Balanced and Unbalanced Questions.

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Name: _____________________________________ Period: _____________Date: ________________

SC.6.P.13.3 tutorial

Unbalanced Forces for the Win!

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Essential Question: What happens when forces on an object are unbalanced? What are some
differences between balanced and unbalanced forces?

Practice 1: Determine if the force is a contact force or a non-contact force. Type/write the correct
description to the correct location:

Contact Force Non-Contact Force

1.A tennis ball being struck by the racket. 1.Moon orbiting the earth.

2.Falling into a swimming pool.

2.Pushing of the block to start the race.

3.Train moving on a maglev track.

3.Hitting a ball with a baseball bat.

Practice 2: Which of these are examples and explanations of balanced forces? Select all of the
correct choices by marking an X on the correct line:

__X__ When no change in motion is occurring.

__X__ When the forces acting on an object are the same but in opposite directions.

__X__In gymnastics when an athlete is balancing on the rings and not moving.

__X__When you are standing still without moving.

Practice 3: What is constant speed? Select the correct choice by marking an X on the line:
__X__ When an object is covering the same amount of distance for each period of time.

____ When one object is going faster, then going slower over time.

____ When one object keeps moving faster and faster.

____ When an object is stopping and going multiple times.

Practice 4: Type/write the correct description to the correct type of force, balanced or unbalanced:

Balanced Force Unbalanced Force

1. Balancing on a balance beam. 1.Doing a double back flip on a balance beam

2.Holding your position before the whistle blows. 2.Winning in a tug of war.

3.Waiting on your bike before light turns green. 3. Rowing your boat across water.

Practice 5: Type/write the correct letter of the type of forces on the right to their correct description on
the left:

Correct Description Letter

In football, being tackled to end the
down. C

In soccer, passing the ball to your

teammate. A
In softball, sending the ball into the
In gymnastics, holding steady for a brief
amount of time on the uneven bars, feet
in the air, and toes pointed towards the

Types of Forces

A. Unbalanced force. Changing the direction of the

ball by a larger force than the previous force.

B. Unbalanced force. Changing the direction of the

ball by a larger force than the previous force.

C. Unbalanced force. Changing the direction of the

ball by a larger force than the previous force.

D. Unbalanced force. Changing the direction of the

ball by a larger force than the previous force.

Practice 6: Type/write the correct letter of the type of forces on the right to their correct description on
the left:

Correct Description Letter

One force is moving to the right at 10 N.
An opposite force is 10 N. The net force
would be:
One force is 15 going North while an
opposite force is 10 N going South. The
net force would be:
One force is going down at 10 N, but the
upward force is also 10 N. The net force
would be:
One force is 100 N going East, while
there is an additional force going 20 N
East. The net force is:

Types of Forces
A. 0 N, the forces are balanced. The object is not
changing its motion.

B. 120 N moving East.

C. 5 N going North.

D. 0N, the forces are balanced, no change in

motion is occurring, left or right.

Essential Question: What happens when forces on an object are unbalanced? What are some
differences between balanced and unbalanced forces?
It changes direction and speed. Balanced objects does not have movement while unbalanced
objects do have movement.__________________________________________________________

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