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Ethics & Culture in a Digital

Joe Grochowski and Keith Lawrence

Participating Members:
James Buonanno – Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Moritz von Butler – Credit Suisse
Andrew Caggiano – Gulfstream
Maria Quintana – Mondelēz International
Randal Sellar – Shaw Communications
Ashley Hostetter, James Fripp & Frank Tucker
– Yum! Brands

Overview 1. What are the most critical ethical and cul- •• Employees and their leaders will need a
tural challenges your organization faces as new set of skills (or need to be upskilled)
Today it is possible to collect personal and
the workplace becomes more digital? What to thrive in the digital world. The acquisi-
business data about employees and their
concerns do employees have about the in- tion of digital skills is now a prerequisite for
everyday actions (online activity, voice mail,
creasing use of technology in the workplace? success. This includes understanding the
biometrics, etc.). Software applications with
2. What actions are you taking to protect power and potential of the various tech-
sophisticated algorithms (“bots”) are able to
“the human element” and human judgment nologies on the business as well as being
make recommendations on where individu-
als are a “better fit” for a job. Such rapid and within your culture as the workplace increas- fully aware of how to effectively implement

ongoing digital advances raise growing risks ingly becomes digital? the change and integrate it into the social

and ethical questions as well as questions fabric and culture of the organization.
about sustaining a culture of candid conver- Key Insights •• HR plays several critical roles in the digi-
sations, trust, and human judgment. •• Digitalization is transforming our lives for talization journey. It must first ensure that
the better. As these systems come online
the organization understands the impact
Key Questions Addressed our world becomes more efficient and con-
digitalization is having on the workforce
sequently richer. It also enables companies
The RBL Institute conducts monthly “mini and the right choices are being made to
to better serve its customers, however, as
forum” calls with a small group of member preserve the critical human touch-points.
with any major change, there are signifi-
companies on current topics of interest to cant disruptions that must be taken into HR is central to determining how employee
exchange ideas and share best practices. account. data is properly collected and used to
Each participant on this call was nominated mitigate concerns on privacy. HR should
•• A great digital business strategy can be
by their organization to discuss the challeng- also digitize to improve its own operations,
detrimental to the organization if you
es they are seeing as we increasingly digitize meet the emerging needs of employees,
take out the personal touch and eliminate
the workplace. During the call, we asked and build their own awareness. The HR
human interaction. We can’t afford to lose
each participant two questions to learn how function must be sure employees are
the human element in Human Resources.
they are addressing this topic within their fully engaged at every step through ongo-
Special care must be made to maintain
company: ing communication and robust change
“human toll gates” at critical juncture points
in the process. management.
Digitalization Defined interaction. You don’t want to lose the hu- to digitalize. Credit Suisse’s HR function has
man element in Human Resources. been awarded with the automation impact
Digitalization (as defined by Gartner) is the
Credit Suisse is a globally integrated award from the SSOW organization for their
process of employing digital technologies
bank combining Private Banking, Invest- technology transformation program.
and information to transform business
operations. Klaus Schwab, economist and ment Banking and Asset Management. The Gulfstream engineers, manufactures and
founder of the World Economic Forum is re- financial services industry is facing significant services the world’s finest business aircraft.
ferring to it as “The Fourth Industrial Revolu- disruption from technology, as well as new, Headquartered in Savannah, Georgia, USA,
tion”. He foresees the confluence of robotics, non-traditional incumbents, such as Fintech Gulfstream operates facilities on four con-

artificial intelligence, and other technologies companies like PayPal, Amazon Pay and tinents and employees more than 18,000

transforming the nature of how we work. Apple Pay. Financial services as an industry people worldwide. The introduction of GDPR
is heavily dependent on information and has brought attention to the differences in
Challenges in the Digital Journey technology. how data is managed across the two conti-
The digital transformation at Credit Suisse is nents. US employees are raising questions
Like any major change and transformation about what information is being collected,
not a pure efficiency and cost reduction play;
there are benefits and risks that must be ad- who is getting it, and how it is being used.
it is about being able to serve customers the
dressed in order to fully tap into the poten- They have become more concerned with
way they expect to be served in today’s age.
tial of digital technologies. For example, one data privacy, and tend to hold their em-
For example, millennials have a different
significant perceived challenge is unemploy- ployers to a higher standard for protecting
way of interacting with their relationship
ment. As we invent ways to automate jobs, personal data than the companies they in-
managers in financial services. They want to
individuals in those roles will be displaced. teract with in their private lives. In addition,
follow their trades or portfolio through an
For example, the advent of self-driving employees are having higher expectations
app on their phone or video chats versus an
trucks will impact the millions of individuals on the use of technology at work given how
in-person office meeting. As a result, rela-
employed in this industry. We must create pervasive it is in their personal life.
tionship managers at Credit Suisse are being
room for people to assume more complex
given iPads to better serve this generation. Mondelēz is a multinational confectionary,
cognitive roles as we move from strictly
This requires a big shift in mindset among food and beverage company that employs
physical work that dominates much of what
employees that requires a new set of skills. approximately 83,000 individuals worldwide.
we do today.
HR is a) helping the workforce to adapt to They just started the journey of digitizing the
As we look to tap into the potential of new these new ways of working and b) seeking workplace, so it is too early to identify poten-
technologies, we can’t afford to lose sight of to attract and retain employees who can tial concerns. They are working now on defin-
where humans are unique and where they readily adapt to the rapidly moving environ- ing the end state and how to link technology
add special value, such as how they process ment. However, it is important to remember to the various HR systems. They initiated an
information, emotionally connect, consider that this transformation is not new to the automation project in their shared services
context and make decisions (particularly financial services industry. For example, in working for 8 months with an external
those that are “non routine”). the past tellers used to hand out cash and vendor to automate some of the recruiting
Alexion is a global pharmaceutical company then the ATM machines disrupted their work process. However, they found out that the
that employs around 3,000 people world- and they were able very successfully to shift complexity of the organization (different titles
wide. They are in the midst of a significant from the teller working mode to the current around the world) prevented them to imple-
digital transformation, both across the model. ment this automation change. As a result,
company and within human resources HR at Credit Suisse is helping the workforce they have postponed the project to work first
(which is in a very early stage). With a focus make this shift, while at the same time on the implementation of Workday to help
on data governance, Alexion continues to digitalizing their own processes and tools, so them simplify their HR processes first.
revisit and evolve its digital framework on that they deliver a more digital experience to Shaw Communication is a Canadian
an ongoing basis to maintain its relevance. It their workforce. In the last eighteen months telecommunications company that provides
must evolve as the business circumstances they have transformed their technology, telephone, Internet, TV and mobile services
change. Having a rigorous cadence for doing user experience and process landscape via a fiber optic network. Their digital journey
this renewal is important to supporting the significantly, implementing digital signature, is encompassing a couple of different lenses
dynamic nature of the company. A huge a new employee portal with live chat func- (the customer and their employees). For
part of being successful in HR is having a tionality for employees, as well as robotics their customers they are moving towards
strong EQ (emotional intelligence). You can process automation solutions to support self-service via automation to replace the
set up a great digital framework but it can be their back-office teams. This has helped the traditional customer interactions. The
detrimental to the organization if you take HR function better understand the change company is focused on identifying the skills
out the personal touch and eliminate human management and skill shift that is required and capabilities required to be successful


in the future. They have also found that the At Alexion, there is ongoing dialogue about Mondelēz is in the initial stages of digitaliza-
expectations of employees have changed. ensuring the right human tollgates are in tion. In their design work they are seeking to
They want to do more self-service and less place. Even where the work becomes fully identify where human interaction is essential
human interaction. Change management automated, Alexion is seeking to ensure a to be able to stop the system and make criti-
plays a key role in helping individuals buy person is involved to do an ethical review. cal decisions.
into this transformation. Personal issues and situations are very
Shaw Communication is also fairly early
Yum! Brands is one of the world’s largest complex. You can try to automate work by
on in their journey. A key part of their cul-
quick service restaurant companies, with putting in place decision matrixes based on
some pre-requisites to help the machine ture is empowering employees to do what
such famous brands at Taco Bell, KFC, and
make a decision. However, some degree is right for the customer. They don’t want to
Pizza Hut. It is a multi-dimensional business
of human interaction is needed to provide lose this. Part of culture is about empower-
that is moving beyond traditional bricks and
context and confirm that the right thing is ment of the individual to do what is right for
mortar. The industry is radically transform-
being done. the customer. This is a north star that is
ing as digital transforms how people order,
get, and eat their food. With the advent of Alexion is also seeing a shift in the type helping them decide what to automate and

kiosks, click and connect, delivery, etc. the leader that they need, both internally and where they want to continue to have human
definition of a restaurant is changing. Arti- for their external hires. They have integrated interaction. They want the digital experi-
ficial intelligence is also recreating the back- technical acumen and awareness into their ence to enhance the customer experience.
office operations. As a result, the employee leadership profile. They want leaders in the They know some customers want to interact
experience is becoming more complex and future that have an understanding of the with technology (through chat or text), but
they are working hard to navigate through impact of technology on the organization others want that personal interaction. It is a
this. Communication fatigue and workload and the employee. delicate balancing act.
are two main challenges. They are seeking to At Credit Suisse they also focus on ensuring Yum! Brands is doubling down on culture
grow through digital to help create meaning- human touch points are in place at the right during their digitalization. They are defin-
ful connections with employees to grow a moments in the employee lifecycle, having ing what they want both the customer and
sense of belonging through development empathy and human decision making em-
employee experience to be in a digital world
programs like Inclusive Leadership, Digital bedded in these moments. The definition of
(relevant, easy, and distinctive). They want
Know How sessions, and Leading with Heart. where in a process a person really needs the
to bring their “smart, heart, and courage”
They are also reinforcing the importance “human touch” is liquid: Ten years ago, peo-
culture to life, and are focusing on the role
of relationships in their culture because ple wanted a personalized and human con-
of the coach to help with this. They know
strengthening the human element leads to sulting experience when they were booking
that great coaches drive engagement in
higher levels of employee engagement which their travel, this has shifted heavily towards
a digital online experience, without any hu- both their support centers and in their res-
in turn leads to customer engagement.
man intervention. The reason here is mainly taurant general manager population. In their
This transformation is not about reducing
availability, customer experience and cost ef- Inclusive Leadership and Leading with Heart
people or saving costs but about growth
ficiency. This is a trend Credit Suisse sees in training they want leaders who are inclusive,
and incremental revenue. It is about making
many processes, were digital tools are more focus on the heart, and use humility and
both the customer and employee experi-
efficient and can at times give better service love. This will drive compassion, encourage-
ence better. That said, the fear of the
than people can. However, human tollgates ment, development and help to get the most
unknown creates the need to effectively
at key moments remain a critical component out of every person. This includes having the
manage the change so that employees are
of digital, automated processes. In HR, they courage to hold honest conversations and
on board and not scared of the future.
are being very deliberate about when to discuss the undiscussables.
Protecting the Human Element automate and when and where there will be
They recognize the need to figure out how
human interaction around the critical “mo-
In the move towards digitalization, there is to change the organization and pull all the
ments that matter” in the employee experi-
a risk of losing the human element as you ence. For example, when an employee gets levers so that people don’t feel left behind.
remove human interaction and judgment. promoted, do they get a congratulations In the US the economic environment is the
Organizations need to be very deliberate letter automatically or is there an in-person best it has been in 25 years, and everyone
in how they design their work to make sure announcement? Subject matter experts and is hiring. They need to tell the story for the
this doesn’t happen. an advisory panel are being used to carefully change in order to grow the business and
guide the redesigns. the people.


Words of Wisdom
Collectively on this call were many years of
experience in helping organizations become
more digital while not losing the “human
element”. To leverage these insights each
person was asked to share their final “words
of wisdom.”
•• Put an emphasis on over communicating
what this transition means to employees.
Communicate early on the drivers for
change and the impact on them.

•• Be sure this isn’t being “done to them.”

Invite everyone to join in on the digital

•• Begin the change with the heart before

you connect with the cloud.

•• Engage employees and customers and get

their view on what’s possible

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