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Discrete-time Signals & Systems

Dr. Sujit Kumar Sahoo

Assistant Professor,SES

School of Electrical Sciences


August 3, 2023

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1 Discrete time signals

2 Discrete time systems

3 LTI System

4 Linear constant coefficient difference equations

5 Frequency domain representation

6 Discrete Time Random Signals

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Discrete time signals

x = {x[n]}; −∞ < n < ∞

Impuse (Dirac delta function):

1, n = 0
δ[n] =
0, otherwise

Unitstep signal:
1, n ≥ 0
u[n] =
0, n < 0

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Discrete time signals

Unitstep signal can be represented in terms of impulse as

u[n] = δ(n − k)

Any discrete time signal can be represented in terms of impulse as

x[n] = x[k]δ[n − k]

δ[n] can be represented in terms of unitstep signal as

δ[n] = u[n] − u[n − 1]

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Disrete time signals
Exponential signal:

x[n] = an u[n]

Periodic signal:

x[n] = x[n + N]
e.g. x[n] = cos(ω0 n)

Let x[n] = e jω , is it a periodic signal?
e jωn = e jω(n+N)
e = 1 ⇒ ωN = 2πk
Condition for periodicity
ω = 2π(k/N)
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Discrete time systems

A discrete system which takes discrete input and produces the discrete output.

y [n] = T (x[n])
Delay system:
y [n] = x[n − nd ]
y [n] = x[k] = x[0] + x[1] + x[2] + ...... + x[n]

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Discrete time systems

Memoryless system: Present output depends only on present input values.

Example: y [n] = x 2 [n]

Causal system: If present output depends only on past and present input
values then that system is causal.
i) Backward differentiator is causal:

y [n] = x[n] − x[n − 1]

ii) Forward differentiator is non causal:

y [n] = x[n + 1] − x[n]

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Discrete time systems

Linear system:

T (x1 [n] + x2 [n]) = T (x1 [n]) + T (x2 [n])

T (ax[n]) = aT (x[n])

Example: y [n] = log (x[n]) → Non - linear system

Time invariant system:

Example: y [n] = k=0 x[k]

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Discrete time systems
X n−d
T (x[n − d]) = x[k − d] = x[k]
k=0 k=−d
̸= x[k] = y [n − d]
It’s a time varying systems, because k=−d x[k] ̸= 0
However, we can argue that the above system becomes time-invariant for
positive delays if the signal is right sides (i.e. x[k] = 0 for k < 0).
X n−d
x[k] = x[k] = y [n − d]
k=−d k=0

Stability: For a bounded input it gives bounded output.

|x[n]| ≤ Bx ∀n
|y [n]| ≤ By ∀n
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Discrete time systems
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System

δ[n] h[n]

x[0]δ[n] x[0]h[n]

x[1]δ[n − 1] x[1]h[n − 1]

x[0]δ[n] + x[1]δ[n − 1] x[0]h[n] + x[1]h[n − 1]

X ∞
x[n] = x[k]δ[n − k] y [n] = x[k]h[n − k]
k=−∞ k=−∞

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LTI System

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LTI System

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LTI System
Impulse response of an LTI system completely describes the system behavior. The
output for any input can be computed using convolution.

y [n] = x[k]h[n − k] ∀n
= x[n] ∗ h[n]

Delayed output: ∞
y [n − d] = x[k]h[n − d − k] ∀n
= x[n] ∗ h[n − d] = x[n − d] ∗ h[n]
Computing convolution sum:

X ∞
y [n] = x[k]h[−(k − n)] = x[k]h1 [k − n],
k=−∞ k=−∞

where h1 [k] = h[−k].

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LTI System

Let’s take the follwing example

1 if 0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1
h[n] =
0 otherwise


if n ≥ 0
x[n] =
0 otherwise

For n < 0, y [n] = 0

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LTI System
For N > n ≥ 0, y [n] = k=0 ak

For n ≥ N, y [n] = k=n−N+1 ak

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LTI System

 0 > n > −∞
y [n] = 1−a , N>n≥0
 1−aN n−N+1

1−a a , ∞>n≥N

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Properties of LTI systems

x[n] ∗ h[n] = h[n] ∗ x[n]
Distributes over addition:

x[n] ∗ (h1 [n] + h2 [n]) = x[n] ∗ h1 [n] + x[n] ∗ h2 [n]

(x[n] ∗ h1 [n]) ∗ h2 [n] = x[n] ∗ (h1 [n] ∗ h2 [n])
x[n] ∗ (h2 [n] ∗ h1 [n]) = (x[n] ∗ h2 [n]) ∗ h1 [n]

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Properties of LTI systems

(a) (b)

Figure: (a) Parallel combination of LTI systems. (b) An equivalent systems

(a) (b)


Figure: (a) Cascade combination of two LTI systems. (b) Equivalent cascade. (c) Single
equivalent system.
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Properties of LTI systems

BIBO stable
|y [n]| < ∞

X ∞
|y [n]| = | h[k]x[n − k]| ≤ |h[k]||x[n − k]|
k=−∞ k=−∞

If x[n] is bounded i.e., |x[n]| ≤ Bx , then

|y [n]| ≤ Bx |h[k]| < ∞

(can be bounded) only if

Bh = |h[k]| < ∞

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Examples of LTI systems

Ideal delay

h[n] = δ[n − nd ] nd is a positive fixed integer

Moving average
1 X
M1 +M2 +1 , −M1 ≤ n ≤ M2
h[n] = δ[n − k] =
M1 + M2 + 1 0, otherwise

X 1, n ≥ 0
h[n] = δ[k] = = u[n]
0, n < 0


h[n] = δ[n + 1] − δ[n] ; h[n] = δ[n] − δ[n − 1]

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Examples of LTI systems

h[n] = (δ[n + 1] − δ[n]) ∗ δ[n − 1]

= δ[n − 1] ∗ (δ[n + 1] − δ[n])
= δ[n] − δ[n − 1]

h[n] = u[n] ∗ (δ[n] − δ[n − 1])

= u[n] − u[n − 1]
= δ[n]

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Linear constant coefficient difference equations

ak y [n − k] = bm x[n − m]
k=0 m=0

Accumulator systems
X n−1
y [n] = x[k] = x[n] + x[k] = x[n] + y [n − 1]
k=−∞ k=−∞

y [n] − y [n − 1] = x[n]

Block diagram of a recursive difference

equation representing an accumulator.

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Linear constant coefficient difference equations
Moving average systems
2 M
1 X
y [n] = x[n − k]
M2 + 1
The corresponding impulse response is h[n] = M21+1 (u[n] − u[n − M2 − 1]).
Equivalent difference equation form
y [n] − y [n − 1] = (x[n] − x[n − M2 − 1])
M2 + 1
We can factor it into two systems:
x1 [n] = (x[n] − x[n − M2 − 1]) and y [n] − y [n − 1] = x1 [n]
M2 + 1

Block diagram of the recursive form of a moving-average system

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Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals
and systems

Eigen function, x[n] = e jωn y [n] = H(e jω )e jωn

Frequency response

H(e jω ) = h[k]e −jωk

H(e ) = HR (e jω ) + jHI (e jω ) = |H(e jω )|e ∠H(e )

x[n] = αk e jωk n y [n] = αk H(e jωk )e jωk n
k k

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Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals
and systems

Ideal delay: y [n] = x[n − nd ]

y [n] = e jω(n−nd ) = e −jωnd e jωn

H(e jω ) = e −(jωnd )
H(e jω ) = δ[n − nd ]e −jωn = e −jωnd

HR (e jω ) = cos(ωnd ); HI (e jω ) = −sin(ωnd )
|H(e jω )| = 1 and ∠H(e jω ) = −ωnd

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Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals
and systems

Causal moving average system:

1 X −jωn
H(e jω ) = e
M + 1 n=0
1 − e −jω(M+1)
H(e jω ) =
M +1 1 − e −jω
e jω(M+1)/2 − e −jω(M+1)/2 e −jω(M+1)/2

M +1 e jω/2 − e −jω/2 e −jω/2
1 sin[ω(M + 1)/2] −jωM/2
= e
M +1 sin(ω/2)

for the case M = 4

1 sin(5ω/2) −j2ω
H(e jω ) = e
5 sin(ω/2)

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Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals
and systems

(a) Magnitude and (b) phase of the frequency response of the moving average
system for the case M = 4.

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Suddenly Applied Complex Exponential Inputs

jωn 0, n<0
x[n] = e u[n] y [n] = Pn −jωk
k=0 h[k]e e , n≥0
If we consider the only output for n ≥ 0, we can write y [n] = k=0 h[k]e jω(n−k)
∞ ∞
! !
−jωk jωn −jωk
y [n] = h[k]e e − h[k]e e jωn
k=0 k=n+1

jω jωn −jωk
= H(e )e − h[k]e e jωn = yss [n] + yt [n]

Steady-state response, yss [n] = H(e jω )e jωn

Transient response, yt [n] = − k=n+1 h[k]e −jωk e jωn

Note: What will happen to the transient as n → ∞?

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Representation of sequences by Fourier Transforms

Many sequences can be represented by a Fourier integral of the form

Z π ∞
1 X
x[n] = X (e jω )e jωn dω, where X (e jω ) = x[n]e −jωn
2π −π n=−∞

|X (e jω )| < ∞ for all values of ω

P∞ P∞ P∞
|X (e jω )| = | n=−∞ x[n]e −jωn | ≤ n=−∞ |x[n]||e −jωn | ≤ n=−∞ |x[n]| < ∞

Absolute summability is a sufficient condition for the existence of a Fourier

transform representation.

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Representation of sequences by Fourier Transforms

Fourier Transform for a Suddenly Applied Exponential

x[n] = an u[n]

Absolute summability

X 1
|a|n = < ∞ if |a| < 1
1 − |a|

Fourier Transform

X ∞
X (e jω ) = an e −jωn = (ae −jω )n
n=0 n=0
= if |ae −jω | or |a| < 1
1 − ae −jω

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Summability for the ideal lowpass filter
Z ωc
hlp [n] = e jωn dω
( 2π −ωc
jω 1, |w | < ωc
Hlp (e ) = 1  jωn ωc 1
0, ωc < |w | ≤ π = e −ω
= (e jωc n − e −jωc n )
2πjn c 2πjn
sinωc n
= , −∞ < n < ∞

hlp [n] is not absolutely summable, the sum tend to infinite.

P∞ sinωc n −jωn
H(e jω ) = n=−∞ πn e doesnot converge uniforml for all values of ω.
Let’s define HM (e jω ) = n=−M sinω c n −jωn
πn e , which will help us developing an
intuition about the convergence,
Z π
lim |Hlp (e jω ) − HM (e jω )|2 dω = 0
M→∞ −π

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Summability for the ideal lowpass filter

Figure: Convergence of the Fourier transform. The oscillatory behavior at ω = ωc is

often called the Gibbs phenomenon
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Fourier Transform

Fourier Transform of a constant


x[n] = 1 ←−−→ X (e ) = 2πδ(ω + 2πr )
r =−∞

Fourier Transform of Complex Exponential Sequences

x[n] = e jω0 n ←−−→ X (e jω ) = 2πδ(ω − ω0 + 2πr )
r =−∞

Expressing the signal is easy.

Z π
x[n] = 2πδ(ω − ω0 )e jωn dω
2π −π

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Symmetry properties of the Fourier transform

Conjugate-symmetric sequence, xe [n] = xe∗ [−n]

Conjugate-antisymmetric sequence, xo [n] = −xo∗ [−n]

Any sequence x[n] can be expressed as a sum of a conjugate-symmetric and

conjugate-antisymmetric sequence. Specifically

x[n] = xe [n] + xo [n]

xe [n] = (x[n] + x ∗ [−n]) = xe∗ [−n]
xo [n] = (x[n] − x ∗ [−n]) = −xo∗ [−n]

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Fourier transform Examples

A Fourier transform can be decomposed into a sum of conjugate-symmetric

and conjugate-antisymmetric functions as

X (e jω ) = Xe (e jω ) + Xo (e jω )

1 1
Xe (e jω ) = X (e jω ) + X ∗ (e −jω ) and Xo (e jω ) = X (e jω ) − X ∗ (e −jω )
2 2
Conjugate-symmetric function, Xe (e jω ) = Xe∗ (e −jω )
Conjugate-antisymmetric function, Xo (e jω ) = −Xo∗ (e −jω )
where X (e jω ) = XR (e jω ) + jXI (e jω )

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Symmetry properties of the Fourier transform

1. x ∗ [n] X ∗ (e −jω )
2. x ∗ [−n] X ∗ (e jω )
3. Re{x[n]} Xe (e jω ) (Conjugate-symmetric part of X (e jω ))
4. jIm{x[n]} Xo (e jω ) (Conjugate-antisymmetric part of X (e jω ))
5. xe [n] XR (e jω ) = Re{X (e jω )}
6. xo [n] jXI (e jω ) = jIm{X (e jω )}
The following properties apply only when x[n] is real;
7. Any real x[n] X (e jω ) = X ∗ (e −jω ) (FT is conjugate symmetry)
8. Any real x[n] XR (e jω ) = XR (e −jω ) (Real part is even)
9. Any real x[n] XI (e jω ) = −XI (e −jω ) (Imaginary part is odd)
10. Any real x[n] |X (e jω )| = |X (e −jω )| (magnitude is even)
11. Any real x[n] ∠X (e jω ) = −∠X (e −jω ) (Phase is odd)
12. xe [n] XR (e jω )
13. xo [n] jXI (e jω )
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Fourier Transform Theorems

1. ax[n] + by [n] aX (e jω ) + bY (e jω )
2. x[n − nd ] (nd an integer) e −jωnd X (e jω )
3. e jω0 n x[n] X (e j(ω−ω0 ) )
4. x[−n] X (e −jω )
5. x[−n] X ∗ (e jω ) if x[n] is real

6. nx[n] j dXdω
(e )

7. x[n] ∗ y [n] X (e jω )Y (e jω )
Rπ jθ j(ω−θ)
8. x[n]y [n] 2π −π X (e )Y (e )dθ
P∞ 2 1
Rπ jω 2
9. n=−∞ |x[n]| = 2π −π |X (e )| dω
P∞ ∗ 1
Rπ jω ∗ jω
Parseval′ stheorem
10. n=−∞ x[n]y [n] = 2π −π X (e )Y (e )dω

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Fourier Transform of Some of signals

Sequence Fourier Transform

1. δ[n] 1
2. δ[n − n0 ] e −jωn0
3. 1 (∞ < n < ∞) k=−∞ 2πδ(ω + 2πk)
4. an u[n]; (|a| < 1) 1−ae −jω
5. u[n] 1−e −jω
+ k=−∞ πδ(ω + 2πk)
6. (n + 1)an u[n]; (|a| < 1) (1−ae −jω )2
r n sinωp (n+1) 1−2rcosωp e −jω +r 2 e −j2w
7. sinωp u[n]; (|r | < 1) (
1, |w | < ωc
8. sinωc n X (e jω ) =
( 0, ωc < |w | ≤ π
1, 0 ≤ n ≤ M sin[w (M+1)/2] −jωM/2
9. x[n] = sin(ω/2)
0, otherwise
10. e jω0 n k=−∞ 2πδ(ω − ω0 + 2πk)
11.cos(ω0 n + ϕ) k=−∞ [πe

δ(ω − ω0 + 2πk) + πe −jϕ δ(ω + ω0 + 2πk)]
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Fourier transform Examples
Example 1:
X (e jω ) =
(1 − ae −jω )(1 − be −jω )
a/(a − b) b/(a − b)
= −jω

1 − ae 1 − be −jω
a n b
x[n] = a u(n) − b n u[n]
a−b a−b
Example 2: (
jω e −jωnd , ωc < |ω| < π
H(e ) =
0, |ω| < ωc
H(e jω ) = e −jωnd (1 − Hlp (e jω )) = e −jωnd − e −jωnd Hlp (e jω )
jω 1, |ω| < ωc
Hlp (e ) =
0, ωc < |ω| < π
sinωc (n − nd )
h[n] = δ[n − nd ] − hlp [n − nd ] = δ[n − nd ] −
π(n − nd )
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Impulse response for a difference equation

Determining the impulse response for a difference equation

1 1
y [n] − y [n − 1] = x[n] − x[n − 1]
2 4
1 1
h[n] − h[n − 1] = δ[n] − δ[n − 1]
2 4
Applying DTFT on both sides
1 1
H(e jω ) − e −jω H(e jω ) = 1 − e −jω
2 4

1 − 14 e −jω
H(e jω ) =
1 − 12 e −jω
 n    n−1
1 1 1
⇒ h[n] = u[n] − u[n − 1]
2 4 2

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Discrete Time Random Signals
When the input signal x[n] is a random signal carrying random values,

X ∞
y [n] = h[n − k]x[k] = h[k]x[n − k]
k=−∞ k=−∞

The means of the input and output processes are

mx [n] = E{x[n]}, my [n] = E{y [n]}

my [n] = E{y [n]} = h[k]E{x[n − k]}

If the input is wide (weak) sense stationary (WSS), i.e., mx [n − k] = mx , then

my [n] = mx h[k] = H(e j0 )mx = my

Output becomes constant mean, i.e., my = H(e j0 )mx .

Auto-correlation function of the output process for a WSS random input signal
ϕyy [n, n + m] = E{y [n]y [n + m]}
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Discrete Time Random Signals

∞ ∞
( )
ϕyy [n, n + m] = E h[k]x[n − k] h[r ]x[n + m − r ]
k=−∞ r =−∞

X ∞
= h[k] h[r ]E{x[n − k]x[n + m − r ]}
k=−∞ r =−∞

Since x[n] is WSS, E{x[n − k]x[n + m − r ]} = ϕxx [m + k − r ], that depend only

on the time difference.
ϕ̂xx [m+k]=h[m+k]∗ϕxx [m]
z }| {

X X∞
ϕyy [n, n + m] = h[k] h[r ]ϕxx [m + k − r ]
k=−∞ r =−∞
= h[m] ∗ h[−m] ∗ ϕxx [m] = ϕyy [m]
Output is also WSS as the ϕyy [n, n + m] depends only on the time difference m.
Power spectrum of the input & the output (DTFT of the Auto-correlation)
Φyy (e jω ) = |H(e jω )|2 Φxx (e jω )
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x[n] is white noise.

ϕxx [m] = σx2 δ[m]

Φxx (e jω ) = σx2 ; for all ω

Φyy (e ) = |H(e )|2 σx2 jω

Suppose that h[n] = an u[n]

H(e jω ) =
1 − ae −jω
1 σx2
Φyy (e jω ) = σx2 =
1 − ae −jω 1 + a2 − 2a cos ω

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The End

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