Daily-Life Activities and In-Shoe Forefoot Plantar Pressure in Patients With Diabetes

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Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice xxx (2006) xxx–xxx


Daily-life activities and in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure

in patients with diabetes
Nick A. Guldemond a,*, Pieter Leffers b, Antal P. Sanders c, Nicolaas C. Schaper d,
Fred Nieman e, Geert H.I.M. Walenkamp a
Department Orthopaedic Surgery, University Hospital Maastricht, P.O. Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht, The Netherlands
Department of Epidemiology, Fac. Medicine, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Department Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital Maastricht, The Netherlands
Department Internal Medicine, University Hospital Maastricht, The Netherlands
Department Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Technology Assessment, University Hospital Maastricht, The Netherlands
Received 21 April 2006; accepted 17 November 2006

Objective: To assess differences regarding in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure (PP) in patients with diabetes during various daily-life
Research design and methods: In-shoe PP was measured in 93 patients during: level walking, ramp and stair walking, turning in
different settings and while performing the Up & Go test. Separate PPs were determined for the big toe and metatarsal (mt) regions
one to five.
Results: Across all activities, similar PPs were measured in the big toe and mt-1 to mt-3 region. Lower PPs were measured in mt-4
and mt-5 region. PPs during level walking were mostly higher when compared to the other activities ( p  .030). Turning while level
walking resulted in higher PPs than turning while performing the other activities ( p  .033). Higher PPs were measured for both
ramp and stair ascending when compared to descending ( p  .001). In the big toe region, stair descending resulted in higher PPs
than ascending ( p  .001). Across all activities, patients with neuropathy had lower PPs (overall mean 28 kPa) than patients without
Conclusions: Level walking resulted in the highest forefoot PPs during daily-life activities. Patients with neuropathy had lower PPs
than patients without neuropathy.
# 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Daily activities; Diabetic foot; Plantar pressure; Screening

1. Introduction regarding the biomechanics of the diabetic foot has been

performed with pressure sensitive platforms and has
Since the introduction of electronic equipment for been focused mainly on plantar bare foot loading. The
plantar pressure measurement, the majority of research application of pressure sensitive platforms is limited to
laboratory settings and most platforms allow only one
step per run for recording. At the beginning of the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 43 3875031;
fax: +31 43 3874893.
1990s, commercial equipment for in-shoe pressure
E-mail addresses: ngu@orthop.unimaas.nl, ngu@sort.azm.nl measurement became available and is now commonly
(N.A. Guldemond). used in research as well as in clinical settings. In-shoe

0168-8227/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: N.A. Guldemond et al., Daily-life activities and in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure in patients
with diabetes, Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2006.11.006
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DIAB-3762; No of Pages 7

2 N.A. Guldemond et al. / Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice xxx (2006) xxx–xxx

plantar pressure measurement provides the opportunity surgery of the foot and/or severe deformity. The latter included
for collecting multiple steps per run. pes cavus, i.e. an excessively elevated foot arch, hallux valgus
In-shoe plantar pressure is usually measured during more than 158 and severe toe deformity. The degree of hallux
walking straight on level ground. In previous reports, it valgus was measured according to the guidelines of the
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons [7]. The pre-
was questioned whether such plantar pressures were
sence of claw toe, mallet toe, curly toe or hammer toe
representative for plantar pressures during activities of
deformity, was scored according to the definitions of Myerson
daily living [1–3]. Until now, only a few studies have and Shereff [8]. The degree of toe deformity was arbitrarily
evaluated in-shoe plantar pressures under more real life defined as less (minor), the same (significant) or more (severe)
circumstances [2–6]. Only one of these studies was than the definitions described by Myerson and Shereff,
performed in patients with diabetes and peripheral whereas ‘normal toe’ was recorded if there was no malalign-
neuropathy. Several results of these small sample size ment present. In addition, the medial arch height was sub-
studies were conflicting, e.g. one found that plantar jectively classified as: no arch; lowered arch; normal arch;
pressures were lower during turning than straight level elevated arch and excessively elevated arch. Before the start of
walking [2], while others found the opposite [3,5]. The the study, patients were informed about all study procedures
primary objective of the present study was to determine and their possible risks. The Research Ethical Committee of
the University Hospital Maastricht approved the study.
differences between various activities regarding fore-
Ninety-three eligible patients were screened for peripheral
foot in-shoe plantar pressures in diabetic patients. The
neuropathy through determination of the vibration perception
secondary objective was to evaluate whether there were thresholds (VPT) at the apex of the hallux with a biothesi-
differences for these activities as far patients with and ometer (Biomedical, Newbury OH) [9–11]. AVPT higher than
without peripheral neuropathy were concerned. We 25 V was used as the diagnostic criterion for peripheral
compared straight level walking with turning, with the neuropathy: 25 V = PNP , >25 V = PNP+. Table 1 con-
Up & Go test and with ramp and stair walking. tains descriptive data with respect to gender, age, body mass
index (BMI), duration of diabetes, VPT, HBa1c and walking
2. Materials and methods speed.

2.1. Patients 2.2. Procedures

Diabetic patients were selected from the medical outpa- The following timed activities were evaluated: level walk-
tient clinic of the University Hospital Maastricht. Inclusion ing, the Up & Go test, ascending and descending a ramp and a
criteria were diabetes mellitus type 1 (longer than 10 years flight of stairs (Table 2). Level walking: patients walked two
after date of diagnosis) or type 2 (at least 1 year after date of lengths of 10 m (turn excluded) indoors on a concrete floor in
diagnosis); age between 30 and 75 years and able to perform one single run. Ascending and descending a ramp: patients
daily-life activities without supporting devices. Exclusion ascended and descended a 15% grade ramp of 4 m and turned
criteria were a history of rheumatoid arthritis, foot trauma on a platform of 62 cm length by 81 cm width. This was a

Table 1
Patient characteristics
n 49 44
Gender (female/male) 30/19 29/15
Type of DM (1/2) 18/31 9/35

Female Male Female Male

Mean S.D. Min–max Mean S.D. Min–max Mean S.D. Min–max Mean S.D. Min–max
Age (years) 56.3 9.06 34–69 50.9 9.52 32–70 64.9 8.79 49–75 58.8 10.42 34–72
Duration diabetes 13.8 10.16 3–39 11.6 7.70 1–32 18.1 11.35 2–40 16.3 11.39 3–45
HBa1c (%) 8.31 1.51 5.9–10.7 8.15 1.08 5.1–9.7 8.25 1.29 6.3–11.8 8.16 1.25 5.7–12.0
Body mass index 28.9 5.17 19.8–39.6 28.2 4.83 20.1–38.0 31.2 7.37 20.0–45.7 29.6 6.44 19.8–45.3
VPT 12.3 4.06 5.2–20.5 13.9 5.18 5.7–23.3 41.9 9.79 24.8–50.0 41.3 11.84 14.5–50.0
Walking speed (m/s) 1.04 0.11 0.91–1.28 1.08 0.16 0.71–1.50 0.85 0.13 0.67–1.09 1.05 0.20 0.60–1.38
PNP+, peripheral polyneuropathy; PNP , no peripheral polyneuropathy; DM, diabetes mellitus; VPT, vibration perception threshold; HbA1c,
hemoglobin A1c.

Please cite this article in press as: N.A. Guldemond et al., Daily-life activities and in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure in patients
with diabetes, Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2006.11.006
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DIAB-3762; No of Pages 7

N.A. Guldemond et al. / Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 3

Table 2
Information about activities, number of steps used for analysis and groups of comparison for statistical testing
Activity Trials per patient Distance per trial Turns clockwise Turns counter-clockwise Average number of steps
per patient used for analysis
Straight on performance Turns
Level walking 4 2 m  10 m 2 2 40 8
Up & Go test 2 2m3m 1 1 8 4
Ramp ascending 2 2m4m 1 1 6 4
Ramp descending 2 2m4m 1 1 6
Stair ascending 2 2m3m 1 1 14 4
Stair descending 2 2m3m 1 1 14

Groups of comparison
Level walking vs. other activities L vs. U L vs. RA L vs. SA L vs. LT
Turning while level walking vs. turning during other activities LT vs. UT LT vs. RT LT vs. ST UT vs. RT UT vs. ST RT vs. ST
Ascending vs. descending RA vs. RD SA vs. SD
L, level walking; U, Up & Go test; RA, ramp ascending; RD, ramp descending; SA, stair ascending; SD, stair descending; LT, turning while level
walking; UT, turning while performing Up & Go test; RT, turning while ramp walking; ST, turning while stair walking.

typical a situation in which a subject would turn at a low speed [13]) They were used in order to minimize the influence of
with a small perimeter. Upstairs and downstairs walking: ‘cushioning’ on plantar pressure loading and without any
patients were asked to ascend and descend 10 stairs in their specific adaptation they are not necessarily appropriate for
usual manner (step height 18 cm; board depth 27 cm; 33 grade diabetic feet. This type of shoe is close to what is commonly
inclination). Unilateral use of a handrail was obligatory and worn in the Dutch elderly population. The shoe fitting was
they turned on the landing of the stairwell. For the aforemen- checked according the guidelines described by Shor [14].
tioned activities patients were instructed to walk and turn at a Time was measured to the nearest 1/10 of a second using a
safe and comfortable pace. Timed Up & Go test: patients were stopwatch with interval memory storage.
asked to rise from a standard chair (seat height 45 cm), walk to
and turn around a pylon, which was placed 3 m from the chair, 2.3. Data processing
and return to a sitting position in the chair [12]. Patients were
instructed to ‘‘perform the activity as quickly as you can Pedar Expert1 software (Novel, Munich Germany) was
without overexerting yourself’’. This was a typical test situa- used to select steps from the raw data files. The assignment of
tion in which a subject would accelerate and decelerate at a steps to walking or turning was made by using the recording
relatively high speed in combination with a turn around a time in the data files and the stopwatch intervals. The evalua-
small perimeter. tion was focused on six forefoot regions: big toe and meta-
During all activities plantar peak pressures were measured tarsal one (mt-1) to five (mt-5). The mask for these ‘regions of
with a frequency of 50 Hz per sensor with the Pedar Insole-
system1 (Novel, Munich Germany). The Pedar insoles con-
sisted of a matrix of 99 sensors with an average individual
sensor effective area of approximately 1.5 cm2 and were
placed in both shoes between the socks and shoes. For patient
measurement, the insoles were calibrated to absolute values
using the Trublu1 calibration device (Novel, Munich Ger-
many). A ‘relative or zero calibration’ was performed imme-
diately before each trial by unloading each insole. The Pedar
processing unit was worn in a waist pocket. Plantar pressure
data were recorded with a computer through a 15 m umbilical
cable which was guided during the measurements. All patients
performed the activities in a randomized order in standard
socks and shoes of various widths and neutral fore-/rear foot
Fig. 1. Peak pressures during daily-life activities. L, level walking; U,
height (males: Van Lier: outer sole hardness, i.e. shore type A: Up & Go test; RA, ramp ascending; RD, ramp descending; SA, stair
68, No 814 Loon op Zand, Netherlands and females: Durea ascending; SD, stair descending; LT, turning while level walking; UT,
Greenway: outer sole shore type A: 63, No 6548 Drunen turning while performing Up & Go test; RT, turning while ramp
Netherlands). These shoes are oxford style shoes with a walking; ST, turning while stair walking; mt, metatarsal; kPa, kilo-
relatively stiff innersole material (Shore A higher than 60 Pascal.

Please cite this article in press as: N.A. Guldemond et al., Daily-life activities and in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure in patients
with diabetes, Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2006.11.006
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DIAB-3762; No of Pages 7

4 N.A. Guldemond et al. / Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice xxx (2006) xxx–xxx

L, level walking; U, Up & Go test; RA, ramp ascending; RD, ramp descending; SA, stair ascending; SD, stair descending; LT, turning while level walking; UT, turning while performing Up & Go test;
interest’ was designed using Novel ‘create any mask1’ soft-

ware and verified by individual anterior-posterior radiographs
of the foot [15]. Peak pressure was estimated by calculating
the mean over the total number of steps per activity collected
Metatarsal 5

from various trials Table 2. The mean speed during level

walking was based on the time required to traverse 10 m; per
patient an average of eight measurements was used: 2  10 m

lengths (turn excluded) per trial with a total of four trials.


2.4. Statistical analysis

At first plantar pressure data of all activities were inves-
tigated for normal distribution by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov
test. Repeated measures ANOVA design was used for ana-
Metatarsal 4

lysis with one between- and two within-factors: The

between-factor was defined as ‘neuropathy’ with two cate-

gories (patients with and without neuropathy). The within-


factors were defined as ‘activity’ with 10 categories (all

RT, turning while ramp walking; ST, turning while stair walking; M, mean; S.E., standard error; Min, minimum; Max, maximum.

aforementioned activities) and ‘side’ with 2 categories (left


and right foot). For each factor, overall F-ratio tests were
corrected for sphericity violations in the variance–covar-
iance matrix by using the Greenhouse–Geisser degrees of
freedom making the tests more conservative. Mauchly’s test


Metatarsal 3

of sphericity was used to decide whether this correction was

necessary. Specific category differences were investigated

using reversed Helmert contrasts. The following compari-


sons were made: level walking versus the Up & Go test, ramp
ascending, stair ascending and turning while level walking.

Also, we wanted to know whether various styles of turning

would result in different forefoot pressures. Finally, we were
interested in the differences in peak pressure between
ascending and descending for both ramp and stair walking

Metatarsal 2

(Table 2). All comparisons in the analysis were performed

with the peak pressure calculated for the six forefoot regions.
Statistical analysis was carried out with SPSS 12.011 soft-

ware (SPSS Inc.). An alpha level of 0.05 was chosen to judge

statistical significance.

3. Results

Because the conceptual and statistical problems

Metatarsal 1

associated with analysing both feet of one subject,

Peak pressures during daily-life activities (kPa)

repeated measures ANOVA, with side as within factor,


was used for statistical testing. In the overall F-ratio test


this analysis showed no statistically significant differ-

ence in peak pressure between left and right foot.


Therefore, the values for each region over both left and
right feet were averaged. The peak pressures for all
activities per forefoot region are presented in Fig. 1 and


Table 3.
For most activities the mt-2 region had the highest
Big toe

peak pressure. However, for all activities peak pressures


measured in the mt-1 to mt-3 and the big toe regions

Table 3

were fairly similar. The only deviation from this pattern




is that the peak pressure for the big toe was lower during

Please cite this article in press as: N.A. Guldemond et al., Daily-life activities and in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure in patients
with diabetes, Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2006.11.006
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DIAB-3762; No of Pages 7

N.A. Guldemond et al. / Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 5

stair walking. Across all activities, lower peak pressures We expected that a more real-life approach of the
were measured in mt-4 and mt-5 region compared to the transfer from walking to sitting and vice versa would
other regions. lead to higher peak pressures. Although patients in our
In most forefoot regions, peak pressure during level study were encouraged to perform the Up & Go test as
walking was higher compared to the other activities quickly as possible, this test did not lead to higher
( p  .030). Only for the mt-1 and the mt-5 region, plantar pressures when compared to level walking. We
differences in peak pressure between level walking and averaged peak pressures during sitting down and rising
turning while level walking, and between level walking from a chair, consequently no comparisons between
and ramp ascending were not statistically significant. these activities were made.
For all forefoot plantar regions, turning while level As reported in other studies, stair walking resulted in
walking resulted in higher peak pressures, than turning lower plantar pressures than did level walking [2,3]. The
while performing the Up & Go test, ramp walking and peak pressure in the big toe region was surprisingly low
stair walking ( p  .033). Also, turning while perform- compared to level walking and ramp ascending.
ing the Up & Go test resulted in higher peak pressure, Contrary to other forefoot regions the big toe was
compared to turning while ramp and stair walking more loaded during stair descending than stair
( p  .001). ascending.
A higher peak pressure was measured for both ramp Our study shows that turning resulted in lower peak
and stair ascending in most forefoot regions when pressures, which supports the results of Maluf et al. [2].
compared to ramp and stair descending ( p  .001). For Rozema et al. reported that plantar pressure was higher
the mt-1 regions the difference was not statistically during turning when compared to straight level walking
significant. In the big toe region, stair descending [3]. In this study turning was performed while ‘‘walking
resulted in a higher peak pressure than ascending between two concentric circles’’ at a constant speed of
( p  .001). 1.6 m/s, which is a much faster then the straight level
Across all activities, patients with neuropathy had walking speed of our patients. Our impression is that
lower peak pressures than patients without neuropathy. patients mostly slow down before turning and then turn
Repeated measures ANOVA showed that the overall at a lower speed. Such anticipative turning related gait
effect was 28 kPa (difference of sample means) with a was also found in a recent study with elderly subjects
standard error of the difference of 19.4 (F (1,91) 6.78, [16]. Additionally, peak pressures further decreased
p = .011). The ranking of the activities from the highest during turning while ramp and stair walking where a
to lowest peak pressure, as shown in Fig. 1, was the slower speed was required than during level walking.
same for patients with and without neuropathy. Even when we tried to provoke high plantar pressures
with swift ‘pivot’ turning as in the Up & Go test, peak
4. Discussion pressures were lower than level walking. Unfortunately
we have no adequate data on walking speed during this
We studied in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure test. We made no differentiation between in and outside
during simulated daily-life activities in diabetic feet for the analysis of turning activities. Consequently,
patients. The highest peak pressures for all activities small differences for in and outside foot peak pressure,
were measured in the mt-1 to mt-3 regions. In these as have been found in previous studies [2,3], were
regions, level walking and ramp ascending resulted in possibly averaged out. Also, from a real-life perspec-
the highest peak pressure. Peak pressures were lower tive, it is not to be expected that daily cumulative plantar
in patients with neuropathy than in patients without stress becomes asymmetrical through turning, since it is
neuropathy. unlikely that people will consistently turn in one
Our finding that level walking and ascending a ramp direction.
resulted in the highest forefoot peak pressure compared Patients with neuropathy showed slightly lower peak
to the other activities contradicts previous studies that pressures (about 10%) during all activities than patients
report that activities like turning, ramp and stair walking without neuropathy. The relatively large standard errors
result in higher peak pressure than straight level indicate that the spread of peak pressures in both groups
walking [3,5] and are similar to those of Maluf et al. [2]. is very large.
Rozema et al. found that the plantar pressures during It is commonly thought that patients with neuropathy
rising from and sitting down on a chair were much lower experience higher plantar pressures during daily-life
than during level walking [3]. These measurements activities than diabetic patients without neuropathy
were performed from and to a ‘static standing position’. [17,18]. This idea is based on results from bare foot

Please cite this article in press as: N.A. Guldemond et al., Daily-life activities and in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure in patients
with diabetes, Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2006.11.006
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DIAB-3762; No of Pages 7

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Please cite this article in press as: N.A. Guldemond et al., Daily-life activities and in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure in patients
with diabetes, Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2006.11.006
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Please cite this article in press as: N.A. Guldemond et al., Daily-life activities and in-shoe forefoot plantar pressure in patients
with diabetes, Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2006.11.006

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