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Introduction - General

An API-650 tank is composed of several distinct components, which this software

program can address. The figure below shows an over view of a simple tank and its
major components.

The first task in the design or analysis of a tank is the determination of the shell course
thicknesses. (The tank is divided vertically into sections called courses. The height of
the courses may vary from tank to tank, and even within the same tank.) Due to the fluid
head, the course thicknesses increase going down the tank.

There are three methods allowed by API in the determination of the shell course
thicknesses. These methods are: one-foot, Appendix A, and variable point. The variable
point method produces a thinner shell, and is therefore more cost effective. However,
this method is iterative and tedious to utilize by hand. The Appendix A method is used
for small tanks (diameter less than 50 ft), and employs a simple equation to determine
the shell thickness. This method is independent of the shell material, since the allowable
used is a constant (times the joint efficiency). The One-Foot method is used for a wide
range of tanks, and also employs a simple equation to determine the shell thickness.
This method (and the Appendix A method) assumes the high stress point is one foot
above the bottom of each shell course.

The number of shell courses varies from tank to tank. The total height of the tank and
the availability of the plate sizes determines the number of courses. The tank is topped
by some type of roof, either cone, supported cone, dome, umbrella, or floating.

A top angle serves as a compression ring and sometimes the top wind girder. Depending
on the wind speed, additional intermediate wind girders may be required.

For some tanks, an annular bottom plate is used to distribute the shell load to the
foundation. API-650 provides equations for the determination of the width and
thickness of annular bottom plates.

Introduction - Nozzles

API-650 addresses low tank nozzles in Appendix P. This appendix is based on the
instrumentation and testing of two full scale tanks, with subsequent validation by finite
element analysis. Both of these test tanks were in excess of 120 feet in diameter. This is
the reason Appendix P limits its scope to tanks larger than 120 ft (36.6m) in diameter.
Appendix P addresses the stiffness of the nozzle/tank interface, for use in pipe stress
analysis. The radial deflection and meridional rotation of the nozzle can also be
determined by equations presented in this appendix. This information is necessary for a
proper piping analysis, so that the proper piping loads on the nozzle can be determined.

Once the piping loads have been determined (from a pipe stress analysis using software
such as COADE's CAESAR II program), they can be used to plot the interaction point
on the Appendix P interaction diagrams. These diagrams (which TANK can produce)
are used to determine if the applied piping loads are within acceptable limits for the
nozzle. For the nozzle to be acceptable, the plotted location of the applied piping loads
must be within the figure of the interaction diagram. Note, the limiting loads computed
according to Appendix P are the limits of the axis on the interaction diagrams. These
limits can not be taken out of context and used directly as the limiting value of the
applied piping loads.

Introduction - Roof Components

The TANK program can design a supported cone roof according to the method detailed
in the text "Process Equipment" by Brownell and Young. A typical supported cone roof
is shown in the figure below.
The primary components of the supported cone roof which must be designed are:
- rafter size and length
- girder ring location and girder size
- column size

The roof design is typically governed by the roof load and the size of the rafters and
girders which can be acquired and transported.

Introduction - Quick Start

The items detail the steps necessary to run the TANK program, to design or analyze a
tank. These steps can be broken down into the following broad categories.

Input Used to define the parameters peculiar to a particular tank.

Error Checking Evaluates the input data for consistency, and allows analysis.
Analysis The actual computation step.
Output Generation Compiles the results into reports and graphics.
Output Review Text based or Graphical review of the output.

Input Phase - The input phase is where the user defines the data for a specific tank.
The first dialog, General Tank Data, is required. All other dialogs are optional,
depending on the particular tank in question. (Users should exercise caution when
defining the input, otherwise the results will be inaccurate.)

The input has been segregated into major categories so that the user is not burdened
with extraneous details which may not apply to a particular tank. The other major
categories of input are:

Used to define descriptive notes about this particular tank/input data

Title Page
Used to define details for the various roof types. If necessary, the
requirements of a supported cone roof can be specified, to govern the
Seismic Data
Used to define the requirements for the seismic analysis of the tank.
Grillage Details Used to define the grillage parameters for Appendix I evaluation.
Used to define the nozzle geometry and location, for flexibility
Nozzle Details
computation and limiting load determination.
Shell Settlement Used to define the tank shell elevations necessary to determine the
Details out-of-plane settlement and deflection.
Used to define measured field data for detailed evaluation of existing
653 Service
tanks. This would be used to determine service time to repair or
capacity reduction.

Error Checking Phase - The error check phase evaluates the user's input for gross
errors as well as data specification which may deviate from API recommendations. The
error check module produces warning and error messages which attempt to steer the
user toward problems in the input.

If warning messages are encountered, the user should evaluate the message and the
related input to insure compliance with the API code and project requirements. If error
messages are encountered, the user must correct the input before an analysis is

Analysis Phase - The analysis phase can be invoked manually from the "Analyze"
menu, or directly by the error checker if "Error Check & Analyze" was selected from
the "Analyze" menu. Note that for this last option to work, the error check phase must
not detect any errors.
The analysis phase evaluates each major category of input defined by the user and
applies the appropriate code equations.

Output Generation Phase - This step is handled automatically if "Error Check &
Analyze" was selected from the "Analyze" menu. Otherwise, the output can be
generated manually from the "Output" menu. This procedure takes the solution file and
prepares the appropriate reports in the active set of units.

Note that the "Output" menu also contains an option for "local graphics". This option
permits the graphical review of: overall tank shell layout, nozzle interaction diagrams,
shell settlement evaluation, and supported cone roof design results.

Output Review Phase - This step is manual, controlled by the user. Here, the
generated reports are reviewed for conformance to the API codes and project

Introduction - Basic Calculations

The first analysis step of the TANK program is the determination of the material
properties to be used in all subsequent computations. These properties depend on the
temperature (if over 200 degrees F (93.3 deg C)), the material (if stainless), and the
thickness method (if Appendix A). Once this information is available, the required shell
course wall thicknesses are computed. This is followed by the allowed fluid height for
each course and the tank as a whole. If applicable the API-653 retiring thickness and
remaining corrosion are also determined.

After the shell course thicknesses are know, the weight and center of gravity of the tank
can be determined, as well as the wind over-turning stability check. This is followed by
the wind girder computations. After the wind girder computations, the program
determines the annular base plate thickness and width.

All other computations performed by the program are optional and depend on the input
specified by the user.

API Design Code

The entry on this line indicates whether API-650 or API-653 rules should be applied to
the current job file. Select the desired entry from the "drop down" list.

API-650 is intended for the design of new tanks, and can be implemented in either
"design" or "analysis" modes. API-653 is intended for the analysis of existing tanks, and
therefore can only be used in "analysis" mode. This cell is used to define the roof type
of the tank. The value entered in this cell must be a number from 1 to 4, which
corresponds to the roof types listed below.


1 Supported Cone Roof
2 Self-Supporting Cone Roof
3 Self-Supporting Dome Roof
4 Self-Supporting Umbrella Roof

Design Method

The entry on this line indicates the (user's) preferred method of evaluating the shell
course thickness requirements. The three valid entries for this line are:

V - the program uses the Variable design method
O - the program uses the One-Foot design method
A - the program uses the Appendix A design method

This entry also determines how (which method) the allowed fluid heights are computed.

Run Objective

The entry on this line indicates whether or not the program should only "analyze" the
tank based on the user's input, or if necessary design the necessary parameters to satisfy
the API code.

The setting of this input field is important because if affects all computations following
the shell course thickness evaluation. If this field is set to "D" (for design mode),
subsequent calculations for wind girders, seismic, and internal pressure will all use the
larger of the "design" or "test" thicknesses.

If this field is set to "A" (for analyze mode), subsequent calculations use the course
thicknesses specified by the user. The computed thicknesses for the "design" and "test"
cases are reported for information purposes only. A message to this affect is included in
the output report when "analyze" mode is selected.
Design Temperature

Enter the desired design temperature in the indicated units. Note, API-650 limits the
design temperature to 200 deg F (98 deg C). If the design temperature exceeds this
limit, but is less than 500 deg F (352 deg C) then the rules of Appendix M are applied.

Design Temperatures in excess of 500 deg F (352 deg C) cause a fatal error.

Note that if the value of the design temperature is changed, the program automatically
implements a routine to interpolate the data from API-650 Table P-1. The resulting
values of modulus and expansion coefficient are inserted into the nozzle dialog.
Design Pressure at Top
Enter the desired design pressure in the indicated units. Note, API-650, Appendix F
limits the design pressure to 2.5 psi (17.2 KPa).

Tank Nominal Diameter [D]

Enter the diameter of the tank. Note, as per API-650, the program assumes the tank
diameter is the centerline diameter of the bottom shell course plates.

Tank Shell Height [HTK]

Enter the total height of the tank shell. This value should be the sum of the individual
course heights, and is used in the wind load computations.

Design Liquid Level [H]

Enter the height of the design liquid level. This is the height from the tank bottom to the
top of the shell or to the bottom of any overflow device.

Liquid Specific Gravity [G]

Enter the specific gravity of the fluid. Note, this value is used only in the "Design" case.
For the "Hydrotest" case, a specific gravity of 1.0 is automatically used by the program.

Weight of Attachments & Structures

Enter the total weight of the attachments and structures on the roof and shell which
should be considered to resist uplift and in the maximum allowed pressure computation.

Distance Down to Top Wind Girder

Enter the distance from the top of the tank shell to the location of the top wind girder. If
the top wind girder is at the top of the shell, this value should be entered as zero. If the
top wind girder is below the top of the tank (i.e. for a walk-way), enter the actual

Joint Efficiency (App A or 653) [E]

As per Appendix A.3.4, the joint efficiency should be either 0.85 or 0.70. API-653
Section 2.3.3 also utilizes this value of joint efficiency.

No other computations use this value, so the default of 1.0 can be left alone for Variable
Point and One Foot API-650 calculations.

API-653 2nd Edition provides Table 2-1 for weld joint efficiencies if the original E
value is unknown. This table is reproduced below:

Edition Type of Joint Applicability

Standard & Year Joint Efficiency E or Limits

API-650 7th & Later Butt 1.00 Basic Standard

(1980- Appendix A -
Butt 0.85
Present) Spot RT

Appendix A -
Butt 0.70

1st - 6th Butt 0.85 Basic Standard

(1961-1978) Butt 1.00 Appendices D&G

14th & 15th

Butt 0.85

3rd-13th Lap (a) 0.75 3/8 inch max t

(1940-1956) Butt (c) 0.85
Lap (a) 0.70 7/16 inch max t
1st & 2nd
Lap (b) 0.50 + k/5 1/4 inch max t
Butt (c) 0.85

Lap (a) 0.70 7/16 inch max t

Lap (b) 0.50 + k/5 1/4 inch max t

Butt (c) 0.85

Lap (d) 0.35


(a) Full double lap welded

Full fillet weld with at least 25% intermittent full fillet opposite side:
k = percent of intermittent weld expressed in decimal form.
Single butt-welded joints with a back-up bar were permitted from the years of 1936
to 1940 and 1948 to 1954.
(d) Single lap welded only.

Wind Velocity

Enter the wind velocity acting on the tank. Due consideration should be given to Section The standard is a 100 mile per hour (44.7 m/sec) wind, but may be increased to
account for additional tank height, wind gust, internal pressure, or open-top tanks.

Note that several configuration directives control how the wind pressure is computed
and applied to the tank. These directives are:

Roof Projection in Wind Moment - which turns on an off wind loads on the roof.

10% Plus 5psf in Wind Moment - which is the basic wind moment definition as per
Section 3.9.7.

Section 3.11 Wind Pressure - which defines the wind pressure to be used for Section
3.11 stability

Default Shell Material

This field contains the material name. To properly access a valid material name and its
properties, use the right mouse button and select "DataBase" from the "context menu" to
bring up the material data base selection screen. Alternatively, left click on the [...]
button to pop-up the same context menu.

When a valid material is selected, its allowable stresses, yield strength, tensile strength,
grade, and group are acquired from the data base for subsequent program use.

The data specified here is assumed to pertain to the entire tank. If the material varies
over the shell courses, this data may be specified using the "Shell Course Materials"

Number of Shell Courses

Enter the number of shell courses in the tank. This entry is used to check the shell
course input and control the shell course generation if necessary.

Annular Base Ring

If the tank will have an annular base ring, check this checkbox. If the tank will not have
an annular base ring, uncheck this checkbox.

653 Entire Course Evaluation

As per API-653 Section, activate this radio button if the shell thickness
calculation is for the entire shell course. This selection uses equation, which
deducts 1 foot from the fluid height. Note, this deduction only occurs if the "1 foot"
method is in use.

653 Local Area Evaluation

As per API-653 Section, activate this radio button if the shell thickness
calculation is for a local area of the shell course. This selection uses equation,
which does not deduct 1 foot from the fluid height.

Shell Course Height

For the current shell course, enter its height in the specified units. Note, the sum of all
shell course heights should equal the tank shell height entered above.

Note that the shell course height does not need to be specified for any course after the
1st course, if it is constant. The program will duplicate the shell course height to all
required courses if this cell is left blank.

Shell Course Thickness

For the current shell course, enter its thickness. If the purpose of this job is to design the
shell course thicknesses, then enter a "good" starting value (see API-650 If this
cell is left blank for the first course, the program will set the thickness according to API-
650 Table

Note that the shell course thickness does not need to be specified for any course after
the 1st course, if it is constant. The program will duplicate the shell course thickness to
all required courses if this cell is left blank.

Shell Course Corrosion Allowance, CA

Enter the corrosion allowance to be considered in the thickness evaluations for shell
course #n.

Note that the corrosion allowance does not need to be specified for any course after the
1st course, if it is constant. The program will duplicate the corrosion allowance to all
required courses if this cell is left blank.

Shell Design Stress, Sd

This value represents the allowable design stress, referred to as Sd in the API code. This
value is automatically registered by the program if the material was selected from the
data base.

If necessary, the value of design allowable stress obtained from the data base may be
overridden by entering a different value in this input field.
Note, for stainless steels, this value will be displayed as zero, since a temperature
versus allowable table is used instead.

Shell Hydro Test Stress, St

This value represents the allowable test stress, refereed to as St in the API code. This
value is automatically registered by the program if the material was selected from the
data base.

If necessary, the value of test allowable stress obtained from the data base may be
overridden by entering a different value in this input field.

SSD1 through SSD5

These values represent the allowable stress for a stainless steel according to API-650
Appendix S, Table S-2. Note, these values are used during the computation phase of the
solution to determine the actual Sd value.

For stainless steels, these values will be interpolated during the solution phase. For this
reason, the value of Sd (at the left) is displayed as zero.

Roof Type

This cell is used to define the roof type of the tank. The value entered in this cell should
be selected from the drop down list, which corresponds to the roof types listed below.
1 Supported Cone Roof
2 Rafter Supported Cone Roof
3 Self-Supporting Cone Roof
4 Self-Supporting Dome Roof
5 Self-Supporting Umbrella Roof

For supported cone roofs, the program can design the rafters, columns and girders. All
other roof types are considered solely for their weight effects on shell.

Angle Between Roof and Horizontal

Enter the angle between theNet Area at Roof/Shell Junction

Enter the area resisting the compressive force. For details refer to API-650 Figure F-2.
roof and a horizontal plane at the roof-shell junction.
Roof Plate Thickness

Enter the nominal thickness of the roof plates. This value should include the corrosion
allowance if any.

Roof Plate Corrosion Allowance

Enter the corrosion allowance to be considered when determining the weight of the roof
plates for Appendix F and overturning computations. This value will be subtracted from
the nominal roof plate thickness.

Weight of Roof Plates

Enter the total weight of the roof plates to be considered in API-650 Appendix E and
Appendix F computations.

Note, TANK will determine the weight of the roof plates internally. If the computed
value is greater than the input value specified here, or a supported cone roof is being
designed, the computed value will be used in subsequent calculations. If the input value
is greater, it will be used (unless a supported cone roof is being designed). For
supported cone roofs, the computed roof plate weight is always used.

Weight of Snow on Roof

Enter the total weight of any snow on the roof to be considered in API-650 Appendix E
computations for seismic checks.

Note that if the "supported cone roof design" procedures are implemented, TANK will
determine the load applied to the roof internally. This value will not be used.

Weight of Roof Framing

Enter the total weight of the roof framing to be considered in API-650 Appendix E and
Appendix F computations.

Note that if the "supported cone roof design" procedures are implemented, TANK will
determine the weight of the roof framing internally. This value will not be used.

Percent Roof Weight Supported by the Shell

Enter the percentage of the roof and snow weights that are to be considered as supported
by the shell for API-650 App E checks.

Note that if the "supported cone roof design" procedures are implemented, TANK will
determine the % of weight supported by the shell internally. This value will not be used.
Roof Live Load

Enter the value to be used in computing the load supported by the roof plates.
According to API-650 this value must be at least 25 pounds per square foot
(1.2 KPa).

The dead load of the roof will be computed by the program, and combined with the live
load to determine the total roof load.

Preferred Rafter Type

Enter the preferred section type for the roof rafters. The roof rafter locations are shown
in the figure below. The specific section types depend on the active structural data base.
Valid types as a function of data base are listed below.
For the 1989 AISC library, valid types for this cell are: W, WT, S, C, DC, DI, and P.
These descriptors correspond to the following cross sections from AISC:


W Wide Flange rafter, girder, column
WT Structural Tee rafter, girder, column
S Standard I Beam rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column
DC Double Channel columns only
DI Double Wide Flange columns only
P Pipe columns only

For the 1990 Korean library, valid types for this cell are: W, C, and M. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


W Wide Flange rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column
M Standard I Beam rafter, girder, column

For the 1993 UK library, valid types for this cell are: UB, UC, T, and C. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


UB Universal Beams rafter, girder, column
UC Universal Columns rafter, girder, column
T Structural Tee rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column

For the 1991 German library, valid types for this cell are: I, U, and T. These descriptors
correspond to the following cross sections:


I I-Beams rafter, girder, column
U Channel rafter, girder, column
T Structural Tee rafter, girder, column
For the 1990 Australian library, valid types for this cell are: UB, and UC. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


UB Universal Beams rafter, girder, column
UC Universal Columns rafter, girder, column

For the 1990 South African library, valid types for this cell are: IP, HP, CP, and CT.
These descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


IP I-Beams rafter, girder, column
HP Wide flange beams rafter, girder, column
CP Channels, parallel rafter, girder, column
CT Channels, taper rafter, girder, column

Preferred Girder Type

Enter the preferred section type for the roof girders. The roof girder locations are shown
in the figure below. The specific section types depend on the active structural data base.
Valid types as a function of data base are listed below.
For the 1989 AISC library, valid types for this cell are: W, WT, S, C, DC, DI, and P.
These descriptors correspond to the following cross sections from AISC:


W Wide Flange rafter, girder, column
WT Structural Tee rafter, girder, column
S Standard I Beam rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column
DC Double Channel columns only
DI Double Wide Flange columns only
P Pipe columns only

For the 1990 Korean library, valid types for this cell are: W, C, and M. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


W Wide Flange rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column
M Standard I Beam rafter, girder, column

For the 1993 UK library, valid types for this cell are: UB, UC, T, and C. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


UB Universal Beams rafter, girder, column
UC Universal Columns rafter, girder, column
T Structural Tee rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column

For the 1991 German library, valid types for this cell are: I, U, and T. These descriptors
correspond to the following cross sections:


I I-Beams rafter, girder, column
U Channel rafter, girder, column
T Structural Tee rafter, girder, column

For the 1990 Australian library, valid types for this cell are: UB, and UC. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


UB Universal Beams rafter, girder, column
UC Universal Columns rafter, girder, column

For the 1990 South African library, valid types for this cell are: IP, HP, CP, and CT.
These descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


IP I-Beams rafter, girder, column
HP Wide flange beams rafter, girder, column
CP Channels, parallel rafter, girder, column
CT Channels, taper rafter, girder, column

Preferred Column Type

Enter the preferred section type for the roof columns. The roof column locations are
shown in the figure below. The specific section types depend on the active structural
data base. Valid types as a function of data base are listed below.
For the 1989 AISC library, valid types for this cell are: W, WT, S, C, DC, DI, and P.
These descriptors correspond to the following cross sections from AISC:


W Wide Flange rafter, girder, column
WT Structural Tee rafter, girder, column
S Standard I Beam rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column
DC Double Channel columns only
DI Double Wide Flange columns only
P Pipe columns only
For the 1990 Korean library, valid types for this cell are: W, C, and M. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


W Wide Flange rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column
M Standard I Beam rafter, girder, column

For the 1993 UK library, valid types for this cell are: UB, UC, T, and C. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


UB Universal Beams rafter, girder, column
UC Universal Columns rafter, girder, column
T Structural Tee rafter, girder, column
C Channel rafter, girder, column

For the 1991 German library, valid types for this cell are: I, U, and T. These descriptors
correspond to the following cross sections:


I I-Beams rafter, girder, column
U Channel rafter, girder, column
T Structural Tee rafter, girder, column

For the 1990 Australian library, valid types for this cell are: UB, and UC. These
descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


UB Universal Beams rafter, girder, column
UC Universal Columns rafter, girder, column

For the 1990 South African library, valid types for this cell are: IP, HP, CP, and CT.
These descriptors correspond to the following cross sections:


IP I-Beams rafter, girder, column
HP Wide flange beams rafter, girder, column
CP Channels, parallel rafter, girder, column
CT Channels, taper rafter, girder, column

Roof Plate Material

This cell allows entry into the material data base from which a material for the roof
plates can be selected. The material data base can be entered (activated) by clicking the
[...] button.

Roof Plate Allowable Design Stress

This cell contains the value used as the allowable design stress for the roof plates. This
value is automatically filled in when the Roof Plate Material is specified.

Structural Member Material

This cell allows entry into the material data base from which a material for the structural
members can be selected. The material data base can be entered (activated) by clicking
the [...] button.

Structural Member Design Allowable Stress

This cell contains the value used as the allowable design stress for the structural
members. This value is automatically filled in when the Structural Member Material is

Note that for compliance with API-650 Section, this value should not exceed
20000 psi (137895 kpa).

Maximum Allowed Rafter Length

Enter the maximum length allowed for the rafters. This value is used to determine the
radii to the various girder rings. Typical values for this cell are 20. to 24. feet (6.1 to 7.3

In the design of the supported cone roof, the roof plates sit on top of the rafters. The
rafters are oriented along radial lines, from the center of the tank. The rafters are
arranged in rings around the tank, where the rafter lengths do not exceed the maximum
user specified value. The ends of the rafters are supported on girders, arranged in
concentric circles, where the girder lengths do not exceed the maximum user specified
value. The girders are supported by columns.

Maximum Allowed Girder Length

Enter the maximum length allowed for the girders. This value is used to determine how
many girders are required for each girder ring. Typical values for this cell are 24.0 to
30.0 feet (7.3 to 9.1 meters).

In the design of the supported cone roof, the roof plates sit on top of the rafters. The
rafters are oriented along radial lines, from the center of the tank. The rafters are
arranged in rings around the tank, where the rafter lengths do not exceed the maximum
user specified value. The ends of the rafters are supported on girders, arranged in
concentric circles, where the girder lengths do not exceed the maximum user specified
value. The girders are supported by columns.

Center Column Cap Plate Diameter

Enter the diameter of the center column cap plate if necessary. If this cell is left blank, a
value of zero will be used.
Radius to Girder Ring

When the "Number of Girder Rings" has been specified, the radial distance to each ring
must be defined. In this cell, enter the radial distance from the center of the tank to the
current girder ring.

The radial distance to ALL girder rings must be defined!

Number of Girders in Ring

When the "Number of Girder Rings" has been specified, the number of girders in each
ring may also be specified. These entries are optional, HOWEVER, if the number of
girders in any one ring is specified, then the number of girders in all rings must be also
Seismic Zone

Enter the Seismic Zone indicator for U.S. areas. Valid entries on this line can be
obtained from Figure E-1 and Table E-1 of the code. Legal entries in this cell are 1, 2.1,
2.2, 3, and 4. The values 2.1 and 2.2 correspond to zones 2A and 2B respectively.

A value of -1 may also be specified here. This is used as a flag to indicate that the
bottom plate thickness has been specified, and that no other seismic data has been
defined. The seismic analysis will not be performed when a -1 is input in this cell.
Seismic Coefficient

If the seismic zone was specified above, this cell can be left blank and the program will
determine the seismic zone factor. Alternatively, the user may input this value directly.
If the program determines the seismic zone coefficient, it is obtained from the following
table (Table E-2 of the code).

Seismic Zone Zone Coefficient

1 0.075
2A 0.15
2B 0.20
3 0.30
4 0.40
Importance Factor (I)

Usually this value is 1.0, unless specified otherwise by the purchaser. API recommends
that this value not exceed 1.25, and that this value (1.25) only be used for emergency

Prior to the 9th edition, this term was called the "Essential Facilities Factor" and could
range as high as 1.5.
Site Amplification Factor (S)

Enter the site amplification factor. Values for this factor are obtained from Table E-3 of
the code, as follows:

Description S Factor

S1 Rock like or stiff dense soil with depths less than 200 ft (61m). 1.0

S2 Stiff or dense soils in excess of 200 ft (61m). 1.2

Soil profile of 40 ft ( 12.2m) or more containing between 20 ft

S3 1.5
(6.1m) to 40 ft (12.2m) of soft clay.

S4 Soil profile with more than 40 ft (12.2m) of soft clay. 2.0

Total Weight of Tank Shell (Ws)

Enter the total weight of the tank shell. Note, the program can compute this value based
on the shell course heights and thicknesses (either input or designed). The larger of the
computed weight and this weight will be used in all Appendix E computations.
Minimum Yield Strength of Bottom Plate

Enter the minimum yield strength of the bottom plate if it differs from the minimum
yield strength of the bottom shell course.
Bottom Plate Thickness (tb)

Enter the thickness of the bottom plate to be used to compute the resistance to
Anchor Bolt Diameter

If desired, enter the bolt diameter of an existing anchorage. If entered, and the
anchorage is necessary, it will be evaluated using this data.
Lateral Force Coefficient C1 (optional)

If left blank, this value defaults to 0.60. Paragraphs E.3.3.1 and E.3.3.3 indicate that
0.60 is the minimum value for C1.
Lateral Force Coefficient C2 (optional)

If left blank the value of this coefficient is determined according to E.3.3.2. This
coefficient is dependent on the natural period of the first sloshing mode and the soil
conditions at the site.
Anchor Bolt Diameter

If desired, enter the bolt diameter of an existing anchorage. If entered, and the
anchorage is necessary, it will be evaluated using this data.
Threads per Unit Length

If an anchorage is necessary, the program can evaluate a user specified design, or design
an anchorage according to API-650 Appendix E.6. In order to size the anchor bolts, the
thread pitch is necessary. The pitch is the reciprocal of the parameter known as "threads
per inch".

Enter the "threads per inch" in the appropriate units. NOTE, THIS IS A REQUIRED
ENTRY, which will be used in the event the program must design an anchorage.
Typical "threads per inch" for various size UNC bolts are listed below:

Basic Major Threads

Diameter (in) per Inch

0.5000 13

0.6250 11

0.7500 10

0.8750 9

1.0000 8

1.1250 7

1.2500 7

1.3750 6

1.5000 6

1.7500 5

2.0000 4.5

2.2500 4.5

2.5000 4
2.7500 4

3.0000 4

3.2500 4

3.5000 4

3.7500 4

4.0000 4
Anchor Bolt Allowable Stress

Enter the allowable stress to be used in evaluating the anchorage. NOTE, THIS IS A
REQUIRED ENTRY which will be used in the event the program must design an

Additionally, note that the value entered here may be reduced according to API-650,
Section M.3.8 if the design temperature exceeds 200 degrees F.
Number of Anchor Bolts

For evaluation of an existing anchorage, enter the number of anchor bolts.

Anchor Bolt Yield Stress

Enter the yield stress of the anchor bolts for use in E.6.2.3. NOTE, THIS IS A
REQUIRED ENTRY which will be used in the event the program must design an
Bolt Offset from Mean Tank Diameter

Enter the offset from the mean tank diameter to the anchor bolt circle. This value must
be greater than zero for bolt circles outside the tank.

If this value is left blank, an offset of 0.0 will be used. Note that the program internally
multiplies this value by 2.0 before adding it to the tank diameter value.
Anchor Bolt Corrosion Allowance

Enter the value of the corrosion allowance to be considered when sizing the anchor
bolts. Note that API-650, Section F.7.4 requires a corrosion allowance of at least 0.25
Modulus of Elasticity of Bottom Plate

Enter the value of the Elastic Modulus to be used for the bottom plate.
Bottom Plate Corrosion Allowance

Enter the corrosion allowance to be added to the bottom plate thickness. If left blank,
this value defaults to zero.
Minimum Yield Strength of Bottom Plate

Enter the minimum yield strength of the bottom plate material.

Note this value should correspond to the value entered on the Seismic Data Spreadsheet.
If a value is entered here, the user is prompted to see if the same value should also be
used on the Seismic Data Spreadsheet.
Nominal Thickness of Bottom Plate

Enter the thickness of the bottom plate. This value is may be left blank if the grillage
spacing is entered. In this case, the program computes the required thickness of the
bottom plate. As stated in API-650 3.4.1, bottom plates should have a minimum
thickness of 0.25 inches (6.35mm).

Note this value should correspond to the value entered on the Seismic Data Spreadsheet.
If a value is entered here, the user is prompted to see if the same value should also be
used on the Seismic Data Spreadsheet.
Maximum Allowed Spacing

Optionally enter the maximum allowed spacing (center-to-center between adjacent or

radial grillage members. If this value is entered, then the bottom plate thickness should
be left blank so the program can compute it.
Nozzle Designation

This cell is used to define a descriptive tag or number of the current nozzle. This cell is
restricted to 4 CHARACTERS in length, and can contain letters and/or digits.

Example entries for this cell are listed in the table below:


Nozzle Height Above Bottom Plate

Enter the height of the nozzle centerline above the bottom plate.
Nozzle Outer Diameter

Enter the outer diameter of the nozzle.

Modulus of Elasticity of Nozzle

Enter the modulus of elasticity. These values should be taken from API-650 Table P-1,
reproduced below:

Modulus Thermal Expansion

Design Temp
(deg F)
(psi) (in/in/deg F)
70. 29.5E6 6.07E-6
200. 28.8E6 6.67E-6
300. 28.3E6 6.87E-6
400. 27.7E6 7.07E-6
500. 27.3E6 7.25E-6

Note that the value of elastic modulus is automatically defined by the program when the
user changes the design temperature on the general spreadsheet. This value can be
changed by the user if necessary.

If the bottom shell course is specified as Stainless Steel, then the modulus value for
Table P-1 is not used. Instead, the modulus value is obtained from Table S-6,
reproduced below:

Design Temp Modulus

(deg F) (psi)
100. 28.0E6
200. 27.4E6
300. 26.6E6
400. 26.1E6
500. 25.2E6
Expansion Coefficient

Enter the value of the thermal expansion coefficient. These values should be taken from
API-650 Table P-1, reproduced below:

Modulus Thermal Expansion

Design Temp
(deg F)
(psi) (in/in/deg F)
70. 29.5E6 6.07E-6
200. 28.8E6 6.67E-6
300. 28.3E6 6.87E-6
400. 27.7E6 7.07E-6
500. 27.3E6 7.25E-6

Modulus Thermal Expansion

Design Temp
(deg C)
(MPa) (mm/mm/deg C)
20. 203000
90. 199000 12.0
150. 195000 12.4
200. 191000 12.7
260. 188000 13.1

Note that the value of expansion coefficient is automatically defined by the program
(using internal, English, units) when the user changes the design temperature on the
general spreadsheet. This value can be changed by the user if necessary.

Reinforcement on Shell or Nozzle

This entry indicates where the nozzle reinforcement is located. This entry is used to
interpolate among the charts in API-650 Appendix P.

Note that if reinforcing on the shell is indicated, Appendix P makes the following
- the reinforcing pad thickness is equal to the shell thickness
- the pad diameter is twice the nozzle diameter

These assumptions are implicit in the curves presented in Appendix P and are
automatically considered by the program.
Nozzle RePad Thickness

This cell is used to define the thickness of the nozzle reinforcing pad if it exists, and if it
should be considered in the computations. Note that API-650 Appendix P offers no
guidance on how reinforcing pads should be handled.

If a pad thickness is specified here, it will be used to increase the thickness of the tank
shell in all Appendix P computations.
Nozzle Weight

Enter the weight of this nozzle. The value entered here will be used in all weight
computations involving the shell.
Applied External Radial Force - Optional

Enter the value of any applied radial force, acting on the nozzle.

The value entered here will be used in plotting the interaction diagram of Appendix P.
Applied External Circumferential Moment - Optional

Enter the value of any applied external circumferential moment acting on the nozzle.

The value entered here will be used in plotting the interaction diagram of Appendix P.
Applied External Longitudinal Moment - Optional

Enter the value of any applied external longitudinal moment acting on the nozzle.

The value entered here will be used in plotting the interaction diagram of Appendix P.
Elastic Modulus for Allowed Settlement
Enter the value of the Elastic Modulus to be used in the computation of the allowed
shell settlement, in API-653 Section B.3.2. If this value is left blank a default of 29.5E6
psi (203000 MPa) will be used.
Angle Between Measurements

Enter the distance (in degrees) between adjacent settlement measurement points. (Note,
this value must be less than 45 degrees.) API-653 Appendix B.1.3 requires at least eight
points around the circumference of the tank. This limits the entry in this field to a
maximum of 45 degrees. Additional data points will reduce the magnitude of this angle.

Note also that the code limits the spacing between these measurement points (around
the circumference of the tank) to 32 feet (9.8). (Prior to API-653 2nd Edition Addendum
2, this limit was 30 feet (9.1m).)

Note also that too many points may lead to an over conservative determination of the
out-of-plane deflection limit. Addendum 3 to the 9th Edition of API-653 suggests
computing the deflection limit using points spaced at approximately 30 foot (9.1m)
intervals. Additional details on this subject can be found in "Out of Plane Settlement of
Cylindrical Tanks" by Erdmann and Yeigh, Hydrocarbon Engineering, May 1999 and
the text by Phil Meyers, Above Ground Storage Tanks. The TANK program performs all
computations using all of the specified measurement points. If the number of
measurement points is so great as to cause the spacing to fall below 15 feet (4.6m), use
every other point when generating the input.
Settlement Elevations

Enter the elevation of the shell bottom at this measurement point on the circumference
of the tank.
Minimum Remaining Thickness (RTbc)

As per API-653 Section, enter the value of the minimum remaining thickness
from bottom side corrosion, after repairs
Minimum Remaining Thickness (RTip)

As per API-653 Section, enter the value of the minimum remaining thickness
from internal corrosion, after repairs.
Anticipated In-Service Period of Operation (Or)

As per API-653 Section, enter the value of the anticipated in-service period of
operation (normally 10 years).
Maximum Internal Pitting Rate (StPr)

As per API-653 Section, enter the value of the maximum internal pitting rate, on
a yearly basis. If the tank bottom is internally lined (per API RP 652), this value should
be specified as 0.0.
Maximum Underside Pitting Rate (UPr)

As per API-653 Section, enter the value of the maximum underside pitting rate,
on a yearly basis. If the tank bottom is cathodically protected (per API RP 651) this
value should be specified as 0.0.
Average Depth of Generally Corroded Area

As per API-653 Section, enter the value of the average depth of the generally
corroded area, (GCa).
Maximum Depth of Internal Pitting After Repair (StPm)

As per API-653 Section, enter the value of the maximum depth of internal
pitting remaining in the bottom plates after repairs are completed. Note, this value is
measured from the original thickness.
Maximum Rate of General Corrosion (GCr)

As per API-653 Section, enter the value of the maximum rate of general
corrosion, on a yearly basis.
Average Depth of Internal Pitting (StPa)

In this cell, enter the average depth of the internal pitting of the bottom plates. This
value is measured from the original thickness.
Maximum Depth of Underside Pitting (UPm)

In this cell, enter the maximum depth of underside pitting of the bottom plates.
Average Depth of Underside Pitting (UPa)

In this cell, enter the average depth of underside pitting of the bottom plates.
Original Plate Thickness (To)

In this cell, enter the original thickness of the bottom plates. This value should
correspond to the bottom plate thickness entered on the "Seismic Data" and the
"Grillage Data" spreadsheet, if they have been specified.

Enter the value of the joint efficiency to be used in the thickness computations of this
shell course.


The value specified in this cell locates the bottom of the "L" region, above the bottom of
this course.

"L" is the critical length, the maximum vertical length over which the hoop stresses are
assumed to "average out" around local discontinuities.

In subsequent thickness computations, the fluid height to the design liquid level is
measured from the bottom of "L".


Enter the average thickness in the "L" region. If this value is left blank, it will default to
the user defined thickness from the "General Tank Data" dialog.


Enter the least thickness in any area of corrosion, exclusive of pits. If this value is left
blank, it will default to the user defined thickness from the "General Tank Data" dialog.
Use Specified "L" Values

This check box is used to indicate whether or not the user specified location of "L" will
be used in subsequent thickness calculations.

Checked Checking this box allows the program to utilize the user specified values of the
location of "L" to be used in determining the height to the maximum design
liquid level. When this box is checked, the height value is computed according
to API-653 Section
Not Leaving this box unchecked causes subsequent computations to ignore the user
Checked input values of the location of "L". The thickness computations use a height
value measured from the bottom of each course, which produces more
conservative (thicker) thicknesses.
Use Specified "E" Values

This check box is used to indicate whether or not the user specified values of individual
course joint efficiencies will be used in subsequent computations.

Checked Checking this box allows the program to utilize the individual joint
efficiencies for each course in any subsequent computations. This may be
advantageous if additional inspections and radiography are performed.
Not Leaving this box unchecked causes the program to ignore the specified values
Checked of individual course joint efficiencies. Instead, the computations are made
using the joint efficiency specified on the "General Tank Data" dialog box.

Use Specified t1/t2 Values

This check box is used to indicate whether or not the user specified values of individual
course thicknesses of t1 and t2 should be used in subsequent computations.

Checked Checking this box allows the program to perform the thickness checks per
API-653 Values of t1 or t2 left blank will assume the thickness
specified on the "General Data" dialog.
Not Leaving this box unchecked prevents the program from performing the
Checked thickness checks of API-653
Bottom Shell Course Thickness as Constructed

Enter in this cell the original thickness of the bottom shell course. This value is used to
determine the minimum thickness of the annular base plate, as per API-653 Table 2-3.
Emptying Rate

Enter the maximum emptying rate (volume per hour) of liquid from the tank. See API-
2000 Section for details.
Filling Rate

Enter the maximum filling rate (volume per hour) of liquid from the tank. See API-2000
Section for details.
Liquid Flash Point

Enter the temperature of the liquid's flash point.

Environmental Factor

Enter the environmental factor according to Table 4A of API-2000.

English Units
Conductance (BTU/hr Insulation
Configuration F Factor
ft2 F) Thickness (in)

Bare metal tank --- 0 1.0

Insulated tank 4.0 1 0.3

Insulated tank 2.0 2 0.15

Insulated tank 1.0 4 0.075

Insulated tank 0.67 6 0.05

Insulated tank 0.50 8 0.375

Insulated tank 0.40 10 0.300

Insulated tank 0.33 12 0.025

see note
Concreate or Fireproofing --- ---

Water-application facilities --- --- 1.0

Depressuring and emptying --- --- 1.0

Underground Storage --- --- 0.0

Earth-covered storage
--- --- 0.03
above Grade

Impoundment away from

--- --- 0.5

Metric Units
Configuration Conductance Insulation F Factor
(Watts/m2 K) Thickness (cm)

Bare metal tank --- 0 1.0

Insulated tank 22.7 2.5 0.3

Insulated tank 11.4 5 0.15

Insulated tank 5.7 10 0.075

Insulated tank 3.8 15 0.05

Insulated tank 2.8 20 0.375

Insulated tank 2.3 25 0.300

Insulated tank 0.19 30 0.025

see note
Concreate or Fireproofing --- ---

Water-application facilities --- --- 1.0

Depressuring and emptying --- --- 1.0

Underground Storage --- --- 0.0

Earth-covered storage
--- --- 0.03
above Grade

Impoundment away from

--- --- 0.5

Required Volume

This cell is used to specify the desired volume of the tank for sizing purposes. The
sizing routine will determine diameters and heights necessary to achieve this volume.
Fluid Specific Gravity

Enter the fluid specific gravity to be used in sizing the tank. Since the tank must be
hydrotested, the minimum value for this entry should be 1.0.
Cost per Unit Weight of Plate

Enter the unit cost of the plate material. This value is used to compute the total material
cost of the various tank shells. The cost is computed by multiplying this value by the
total steel volume in the shell multiplied by the standard weight of steel.

Note that the "mass" conversion factor is applied to this value to compute the final tank
THE SAME UNIT. For example lb. and lb/ or KG and KG/
Plate Allowable Stress

Enter the value to be used as the allowable stress for the tank sizing. This value should
correspond to the fluid specific gravity entered above. For example, if the fluid specific
gravity is 1.0 (for water in the hydrotest case), then this value should be the "TEST"
allowable stress. If the fluid specific gravity corresponds to the operating fluid, then this
allowable stress should correspond to the "DESIGN" case.
Average Course Height

This value is used to determine how many "full" courses are needed to achieve the
desired volume. The top course may be less than the value specified here, since the top
course height is used to exactly match the desired volume.
Minimum Tank Height

The values entered here represent the minimum and maximum limits for the tank height.
A total of four (4) heights between these limits will be determined (and the
corresponding diameters) to size the tank. For each height/diameter value, the shell plate
thicknesses will be determined, followed by plate weight and cost.

Note that the height range is independent of the diameter range. Four values of height
between the minimum and maximum values are determined. The necessary diameter to
achieve the required volume is then determined, exclusive of the diameter range.
Maximum Tank Height

The values entered here represent the minimum and maximum limits for the tank height.
A total of four (4) heights between these limits will be determined (and the
corresponding diameters) to size the tank. For each height/diameter value, the shell plate
thicknesses will be determined, followed by plate weight and cost.

Note that the height range is independent of the diameter range. Four values of height
between the minimum and maximum values are determined. The necessary diameter to
achieve the required volume is then determined, exclusive of the diameter range.

Minimum Tank Diameter

The values entered here represent the minimum and maximum limits for the tank
diameter. A total of four (4) diameters between these limits will be determined (and the
corresponding heights) to size the tank. For each height/diameter value, the shell plate
thicknesses will be determined, followed by plate weight and cost.

Note that the diameter range is independent of the height range. Four values of diameter
between the minimum and maximum values are determined. The necessary height to
achieve the required volume is then determined, exclusive of the height range.
Maximum Tank Diameter

The values entered here represent the minimum and maximum limits for the tank
diameter. A total of four (4) diameters between these limits will be determined (and the
corresponding heights) to size the tank. For each height/diameter value, the shell plate
thicknesses will be determined, followed by plate weight and cost.
Note that the diameter range is independent of the height range. Four values of diameter
between the minimum and maximum values are determined. The necessary height to
achieve the required volume is then determined, exclusive of the height range.

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