Free radicals
15) For the molecule

I) Write its complete expanded structural formula.

ii) How many sigma bonds and Pi bonds are in it?
iii) What is the hybridization of the carbon atom attached to oxygen?
iv) Write the bond line formula of the compound.
v) Write functional isomer for it. (Similar question)
16) Explain the following terms with one example: a) Benzenoids b) Non – benzenoids
17) Write the resonance structure of benzene, acetophenone, aniline, Benzophenone.
18) Explain kjeldahl method of nitrogen estimation.
19) In carius method of estimation of halogen, 0.15 g of an organic compound gave 0.12g of AgBr. Find
the percentage of bromine in the compound. (Similar problem)
20) In sulphur estimation, 0.157g of an organic compound gave 0.4813g of barium sulphate. Calculate the
% of sulphur in the compound. (Similar problem)


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