Capitalism Lab Report

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De La Salle University

Ramon V. del Rosario

College of Business


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Course Requirements for

Human Resource Management with Organizational Behavior

1st Term, SY 2023-2024

Submitted by:
DEL MUNDO, Rowhan [12329320]
FLORENCIO, Manuel [12331325]
JALGALADO, John [12344133]
MAHUSAY, Joaquin [12332070]
PAGUIO, Nero [12334464]
PERALTA, Russell [12333220]

Group [No.2]

Submitted to:
Ms. Del Mundo

Submitted on:

Capitalism Lab HR Challenge Performance and Learning Report

Vision and Mission of the Company

"At DEL MUNDO INC., we envision becoming trailblazers in the simulated business
landscape, redefining the standards for innovation, strategic insight, and sustainable growth.

"DEL MUNDO INC. is on a mission to redefine success within the simulated business
world by seamlessly combining data-driven decision-making with strategic foresight in order to
produce a thriving work environment.

Planned Strategy:

DEL MUNDO INC. embarked on its simulated business journey with a meticulously
planned strategy designed to maximize financial success, operational efficiency, and overall
competitiveness within the chosen representative game. The initial blueprint outlined key areas
of focus:

1. Diversified Industry Presence: The plan aimed to establish a diversified portfolio by

exploring various industries, including Retail, Service, Manufacturing, R&D, Raw
materials, and Farming. This diversification was envisioned to provide stability and
resilience in the face of market fluctuations.

2. Strategic Workforce Management: The planned strategy prioritized effective workforce

management, intending to strike a balance between a sizable team and individual
productivity. A fair CEO-to-employee pay ratio was envisioned, fostering a positive work
environment and maximizing overall productivity.

3. Innovation and Adaptability: Recognizing the dynamic nature of the simulated business
environment, the planned strategy emphasized a culture of innovation and adaptability.
Technological advancements, especially in user interface enhancements, were targeted to
improve the overall gaming experience.
4. Community Engagement and Social Capital Investment: The planned strategy included a
commitment to community engagement through social capital investments. Donations to
civic or sports facilities were envisioned to enhance the company's reputation within the
simulated community.

5. Strategic Planning and Learning from Experience: Strategic planning was at the core of
the envisioned approach. Learning from successes and failures, adapting to challenges,
and refining strategies based on data insights were integral components of the planned

Actual Strategy Implemented:

The actual strategy implemented by DEL MUNDO INC. closely aligned with the planned
approach, leveraging data insights and real-time experiences within the simulated business

1. Focused Industry Presence: While the initial plan aimed for a diversified industry
presence, the strategy honed in on the Retail and Apartment sectors. This focused
approach was a response to the dynamic nature of the simulated environment,
recognizing early success and market demand in these sectors.

2. Optimized Workforce Management: The strategy reflected a commitment to effective

workforce management, maintaining the planned workforce size of 1052 employees. The
fair CEO-to-employee pay ratio was achieved by structuring the compensation model to
align with the company's performance.
3. Game and UI familiarity: Addressing the challenges posed by the unfriendly user
interface and game mechanics, the actual strategy involved a concerted effort to enhance
the user experience. Iterative improvements were made, and team members familiarized
themselves with the platform, mitigating the initial difficulties.

4. Community Engagement Considerations: While social capital investments were initially

planned, the actual strategy adjusted to the absence of such features in the simulated
game. Instead, the focus shifted to creating a positive impact through strategic business
decisions and maintaining a positive reputation within the virtual community.

5. Adaptive Strategic Planning: The actual strategy showcased a commitment to adaptive

strategic planning. Recognizing the complexity of the simulation, the team quickly
pivoted from an initial lack of planning to a more thoughtful and data-informed
decision-making process.

DEL MUNDO INC.'s journey within the simulated business environment was guided by
a meticulously planned strategy crafted to navigate the complexities of the chosen representative
game. The planned strategy not only provided a roadmap for success but also demonstrated DEL
MUNDO INC.'s proactive stance, adaptability, and commitment to ethical business practices.

In essence, the actual strategy implemented by DEL MUNDO INC. demonstrated

adaptability in response to real-time challenges and opportunities within the simulated business
environment. While certain adjustments were made based on early experiences and data insights,
the core principles of strategic planning, workforce management, and innovation remained
integral to the company's approach.

The actual strategy implemented by DEL MUNDO INC. was a testament to the
company's resilience, adaptability, and commitment to strategic excellence within the simulated
business landscape. The iterative nature of the strategy, enriched by real-time experiences and
data insights, ensured that the company not only responded effectively to challenges but also
proactively shaped its trajectory toward sustained success.
Goals Accomplishment for Chosen Representative Game

Reported Information
Company name (must be based on DEL MUNDO INC.
member surname selected as
Number of firms by type (Retail, Retail: 21
Digital companies, R&D, etc.) Apartment: 10
Standard Actual accomplishment
Years of operation 10 to 11 years 4.72 years
Industries Retail, Service, Retail, Apartments
Manufacturing, R&D,
Raw materials, Farming
Annual Revenue $200 million or higher $384.58 million
No. of Employees 1000 or higher 1052
Return on Equity 20% or higher 23.84%
Operating Profit Margin 30% or higher 50.03%
Unit Productivity levels across ALL Seven or higher (for 7-8
firms except for advertising and example, 30 units out of
inventory 35)
CEO-to-Employee Pay Ratio 25:1 or less CEO: $0
Median Employee Pay: $22,902
Donations (social capital investment) At least one civic or N/A
sports facility per city
Annual Revenue 5th or higher $384,581,502 - 3rd
No. of Employees 5th or higher 1052 - 3rd
Stock Return to Investors 5th or higher N/A (Private Corporation)
Operating Profit Margin 5th or higher 50.03% - 1st
Reflections on Strategy Implementation and Goals Accomplished: Successes and Areas for

Embarking on the simulation journey with DEL MUNDO INC. was akin to navigating
uncharted waters, and the experience was nothing short of enlightening. In just 4.72 years— a
duration more concise than the standard 10 to 11 years — the company emerged as a formidable
player in the simulated business landscape, achieving remarkable successes and strategic
accomplishments. The crowning achievement was surpassing vital financial targets, with an
annual revenue of $384.58 million, exceeding the set target of $200 million. This economic
prowess underscored adept decision-making and strategic insight that positioned DEL MUNDO
INC. as a force to be reckoned with in the competitive virtual business world.

Addressing challenges, such as a lack of app installations and difficulties accessing

accounts due to technical glitches, required an innovative approach. In response, the team opted
for collaborative problem-solving, leveraging Zoom meetings to synchronize thoughts and
strategies. This demonstrated adaptability and highlighted the crucial role of effective
communication and teamwork in overcoming technological hurdles. The ability to pivot and
adapt, even in the face of unexpected challenges, became a defining characteristic of our
strategic approach.

The journey was not without its share of setbacks. Hours were spent grappling with
failure, especially during the early stages, as we strived to meet predefined standards. The user
interface, deemed unfriendly, added an extra layer of complexity, creating an immersive
experience that felt eerily close to managing real operating businesses. The pressure to meet
standards seemed impossible at times, fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities of
strategic decision-making within a simulated business environment.

The initial attempts, marked by a lack of a comprehensive plan, resulted in a loop of

failure. Unrealistic visions of success, such as assuming a coffee shop could independently
generate demand without considering the intricacies of farm operations, served as valuable
lessons. This prompted a recalibration of our strategy, emphasizing the importance of strategic
planning grounded in a realistic understanding of the game's mechanics.
A crucial turning point was the recognition that playing the game required delving into
its deeper details. The complexity and nuances of the simulation became apparent, leading to a
concerted effort to familiarize ourselves with the game's terminology. This newfound
understanding became instrumental in refining our strategies, making informed decisions, and
ultimately overcoming the challenges that had initially seemed insurmountable.

Experimentation in establishing the company's presence involved a meticulous study of

supply and demand dynamics and an in-depth analysis of the traffic index in various locations.
This granular approach empowered us to make profound, sound decisions, offering a glimpse
into the potential future performance of our virtual business—the strategic establishment of
different companies correlating with each other opened avenues for forming alliances to mutual
benefit. Observing and managing our diverse workforce of 1052 employees, especially within
the realms of retail and apartments, became a crucial aspect of maximizing profits. Identifying
and fostering productivity within the workforce emerged as a cornerstone of our success.

In conclusion, DEL MUNDO INC.'s journey within the chosen representative game
unfolds as a dynamic narrative of resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning. From
overcoming technical challenges to refining strategic planning, the experience has been
transformative. As we navigate the simulated business landscape, the emphasis on collaboration,
strategic foresight, and a commitment to understanding the intricacies of the game sets the stage
for sustained success. DEL MUNDO INC., with its rich tapestry of experiences, stands poised
for further growth, excellence, and the ever-evolving challenges of the virtual business realm.

Learnings About Implementing Human Resource Strategy based on the Code of Ethics for
Business, the Covenant, and Strategic HR Management Principles

In the intricate realm of human resource (HR) management, aligning procedures with a
robust code of ethics for business is not only the best practice but a cornerstone for fostering
justice, integrity, and gratitude to all stakeholders. The ethical soundness of HR choices and
activities, as underscored by the commitment to justice and fairness, resonates as an essential
principle. This ethical foundation becomes particularly salient when integrating the Covenant
into HR strategy, serving as a comprehensive manual for moral behavior and conscientious
corporate operations. In this amalgamation, the organization goes beyond the call of duty,
prioritizing the welfare of people, communities, and the environment, showcasing a commitment
to social responsibility. However, this ethical pursuit is intricately intertwined with the
imperative to meet legal criteria, ensuring a balanced approach that aligns with both ethical and
legal standards.

The optimization of organizational effectiveness, as advocated by strategic HR

management principles, involves a multifaceted approach. The Principle of Comprehensiveness
underscores the careful alignment of HR procedures with corporate goals, promoting a strategic
synergy that ensures organizational success. This principle is rooted in data-driven
decision-making, where insights into corporate objectives guide the development and
implementation of HR strategies. Coherence, another strategic HR principle, emphasizes the
interconnectedness of HR initiatives for a cohesive and impactful effect on the organization.
Through a data-centric lens, coherence involves an analysis of the interplay between different
HR functions to maximize their collective contribution to organizational goals.

The Control principle in strategic HR management provides an organized framework that

acts as a steady conductor in the orchestra of organizational operations. This principle involves
not only establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating HR processes but also utilizing
data analytics to gauge the effectiveness of these processes. Breaking down barriers through
effective communication is a vital component of this framework. Communication strategies,
when data-informed, promote transparency and mutual comprehension among stakeholders,
fostering a culture of openness and cooperation.

Trust, as a foundational element of good leadership, becomes a key output of ethical and
data-driven HR practices. Trust is built not only through ethical conduct but also through
consistent and transparent communication, which is informed by data insights. The commitment
to trust is integral to successful strategy implementation, creating an environment where
employees feel secure and motivated. The role of data becomes evident in measuring and
fostering trust, as feedback mechanisms and performance metrics contribute to a data-driven
understanding of the trust dynamics within the organization.

Employee commitment, a crucial element for increased productivity and alignment with
corporate goals, is influenced by a multitude of factors. Data-driven HR practices allow
organizations to analyze employee engagement, satisfaction, and performance metrics, providing
insights into the drivers of commitment. Long-term existence and constant progress, as
emphasized by the acceptance of change, are deeply rooted in data-informed decision-making.
The concept of competence, which highlights the role of human talents in achieving corporate
goals, is intricately connected with data analytics for talent management, identifying and
nurturing competencies that contribute to organizational success.

Innovation, an outcome of creativity, provides a competitive advantage in the dynamic

business landscape. Here, data analytics plays a pivotal role in identifying trends, market
demands, and opportunities for innovation. By leveraging data, organizations can make informed
decisions that fuel creativity and innovation, ensuring a sustainable competitive edge.

Cost-effectiveness, Creativity, and Competence, the trifecta that composes a subtle

symphony in organizational success, find their roots in data-informed HR practices.
Cost-effectiveness, when driven by data insights, ensures the allocation of resources in a manner
that maximizes efficiency and minimizes waste. Creativity, as an essential component of
innovation, is nurtured through a data-driven understanding of market dynamics and consumer
preferences. Competence, the proficiency and capability of the workforce, is identified,
developed, and measured through data analytics, ensuring that human talents are harnessed to
their full potential.

In conclusion, the integration of these principles into HR strategy creates a harmonious

orchestration of ethical, data-driven, and strategic practices. As organizations navigate the
complexities of the modern business landscape, the synergy between ethical considerations and
data-informed decision-making becomes the linchpin for sustained success. By embracing this
multifaceted approach, organizations not only enhance their competitiveness, efficacy, and
resilience but also contribute positively to the broader social and environmental landscape.

References (APA 7 style)

Armstrong, M., 2006. A handbook of human resource management practice. 10th Edition. New
Delhi: Kogan Press.

Do line managers’ have ‘linking pin’ in HR roles?

Inyang, B. J., 2010. Strategic human resource management (SHRM): A paradigm shift for
achieving sustained competitive advantage in organization. International Bulletin of Business
Administration, 7, (23):215-243.

Moser, K., Dawson, J., West, M., Moser, K., Dawson, J., & West, M. (2018). Antecedents of
team innovation in health care teams.

Lawler, E. E and Worley, C., 2006. Built to change: How to achieve sustained organizational
effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Ramirez Heller, B., Berger, R., & Brodbeck, F. C. (2017). Does an adequate team climate for
learning predict team effectiveness and innovation potential? A psychometric validation of the
Team Climate questionnaire for Learning in an organizational context. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences.

Del Mundo Inc. Save File

Name of Members Contribution to Paper

Florencio, Manuel Overseer, aided in the overall construction of

paper and revisions.

Del Mundo Rowhan Game Operator, operated the game as the

group’s representative and ensured all game
conditions were fulfilled.

Paguio, Nero Aided both in Game planning, execution and

paper making.

Mahusay, Joaquin Aided both in Game planning, execution and

paper making.

Jalgalado, JB Aided both in Game planning, execution and

paper making.

Peralta, Russell Aided both in Game planning, execution and

paper making.
Manuel - Embarking on the simulated business journey with DEL MUNDO INC. has been a
profoundly enlightening experience, one that transcended the confines of theoretical business
concepts and immersed me in the dynamic realm of strategic decision-making and operational
intricacies. As a participant in this immersive activity, my role extended beyond the mere
execution of predefined strategies; it required adaptability, resilience, and a continuous quest for

Rowhan - Although I needed help learning how to play Capitalism Lab for the project, with
enough time and various failed attempts, I eventually found a way to finish the challenge
campaign, albeit not correctly, and missing a few goals. Additionally, even though the game had
so much included content and the features seemed realistic, I found out that it wasn’t the case
with how I unrealistically beat the challenge with my CEO not earning anything.

Joaquin - We could better grasp what goes on in a company and how it impacts the financial side
of a firm with the help of Caplab, which offered a mix of realism and simplicity. As each person
is tasked with a task that is essential to the operation of the firm, people play a critical part in
ensuring a business stays afloat. I believe that as aspiring businessmen and entrepreneurs, we
need to remember how simple it is to go destitute if we cannot strike a balance between
producing high-quality work and generating a sizable profit, as demonstrated by the Cap Lab

Moreover, we must keep in mind how important it is to stay organized and to persistently
conduct your business as if you are just starting out — with the utmost urgency and priority.

Russell- Caplab provided a balance of real life and simplicity to help us understand what goes on
within the organization side of a business and how it even affects the financial side. People are a
key role in ensuring a business stays afloat as each individual is assigned to a task that is crucial
to the performance of the company. The Cap Lab assignment showed us just how easy it is to go
bankrupt if we do not find a balance when it comes to providing quality productivity and making
a sizeable revenue, and I think as future Businessmen and entrepreneurs, we must keep that in
JB - Learning how to play Caplab felt like I was handling a real operating business. It teaches us
in the beginning of the game from taking a look at the unfriendly interface to get out of our
comfort zone as it requires extensive thinking and a good decision making process. I say this
because it indeed may seem easy to implement a decision, but this alone could arouse immense
changes in terms of making revenue. Managing people and studying the vicinity of a place you
are planning to put up a business in is crucial when it comes to predicting its future performance
with the hopes of it being successful. Failure is something we frequently went through in this
activity, but what makes it important that made us prosper is that it guides us into what strategies
need implementing and improving.

Nero - Based on our gameplay, we made the most profit in terms of our investments such as the
use of apartments, buildings, and rent itself giving us the leverage for passive income. we noticed
that in terms of real estate and rent, we earned the most compared to other forms of businesses
such as retail, manufacturing, and such. in terms of improvement, on our retail businesses, we
should have invested more time in studying the marketability of the product depending on the
place because at some places there are weak points depending on the business we established,
that being said location should be considered. In terms of the human resource strategy, I learned
that Implementing this in any type of business venture we pursue will give us leverage due to it
giving us some sort of blueprint to follow as we go on and evolve our business.

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