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A. Read the text and complete it with the Present simple of the verbs in brackets.

Sally _____________ (start) her day at 7:00. She _____________

(have) breakfast with all the family her parents and her three siblings.
Each member _____________ (fix) his/her own breakfast, except
baby Marian, of course. Sally _____________ (eat) a toast and a
bowl of cereal and she _____________ (drink) a glass of orange
juice. After breakfast, she _____________ (make) her bed and
_____________ (tidy up) her room. Sally and her siblings
_____________ (leave) for school at 7:45 and _____________
(catch) the 7:50 bus. At 8 sharp Sally _____________ (start) her
lessons and at midday she _____________ (have) an hour break for
lunch. Her lessons _____________ (finish) at 3, when they all
_____________ (meet) at the Music Academy. They _____________
(have) a concert next weekend and so they _____________ (must)
rehearse. Of course this _____________ (be) not a sacrifice! They
_____________ (love) music more than anything. At 6:30 they
_____________ (go) home and _____________ (take) a shower.
The family _____________ (have) dinner around 7:30. Then they
_____________ (do) their homework and _____________ (watch)
TV. Sally usually _____________ (fall) asleep on the sofa.

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