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10 Journal 1 - ARG
Top (3) Entrepreneurial habits I practiced this week:

Begin with Turn Think Win-

the end in Obstacles Into Win
mind Assets

One major challenge I encountered while practicing the habits:

Keeping Up With The Mindsets

There are really instances that will make you break. Even if I give my all in
practicing a habit, if there will be something that will trigger unwanted
emotions. And there are days when I’ve been really pushing myself with this
mindset that I become exhausted and just drop the habits I’ve been practicing.
It can be really hard for me to be consistent and be focused on doing one
07 Journal 1 - ARG

One thing I’ve learned from my challenge

The challenge of maintaining a consistent positive mindset or habit

provides valuable insights into human behavior and personal
development. One significant lesson is the intricate interplay between
motivation and routine. While motivation may initially spark the desire for
change, it is the establishment of a structured routine that sustains positive
habits over the long term. Understanding this dynamic underscores the
importance of creating manageable, daily practices that contribute to
the desired mindset.

Two habits I plan to practice next week:

1. Put first things first

2. Sharpen the saw

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