Sonja Japan

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Jacquelyn Caplis Task

BSTM 701
October 24, 2023


Policies in Japan evolve from intense formal and informal consultations between a
ministry and the industrial sectors affected by the policy. Adjustments of the discount rate in
Japan have been a response to exchange-rate movements in addition to domestic developments.
Japan's success in high-technology products such as consumer electronics, semiconductors, and
precision instruments reflect the country's present endowments in skilled labour and its
shortages of arable land, oil, coal, gas, and natural resources. Investments in education, training,
and group learning define Japan's present comparative advantage and determine the speed and
efficiency with which new products are developed and brought to international markets.
The cooperative paradigm in Japan works through informal meetings between
regulatory agencies and industry representatives. The attempt in those meetings is to identify
priorities and to achieve consensus between group representatives regarding national goals to be
served by proposed regulations. Japan shares the basic values of freedom and democracy with
the other industrialized democracies. Japan and these nations have common interests in
maintaining and developing the free trade and market economy system. It is Japan's basic foreign
policy to maintain strong solidarity and close cooperation with these Western democracies on a
broad range of international political and economic fields. Friendly and cooperative relationship
with the United States, based on the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, is the cornerstone of Japan's
foreign policy. The United States is Japan's most important partner in a broad spectrum of areas
including politics, economy and defence.


• Create

What would happen to economic state of Japan due to falling off its population?
ANSWER : Perhaps not as much as we thought. If GDP does not grow, per capita incomes may
rise as the population falls. And Japanese have saved and invested overseas so they hold assets
abroad that return income. Gross national income may differ considerably from gross national
product. The growth rate of the economy needs to be assessed differently for countries with
growing populations that need to create jobs, like India.
• Evaluate
Do you think Japan would lead the world in terms of economic status?
ANSWER:: The economy of Japan is a highly developed/advanced social market economy, often
referred to as an East Asian model. It is the third-largest in the world by nominal GDP and the
fourth-largest by purchasing power parity. It is the world's second-largest developed economy.
Japan is a member of both the G7 and G20.
• Analyse
How does Japan surpass the pandemic effect?

ANSWER:: Japan's high personal savings rates, driven in part by the demographics of an aging
population, enable Japanese firms to rely heavily on traditional bank loans from supporting
banking networks, as opposed to issuing stocks or bonds via the capital markets to acquire funds.
• Apply

What factor would you change to the labour standard law of Japan?
ANSWER: : I would change the equal treatment because most of the contractual employee
usually look down by their seniors. Japan's toxic work culture must be vanished because of the
rates of death from work was increasing due to stress and pressure.
• Understand

What do you think could happened if countries that has nuclear weapon would abolished their
ANSWER: Majority of countries want to eliminate the existential threat of nuclear weapons. The
world peace can be achieved through disarmament and arms control. On a whole, technology is
beneficial to mankind especially on energy issue. Meanwhile it is also life threatening hazards to
all species on earth.
• Remember
What is the country that is Japan's number 1 alliance?

ANSWER: United State

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