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Trisha Nicole S.

Grade 12 STEM C
Who I am

In this essay, I’ll examine the perspectives of four groups in my life my family, peers, schoolmates, and
religion. These have their own viewpoints on who I am as a person. I gathered information about how I
am seen by individuals.

In family. During the interview with my mother, I was taught that they see me as a kind and responsible
person. They value my commitment to helping around the house and my ability to stand by them when
they need me. She appreciates my dedication to education as well as my pursuit of personal dreams.

I interviewed Ashley, as she has been my best friend. She perceive me as a reliable and a little bit crazy
friend. She appreciate my ability to listen and provide support when needed. However, she finds me
challenging to understanding. And lastly she mentioned my sense of humor and my ability to lighten up
even the gloomiest of moments, which she value immensely.

In the school environment, Shanley, she see me as a active and academically focused student. She
mentioned that I’m a crazy friend that who would do the most craziest thing just to satisfy my curiosity.
She also pointed out that I could be somewhat introverted in class.

Religion, it often plays a significant role in a person’s life, shaping their values and beliefs. I’m not able to
find an Interviewee with members of my religious community.

In conclusion, those viewpoints highlight the variety of human identity, which is shaped by a number of
experiences and interactions over the span of a lifetime.

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