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Chapter 2, Part 3 • First World – associated with rich

and industrial countries

The Third World And The Global • People often use the term third
South world as shorthand for poor for
• First World Problem – these terms developing nations, by contrast
come from outdated and immaculate wealthier countries such as the
ways of talking about global United States and the nations of
stratifications Western Europe are described as
• The terms date back to the Cold War, being part of the First World
when Western policymakers began • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
talking about the world as three o Measure to the total output
distinct political and economic blocks of the country
(Tomlinson, 2003) • Gross National Income (GND)
• Western capitalist countries were o Measures the gross domestic
labeled as the “First World” product per capita
o Hongkong • The terms “Global North” and
o Singapore “Global South” are a way for
o Switzerland countries in the south to weave a
o New Zealand stand about the common issues,
o Australia problems, and even causes in order
o Ireland to have equality all throughout the
o United Kingdom world
o Canada o GN and GS are shaped by
• The Soviet Union and its allies were migration and globalization
termed the “Second World” • Nevertheless, the economic
o Soviet Union officially the differences between the wealthy
Union of Soviet socialist Global North and poor Global South
republic was a socialist state “have always possessed as a racial
that spanned most of Europe character” (Winant, 2001, p.131)
and Asia during its existence The Global City
from 1922 to 1991 • The rural and urban differentiation
o It was nominally a federal has a significant relationship to
union of multiple national globalization
republics • Globalization has deeply altered
• Everyone else was grouped into North-South relations in signature
“Third World” • Global City also called Power City or
o Started as Vague catchhall World City or Alpha City and World
term for non-alliance Center
countries • Schlosser (2005) pointed out that as
• Third World – non alliance commercial agriculture replaces local
• Second World – nominally a federal provisioning, the relations of social
union of multiple national republics production are also altered. Rural
economies are exposed to low prices
and mass migration
• A Global City is a city that has the
power to affect global issues and
change the global output and they
can do this through a set of systems
from politics to military and
economics by controlling and
adapting the route the global
economy test
Chapter 2, Part 4 o When technologies like
steam power and
Theories Of Global Stratification mechanization allowed
Modernization Theory countries to replace human
• This theory frames global labor which machines and
stratification as a function of increases productivity
technological and cultural • The Industrial Revolution, at first,
differences between nations only benefited the wealthy in
o Specifically pinpoints to western countries
historical events that o Improve standards of living
contributed to Western for everyone
Europe developing at a faster • Modernization theory rest on the
rate than much of the rest of idea that affluence could be attained
the world by anyone. Modernization theory
• The first event is known as the argues that the tension between
Columbian Exchange tradition and technological change is
o Refers to the spread of goods, the biggest barrier to growth
technology, education, and Walt Rostow’s Four Stages Of
diseases between America
and Europe after Christopher
• According to American economists
Columbus so-called discovery
Walt Rostow, the most took place as
of the Americas and this
it always stands in four stages
exchange worked out well for
• Traditional Stage
European countries
o Refers to societies that are
• They gained agricultural staples like
structures around small, local
potatoes, and tomatoes which
communities with production
contributed to population growth
typically being done in family
and provided new opportunities for
settings. Because these
trade while also strengthening the
societies have limited sources
power of the merchant class. The
and technology, most of their
Columbian Exchange worked out
time is spent on laboring to
much less well, however, for Native
produced food, which creates
Americans whose populations were
a strict social hierarchy
ravaged by the diseases brought
o Main focus is survival, and
from Europe
agricultural based economy
o It is estimated that in 150
with intensive labor and low
years over 80% of the Native
level of trading and
American population died
population that does not
due to diseases such as
have a scientific perspective
smallpox and measles
on the world of technology
• The second historical event is the
• Take-Off Stage
Industrial Revolution in the 18th and
o This innovation creates new
19th centuries
markets for trade. In turn,
greater individualism takes ▪ The rich countries can
hold, and social status is more help other countries
closely linked with material that still growing and
wealth developing by
o People begin to use their exporting their
individual accountants to technologies and
produce things beyond things like the
necessities agriculture,
• Drive To Technological Maturity machinery,
o Which technological growth information
of earlier periods begins to technology as well as
bear fruit in the form of providing a foreign
population growth, reduction trade
of absolute poverty levels and Dependency Theory and the
more diverse job
Latin American Experience
o Nations in this phase, • European explorers spread
typically begin to push for throughout America, Africa and Asia,
social change along with claiming the lands for Europe
economic change, like • British Empire covered at least ¼ of
implementing basic schooling the world
for everyone and developing • Why are many countries in the world
more democratic political not developing?(Second World War
systems After)
• High Mass Consumption o The traditional answer of this
o When your country is big question is because the
enough that production countries are not pursuing
becomes more about wants their right economic policy or
and needs their government are
o Many of these countries put authoritarian and corrupt
social support systems in • The Latin American scholars,
place to ensure that all their however, are critical of that answer
citizens have access to basic and are intrigued by their region’s
necessities underdevelopment (Sanchez, 2014)
o Modernization theory in • Dependency theory was a product of
general, argues that if you this experience
invest capital in better o Dependency is the condition
technologies, they will in which the development of
eventually raise production the nation or state of a South
enough that there will be contributed to a decline in
more wealth to go around their independence and to an
and overall well-being will go decrease in economic
up development of the countries
of the worth
• Dependency theory was initially The Modern World System
developed by Han’s Singer and Rail • The history of colonialism inspired
Prebisch in the 1950’s and has been American sociologist Immanuel
improved since then Wallerstein model of what he called
o The economies of periphery the capitalist world economy
countries rely on manual • Wallerstein described high income
labor at the export of raw nations as the “core” of the world
materials to core nations in economy are manufacturing base of
the core countries the planet
o Dependency Theory
describes a vicious cycle that
enforces a hierarchy of nation
across the globe
• Dependency theorists saw that the
development of peripheral nations is
stagnant because of the exploitative
nature of the core nations
o Some countries around the
world because the
International System was
actually preventing them
from doing
• Andre Gunder Frank (1969) exposed
the North American Neo-Marxist
• He centered the idea that less
developed countries would develop
by following the path taken by the
developed countries
o Developed countries were
undeveloped in the beginning
but not underdeveloped
• Frank also rejected the idea that
internal sources cause a country’s
underdevelopment; rather, it is their
dependency to capitalist system that
causes lack of development
Chapter 3, Part 1 other organizations occasionally
figure out a shareholder
Introduction The Bretton Wood System
• Integration shows the relationship of
• Established in 1944
the film in a market
• The major economies in the
o The extent of integration
world had suffered because of
influences the conduct of the
World War I, the Great
firms and consequently their
Depression in the 1930s, and
marketing efficiency
World War II
• The behavior of a highly integrated
o Fear of recurrence of lack
market is different from that of a
of cooperation among
disintegrated market
nation-states, political
• Markets differ in the extent of
instability, and economic
turmoil especially after
o Market integration is a
the World War
process that refers to the
• Create a set of rules that would
expansion of firms by
maintain fixed exchange rates in
consolidating additional
the face of short-term
marketing functions and
activities under a single
o It is a large capital
movement and less
International Financial controllable requirement
Institutions of stability system,
• World economies have been brought financial security, and
closer together by globalization. It is stable situation
reflected in the phrase "When the The main goal of BWS was to regulate the
American economy sneezes the rest international monetary and financial
of the world catches a cold.” The General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade
o It is important to remember (GATT) And The World Trade Organization
that it is not only the (WTO)
economy of the United States • According to Peet (2003), global
but also the economies in the trade and finance were greatly
world that have a significant affected by the BWS
impact on the global market • One of the systems born out of
and finance Bretton Woods was the GATT which
• An Internal Financial Institution (IFI) was established in 1947
is a financial institution that has been o GATT was a forum for the
established (or chartered) by more meeting of representatives
than one country and hence is from 23 member countries
subject to international law. Its and it focused on trade goods
owners or shareholders are generally through multinational trade
national governments, although agreements conducted in
other international institutions and many rounds of negotiations
• The WTD headquarters is located in
Geneva, Switzerland with 152
member states as of 2008
(Trachtman, 2007)
o WTD is an independent
multilateral organization that
become responsible for trade
in services
• The general idea where the WTD is
based was that of neoliberalism. This
means that by reducing or
eliminating barriers, all nations will
The International Monetary
Fund (IMP), And The World Bank
• IMF and the World Bank were
founded after World War II
o Their establishment was
mainly because of Peace
Advocacy after the war
• IMF and WB aimed to help the
economy the economic stability of
the world and both of them are
basically banks
• Most of the World’s countries were
member of the two institutions
o The richest countries were
those who handled most of
the financing and who had
greatest influence
o IMF and WB were to designed
to complement each other
• IMF main goal was to help countries
which are in trouble and who could
not obtain money by any means
• World Bank had more long-term
approach and work goal revolt
around the eradication of poverty
and it founded specific projects that
helped them reach their goals,
especially for the poor countries
Chapter 3, Part 2 prices are controlled by the
government to best meet the needs
North American Free Trade of the people
(NAFTA) • Capitalism is an economic system
• It is a trade pact between the United under which the means of
States, Mexico, and Canada created production are privately owned.
on January 1, 1994. When Mexico Production and consumer prices are
joined the two other nations. It was based on a free market system o
first created in 1989 with only “supply and demand”
Canada and the United States as • Socialism is more often criticized for
trading partners. its provision of social services
o NAFTA help to develop, and program requiring high taxes that
explore world trade by may decelerate economic growth
broadening international • Capitalism is most often criticized for
cooperation the tendency to allow income
o NAFTA aims to increase inequality and stratification of socio-
cooperation for improving economic classes
working conditions in North The Information Revolution
America by reducing barriers • Technology has reduced the role of
of trade as it expands the human in labor and shifted it from
markets of 3 countries which manufacturing based economy to
are the United States, one that is based on service work and
Mexico, and Canada the production of ideas rather than
History Of Global Market goods. And this had a residual effects
Integration on our economy and computers and
• Nowadays, economy demands the other technologies are beginning to
different sectors to work together in replace many jobs because of
other to produce to distribute an automation or outsourcing job
exchange products and service offshore
o Role of Galleon Trade and • We also see the decline in Union
Globalization Membership and Nowadays, most
Unions are for public section like
Capitalism And Socialism teachers
• The competing economic models
that sprung up around in the time of
the Industrial Revolution
• Economic Capital became more and
more important to the production of
• Socialism is an economic and
political system under which the
means of production are publicly
owned. Production and consumer

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