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ao Cambridge’ \ International Education Cambridge IGCSE™ CANDIDATE Abdul Rah man Pltihed ary, NAME CANDIDATE NUMBER CENTRE NUMBER 0625/62 May/June 2020 ‘hour ij PHYSICS Paper 6 Alternative to Practical iI ‘You must answer on the question paper. No additional materials are needed. INSTRUCTIONS ‘Answer alll questions. Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams oF graphs. White your name, centre number and candidate number in the Boxes at the top of the page. Write your answer to each question in the space provided. Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. Do not write on any bar codes. You may use a calculator. You should show all your working and use appropriate Units. INFORMATION «The total mark for this paper is 40. .stion or part question is sh «The number of marks for each que: jown in brackets [ ]. This document has 12 pages. Blank pages are indicated. [Turn over be usm wes0162 ‘OUcLES 2020 OCAINICU WILT Udo WW. YNAIONAP!LS. COM 41 Astasant inveatigates the period of a pendulum, Fig. 1.1 and Fig, 12 etre the ae ane uses. one complete oscillation Fig. 14 Fig. 12 (a) Explain briefly, with tho help of a diagram, how you woul UP & motte rule and set square to | as possible, | measure the length of a pendulum as accurately Diagram: | sndulum so that d = 50.0cm. Shi Fig, 1.2 shows one completo os 20 complete oscillations. .illation of the pendulum, {b) The student adjusts the per 10 displacos the bob slightly and | releases it so that it swings. | ‘She measures the time t, for | (i) Record thertime f, shown in Fig. 1.3. Fig. 1.3 u eves 2070 owzere2nurz0 OULAIIIeEU WILT Gal l1ot : (ii) Calculate th cane poriod T, of the pendulum. The period Is the time for one complete ag Ad. Se ou (c) The student adjusts the pend julum until the distance d is 100.0¢m. ‘she repeats the procedure and records the time t, for 20 oscillations and the period T,- 39.808 ae She measures the mass m, of the pendulum hob, The reading on the balance is shown in Fig. 1.4. Fig. 14 Record mass m, of the pendulum bob to the nearest gram « mee “The student repeats the procedure using a pendulum bob of mass ex g(t) 1099 ‘She obtains these results: distance d= period T, we i eves 220 oeasezus20 [Turn over oOcdiIiecuUu WILT Udl C 4 for the pariad of each of the pendulums, tick (7) the (4) (1) Using the rosutts Ty, Tp. Ty and Ty. limits of experimental accuracy. Foeponce that matches your results within the 72 (The period T is affected by d only a ee [ iow Tis affected by both d and m ie | tho period Tis affactod by m onl | tho period Tis not affected by dor DK Ay ae ae te 3ne are ane l (iy Justify your answer to (d){l) by reference to the re Ae a (e) The seulend now ere Shed ‘the effect of the size of the pendulum. oscillations on the period of the oscillation. You may craw 2 id keep constant during this part of the investigation. (ii). State one variable that you woul Sok 3, te. MM MALEK [Total: 11] euces ano cnzuznvazo Scanned witn Lams¢ www.dynamicpapers.cor 5 2 Astudont dotormines tho rosistance of a resistance wire. Fig, 2.1 shows tho circuit he uses, powor supply oS resistance wire B << sliding contact C Fig. 2.4 fa) + Tho student places the sliding contact C on the resistance wire at a distance I= 10.0cm from B. + Record, in the first row of Table 2.1, the potential difference V across the length 1= 10.0cm of resistance wire, as shown on the voltmeter in Fig. 2.2. > Fig. 2.2 Fig. 2.3 + Record, in the first row of Table 2.1, the current J in the circuit as shown in Fig. 2.3. + Complete the column headings in Table 2.1. ‘©UcLES 2020 oszsiezausr20 [Turn over OUdINIEU WILL Ud dC 6 Table 2.4 Wer, we 10.0 ace 30.0 or 50.0 4 70.0 15 90.0 24 BI (b) The student repeats the procedure using = 30.0cm, 50,0cm, 70.0cm and 90.0cm. The readings are shown in Table 2.1. Plot a graph of V/V (y-axis) against I/cm (x-axis). Start both axes at the origin (0,0). wy 24 Arews beat ae L y - : \ Z ig ae egg ion ce i ‘© 2020 os 25r62MUs20 ocdiilicu Will vLallist 7 (c) (V)_ Write a conclusion about the value of the current Jin the circuit as the position of the sliding contact C is changed, LSA. i in fra toto & were y. Oh RAO! (€) Using the grapl ae the Jain Paced feng! ie engep. ‘Show clearly on the graph how you obtained your result. (Total: 11], | | OUdINIeEU WIL Ud dC ‘©uctes 2020 cszsrezns20 [Turn over 8 3 Astudent investigates some thermal properties of sand and water. Fig. 3.1 shows the apparatus. thermometer —_| } bench Fig. 3.1 (a) The thermometer in Fig. 3.2 shows the room temperature @ at the beginning of the experiment. Record 0. 7070 Do Do #9 10 100 Fig. 3.2 (b) The student is supplied with hot water at a temperature @,. She records the temperature of the hot water. 4, She pours 100cm? of hot water into a beaker that contains sand, Initially, the sand Is at room temperature. ‘She measures the highest temperature 0), of the mixture. cf Pa-ZBZaFtr— (i) Explain briefly what the student does after pouring the hot water into the sand and before taking the temperature, in order to obtain a reliable value for Oy. aheke. Loerie Ta iggy . (1 eucuEs 2020 os2siu2ns720 OCAINICU WILT UdITIOl 9 (ii) Covloulate the fall in temperature A, of the hot water using the equation O = (Ay ~ Oy): SA-fo= / oT Caloulate the ratio S using the equation S = ‘8. Give your answer to a suitable number of significant figures for this experiment.“ c : 3.3 (€) The student pours 00cm? of the hot water into a clean beaker that contains 10cm? of water ‘at room temperature. She records the highest temperature 6), of the mixture. Oye 49°C te the rise in temperature Gp of the cold water using the equation 0, = (Oy ~ 95). Use the value of room temperature Og recorded in (a). 44-23 = 26 Calculate the rati 1g the equation w= 98. CP gor |, §oFle 77 —— (6) The student studiés the thermal properties of sand and water. She predicts that S should be equal to 6 = W. State whether the results support the prediction. Justify your answer by reference to the readings. statement . o josttication An. exfer mente | accuraty ae eucues: cezueznis20 [Turn over Scanned with CamSc 10 (e) Suggest two temperatures that it would be sensible to keep constant when carrying out the experiments. eam. (eanp rotece ae auapat tae cangh 2) (f) The student measures the volume of the dry sand using a measuring cylinder before carrying out the experiment. Tick (/) the boxes ow the precautions that she should take in order tg obtain an accurate reading. Ay 1e reading at the bottom of the hae 5 iat oe measuring cylinder to make sure the top of the sand is horizontal ew the scale of the measuring cylinder at right angles. (Total: 11) eucies 2020 ceosannsa scanned with Camsc¢ WWW. dynamic, “ Pape, A\ student investigates the bonding of 1m length sips of different materials. She far they bend when loaded at one end. i terial from which the strips are mag, = ‘an experiment to investigate how the a! ahaa, ‘The following apparatus is available to the student: a him strips of wood, plastic, steel and aluminium, each of len 4 set of slotted masses. ametre rule & G-clamp (used to hold the ‘to the laboratory (Other apparatus normatfy available in a school laboratory In your plan, you shofild: raw a diagram to show the arrangement of the appayatus explain briefly how you would camry out the investgation, including the measurements you would take ‘State the key variables to be kept constant Graw a suitable table, with column heagings, to show how you would display your readings {you are not required to enter any reagings in the table) explain how you would use the results to reach a conclusion. aes 2 »e rer ES CMIIIEU WILT UALS ae Cambridge ae International Education N Cambridge IGCSE™ CANDIDATE NAME Abdul Ror moun E Kh acer CENTRE CANDIDATE NUMBER: NUMBER PHYSICS 0625/42 Paper 4 Theory (Extended) MaylJune 2020 ‘hour 15 minutes ‘You must answer on the question paper. No additional materials are needed. INSTRUCTIONS ‘Answer all questions. Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. Write your answer to each question in the space provided. Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. Do not write on any bar codes. You may use a calculator. You should show all your working and use appropriate units. Take the weight of 1.0kg to be 10N (acceleration of fee fall = 10m/s*). INFORMATION ¢ The total mark for this paper is 80. eee f 1} Ac pawer p tepPly fry () Complete and label Fig. 7.1 to show the transformer connected to the supply and the ‘output from the transformer. \pecendery Cai] Fig. 7.1 (ii) Explait ven of the piece of iron in the transformer, a The transformer is 100% efficient. Calculate the input current to the transformer. | Ss, i =anz L = Fatals Gam en (oom Woah ee Togas) nol K “a te current ba a (b) Another transformer is used in a schoo! laboratory to step down a mains supply with a p.d. of 440V to 12V. This transformer is mounted in a metal case. bdcdent fe. I AGMK...88: {€ Heubed the current P%8s tHhreugh Hee 9 Puri 9] rather than the per oon, Mts ‘ouctes 2020 oszevs2n20 [Turn over ocdiilicu Will vast, 10 8 (a) Allight-omitting diode (LED) is a diode that emits light when there is a current in it. Draw circuit diagram showing an LED, connected so that iti lit, in series with a battery and a fixe resistor. Use standard electrical symbols. rd — (b) The p.d. across the LED when lit is 3.1V and the current in the LED is 0.030A. (4) Calculate the value of the resistance of the LED when lit. York R ea = al = 1693239337 Far lac t2 . (c) Fig. 8.1 shows a power supply of e.m.f. 10.5V connected in series with a lamp and a heater. The p.d. across the lamp is 2.1V and the current in the lamp is 1.5A. osu ° oo 115A A Fig. 8.1 resistance = Calculate: (i) the resistance of the heater KR = io, 2 2 resistance = .. (i) the power bf the heater. Lt POER S(t) xp b= h-( power [Total; 10] oucies 2020 osaste2nuz0 OULAINIEU WILT UAT IoC 9, \ " \ {a) Complete the truth table shown in Table 9.1 for a NAND gate. Table 9.1 input 4 input 2 output 0 0 t 0 1 \ 1 0 c 4 o : 0 (b) The circuit shown in Fig. 9.1 contains two different types of gate, labelled X and Y. 5 xe MQ — f x /}—_E y¥HI, ok AN D ig. 9.4 Table 9.2 shows a partially completed truth table for this circuit. Table 9.2 input intermediate point output A B c D E ° ° 0 0 @ 0 1 1 oO ¢ 1 0 1 0 7 ae 1 4 1 4 l (i) From Table 9.2, deduce the name of logic gate Y. Ring your answer from th NAND NOR NOT OR t (ii) Complete the truth table in Table 9.2. 2 (c) There is a current of 3.0A in a copper wire, Calculate how many electrons pass through the Topper wire every 60s. The charge on an electron is 1.6 x 10-"°C. f = 4 =lgo -a aa VG he ge - ; Veale ll number of electrons cl 2°. 3) > [Total: 7] ouctes 2020 osasieznusca0 [Turn over Scanned with CamS« www.dynamicpapers,com, 12 \ \ 10 Fig. 10.1 shows a vacuum tube with a radioactive source. The radioactive source emits a-paria 8, ot B-particles and y-rays, There is a very strong magnetic field between the N pole and the S poy, the magnet. le lead cylinder with narrow central hole radioactive source s [*| ‘e-particles, f-particles and y-rays Fig. 10.1 (a) The lead cylinder has a narrow central hole. State and explain the effect of the lead Goes tuvoagh Conk Ole. if (b) Soseroe tte paths: bike a-particles, B-partick (-t Fale: Bop atthe

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