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Similar between Forrest Gump and Những người viết huyền thoại

About resilience
In "Forrest Gump," the main character, Forrest, faces multiple challenges
throughout his life, including physical disabilities and the loss of his loved ones.
However, he remains resilient and never gives up, always finding a way to
overcome obstacles /ˈɑːb.stə.kəl/ and continue moving forward. His resilience is
seen in his determination to become a successful college football player, his
bravery in the Vietnam War, and his unwavering love for Jenny.
Similarly, in the movie "Những người viết huyền thoại" the characters also
exhibit remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. The film revolves around
the lives of Vietnamese soldiers /ˈsəʊl.dʒər/ during the Vietnam War. Despite
the harsh /hɑːʃ/ realities of war and the challenges they face, the characters
display great resilience in their fight for their country's independence.
- Forrest and Nghia's resilience during the war demonstrated their will to fight to
serve their country. With Forrest, he did not hesitate to sprint to save his
teammates. As for Nghia, he crossed /st/ streams and forests to protect the safety
of his comrades and for convoys to go to the front.

It showcases the human spirit's ability to endure and persevere in the face of
adversity, inspiring viewers with the message that no matter how challenging
life may become, resilience can lead to triumph.

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