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Subject: Drawing

L-2 Drawing elements

Q-1. _______ is the unique part of culture.

(A) art (B) music (C) dance (D) none of these

Q-2. The word Art is derived from a Sanskrit word ___________.

(A) welfare (B) wellfare (C) wallfare (D) none.

Q-3. The original English word Art is derived from latin word __________.

(A) arsh (B) ars (C) art (D) none of these

Q-4. From the following which one is not included in subject of fine arts?

(A) art (B) craft (C) architecture (D) culture

Q-5. __________ and colours are the exclusive elements for drawing.

(A) circle (B) square (C) line (D) rays

Q-6. __________ are the main elements of art.

(A) line (B) colours (C) shapes (D) all of these

Q-7. ______ are important to give the feelings of expression and show form drawing.

(A) shapes (B) line (C) colours (D) none of these

Q-8. Line is formed by joining the _________.

(A) rays (B) line segment (C) points (D) none of these

Q-9. A line has how many dimensions?

(A) one (B) two (C) three (D) four

Q-10. How many types of lines are there?

(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9

Q-11. Which line suggest motion, calmness and stability?

(A) horizontal line (B) vertical line (C) slanting line (D) Broken line

Q-12. What does the horizontal line suggests?

(A) rest (B) calm (C) cool humor (D) all of these
Subject: Drawing

L-2 Drawing elements

Q-13. From the following which is an example of the vertical line?

(A) tall tower (B) horizon (C) sleeping man (D) none of these

Q-14. From the following which is an example of the horizontal line?

(A) tree fallen on the ground (B) horizon (C) tall tree (D) both A & B

Q-15. What does the slanting line convey?

(A) confusion (B) movement (C) force (D) laziness

Q-16. What does the wave lines express?

(A) danger (B) slow motion (C) rhythm (D) both B and C

Q-17. From the following which is an example of wave line?

(A) snake moving on the ground (B) waves seen in the sea

(C) both A & B (D) none of these

Q-18. Which line conveys the feeling of disorder and confusion?

(A) wave line (B) broken line (C) criss cross line (D) thick line

Q-19. From the following which one is an example of criss cross line.

(A) earthquake (B) flying bird (C) waves (D) horizon

Q-20. What does the broken line suggest?

(A) speed (B) disorder (C) confusion (D) force

Q-21. Which type of feeling does the broken line suggest?

(A) danger (B) shivering (C) insecurity (D) all of these

Q-22. Which line suggests limit and outskirts of map?

(A) thick line (B) broken line (C) vertical line (D) thin line

Q-23. Which line suggests the feeling of laziness and obesity?

(A) broken line (B) thick line (C) thin line (D) wave line

Q-24. Forms are created by using ______.

(A) lines (B) rays (C) points (D) line segment

Subject: Drawing

L-2 Drawing elements

Q-25. In sculpture importance is given to __________.

(A) creating forms (B) creative forms (C) both A & B (D) none of these

Q-26. How many types of forms are there?

(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 4

Q-27. How many dimensions does the 2D forms have?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) none of these

Q-28. From the following which is the example of 2D forms.

(A) postcard (B) photograph (C) page of notebook (D) all of these

Q-29. How many dimensions does the 3D forms have?

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 1 (D) 4

Q-30. From the following which is the example of 3D forms?

(A) house (B) sculpture (C) temple (D) all of these

Q-31. The forms which have only two dimensions namely length or breadth and
width are called ___________ forms.

(A) 2 dimensional form (B) 3 dimensional form

(C) both A & B (D) none

Q-32. The forms which have 3 dimensions in addition to length, width and depth are
called _____________ forms.

(A) 2 dimensional form (B) 3 dimensional form

(C) both A & B (D) none

Q-33. How many colours are there in primary colours?

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

Q-34. Red, yellow and blue are _________ colour.

(A) primary (B) secondary (C) tertiary (D) none of these

Q-35. Orange, violet and green are__________ colour.

(A) primary (B) secondary (C) tertiary (D) none of these

Subject: Drawing

L-2 Drawing elements

Q-36. How many colours are there in tertiary colours of colour wheel?

(A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 15

Q-37.______ colour is an example of warmth.

(A) blue (B) red (C) pink (D) black

Q-38.______ colour is an example of calmness.

(A) yellow (B) red (C) orange (D) blue

Q-39. Red colour is the symbol of ___________.

(A) peace (B) love (C) hate (D) none of these

Q-40. Red colour symbolizes / indicate__________.

(A) peace (B) anger (C) hate (D) none of these

Q-41. Which colour is the most glorious and brightest among all colours?

(A) Brown (B) Blue (C) yellow (D) green

Q-42. Yellow colour is the symbol of _________.

(A) sun (B) fire (C) light (D) all of these.

Q-43. Which colour is the symbol of trust, honesty & loyalty?

(A) blue (B) white (C) orange (D) pink

Q-44. Which colour is the symbol of balance, harmony; growth and freshness?

(A) green (B) yellow (C) red (D) white

Q-45. Which colour symbolises adventure & social communication?

(A) blue` (B) orange (C) white (D) green

Q-46. Which colour is pure and holy?

(A) blue (B) white (C) orange (D) pink

Q-47. White colour symbolises ____________.

(A) peace (B) anger (C) hate (D) sadness

Subject: Drawing

L-2 Drawing elements

Q-48. Purple/violet colour is the symbol of _________.

(A) pride (B) loyalty (C) honesty (D) none

Q-49. Black colour symbolises ___________

(A) evil (B) sadness (C) death (D) all of these

Q-50. To decorate the walls of homes and houses & also dresses we wear which
colour scheme is used?

(A) contrasting (B) related (C) warm (D) cool colour scheme

Q-51. In which colour scheme the colours are adjacent to one another in

(A) contrasting (B) monochrome (C) related (D) none of these

Q-52. purple and orange are related to _________ colour.

(A) green (B) yellow (C) red (D) white

Q-53. orange and green are related to ______ colour.

(A) red (B) yellow (C) blue (D) none of these

Q-54. purple and green are related to ___________ colour.

(A) blue (B) red (C) white (D) yellow

Q-55. The primary colour opposite to the secondary colour is called ________ colour

(A) monochrome (B) related (C) contrasting (D) cool colour scheme

Q-56. The contrasting colour scheme is used in _______

(A) posters (B) advertisement (C) hoardings (D) all of these

Q-57. When the drawing is painted with different tint and shade of one colour than it
is known as ___________

(A) contrasting (B) related (C) monochrome (D) warm colour scheme

Q-58. Colours which create the effect of calmness on our mind are called________

(A) warm colour (B) cool colour (C) opaque colour (D) none of these
Subject: Drawing

L-2 Drawing elements

Q-59. Colours which create the effect of warmth or excitement on our mind are
called ___________ colour.

(A) opaque colour (B) cool colour (C) warm colour (D) none of these

Q-60. _______ is the base colour of cool colour.

(A) red (B) green (C) blue (D) orange

Q-61. __________ is the base colour of warm colour.

(A) yellow (B) blue (C) orange (D) red

Q-62. after applying colour on the paper the surface of the paper is not visible than
they are called ____________ colour.

(A) opaque colour (B) cool colour (C) warm colour (D) none of these

Q-63. After applying colour on the paper the surface of the paper is visible than they
are called ___________ colour.

(A) opaque colour (B) cool colour (C) warm colour (D) transparent color

Q-64. ___________colours are regraded to be the transparent effect.

(A) water colour (B) oil pastels (C) poster colour (D) none of these

Q-65. From the following which are the opaque colours?

(A) oil colour (B) poster colour (C) fabric colour (D) all of these

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