Pre-Inspection Survey - Pupils (Primary)

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This questionnaire is also

available in Welsh.

Pre-inspection survey: pupils (primary)

Please tell us what you think about your school.

Read each sentence and tick the box that fits with what you think. There are no right or wrong
answers. For some questions, you will be able to explain why you have chosen that answer, if
you want to.

Think about your own experiences and not the experience of your friends. Please be honest.

We care about your views. We will read your answers and use them to find out more about the
school. We may also use these surveys to help us understand what pupils think of schools
across Wales.

The survey is anonymous. We don’t ask for your name. This means that your answers are

Estyn inspectors will:

• read your answers
• never tell anyone in your school or anyone else outside of Estyn what you say

The only time we may share information with other people is if we are worried about the safety of

1. Year group *

Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
2. I enjoy school

All the time

Most of the time
Some of the time
Almost never

3. I feel safe when I am at school

All the time

Most of the time
Some of the time
Almost never

Would you like to tell us more?

4. Other children behave well in my class

All the time

Most of the time
Some of the time
Almost never
5. Other children behave well during breaks and lunchtimes

All the time

Most of the time
Some of the time
Almost never

Please use the space below if you’d like to tell us more

6. Do you feel bullied in school?


Please use this space if you would like to tell us any more about how staff dealt with this. Please
note that anything you say will be shared with other people if necessary. Inspectors cannot look
into individual issues, these must be taken up by the school
7. I find the work I’m given in most lessons...

About the right level of difficulty

Too easy
Too hard

Would you like to tell us more?

8. I find my lessons interesting

All the time

Most of the time
Some of the time
Almost never

9. My school helps me to treat everyone fairly


Tell us more if you’d like to

10. I am encouraged to take part in school activities outside of lessons, like clubs, sports,
music or art

If you’d like to, please give us examples

11. Staff ask us what we think about the school


12. School leaders listen to our suggestions and sometimes change things when we ask


13. Would you recommend this school to someone else?


Would you like to tell us more?

14. Please use the space below to tell us anything else about your school
If you feel unsafe in school please speak to an adult you trust or share your concerns with
us at or telephone us on 02920446446.

Your answers will be stored securely on Esytn’s databases in line with our policies. You
can learn more about how we keep and use your personal information by looking our
privacy notice: Privacy statement | Estyn (

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