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21st Century Literature c.

Poems in Spanish and Tagalog

● Pasyon – the most popular form of religious literature A
Week 1 long narrative poem about the passion and death of Christ
Literature - (the origin of the term – litera, which means Ang Mahal na Pasyon ni Jesu Cristong Panginoon Natin –
letter) deals with man's ideas, thoughts, and emotions – Gaspar Aquilino de Belen’s well know pasyon.
thus, it can be said that literature is the story of man. ● Sinakulo/Cenakulo – a dramatization of the pasyon. A play
literature comes from the French phrase "belles letters," on the passion and death of Christ performed during the holy
which means beautiful writing. week
Critical analysis - is a careful examination and evaluation of ● Two Popular Narrative Poems
a text, image, or other work or performance while Close ❖ Awit
reading is a deep analysis of how a literary text works; it is ❖ Korido
both a reading process and something you include in a
literary analysis paper, though in a refined form. Filipino writers either wrote in Spanish, in their own
Geography - the study of places and the relationships language, or both:
between people and their environments. 1. Francisco Baltazar - the master of traditional Tagalog
Language - a system of conventional spoken, manual poetry, became well-known for his work Florante at Laura
(signed), or written symbols by which individuals express (1838–1861), the most famous metrical romance of the
themselves. country.
Ethnicity - a notion that refers to social entities sharing real 2. Pedro Paterno - wrote Sampaguitas y poesias varias
or putative ascriptive features like a common origin or (1880), the first poetry collection in Spanish by a Filipino, and
cultural-linguistic legacy which assumedly command special the novel Ninay (1885), considered to be the first Filipino
collective commitment, novel.
as well as their retention and transmission 3. Jose Rizal - a prominent ilustrado and the country’s
national hero, is famous for the novels Noli Me Tangere and
PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD (B.C. to 1564) - It showcases a El Filibusterismo. These novels portray the corruption and
rich past through speeches, folk songs, folk narratives, abuse of Spanish officials and the clergy.
mimetic dances, and indigenous rituals. 4. Andres Bonifacio - the founder of the Katipunan, wrote
Literary Forms the poem "Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa." This poem
1. RIDDLE (Bugtong) - A mysterious, misleading, or appeared in the Kalayaan, the official newspaper of the
puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or Katipunan, in March 1896.
guessed. Gives an enigma. 5. Leona Florentino - known as the "mother of Philippine
2. CHANTS (Bulong) - Used in witchcraft or enchantment. women’s literature," was a poet in both Ilocano and Spanish.
3. PROVERBS (Salawikain) - A brief popular epigram or Twenty of her poems were preserved and exhibited in
maxim. Short poems that have customarily used and served Europe. The poems were included in the Encyclopaedia
as laws or rules on good behavior by our ancestors. International des Oeuvres des Femmes in 1889.
4. FOLK SONGS - A song that originates in traditional 6. Gaspar Aquino de Belen - was a Filipino poet and
popular culture. Form of lyric that expresses hope, translator of the 17th century, known for authoring a 1704
aspiration, and lifestyles. rendition of the Pasyon, a famous poetic narrative of the
5. FOLK TALES passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, which has
● Myths - A usually traditional story of ostensibly historical circulated in many versions.
events that serves to unfold part of the world view of people 7. Jose de la Cruz - was the foremost exponent of the
or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon. Komedya during his time. A poet of prodigious output and
● LEGEND - Explaining the origin of things. One popularly urbane style, de la Cruz marks a turning point in that his
regarded as historical although not verifiable. elevated diction distinguishes his work from folk idioms.
● FABLES - Used animal characters and allegory. THE NATIONALISTIC PERIOD (1864-1896) - Strong feeling
● EPICS - A long narrative poem in elevated style recounting of patriotism and devotion to the country.
the deeds of a legendary or historical hero. Revolving around A. Characteristics
supernatural events or heroic deeds. 1. Planted seeds of nationalism in Filipinos
2. The language shifted from Spanish to Tagalog
THE SPANISH REGIME (1565-1863) - Religion was the 3. Addressed the masses instead of the “intelligentsia”
thematic focus during this era. Miguel de Legazpi - the first B. Literary Forms
Spanish Governor-General in the Philippines. 1. Propaganda Literature - Reformatory in objective.
a. Took on a Religious Character a. Political Essays – satires, editorials, and news articles
● Christianization of the Philippines were written to attack and expose the evils of Spanish rule.
● Introduced the first printing press b. Political Novel
● Doctrina Christiana – the first published book (1593) 2. Revolutionary Literature – more propagandistic than
b. Literary Output literary as it is more violent in nature and demanded
● Catechisms complete independence for the country.
● Confession Manuals a. Political Essays – helped inflame the spirit of revolution.
● Grammar Books b. Poetry
● Dictionaries
THE UNITED STATES COLONIAL RULE (1910-1930, National Artist/s - Filipino citizens who have been given the
1920-1945) - Spanish, English, and Filipino languages rank and title in recognition of his or her significant
flourished in this period. contributions to the development of Philippine arts and
May be divided into two periods: letters.
1. The Period of Apprenticeship Bienvenido L. Lumbera - is a Filipino poet, critic and
2. The Period of Emergence dramatist. He is a National Artist of the Philippines and a
- Before the war and the Japanese Occupation recipient of the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Journalism,
- Noted Short Story Writers Literature, and Creative Communications.
- Highly influenced by Western literary trends like Roberto "Bob" Ong - This author's actual name and identity
Romanticism and Realism. is unknown. He is a contemporary Filipino author born in
- Short Stories – the most prevalent literary form February 1975 in Quezon City.
PETER SOLIS NERY - This Hiligaynon pride from Iloilo is an
Other Famous Authors: award-winning Filipino poet, fictionist, and author of various
● Fernando Ma. Guerero – he collected the best of his books.
poem in a book called Crisalidas, and one of the poems ANTHONY L. TAN - He was born in Siasi, Sulu whose
written in this book was “Inovacion A Rizal” writings have been appearing locally and internationally in
● Manuel Bernabe – is a lyric poet, he was more attractive magazines, journals, and anthologies.
to the public in a debate with balmori because
of the melodious he used. Week 3
● Lope K. Santos – “Father of the National Language
Grammar”, he was also called“apo” of the tagalog writers. Genre – means a type of art, literature, or music
“Banaag at Sikat” was his masterpiece. characterized by a specific form, content, and style.
● Jose Corazon de Jesus – known as huseng batute, HE
was also called the poet of love in his time. Fiction - literature in the form of prose, especially short
● Inigo Ed Regaldo – a popular storyteller, novelist, and stories, and novels that describes imaginary events and
newspaperman. He reached the peak of his success by the people.
“sumpong” of his pen. Short Story - often referred to as a “slice of life” fictitious
THE JAPANESE OCCUPATION (1942-1944) - This period Novel - fictitious narrative with a complicated plot.
broke away from tradition, especially among Tagalog poets. Non-fiction – prose writing that is based on facts, real
A. War Years (1942-1944) events, and real people such as biography or history.
1. Tagalog poets broke away from the Balagtas tradition and Elements – the part of literary text.
instead wrote in simple language and free verse. Structure - the arrangement of and relations between the
2. Fiction prevailed over poetry. parts or elements of something complex.
B. Period of Maturity and Originality (1945-1960)
1. Bountiful harvest in poetry, fiction, drama, and essay. A. TRADITIONAL LITERARY GENRES
2. Filipino writers mastered English and familiarized
themselves with diverse techniques.
3. Literary “giants” appeared.


Integration of Ethnic, Spanish, and American Traditions.
Literary Expressions - Give responses to the historical and
political forces that have shaped Philippine society since the
pacific war.
The contemporary Period is classified into two categories:
I. POST EDSA LITERATURE (1986- ____) - has been
marked by adventurousness and a willingness to gamble on
"non-traditional" projects.
II. 21st Century Literature (2001- present) - literature
refers to world literature in prose produced during the 21st
century. The range of years is literature written from
(roughly) the year 2001 to the present.

Week 2

Canon - a collection of works considered representative of a

period or genre
Author - a writer of a literary work
2. Personal essay- tackles one significant event in your life
e.g., your visit to a trade fair, book fair, zoological garden, or
your first meeting with your loved one
3. Short story - narrates with imagery, details of what you
see, hear, feel, smell or taste in case of story involving food
4. Lyric essay - like personal essay; but it plays with words
with description that flow like music, poetry to tell the story.
5. Literary journalism - includes interviews and book
reviews. The narrator tries to maintain an objective impartial
- Spoken word poetry is poetry that is written on a page but
performed for an audience.
- The setting is futuristic and involves supernatural elements.
It encompasses horror and science fiction works.
1. HYPERPOETRY A. CHARACTERS – are the representation of human
– This genre, also called cyber poetry. beings.
– Refers to works of verse (although not necessarily in lines TYPES OF CHARACTER
and stanzas) which could not be presented without the 1. Round – a dynamic character who recognizes changes in
computer. circumstances.
2. TEXTULA 2. Flat – also known as the stock or stereotype who does not
- Mobile phone poetry, using short traditional formal verses grow up and develop.
like tanaga which has a 7777 syllable count with rhyme 3. Others
scheme aabb, abab, abba. a. PROTAGONIST- hero/ heroine
- a poetry genre mastered by FRANK RIVERA. b. Antagonist- a foil to the protagonist
3. ILLUSTRATED OR GRAPHIC NOVELS c. Deuterogamist- second in importance
- Textual portions are presented in traditional form. d. Fringe- one who is destroyed by his inner conflict.
- Some illustrated novels may contain no text at all. e. Typical or minor characters
- Is a literary experience that combines three media: book, B. SETTING - the locale (place) or period (time) in which the
movie/video, and internet website. action takes place (also known as the background of the
- In order to get the full story, people must engage in story).
navigation, reading, viewing, in all three formats. C. CONFLICT - the struggle or complication involving the
5. FLASH FICTION characters, the opposition of
- a style of writing which involves producing very short pieces persons or forces upon which the action depends in drama
of fictional literature. or fiction.
- Fictional literature or fiction of extreme brevity that still TYPES OF CONFLICT
offers character and plot development. 1. Internal Conflict - occurs when the protagonist struggles
6. DOODLE FICTION within himself or herself. The protagonist is pulled by two
- A literary presentation where the author incorporates courses of action or by differing emotions.
doodle drawings and handwritten graphics in place of 2. Interpersonal Conflict - pits the protagonist against
traditional font. someone else. Person-against-person
7. BLOGS, EMAIL, INSTANT MESSAGING NOVELS 3. External Conflict - this happens when the protagonist
8. CHICKLIT conflicts with the values of his or her society.
- Addresses issues of modern womanhood, often
humorously and light-heartedly D. PLOT- a casually related sequence of events; what
9. CREATIVE NON-FICTION happens as a result of the main conflict is presented in a
- Literary non-fiction of narrative non-fiction structured format; the sequence of events which involves the
Creative nonfiction joins literary art, fiction, poetry with character in conflict.
research. 1. Narrative order - the sequence of events
⮚ Chronological- the most common type of narrative order
There are five types. in children’s books.
1. Memoir - contains a personal experience of the narrator. It ⮚ Flashback- occurs when the author narrates an event that
could include many scenes of a place, an encounter with a took place before the current time of the story.
person or an object such as a cat or dog (pet). ⮚ Time Lapse- occurs when the story skips a period of time
that seems unusual compared to the rest of the plot.
1. Exposition - beginning; introduces the time, place, b. Rhythm- ordered recurrent alternation of strong and weak
setting, and the main characters. elements in the flow of the sound and silence: duple, triple,
2. Complication - rising action; unfolds the problems and running or common rhyme.
struggles that would be encountered by the main characters c. Meter- stress, duration, or number of syllables per line,
leading to the crisis. fixed metrical pattern, or a verse form
3. Climax - the result of the crisis; the part where the d. Rhyme Scheme- formal arrangement of rhymes in a
problem or the conflict is the highest peak of interest. stanza or the whole poem.
4. Denouement - is the untying of the entangled knots, or
the part that shows a conflict or problem is solved, leading to 3. Structure- refers to the arrangement of words and lines to
its downward movement or end. fit together, and the organization of the parts to form a whole.
5. Resolution - end; contains the last statements about the a. Word order- natural and unnatural arrangements of
story. words
E. THEMES - moral message about life or human nature that b. Ellipsis- Omitting some words for economy and effect.
is communicated by a literary work. c. Punctuation- abundance or lack of punctuation marks
F. SYMBOLISM - it is a literary device that uses symbols and d. Shape- contextual and visual designs; jumps, omission of
abstract ideas to represent something beyond the literal spaces, capitalization, lower case.
Week 4
ELEMENTS OF POETRY Literary - means concerned with or connected with the
1. Sense - is revealed through the meaning of words, writing, study, or appreciation of literature.
images, and symbols. Criticism - the analysis and judgment of the merits and
a. Diction - denotative and connotative meaning faults of a literary or artistic work.
b. Images and sense impressions - sight, sound, smell, Literary Criticism - the study, discussion, evaluation, and
taste, touch, motion, and emotion interpretation of literature.
c. Figures of speech - simile, metaphor, personification, Formalist Approach - analyzing the literary elements.
apostrophe, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, irony, Historical Approach- it involves the understanding of the
allusion, antithesis, paradox, litotes, oxymoron, historical and cultural conditions that influence the production
onomatopoeia. of the literary work.
Feminist Approach - focuses on female representation in
FIGURES OF SPEECH literature, paying attention to female points of view,
a. Simile - consists of comparing two things using the words concerns, and values.
"like" or "as." Reader- response - It attempts “to describe what happens
b. Metaphor - uses the direct comparison of two, unlike in the reader’s mind while interpreting a text” and reflects
things or ideas. that reading, like writing, is a creative process.
c. Personification- gives human traits to inanimate objects Marxist Approach - an approach to diagnosing political and
or ideas. social problems in terms of the struggles between members
d. Apostrophe - a direct address to someone absent, dead, of different socio-economic classes.
or inanimate. The Formalist Approach – holds that the true meaning of a
e. Metonymy - substitutes a word that closely relates to a text can be determined only by analyzing the literary
person or a thing. elements of the text and by understanding how these
f. Synecdoche - uses a part to represent a whole. elements work together to form a cohesive whole.
g. Hyperbole - makes use of exaggeration for emphasis and
effect. Week 5 and 6
h. Irony - a contrast between what is said and what is
meant. Multimedia - is a broad term for combining multiple media
i. Allusion - refers to any literary, biblical, historical, formats. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video,
mythological, scientific event, character, or place. and interactivity are combined, the result is multimedia.
j. Antithesis - involves a contrast of words or ideas. Electronic literature – Electronic literature or digital
k. Paradox - uses a phrase or statement that on the surface literature encompasses works created exclusively on and for
seems contradictor but makes some digital devices, such as computers, tablets, and mobile
l. Litotes - makes a deliberate understatement used to affirm phones.
by negating its opposite. Format - general plan of organization, arrangement, or
m. Oxymoron - putting two contradictory terms in one choice of material, a method of organizing data.
statement. Words or phrases in which conflicting or opposite Representation - an artistic likeness or image, the act or
terms are used together. action of representing: the state of being represented.
SMUG - very pleased and satisfied with yourself, and do not
2. Sound - is the result of a combination of elements. doubt the value of what you know or have done.
a. Tone Color- alliteration, assonance, consonance, rhyme, SOLITARY - being, living, or going alone or without a
repetition, anaphora. companion.
IRASCIBLE - marked by a hot temper and easily provoked Week 7 and 8
anger. Artful Adaptation – concerned with finding a balance
IMPUDENCE - the quality or state of being impudent. between being true to its source material, and creating a film
TUMULT - disorderly agitation or milling about of a crowd that can stand on its own work of art.
usually with uproar and confusion of voices: commotion. Faithful Adaptation – Most appear in the film is almost the
Five Elements of Multimedia same as the original Text; there is a slight change.
1. TEXT - a broad term for something that contains words to Language – is often viewed as a vehicle of thought, a
express something. It is the most essential element of system of expression that mediates the transfer of thought
multimedia. from one person to another.
2. GRAPHIC - It is a two-dimensional figure or illustration. It Literal Adaptation – precisely what appears on the page
could be produced manually (by drawing, painting, carving, placed in the film
etc.) or by computer graphics technology. Literary Adaptation – is adapting a literary source (e.g., a
3. AUDIO - Produced by vibration, as perceived by the novel, short story, play, poem) to another genre or media,
sense of hearing. In multimedia, audio could come in such as music, a stage, a ballet, an opera, a film, or even an
speech, sound effects, and music scores. animation.
4. ANIMATION - The illusion of motion created by the Literary Text – a piece of written material, such as a book or
consecutive display of images of static elements. poem, that has the purpose of telling a story or entertaining,
5. VIDEO - This is the technology of capturing, recording, as in a fictional novel.
processing, transmitting, and reconstructing moving Loose Adaptation – a film that keeps a few elements or
Pictures. some semblance of the premise of the book it’s based on,
but then more or less does its own thing with them.
TEXT AND GRAPHICS Museum Adaptation – concerned with preserving every
1. SLIDESHOW OR PRESENTATION - is a possible detail of the book exactly how it exists in the book,
series of pictures or pages of information (slides), often just transferred to the film medium.
displayed on a large screen using a video projector. Novel- a long fictitious narrative with a complicated plot.
2. PREZI - is a presentation tool Characters and actions representative of the real life of past
that can be used to alternative traditional slide-making or present times are portrayed in a plot. It is made up of
programs such as PowerPoint. chapters.
3. DIAGRAM - is a symbolic representation of information Play – work of drama , usually consisting mostly of
using visualization techniques. dialogue between characters and intended for theatrical
4. INFOGRAPHICS - is "a visual representation of performance rather than just reading .
information or data". Short story - a fictitious narrative compressed into one unit
of time, place, and action. It deals with a single character
AUDIO interest, a single emotion, or a series of emotions called forth
1. PODCAST - Digital audio or video files or recordings, by a single situation.
usually part of a themed series, that can be downloaded Music video - a form of audiovisual communication in which
from a website to a media player or computer. the meaning is created via carriers of information
1. SCREEN CAPTURE - An image of the data displayed on Elements of a “Good Adaptation”
the screen of a computer or mobile device, a screenshot. ● Fidelity to the story. This means the degree to which
2. LECTURE CAPTURE - is an umbrella term describing detail and quality of original works are copied exactly. It also
any technology that allows deals with the accuracy of facts.
instructors to record their lectures and make them available ● Creative Addition (Music, actors, places). It means the
online. artistic representation of the literary Text.
3. TALKING HEAD - is an informal term used to describe the ● Temporal media between reading the book and watching
widespread shot of a television presenter or other personality the movie.
talking directly to the audience, with only the upper body or ● Simplicity- movie stories can easily be expressed in a
head visible. single sentence.
4. ANIMATION - The technique of photographing successive ● Familiarity audiences prefer genre films that follow a
drawings or positions of puppets or models creates an consistent set of rules and promise a predictable emotional
illusion of movement when the movie is shown as a experience.
sequence. The Lyrics - Lyrics and images interact, creating meaning.
The Image - The visual form is close to the musical form.
Francisco Sionil Jose - was born on Dec. 3, 1924, in Performance Clip - If a music video clip contains mostly
Rosales, Pangasinan. He is best known for The Rosales filmed performance. Is a video that shows the vocalist(s) in
Saga, a five- novel epic encompassing 100 years of one or more settings.
Philippine history, 1872-1972, and depicts the Philippines' Narrative Clip - If a music video clip is most appropriately
revolutionary tradition. understood as a short silent movie with a musical
background. Contains a visual story that is easy to follow.
Art Clip -If a music video clip contains no perceptible visual
narrative and no lip-synchronized singing.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Involves the rewards of being an entrepreneur -
eight entrepreneurship themes: Give something to yourself as an entrepreneur
Week 1 1. The Entrepreneur – The entrepreneur theme is when you achieve something, and it could help
the idea that entrepreneurship involves individuals you be more inspired in your next project.
Entrepreneurship - is the process of discovering with unique personality characteristics and abilities Requires assumption of necessary risk -
new ways of combining resources. (e.g., risk-taking, locus of control, autonomy, Business is not always at the top, which is why risk
Entrepreneur - is comprehensively defined by perseverance, commitment, vision, and creativity). is always present. We don’t know when there will
Zimmerer & Scarborough (2005) as someone who 2. Innovation – The innovation theme is be an uncertain risk and when there will be the
“creates a new business in the face of risk and characterized as doing something new as an idea, best day in business because everything is not the
uncertainty for the purpose of achieving profit and product, service, market, or technology in a new or same day.
growth by identifying significant opportunities and established organization.
assembling the necessary resources to capitalize 3. Organization Creation – The organization 10 QUALITIES OF A SUCCESSFUL
on them” (p.3). creation theme describes the behaviors involved in ENTREPRENEUR
Enterprise - is a company or business, often a creating organizations. Disciplined – are focused on making their
small one. Gartner (1990) identified 90 attributes 4. Creating Value – This theme articulates the business work and eliminating hindrances or
that showed up in definitions of entrepreneurs and idea that entrepreneurship creates value. The distractions from their goal.
entrepreneurship provided by entrepreneurs and attributes in this factor indicated that value creation Confidence – are confident in the knowledge that
other experts in the field. might be represented by transforming a business, they will make their business succeed.
creating a new business, growing a business, Open-minded – they have the ability to look at
The following are a few of these attributes: creating wealth, or destroying the status quo. everything around them and focus it on their goals.
Innovation – Does a person need to be innovative Self-starter – knows that if something needs to be
to be considered an entrepreneur? Can an activity 5. Profit or Nonprofit - While for-profit done, they should start it themselves.
be considered entrepreneurial if it is not organizations are responsible for paying taxes Competitive – they need to win at the sports they
innovative? based on their net income, nonprofit organizations play and at the businesses they create.
Activities – What activities does a person need to are exempt from paying income tax. Creativity - often come up with solutions that are
do to be considered an entrepreneur? 6. Growth - Success in business. the synthesis of other items.
Creation of a new business – Does someone 7. Uniqueness – This theme suggested that Determination – they look at defeat as an
need to start a new business to be considered an entrepreneurship must involve uniqueness. opportunity for success.
entrepreneur, or can someone who buys a 8. The Owner-Manager – Some of the Strong people skills – has strong communication
business, buys into a franchise, or takes over an respondents questioned by Gartner (1990) did not skills to sell the product and motivate employees.
existing family business be considered an believe that small mom-and-pop types of Strong work ethic – will often be the first person
entrepreneur? businesses should be considered entrepreneurial. to arrive at the office and the last person to leave.
Start an innovative venture within an Passion – they genuinely love their work and are
established organization – Can someone who 4 ASPECTS OF AN ENTREPRENEUR willing to put in extra hours to make the business
works within an existing organization that they Involves creation process - Capability to think of succeed.
don’t own be considered an entrepreneur if they new ideas that will bring something useful to the
start an innovative venture for their organization? community.
Creation of a not-for-profit business – Can a Requires devotion of time and effort - If
venture be considered entrepreneurial if it is a something is important to you, time and effort will
not-for-profit, or should only for-profit businesses make it easy to give in.
be considered entrepreneurial?
Importance of Entrepreneurship Adolph Reidel (1809-1872) - from the German Carl Menger (1840-1921) - from the Austrian
Entrepreneurship Accelerates Economic School of thought, picked up on Cantillon’s notion School of thought, ranked goods according to their
Growth - Entrepreneurs are important to market of uncertainty and extended it to theorize that causal connections to human satisfaction.
economies because they can act as the wheels of entrepreneurs take on uncertainty so others, Lower-order goods include items like bread that
the country's economic growth. namely income earners, do not have to be subject directly satisfy a human want or need, like hunger.
Entrepreneurship Promotes Innovation - to the same uncertainty. Higher-order goods are those that are further
Through the right practices of research and Frank Knight (1885-1972) - founded the Chicago removed from satisfying a human need.
development, entrepreneurs bring innovation that School of Economics and belonged to the Schumpeter (1934) - viewed innovation as arising
opens the door to new ventures, markets, American School of thought. He refined Cantillon’s from new combinations of materials and forces. He
products, and technologies. perspective on entrepreneurs and risk by provided the following five cases of new
Entrepreneurship Can Promote Social Changes distinguishing insurable risk as something that is combinations.
- Entrepreneurs change or break traditions or separate from uncertainty, which is not insurable. 1. The introduction of a new good – that is, one
cultures of society and reduce the dependency on with which consumers are not yet familiar—or of a
obsolete methods, systems, and technologies. Distinction Between Entrepreneur and Manager new quality of goods.
Entrepreneurship Promotes Research and Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) - also from the 2. The introduction of a new method of production,
Industrial Development - Along with producing French School, advanced Cantillon’s work, but that is, one not yet tested by experience in the
new business ideas and thinking outside the box, added that entrepreneurship was essentially a branch of manufacture concerned, which by no
entrepreneurs also promote research and form of management. Say “put the entrepreneur at means needs to be founded upon discovery, can
development. the core of the entire process of production and also exist in a new way of handling a commodity
Entrepreneurship Develops and Improves distribution”. commercially.
Existing Enterprises - We often think of Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) - from the English 3. The opening of a new market, that is a market
entrepreneurs as inventing totally new products School of thought, was one of the founders of into which the branch of manufacture of the
and ideas, but they also impact existing neoclassical economics. His research involved country in question has not previously entered,
businesses. distinguishing between the term’s capitalist, whether this market has existed before.
entrepreneur, and manager. Marshall saw 4. The conquest of a new source of supply of raw
Week 2 capitalists as individuals who “committed materials or half-manufactured goods, again
themselves to the capacity and honesty of others, irrespective of whether this source already exists
Development of Entrepreneurship as a when he by himself had incurred the risks of or whether it has first been created.
Concept having contributed with the capital”. 5. The carrying out of the new organization of any
Risk and Uncertainty industry, like the creation of a monopoly position ...
Richard Cantillon (1680-1734) - was born in Entrepreneurship versus Entrepreneur or the breaking up of a monopoly position
France and belonged to the French School of Adam Smith (1723-1790) - from the English
thought, although he was an Irish economist. He School of thought, published An Inquiry into the 15 Important Entrepreneurial Traits According
appears to be the person who introduced the term Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in to Divina Edralin, 2016
entrepreneur to the world. “According to Cantillon, 1776. In a departure from his previous thoughts on 1. Initiative – it is the entrepreneur who takes or
the entrepreneur is a specialist in taking on risk, entrepreneurship and economics, Smith did not initiates the first move towards setting up an
‘insuring’ workers by buying their output for resale dwell on a particular class of individuals. enterprise.
before consumers have indicated how much they 2. Looking for opportunity – always on the
are willing to pay for it” lookout or searching for opportunity and ready to
exploit it in the best interest of the organization.
3. Persistence – is never disheartened by failure. 15. Effective strategist – he can evolve relevant goods. He was someone who coordinated and led.
He believes in the Japanese proverb. “Fall seven strategies aimed at safeguarding or promoting the And manages all the activities of the firm.
times, stand up eight.” interest. 19th and 20th Century - There was little
4. Information seeker – always keeps his eyes The Earliest Period - Based on the idea that an distinction between an entrepreneur and a
and ears open and is receptive to new ideas that entrepreneur is a person who sells goods on manager. However, towards the middle of the 20th
can help him realize his goals. behalf of the goods’ owner, the entrepreneur was century, Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950), an
5. Quality consciousness – set high standards exhibited by Marco Polo, (1254- 1324) the Australian Hungarian American economist and
for themselves and then do their best to achieve merchant from Venice who traveled to many Political Scientist, refuted the idea of
them. places in Asia to trade. He would enter into a entrepreneurship as a manager of the firm, and
6. Commitment to work – are prepared to make formal agreement with a capitalist to sell his espoused the concept of the entrepreneur as an
all sacrifices to honor the commitments they have goods. He bore all the risks of possible damage or innovator who seeks opportunities and leads
made. loss of the goods. After everything was sold, profits “existing means of production into new channels.”
7. Commitment to efficiency – are keen to were divided between the capitalist and trader as The Entrepreneur is neither a risk–bearer nor a
evolve and try new methods aimed at making work agreed. manager nor capitalist”.
easier, simpler, better, and more economical. The Middle Ages - The term entrepreneur was 21st Century - Hailed as the Dotcom era,
8. Proper planning – they believe in developing used to describe both an actor and a person who entrepreneurs in the 21st century are considered
relevant and realistic plans and ensuring proper was in charge of and managed large production the heroes of free enterprise. “Today, many people
execution of the same in their pursuit of attaining projects. This person merely managed large regard entrepreneurship as pioneering on the
their goals. production projects using the resources provided frontiers of business”
9. Problem solver – they will first understand the by the government. In this case, he did not
problem and then evolve an appropriate strategy assume any risks. ’’The entrepreneur in this age Given the nature of the entrepreneurs’
for overcoming it. who was in charge of great architectural works decision-making environment, they would
10. Self-confidence – they have full faith in their such as public buildings and cathedrals.” oftentimes think this way:
knowledge, skills, and competence and are not The 17th Century - Entrepreneurship has become 1. ACTUATE SELF-ASSESSMENT AND CHOOSE
worried about future uncertainties. associated with risk. The entrepreneur was COURSE OF ACTION
11. Assertive – assertive people know what to someone who would enter into a formal agreement 2. GENERAL MULTIPLE DECISION MODELS
say, when to say, how to say, and whom to say it with the government to provide products or 3. LEARN FROM FAILURE
to. He believes in his abilities and ensures that services, it was common practice to agree on the
others will fall in line with his thinking, aimed at price as part of the terms of the agreement. In Week 3
promoting the interests of the organization. effect, the entrepreneur either reaps profits or ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP & ENTREPRENEURS
12. Persuasive – it’s not physical force but bears losses. A prominent theorist during this IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY
intellectual force he will use for convincing others. period was Richard Cantillon (1680-1734), an 1. Creates employment – when entrepreneurs put up
13. Effective monitoring – they ensure regular economist who viewed the entrepreneur as a risk their businesses, they employ people who possess
different competencies and personal values to help
monitoring of the work so that the goals of the taker and a bearer of uncertainty.
them operate the enterprise.
organization are achieved in the best possible The 18th Century - The entrepreneur was
2. Develops new markets – entrepreneurs are
manner. distinguished from the capitalist, who simply
opportunity seekers, creative, and resourceful. They
14. Employee’s welfare – he takes a personal provided money for the creation of products to be seek new buyers or customers for their products and
interest in solving problems, and confronting sold. Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832), a French services.
workers and generates the feeling that there is economist and businessman, described the
interdependence between the interests of workers entrepreneur as a person who plays a central
and management. coordinating role both in producing and selling
3. Introduces innovation – entrepreneurs innovate, 2. Diversity: The leap in technological faith, COMMON PROFILE DIMENSIONS
and this innovation is done for the product, service, or combined with social progression, has opened up 1. Calculated risk-taking is doing everything
technology towards commercialization and generates entrepreneurship to the masses. Today, it is much possible to get the odds in their favor, and they
economic wealth. harder, if not impossible, to conjure up that above- avoid taking unnecessary risks.
4. Generates new sources of materials – mentioned picture of the ‘typical’ modern 2. Commitment is the unwavering dedication to
entrepreneurs are always in constant search for better entrepreneur. work for the common good of society through one
and cheaper sources of materials they need.
5. Stimulates investment interest in the new
3. Education: One of the reasons why 3. Feedback-seeking is the taking of steps to
business ventures being created – when
entrepreneurs can start out younger is the rise of know how well they are doing and how they might
entrepreneurs engage in new business ventures, it
stirs curiosity in other people to invest in the business
entrepreneurial education. Universities are now improve their performance.
because of the benefits it offers. mixing in people with the necessary skill sets and 4. Perseverance is the determination to succeed
6. Improves the quality of life – the new products knowledge to hit the ground running. by overcoming obstacles and setbacks.
and services developed by the entrepreneurs 4. Location: Technology also means it’s possible 5. Drive to achieve is the internal desire to pursue
contribute to the personal benefit and convenience of to work from anywhere, at great speed, and scale. and attain challenging goals.
the people in society. You don’t necessarily have to live where the 6. Self-confidence is the belief that, together with
7. Serves as role-models – the attitude, behavior, money is anymore, and you don’t have to spend other people, things can be done in business.
and personality traits, like proactiveness, opportunity your day knocking on doors. 7. Opportunity orientation is the constant
recognition, risk-taking, alertness, and creativity are 5. Social ethics: An even more recent shift has awareness of opportunities that exist in everyday
some of the characteristics that will also make them been the rise of ‘ethical entrepreneurs. Touched by life.
successful entrepreneurs in their lives. the social desire to stem corporate greed, and in 8. Innovativeness is the ability to come up with
8. Brings social benefit to the people – line with the growing trend for conscious something different or unique every time.
entrepreneurs pay taxes for every product or service consumers and environmentalism, these people 9. Responsibility is their willingness to put
sold in the market. They also pay for the licenses and
are no longer purely profit-driven. themselves in situations where they are personally
permits needed to operate their business.
responsible for the success or failure of the
9. Utilizes and mobilizes indigenous resources -
small and medium enterprises will always look for
cheaper and local materials to supply their needs.
according to different field experts 10. Tolerance for failure is using it as a learning
10. Provides more alternatives for consumers The ● Economist- “It is someone who brings experience and being realistic enough to expect
stiff competition in the market for quality and cheaper resources, labor, materials, and other such difficulties, so they do not become
products and services requires the entrepreneurs to assets into combinations that make their value disappointed.
come up with more products and services consumers greater than before; also, one who introduces
can choose from. changes, innovations, and a new order.”
● Psychologist- a person who “typically driven by
Week 4 certain forces such as the need to obtain or attain
something, to experiment, to accomplish, or
perhaps to escape the authority of others.”
The benefits for entrepreneurs:
● Management- “someone who identifies
1. Tech: While industrial manufacturing has been
opportunities, plans, mobilizes resources,
in slow decline in developed nations, technological
manages, and assumes the risks of a business to
entrepreneurship has moved in to fill the void.
have a positive impact on society.”
ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITY 1. THE UNEXPECTED Service –type of business operations engaged in
⮚ Favorable set of conditions that will enable the ⮚ Opportunities can be found when situations and rendering of services.
entrepreneurs to create new products or services events are unanticipated, Manufacturing -engaged in the production of
by combining resources that will result, not only in which might be unexpected success/good news or items to be sold. It involves the purchasing and
a profit but for the common good of the society and unexpected failure/bad news. converting of raw materials to finished goods.
the environment: 2. THE INAPPROPRIATE Trading or Merchandising-business - engaged
1. New product (Medicine) or services (delivery ⮚ It happens when inconsistencies occur. in the buying and selling of goods. It includes the
of documents 3. THE PROCESS NEEDS process of managing and marketing the product.
or product) ⮚ It could be the process of discovery, such as
2. New ways of organizing, like special events research and development, even before the The most frequently used forms by
or product launches breakthrough. There will be numerous entrepreneurs are the following:
- Online booking opportunities that entrepreneurs will seize during ● Start-up enterprise – a recently formed
3. New Raw Materials the process. company where the founder establishes a
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE LIKE ⮚ Chances in technology, social value, and ● Buying an existing business – acquiring either
ACUPUNCTURE) customer taste can change the structure of an the shares of an existing company or all the assets
5. New Production Processes industry, and this will give entrepreneurs of an existing enterprise.
opportunities to innovate their products or ● Franchising – when the owner of a company
ENTREPRENEURIAL SOURCE OF services. that already has a successful product or service,
STIMULATION licenses its trademark, trade name, and methods
1. EXTERNAL - Customer demands for new 5. DEMOGRAPHICS of doing business to others in exchange for initial
products and services. ⮚ It is the statistical characteristics of human franchise fee and royalty payments.
2. INTERNAL - When an entrepreneur recognizes populations (such as age or income) used
a problem or opportunity gap and decides to fill it. specially to identify markets. There are many other important factors to
6. CHANGE consider before an entrepreneur can begin an
FOUR ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF ⮚ Changes in perception get to the heart of enterprise. These are the following:
OPPORTUNITY people’s psychology. profile of what they value, 1. Focus and Direction
1. ATTRACTIVE – Appealing product. what they believe in, and what they care about. ● Should have a clear and documented vision-mission
2. DURABLE - ability of a physical product to These changes create potential market and strategies to begin with.
remain functional, without requiring opportunities for entrepreneurs. ● Have a very good objective for the business.
excessive maintenance or repair, when faced with 7. NEW KNOWLEDGE 2. Sources of Capital
the challenges of normal operation over its design ⮚ Entrepreneurs who come out with new products ● Different sources of capital are available; the only
lifetime. and processes that can compete with other catch is determining the needed amount of funds
3. TIMELY – in demand or occurring at a favorable products can manipulate this kind of knowledge. where it will be sourced from.
or useful time ● It can be from personal funds, family and friends, a
4. Create or add value for its user or end user. retirement account, banks or financial institutions, a
government loan, or the stock market.
3. Good Network 8. Availability of Resources C. TRADING OR MERCHANDISING-
● Building good relationships and working well with ● Resources like raw materials, human resources, A type of business engaged in the buying and
other people. and machinery/equipment should be at an adequate selling of goods. It includes the process of
● Formal networks like associations and professional level from the get-go of your business. As an managing and marketing the product.
groups, informal networks like childhood friends, entrepreneur, knowing the sustainability of these
family members, former classmates. These can be resources is a must. The two types of Merchandising are:
drivers to build self-confidence and direction,
1. Retailing
providers of information that are not readily accessible TYPES OF BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 2. Wholesale
to others, suppliers of raw materials, and serve as /OPERATIONS I. RETAILING - -Refers to selling goods and
mentors/coaches. A. SERVICE - A type of business operation
4. Legal Requirements
services directly to the final consumer.
engaged in the rendering of services. It is also Types of Retail Business
● Should know the laws and regulations that govern classified into three:
the type of business that will be opened to avoid A. According to Forms of Ownership
major problems that can arise if legal requirements 1. Independent Stores- owned and operated by
I. Manner of Delivery one person, a family, or a group in the community.
are overlooked.
A. Based on materials used in rendering 2. Company Stores- run by distinctly interested
5. Degree of Risk
● Business is said to be risky when the probability or
services: people in the business. They are in the workplace
chances of failure is high meaning the odds are great 1. Automated service to provide for the immediate needs of the
in many aspects against starting the business-like 2. Services offered by unskilled workers employees of the company.
limited market, stiff competition, high cost of financing 3. Services offered by skilled workers 3. Manufacturer’s outlet store- stores are owned
the business, and few supply of needed labor. B. Based on people rendering services: by a manufacturing company.
6. Research and Development 1. Services offered by unskilled workers 4. Chain Stores- These groups of stores handle
● Should have a strong research and development to 2. Services offered by skilled workers similar products and are operated by groups
be undertaken on creation of new technology-based 3. Services offered by professionals owned by individuals, partnerships, or
ventures. Innovation is a factor that keeps the
business and its products busy in the market resulting II. Types of Organization 5. Consumers Cooperative- membership is
in an increase or decrease in its customers. Success A. Profit Organizations - Services rendered by
through innovation is well connected with a very
voluntary. The profits are accumulated into funds
private firms such as banks, placement agencies, called savings. It is divided among members as
strong research and development of an organization. and food establishments are usually operated for
7. Personal Competencies dividends. This is the reason a cooperative is a
profit. non-profit enterprise.
● Competencies like creativity, opportunity seeking,
B. Non-profit Organizations - Organizations B. According to Levels of Service
self-confidence, persistence, commitment and
whose main goal is to provide assistance to the 1. Full service- a kind of service given by a certain
risk-taking as well as technical background and
related experiences needed to run the business are
people. store to their customers.
necessary to start running a business. III. Types of Organization given by the 2. Limited Service- The groceries are good
● Before running a business, an entrepreneur must Sponsoring Agency - There are many agencies examples of this limited service.
know his/her capabilities. These capabilities will be that help people by rendering services free of 3. Self- Service- In this system, the customers are
the basis for where the business can go, grow, and charge. the ones who choose the items, and compute the
glow. B. MANUFACTURING - Business that is engaged prices up to packaging. There are stores in
in the production of items to be sold. It involves the America and Europe using this kind of selling.
purchase and conversion of raw materials into
finished goods.
C. According to Merchandise Line Partnership – is a business organization owned and ✔ Electricity, Gas, Steam, Air Conditioning Supply
1. General Stores- a retail store owned by an managed by two or more people who agree to -Providing Electric Power, Gas, Steam, Hot Water,
individual or a family in a community. It is the most contribute money, property, or industry to a common Etc.
common kind of retail store. These retail stores sell fund for the purpose of earning profit. ✔ Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management
different commodities. Corporation – is a form of business organization and Remediation Activities- Management of
2. Specialty Stores - a single-line store that managed by an elected board of directors. Various Type of Waste
Cooperative – is an association of small producers
carries related products.
and consumers who come together voluntarily to form
3. Convenience Stores - multiline type of stores GOVERNMENT SUPPORT - The Small and
a business that they own, manage, and patronize.
which carry different items such as groceries, Medium Enterprises (SMES) are the lifeblood of
cosmetics, and school supplies. the economy, and without entrepreneurs,
managing these enterprises, there will be no
. According to Mode of Operation additional production, innovation, or contribution to
1. Television shopping economic and social development.
2. Internet Surfing FINANCE - Government banks like the
3. Ordering by phone Development Bank of the Philippines, the Land
4. Automated vending machines Bank of the Philippines, the Small Business
5. Mail-to-order shopping Corporation, and other banks have agreed in 23 to
II. WHOLESALE - An important component simplify and standardize lending procedures, lower
distribution channel and it can be defined as a interest rates, and facilitate loan releases to
business activity of the buying and selling of goods ACCORDING TO OWNERSHIP enterprises under a unified scheme called sulong.
in large quantities at cheaper prices, mostly to
small businesses and shops when they are sold to Week 7
end-users or customers.
Target market - represents a group of individuals who
The Key Benefits of Wholesale - have similar needs, perceptions, and interests. They
Instead of selling the products directly to show an inclination toward similar brands and
customers, the manufacturer chooses to sell his respond equally to market fluctuations.
goods and products to the wholesaler. Identifying specific target markets – and then
Here are some of the key benefits of wholesale if delivering products and promotions that ultimately
one is interested in the wholesale business: maximize the profit potential of those targeted
1. Saves Money markets – is the primary function of marketing
ACCORDING TO INDUSTRY management for many smaller companies.
2. Brand Creation and Propagation ✔ Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing- Exploitation of Market Strategy - Small Businesses can gain a
3. Become an Expert Vegetable and Animal Resources. competitive advantage over larger competitors by
4. Diversification ✔ Mining And Quarrying- Extraction of Minerals tailoring their products or services to meet the
5. Build Supply Network Naturally as Solids demands of individual customers. This tailoring can
✔ Manufacturing- Physical or Chemical be done through the product, or the product/service
Week 6 Transformation of Materials, Substances or offered, price, promotion, and distribution.
Components to New Market penetration - is a strategy for increasing your
Sole Proprietorship – is a business owned and Products. share of existing markets. You might achieve this by
managed by one person. raising customers’ awareness of your products and
services or by finding new customers.
Product development - is a strategy for enhancing Marketing Management Practices are as .
the benefits you deliver to customers by improving follows: Put a price tag – All goods that are being sold
your existing products and services or developing new must have a price tag. A price tag is a label to the
ones. Estimate potential market demand – The best price of an item being sold in a store.
Diversification - is a strategy that usually carries high way to be very certain and confident about
costs and high risks. It often requires firms to adopt estimates for potential market demand is to look Promote the products/services in various ways
new ways of doing business, which has
for facts about the industry where the entrepreneur to increase sales – Products/Services of the firm
consequences far beyond simply offering new
intends to enter. Census data is a good source of need to be advertised to generate sales.
products/services in a new market.
estimates to be able to project sales.
Attend to the complaints of customers
Importance of Market Research
Analyze the competitors – Knowing what the Issue official receipts to customers – All
1. Identify potential customers
competitor’s marketing includes: the competitor’s business establishments are required to issue
2. Understand existing customers
product or services, how much they cost, how they official receipts. However, there are some that do
3. Set realistic targets
are distributed, and how they are made known to not issue receipts unless the customer asks for
4. Develop effective strategies
the target market. them. Others do not issue receipts at all.
5. Examine and solve business problems
6. Prepare for business expansion
Price the products/services reasonably – A Pack the goods bought by customers properly
7. Identify business opportunities
product can have great features and benefits, but – Loading goods inside the paper bag, like
the price of the product can have a greater breakable items, wet items, and toxic items like
Week 8 influence on how it will sell in the marketplace. Set insect spray and other poisonous household items,
your price, after considering all costs, at an should be done
Branding - means the “use of a name, term, affordable amount for your target market. Properly.
symbol, or design or a combination of these—to
–identify a product,” according to Canon, Perrault, Adopt a good product name for branding – Will Observe the rights of customers – The
and McCarthy (2008). It encompasses the use of my product’s name be remembered? When a government passed several laws to protect the
brand names, trademarks, and practically all other name is different or unusual, it may attract rights of consumers.
means of product identification. attention and perhaps arouse curiosity. It is
something that is interesting, such as one that is
part of a rhyme or evokes humor
Antas ng Pag -unawa sa Pagbasa Uri ng Pagsulat
FILIPINO SA PILING Literal Teknikal – komersyal/teknikal na layunin.
LARANGAN Pagbasa nang may pag - unawa (manwal,gabay sa pagsasaayos ng
Pagbasa nang may aplikasyon kompyuter)
(AKADEMIK) Referensyal – nagpapaliwanag, bigay
ARALIN 1 – PAGSULAT Proseso ng Pagsulat impormasyon/nagsusuri. Maiharap sa
(KAHULUGAN,KALIKASAN AT Bago sumulat (Pre -writing) – nagpaplano katotohanan ang mambabasa. (Suring
KATANGIAN) at nangangalap ng impormasyon para sa kasaysayan, aklat/libro,teksbuk,notecard)
sulatin. Magiging gabay. Jornalistik – pagsulat ng balita.
Pagsulat – pagsasatitik, limbag, at Habang sumusulat/Pagsulat ng Burador Akademikong pagsulat – pormal at
pagbibigay simbolo sa mga ideya at (Actual writing/ Draft writing) – malayang nagpapakita ng resulta ng
kaisipan na nais iparating o ipahayag. yugto ng pagsulat o di isinasaalang -alang pagsisiyasat/pananaliksik. (research paper,
Mababalikan at matatandaan ang mga ang pagkakamali case study)
mahahalagang bagay. Matrabaho at Muling pagsulat (Post writing) – muling Malikhaing pagsulat – masining na
mabagal na proseso. sulatin ang burador at dumadaan sa paglalahad ng iniisip o nadarama. (tula,
proseso ng rebisyon at pagwawasto. personal na liham)
Kellogg at Gilhooly – “kambal utak” ang Rebisyon – pagsusuri ng kabuuang
pagsulat. “ Ang pag -iisip ay set ng proseso isinulat upang malaman ang mga dapat ARALIN 2 – ABSTRAK
na lumilikha, nagmamanipula at alisin, baguhin, iwasto at palitan. -Inilalagay sa unahan bago ang
nakikipagtalastasan.” Pagwawasto – pagsasaayos ng estruktura introduksyon ng isang
ng sulatin. pag-aaral/pananaliksik.
Akademikong Pagsulat – ginagawa sa -“Abstractus”, salitang Latin na ang ibig
akademikong institusyon kung saan Bahagi ng Teksto sabihin ay drawn away o extract from.
kailangan ng mataas na antas ng Panimula (kawili -wili) -“Halaw”, ibang katawagan na ibig sabihin
kasanayan sa pagsulat. Katawan (organisasyon at balangkas) ay kuha o bahagi.
Konklusyon (mag - iiwan ng kakintalan sa -Pinaikling deskrisyon ng isang
Katangian ng Akademikong Pagsulat isip/natutuhan ) pahayag/sulatin.
Pormal (magagalang at standard na salita) -Bahagi ng isang buo.
Obhetibo (katotohanan) Layunin ng Pagsulat -Maikling buod ng inilalagay sa unahan ng
May paninindigan (dinidepensahan sa Ekspresiv (target, unang panauhan, sarili, introduksyon ng tesis.
pamamagitan ng ebidensya) personal, karanasan, malaya)
May pananagutan (naitatala ang mga Transaksyunal (target, ikatlong panauhan, Uri ng Abstrak
pinaghanguan ng impormasyon) katotohanan, kontrolado, ibang tao, -Deskriptibo
May kalinawan (direkta at klaro) pormal, estilo) -Impormatibo
Gabay/Bahagi sa/ng Abstrak Nilalaman/Katangian ng Lagom/Buod ARALIN 5 – PANUKALANG
Buod – muling pagpapahayag ng Conciseo – pinaikli na ayon sa kahingian PROYEKTO
impormasyon ng lagom
-Proyektong iminumungkahing isagawa
Layunin – kahalagahan at sino ang Akyureyt – malinaw/ wasto
dahil sa nakitang kinakailangan ng
makikinabang Objective – punto de vista lamang ng
Resulta – mahalagang datos awtor ang lumilitaw
-Karaniwang Gawain ng mga taong
Konklusyon - natutuhan
nanunungkulan sa gobyerno o pribadong
Rekomendasyon – obserbasyon at ARALIN 4 – BIONOTE kumpanya.
mungkahi -Impormatibong talata ukol sa propesyon ng -Kailangan ng pinansyal na tulong para sa
isang awtor. paggawa/kamit ng proyekto
ARALIN 3 – SINTESIS/ BUOD/ -“Bio”, ibig sabihin ay buhay (Greek), “Vivus” -Di gawaing basta-basta
SIPNOSIS O LAGOM (Latin), “Jivas” (Sanskrit)
-Kailangan ng ibayong pagpaplano at
-Nakikita sa likuran ng libro at kadalasa’y
-Salitang Griyego na “syntithenai” na ibig pananaliksik para mapatunayan ang
sabihin ay put together or combine. may litrato
kahalagahan ng proyekto sa komunidad.
-Diwa o sumaryo o pinakaideya ng kabuuan -Isang talata lamang karaniwan -Naglalahad
-Ang pagsasatitik ng panukala ay
-Paraan ng pagpapaikli ng teksto/babasahin ng klasipikasyon ng isang indibidwal at ng
kanyang “kredibilidad” bilang isang
nangangailangan ng kaalaman at pag
-Di-orihinal na sulatin,patalata at dibalangkas
propesyonal. (natamo, kaalaman, awtoridad) eensayo.
-Sustansya o “substance” (tumayo/tumindig)
-Pinakapuso ng kabuuan ng teksto -Punto de vista at ikatlong panauhan
BUOD – paglalagom/pagpapaikli o FORMAT NG PANUKALA
pinasimpleng kabuuan AWTOBIOGRAPIYA/TALAMBUHAY Pangalan ng proyekto – proyekto, saan,
SINTESIS – pagbuo/kolekta ng iba’t ibang Obra ng buhay (lifework) sino/alin ang tagatanggap. Dapat tiyak at
detalye galling sa iba’t ibang resources kung Buhay ng isang tao (sarili) maikli. Sigurado sa baryabol.
saan nagdedetalye ng isang paksa. Proponent ng proyekto – sino ang
Buhay at karanasan
ABSTRAK – pasiksik na detalye ng isang nagmungkahi.
Sino siya bilang manunulat
Ano ba ang natutunan ko sa pangyayari Klasipikasyon ng proyekto – ilarawan
sa buhay ko? (sinasagot ng manunulat saan kabilang ang proyekto --- edukasyon,
Hakbang sa Pagbubuod
mismo) agrikultura,pangkalusugan at iba pa.
BIOGRAPIYA/KATHAMBUHAY Kabuuang pondo - kagastusan
Pagpili (pandama)
Buhay ng ibang tao Rasyonale ng proyekto – batayan sa
Pagsulat (detalye)
Paggunita sa kilalang tao paggawa ng proyekto, kalagahan o
Sekwensyal (pangyayari)
Pagsilang, pagtanda at pagkamatay pagkilala sa problema.
Kronolohikal (impormasyon)
Buong buhay Deskripsyon ng proyekto – ilarawan ng
Prosidyural (hakbang/proseso)
malinaw at makatotohanan ang kaligiran
ng proyekto.
Proseso (pagsulat)
Layunin ng proyekto – goal/objective Uri ayon sa layunin Katangian na dapat taglayin ng paksa
Kapakinabangan – sino ang makinabang Pampalibang/ pampasigla ng talumpati
at matulungan nito. -Karaniwan na sa usapan sa araw- araw Napapanahon (ukol sa kasalukuyan at
Kalendaryo – dapat sunod sunod at may -Nagbibigay kagalakan hinaharap na pangyayari)
kaakibat na petsa at kasangkot. -Gumigising/pumupukaw Kapaki -pakinabang (makatulong sa araw
Lagda – lahat ng taong kasangkot/ -Gumagamit ng eksaherasyon/ -araw na pamumuhay)
pagpapatunay na pinagtibay ang gawain. pagmamalabis Katugon ng layon (Nakamit ang layunin)
Nagbibigay kabatiran/ impormasyon Pagbubuo ng talumpati
ARALIN 6 – TALUMPATI -Kailangan ng pagsasaliksik, pag –aaral, Simula (hangarin ng talumpati)
-Sining ng pagsasalita na maaaring pagbasa Katawan (mahusay na pagtalakay sa
nanghihikayat. -Seminar paksa)
-Pagpapahayag ng saloobin, kaisipan at Panghikayat Wakas (pagbubuod )
damdamin sa isang masining na paraan. -Para sa paksa o isyu na nais panigan ang
-Isang magalang na pagsasalita sa harap katwiran/ impormasyon KUMPAS - pagbibigay diin gamit ang
ng publiko ukol sa isang mahalaga/ Papuri indayog ng mga kamay sa mga salita sa
napapanahong isyu/ paksa. -Pagpupuri, handog, pag – alaala pagtatalumpati. Kapani -paniwala kung
-Mensahe sa pumanaw, kaarawan, kasal tama/ wasto ang gamit ng kumpas.
Hangarin sa pagtatalumpati Nagbibigay - galang Tatlong bahagi ng kumpas
Magbigay kabatiran (hindi pa alam ng -Pagpapakilala ng baging kaanib -Paghahanda
publiko) -Pagtanggap sa tungkulin -Pagkumpas
Magturo (ituro sa publiko ang nararapat na -Pag-alaala sa taong may naimbag sa -Pagbabalik ng kamay
paraan/ paniniwala ukol sa isang lipunan/organisasyon Uri ng kumpas
Nagmumungkahi -Palad na itinataas habang nakalahad (dakilang damdamin)
bagay/isyu) -Nakataob na palad at biglang ibababa (marahas na
Manghikayat (hikayatin ang publiko hinggil -Nagbibigay opinion/ suhestiyon damdamin)
sa katotohanan o kabutihan) -Nominasyon ng miyembro sa -Palad na bukas at marahang ibababa (mababang uri ng
Magpaganap/ magpatupad (botohan, organisasyon -Kumpas na pasuntok/ kuyom na palad (poot, galit,
magpakilos) pakikipaglaban)
-Paturong kumpas (panduduro, pagkagalit, paghamak)
Manlibang (nakawiwili kaakibat ng apat na Uri ayon sa paghahanda
-Nakabukas na palad na magkakalayo ang daliri at
hangarin) Impromptu (delivered on-the-spot) ikinukuyom (matimping damdamin)
Extempore (rely on notes or outline) -Palad ay bukas paharap sa nagsasalita (pagtawag ng
3 bagay na dapat isaalang-alang sa pansin)
pananalumpati Isinaulong talumpati -Nakaharap sa madla, bukas ang palad (pagtanggi,
Mananalumpati (sarili) Pagbasa ng papel komprehensya pagkabahala, takot)
-Kumpas na pahawi/ pasaklaw (pagsaklaw,pag -aari)
Talumpati (nilalaman/layunin) -Marahang pagbaba ng dalawang kamay (kabiguan, kawalan
Publiko (tagapakinig/taganuod) ng lakas)
GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 Bose-Einstein condensate - In 1995, technology
Week 1 enabled scientists to create a new state of matter, the
Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Using a
Atom - a chemical element in its smallest form and is combination of lasers and magnets, Eric Cornell and
made up of neutrons and protons within the nucleus Carl Weiman cooled a sample of rubidium to within a
and electrons circling the nucleus. few degrees of absolute zero.
Chemical properties - properties that require a
chemical reaction to observe. PURE SUBSTANCE – matter that has a fixed
Compound - a term used generally to indicate a composition and distinct properties.
definite combination of elements into a more complex Element – consists of only one kind of atom and
structure (a molecule) but it is also applied to systems cannot be separated into simpler substances by
with non-stoichiometric proportions of elements. chemical change.
Element - a substance that cannot be divided Compound – a substance that is composed of two or
chemically into component substances. more elements, chemically combined in definite and
Ion - an atom which has lost or gained electrons and constant proportions. Ex: Carbon dioxide (CO2),
becomes charged. water (H2O).
Mixture - is a material system made up of two or Classification of Compounds
more different substances which are mixed but are 1. Acids – substances that have a sour taste.
not combined chemically. 2. Bases – substances that have a bitter taste. These
Molecule - refers to two or more atoms which have are slippery and soapy in litmus paper.
chemically combined to form a single species. 3. Salts – compounds formed when acids combine
Physical properties - can be observed without using with bases.
a chemical reaction that would change the
substance.. MIXTURE – a combination of two or more pure
substances in variable proportions (not chemically
Matter – commonly defined as anything that exists in combined). The substance may be elements or
time, occupies space, and has mass. compounds.
Three ways in which matter may be classified: Homogeneous – mixture that do not contain visibly
1. According to origin different parts.
2. According to the state Heterogeneous – mixture that has visibly different
3. According to composition parts/components.
There are two kinds of matter:
Organic materials - which are commonly derived PHYSICAL PROPERTY - is one that can be
from living things, and contain carbon. observed without changing the composition of a
Examples: sugar, methane (CH4), and DNA substance, it includes phase, color, solubility, density,
Inorganic materials - come from non-living things melting and boiling points, volatility, viscosity, and
and do not contain carbon. conductivity.
Examples: salt, sulfuric acid, and metals EXTENSIVE PROPERTIES - are properties that
Solid - particles are packed tightly together so they depend on the amount of matter present or being
are unable to move about very much. Particles of a tested.
solid have very low kinetic energy. INTENSIVE PROPERTIES - are properties that do
Liquid - the particles of a substance have more not depend on the amount of matter present or being
kinetic energy than those in a solid. The liquid measured.
particles are not held in a regular arrangement but are
still very close to each other, so liquids have a definite CHEMICAL PROPERTIES - are characteristics that
volume. can be observed with an accompanying change in the
Gas - have a great deal of space between them and chemical composition of a substance.
have a high kinetic energy. If unconfined, the particles SEPARATING MIXTURES
of a gas will spread out indefinitely; if confined, the 1. Distillation - is a widely used method of separating
gas will expand to fill its container. mixtures based on differences in boiling point.
Plasma - is not a common state of matter here on 2. Filtration - is good for separating insoluble solid (an
Earth but may be the most common state of matter in insoluble substance is one that does not dissolve)
the universe. Plasma consists of highly charged from a liquid.
particles with extremely high kinetic energy.
3. Evaporation - is a process of separating mixtures B. Empirical Formula - Chemical formulas that give
consisting of a nonvolatile solid and a volatile only the relative number of atoms of each type in a
liquid,i.e. molecule.
4. Decantation - is a method of separating C. Structural Formula - shows the location of the
components of mixtures by removing a layer of liquid, atoms relative to one another in a molecule and the
generally one from the settled solid particles. number of chemical bonds between the atoms.
5. Chromatography - came from two Greek words
chroma and graphe which means "color writing" is a Week 3
method of separating mixtures either in gas or liquid
form using difference in solubility or using the Hydrogen compounds - compounds that contain
appropriate solvent, the mobile phase while the hydrogen and a metal.
medium used to hold the sample is called the Oxygen compounds - ionic compounds that contain
stationary phase. oxygen.
Law of Definite Proportions - states that atoms
Week 2 combine in fixed ratios of whole numbers to form
Atom - is the smallest unit of matter that retains all of Traditional or Stock Method (for metals with two
the chemical properties of an element. or more charges) – this method utilizes the ending.
Isotopes - are atoms of the same element that have Roman Numerals – this method uses Roman
different numbers of neutrons but the same number of numerals to represent the charge of the metal.
protons and electrons. Using Latin Greek Prefixes - This method is much
Ions - any atom or group of atoms that bears one or easier than the first two methods since one can still
more positive or negative electrical charges. When a identify the chemical formula of a compound even
neutral atom gains or loses one or more electrons. without identifying the charges.
Cation - Positively charged ions.
Anion - negatively charged ions.
Molecule- is a particle made up of two or more atoms
that are chemically bonded together.
Monatomic/ monoatomic - an atom. Week 4
Diatomic - combination of two same atoms.
Polyatomic - combination of the two or more atoms. Chemical equation - a shorthand method of writing a
Compound - is a combination of two or more chemical reaction
elements. Law of Conservation of Mass - states that mass is
Covalent compound - results when non metals neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions
share electrons. Reactant - substances that enter into a chemical
Ionic compound - results from an attraction between reaction. Placed on the left.
a cation (metal) and an anion (nonmetal). Product - new substance that formed in a chemical
Chemical Formula - is a notation that uses atomic reaction. Placed on the right.
symbols with numerical subscripts to convey the Aqueous solution - is a solution in which the solvent
relative proportions of atoms of different elements in is water.
the substance. Hydrocarbons - are a class of compounds that
Orbit - is the outermost regions of the atom primarily consist of hydrogen and carbon.
which are also called electron shells because they
contain the electrons (negatively charged). TYPES OF CHEMICAL REACTION
Nucleus - is the center of the atom that contains the Synthesis Reactions (Combination Reaction) - is a
protons (positively charged) and the neutrons (no reaction in which two or more substances combine to
charge). form a new compound. A + X → AX
Atomic number - represents the element’s number of Decomposition Reaction - is a reaction in which a
protons in its nucleus. single compound undergoes a reaction that produces
Atomic mass - indicates the total number of protons two or more simpler substances. AX → A + X
and neutrons. Single-Replacement Reaction (Substitution
Types of Chemical Formula Reaction) - is characterized by one element being
A. Molecular Formula - Chemical formulas that displaced from a compound by another element. A +
indicate the actual numbers of atoms in a molecule. BX → AX + B
Double-Replacement Reaction (Metathesis) - is a The Avogadro’s number (NA) - is a constant used to
reaction in which the ions of two compounds quantify the number of particles of an element (atoms,
exchange places in an aqueous solution to form two ions) or compound (molecules, formula unit)
new compounds. AX + BY ---> AY + BX - Named after the italian scientist, Amadeo
Combustion Reaction - is a reaction in which a Avogadro
substance combines with oxygen and releases a
large amount of energy in the form of heat and light.
CxHy + O2 ---> CO2 + H2O

Mass to mass


Precipitation Reactions - an anion and a cation Limiting reagent- the reactant that is consumed
contact each other and an insoluble ionic compound completely in a chemical reaction.
precipitates out of solution. Excess reagent- the reactant that will have some
Acid-Base Reactions (Neutralization) - is when the unreacted amount after a chemical reaction.
reaction is between an acid and a base, water is Stoichiometry- is derived from two Greek words;
formed as one of the products. stocheion which means ‘’element” and metron which
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions - happens when means ‘’measure’’.
there is an exchange of electrons between two Law of Conservation of Mass- states that mass in
reactants. an isolated system is neither created nor destroyed
by chemical reactions or physical transformations.
Week 5
Week 7
Stoichiometry - quantitative nature of chemical
formulas and chemical reactions Gas - particles that fill their container though have no
Mole - standard unit in chemistry for measuring large definite shape or volume.
quantities of very Scientific Law – is a statement that describes an
small entities such as atoms, molecules, or other observable occurrence in nature that appears to
specified particles always be true.
Mass - is a property that reflects the quantity of Temperature - the average energy of microscopic
matter within a sample. It is usually expressed in motions of particles; the measure of the kinetic energy
grams present in a system.
Mole Ratio - is a conversion factor that relates the Volume - the quantity of three-dimensional space
amounts in moles of any two substances in a occupied by a liquid, solid, or gas.
chemical reaction. Pressure - defined as force per unit area
Molar mass (MM) - is expressed in grams/mole or Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) – is
g/mol because we are pertaining to the mass of defined as 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atmosphere of
compound per 1 mol. pressure.
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gas - describes gas as
a large number of particles, atoms or molecules to be
Percent Yield - is the ratio of the actual yield to the
in constant, random motion and exhibit a perfectly
theoretical yield, expressed as a percentage.
elastic collisions.
What are the properties of gases? 4. Amount of Gas (n) - The amount of gas
● Most gasses exist in molecules being measured is always expressed in
● No definite shape and volume moles. At standard temperature and
● Gases have lower densities than solids and pressure (STP), 1 mole of a gas occupies a
liquids. volume of 22.4 L.
● Gases diffuse or effuse.
○ Diffusion - is the ability of gaseous Different Gas Laws
particles to scatter in wider space Boyle’s Law - Robert Boyle (1627-1691), an
since the particles are in constant Anglo-Irish natural philosopher performed an
random motion. experiment using a J-tube, where in a quantity of gas
○ Effusion - is the ability of gaseous is trapped in the tube behind a column of mercury. He
particles to pass through a small changed the pressure on the gas by adding mercury
opening. to the tube. He found that "at constant temperature,
● Gases can be compressed and expanded. the volume of a fixed amount of gas is inversely
○ Compression - means very large proportional to the pressure exerted by the gas."
mass can be placed in a small
container like methane gas in an
LPG tank.
○ Expansion - means a very small
mass can occupy a very large
space like the mass of air in a
● Gases exert pressure. Charles' Law - Jacques Charles (1784-1817), a
French mathematician, physicist and inventor
What are the Six Postulates of Kinetic Molecular together with another scientist, Nicolas Robert was
Theory of Gases? the first one to fly using a hydrogen filled balloon. He
● The gas consists of very small particles, found that "at constant pressure, the volume of a
each of which has mass. fixed amount of gas is directly proportional to the
● The distances separating gas particles are absolute temperature."
relatively large.
● Gas particles are in constant, rapid, random
● Collisions of gas particles with each other or
with the walls of the container are perfectly
elastic, which means no energy is lost upon
● The average kinetic energy of gas particles
depends only on the temperature of gas.
● Gas particles exert no force on one another.
Attractive forces between gas particles are Gay-Lussac's Law or Amontons' Law - Guillaume
assumed to be zero. Amontons (1663-1705), a French inventor and
What are the Measurable Properties of Gases? physicist, discovered the relationship between the
1. Pressure (P) - is equal to the force exerted pressure and temperature of a fixed mass of gas kept
by the gas on the walls of its container at a constant volume while building an air
divided by the surface area of the container. thermometer. He found that “at constant volume,
P = force / area the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to
2. Temperature (T) - The measure of the absolute temperature."
degree of hotness or coldness of a
substance as measured by thermometer or
perceived by touch. Kelvin is the
temperature used in the measurement. K =
°C + 273.
3. Volume (V) - The volume of the gas is the
space it occupies.
Combined Gas Law - Combines Charles' law, WEEK 8
Boyle's law, and Gay-Lussac's law. Partial pressure- refers to the pressure exerted of a
gas in a mixture if it is the only gas present in the

Gas stoichiometry- involves the mass relationships

in a chemical reaction whereas gas is either reactant
or product.
Graham’s Law of diffusion/effusion—states that,
the rate of effusion of any gas is inversely proportional
Avogadro's Law - In 1808, an Italian chemist, to the square root of the molecular weights or
Amedeo Avogadro, found out that "the volume of a densities.
gas maintained at constant temperature and pressure Effusion—is the process in which a gas escapes
is directly proportional to the number of moles of the through a small hole. Diffusion—when particles
gas. move to a lower area of concentration from a high
area of concentration.
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures - states that the
total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the
partial pressures of its components.

The mole fraction (xi) - is the number of moles of

that gas divided by the total moles of gas in the

Ideal Gas Law - one in which the collision

between atoms or molecules are perfectly elastic and
there is no intermolecular attractive forces.
Gas Stoichiometry - Gas stoichiometry involves the
-In 1834, to describe the behavior of ideal gas, the
mass relationships in a chemical reaction whereas
ideal gas law was proposed by Emile Clapeyron.
gas is either reactant or product.

Effusion and Diffusion - Scottish chemist Thomas

Graham (1805-1869) formulated his law of effusion,
which states that the rate
of effusion or diffusion of a gas is inversely
proportional to the square root of its molar mass.
Week 1 Measurements of physical quantities are
expressed in terms of units, which are
standardized values.
Measurement - is the determination of size or
magnitude of something.
● SI units (also known as the metric
S.I. Unit - or the International System of Units is
the modern form of the metric system. It is the only
● English units (also known as the
system of measurement with an official status in
customary or imperial system)
nearly every country in the world. The acronym
“SI” is derived from the French Système
SI base units - are the standard units of
measurement defined by the International System
of Units (SI) for the seven base quantities of what
is now known as the International System of
Derived unit - is a SI unit of measurement
comprised of a combination of the seven base
Conversion of units - is the conversion between
different units of measurement for the same
Accuracy - is the degree of closeness between a
measured value and true value. It depends on
Rounding-off means - reducing the digits in a
using good techniques and highly accurate tools.
number while trying to keep its value similar.
Precision - is the representation of measurement
Random errors - arise from unknown and
of a single property in the same way of at least
unpredictable variations in condition.
three trials giving a way of judging how close to
Systematic errors - are errors which tend to shift
each other the repeated values. It depends on
all measurements in a systematic way so their
accuracy of the instruments.
mean value is displaced.
Conversion of units - is the conversion between
Physics - is the branch of science concerned with
different units of measurement for the same
the nature and properties of non-living matter and
quantity, typically through multiplicative conversion
energy that are not dealt with by chemistry or
biology, and the fundamental laws of the material
Scientific Notation - Other form of writing large or
small (decimal) numbers using the base ten or
SI Derived Unit - defined in terms of the seven
exponential form.
base quantities via a system of quantity equations.
Random errors - arise from unknown and
unpredictable variations in condition.
Sources of Random Errors:
● Classical Physics - Before the turn of the
1. Human limitations
19th century, physics concentrated on the
2. Lack of sensitivity of the instrument
study of mechanics, light, sound and wave
3. Wrong technique of measurement.
motion, heat and thermodynamics, and
This type of error can be reduced by:
1. Taking repeat readings
● Modern physics - embraces the atom
2. Find the average value of the reading
and its component parts, relativity and the
Systematic errors
interaction of high speeds, cosmology and
Sources of Systematic Errors:
space exploration, and mesoscopic
1. Incorrect calibration of measuring
physics, those pieces of the universe that
fall in size between nanometers and
2. Consistently improper use of equipment
How to overcome: Vector Quantity - is a quantity that is fully
1. Conducting experiment with care described by both magnitude and direction. Scalar
2. Repeat the experiment by using different Quantity - is a quantity that is fully described by its
instruments magnitude.
Pythagorean theorem is a useful method for
Week 2 determining the result of adding two (and only two)
vectors that make a right angle to each other.
Distance - can be defined as total length moved.
Distance is a scalar, which means it has no
direction associated with it.
Displacement - is a vector, representing a change
in position. Displacement is defined as the
straight-line distance between two points.
Velocity - of an object is the rate of change of its
position with respect to a frame of reference, and is Vector’s Direction
a function of time.
Speed - can be thought of as the rate at which an
object covers distance. A fast-moving object has a
high speed.
𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
Acceleration - is a vector quantity that is defined
as the rate at which an object changes its velocity.

Free fall - is any motion of a body where gravity is

the only force acting upon it.
𝑔 = 9. 8 𝑚/𝑠

Week 3

Projectile motion - is a form of motion

experienced by an object or particle (a projectile)
that is projected near the Earth's surface and
moves along a curved path under the action of
gravity only.
Trajectory - or flight path is the path that an object
with mass in motion follows through space as a
function of time
Circular motion - is a movement of an object
The Greek ∆ - stands for “change in” or final along the circumference of a circle or rotation along
quantity minus the initial quantity. a circular path.
Average speed - is defined as the total distance a Relative motion - as observed from or referred to
moving objects covers divided by the total time it some material system constituting a frame of
takes to cover that distance. reference (as two adjacent walls and floor of a
Range - The horizontal distance covered by the Inertial Frame Of Reference - is a reference
projectile from the roof of the tower where it is fired frame in which an object stays either at rest or at a
to the point where it touches the ground. constant velocity unless another force acts upon it.
non-inertial frame of reference - is when a body
does not seem to be acting in accordance with
free diagram - is a sketch of the body of interest
and the forces action on the body.
Friction - defined as the force resisting the relative
motion of fluid layers, solid surfaces, and material
elements sliding against each other.
SIR ISAAC NEWTON (1642-1727)
- Laws of motion were just one part of the
monumental work that has made him
Week 4 legendary.
- The development of Newton’s law marks
Real Forces - are those that have some physical the transition from the Renaissance into
origin, such as gravitational pull/ gravitational force, the modern era.
Pressure Gradient Force (PGF) and Friction. GALILEO GALILEI (1564-1642)
Fictitious/ Pseudo Force - is what a naive - was instrumental in establishing
observer would supposed to explain a motion observation as the absolute determinant of
which is not real, but which depends on the frame truth, rather than “logical” argument.
of observation. - Galileo’s use of the telescope was his
Inertial Frame of Reference - is a reference frame most notable achievement in
in which an object stays either at rest or at a demonstrating the importance of
constant velocity unless another force acts upon it. observation.
- When a body does not seem to be acting - Galileo contributed to the formation of
in accordance with inertia, it is in a what is now called Newton’s first law of
non-inertial frame of reference or motion.
accelerating. Dynamics - is the study of the forces that cause
Mass - is a measure of how much matter is in the objects and systems to move.
- The typical measure of mass is the Inertia)
kilogram. - A body at rest remains at rest, or, if in
Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting motion, remains in motion at a constant
on the object. velocity unless acted on by a net external
- It is equal to the mass of an object (m) force.
multiplied by the acceleration due to - As the force acting upon an object is
gravity (g). increased, the acceleration of the object is
- It is measured in terms of Newtons or increased, and as the mass of an object is
pounds in English units. increased, the acceleration of the object is
Free body Diagrams - is a graphic, decreased.
dematerialized, symbolic representation of the 2. NEWTON’S SECOND LAW OF MOTION
body (structure, element or segment of an element) - If you apply more force to an object, it
in which all connecting "pieces" have been accelerates at a higher rate.
removed. - If the same force is applied to an object
Inertia - is the property of matter in which an object with greater mass, the object accelerates
that is at rest wants to remain at rest, and an object at a slower rate because mass adds
that is moving wants to remain moving in a straight inertia.
line unless another force acts upon it.
- According to Newton, an object will only WEEK 5
accelerate if there is a net or unbalanced Dot product - also called the scalar product, is the
force acting upon it. The presence of an product of two vectors, obtained by performing a
unbalanced force will accelerate an object specific operation on the vector components.
- changing its speed, its direction, or both Vector - is an element of a vector space.
its speed and directio Vector quantities – are quantities which require
both magnitude and direction for their complete
Scalar quantities – are quantities that can be
expressed completely by a single number with
appropriate units.
Work - is a measure of energy transfer that occurs
when an object is moved over a distance by an
external force at least part of which is applied in the
direction of the displacement.
Energy - is defined as the “ability to do work, which
3. NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION is the ability to exert a force causing displacement
- States that for every action (force) in of an object.”
nature there is an equal and opposite Power - is the amount of energy transferred or
reaction. converted per unit time. Average power is defined
- Forces always occur in pairs, and one as work over time, and it is measured in Watts.
body cannot exert a force on another Conservative force - is one for which the work
without experiencing a force itself. done is independent of path.
- We sometimes refer to this law loosely as Non-conservative force - is one for which the
“action-reaction,” where the force exerted work done depends on the path.
is the action and the force experienced as
a consequence is the reaction. Week 6
normal force - is the support force exerted upon
Gravitational potential energy - is energy an
an object that is in contact with another stable
object possesses because of its position in a
gravitational field.
tension force - is the force that is transmitted
𝑃𝐸𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ
through a string, rope, cable or wire when it is
pulled tight by forces acting from opposite ends. Elastic potential energy - (also called spring
friction force - is the force exerted by a surface as energy) is potential energy stored as a result of
an object moves across it or makes an effort to deformation of an elastic object, such as the
move across it. stretching of a spring.
1 2
applied force - is a force that is applied to an 𝑃𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 2
object by a person or another object.
The force of gravity - is the force with which the
earth, moon, or other massively large object
attracts another object towards itself. Energy conservation - energy of interacting
kinetic friction - is defined as a force that acts bodies or particles in a closed system remains
between moving surfaces. A body moving on the constant.
surface experiences a force in the opposite Potential energy - the stored energy that depends
direction of its movement. The magnitude of the upon the relative position of various parts of a
force will depend on the coefficient of kinetic system.
friction between the two materials. - arises in systems with parts that exert forces on
each other of a magnitude dependent on the
configuration, or relative position, of the parts.
- is an energy that could be used to do work.
Week 7 Elastic Collision - total kinetic energy and
Mass - A property of a physical body and a momentum are conserved.
measure of its resistance to acceleration when a
net force is applied.
Center of Mass - A position defined relative to an
object or system of objects. Conservation of Linear Momentum – Total
Center of Geometry – The arithmetic mean momentum of an isolated system before collision is
position of all the points in the figure. always equal to total momentum after the collision.
Center of Gravity – The average location of the 𝑃1 + 𝑃2 = 𝑃𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
weight of an object.
Conservation of Kinetic Energy - the total energy
Homogeneous - Composed of parts or elements
of an isolated system remains constant.
that are all of the same kind.
Inelastic Collision - the total momentum is
Spaghettification - is the vertical stretching and
conserved but total kinetic energy is not conserved
horizontal compression of objects into long thin
shapes in a very strong non-homogeneous
gravitational field. It is caused by extreme tidal
HOW CAN WE FIND THE CENTER OF MASS OF The formula for getting Impulse is:
The formula for getting Force is:
𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎
The formula forgetting acceleration is:
𝑎= ∆𝑡
The formula forgetting initial and final momentum
Week 8

Momentum – the product of the mass of the object

and its velocity. Momentum is a measurement of
mass in motion: how much mass is in how much
motion. It is usually
given the symbol p.
𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣
As simply, you can say that force is equals to
Linear Momentum – the tendency of a body to
change in momentum divide by change in time:
continue in uniform motion along a straight path.
Impulse – the product of the net force and the time
interval. Impulse is a term that quantifies the
overall effect of a force acting over time. It is
conventionally given
the symbol I (or J) and expressed in
𝐼 = 𝐹∆𝑇
Impulse-Momentum Theory – The change in
momentum of a particle during a time interval
equals the impulse of the net force that acts on the
particle during that interval.
Collision - is the event in which two or more
bodies exert forces on each other in about a
relatively short time.
INTRODUCTION TO THE Epistemology = origin of knowledge 2. Secondary Reflection (integrates the
Logic = concern in reasoning and a treatise fragmented and compartmentalizes
on matter. ARISTOTLE was the first experience into a coherent whole).
PERSON philosopher to devise logic. SUBJECTIVE type of reasoning
WEEK 1 Ethics = Branch of philosophy that explores Partial point of view is one's perception is
the nature of moral virtue and evaluates limited by other factors or based on a single
Etymologically, the word "philosophy"
human action. factor.
comes from two Greek words, philo meaning
Aesthetics = sensitive, beauty, arts Holistic point of view is having a view
"love" and sophia, meaning "wisdom"
PHILOSOPHERS where we understand both the whole and the
Philosophy originally meant "love of
THALES = father of philosophy parts of something, and, we understand how
ANAXIMENES = air is the fundamental the parts, when brought together, make up
Science- it is called science because the
elements the whole.
investigation is systematic.
Natural Light of Reason- philosophers uses ANAXIMANDER = universe was formed from
his natural capacity to think boundless THE GREEK TRIUMVIRATE
Study of All Things- sets the distinction HERACLITUS = no man cannot stem on the SOCRATES = Socratic Method / Elenchus -
between philosophy from other sciences same river twice Means of examining a topic by devising a
First Cause or Highest Principle - principle PYTHAGORAS = numbers are important series of questions, Claimed that, "the
is that from which something proceeds in any matter unexamined life is not worth living". PLATO =
manner whatsoever. The First Principles: XENOPHANES = did not subscribed to the Plato's lasting contribution to learning was his
Principle of Identity- everything is its own idea of anthropomorphic God founding of the Academy, One of his famous
being, and not being is not being. works is The Republic.
WEEK 2 ARISTOTLE = His studies in logic led to the
Principle of Non- Contradiction- it is
impossible for a thing to be and not be at the Doing Philosophy = to ask questions, to formulation of a formal process of analyzing
same time and at the same respect. reflect and to formulate and evaluate reasoning, Human beings philosophize
Principle of Excluded Middle- a thing is arguments. Doing philosophy involves asking because they wonder about the world.
either is or is not; everything must be either the right questions.
be or not be; between being and not being, Philosophical Reflection = It is the tool in WEEK 3
there is no middle ground possible. doing philosophy which is the act of giving
Principle of Sufficient Reason- nothing time to think about meaning and purpose of FACTS AND OPINIONS =
exists without a sufficient reason for its being life A fact is a provable statement. It can be
and existence. shown to be true or false without a doubt.
There are two types of Philosophical An opinion, on the other hand, expresses a
reflection: personal belief, idea, or feeling that is not
1. Primary reflection (fragmented and provable.
Metaphysics = The only extension of
compartmentalizes thinking; instrumental Truth is a state or quality of being true.
fundamental and necessary drive in every
thinking; means-end of thinking or selfish way
human being to know what is real
of thinking). OBJECTIVE type of reasoning
OBJECTIVE INFORMATION= the analysis is C. Equivocation is a logical chain of K. Begging the question (petitio principii) is
based on facts, measurable and observable. reasoning of a term or a word several times, the type of fallacy in which the proposition to
SUBJECTIVE INFORMATION=Based on but giving the particular word a different be proven is assumed implicitly or explicitly in
personal opinions, interpretations, points of meaning each time. the premise.
view, emotions and judgment. D. Composition infers that something is true
of the whole from the fact that it is true some WEEK 5 and 6
THEORIES OF TRUTH part of the whole.
Correspondence theory=is the view that E. Division one reasons logically that
truth is correspondence to, or with, a fact. something true of a thing must also be true of
Embracing the idea of truth that consists in a all or some of its parts.
relation to reality. F. Against the person (Argumentatum ad Embodied = being materialized or incarnated
Coherence theory=the truth conditions are hominem) attempts to link the validity of a Spirit = Immutable and Indestructible
based on facts or objective features of the premise to a characteristic or belief of the The union of soul and body is inseparable
world. person advocating the premise. However, in
Pragmatic theory= the truth of a statement some instances, questions of personal
can be defined in terms of the utility of conduct, character, motives are legitimate if LIMITATIONS OF HUMAN PERSON
accepting it. There are things that are false relevant to the issue. FACTITY - refers to the things in our life that
that it may be useful to accept, and G. Appeal to force (Argumentatum ad are already given.
conversely there are things that are true that baculum) is an argument where force, SPATIAL-TEMPORAL BEINGS - As
it may be damaging to accept. coercion or the threat of force is given as a
temporal beings, our most obvious limitation
justification for a conclusion.
is our finitude-our finite quality or state.
WEEK 4 H. Appeal to the people (Argumentatum ad
populum) is an argument that appeals or Spatial = space
exploits people's vanities, desire for esteem Temporal = time
FALLACY = is a defect in an argument other THE BODY AS INTERMEDIARY -
and anchoring on popularity.
than it's having false premises. To detect
I. False Cause (post hoc) since that event Intermediary means acting as a mediator
fallacies, it is required to examine the
followed this one, that event must have been
argument's content. TRANSCENDENCE - is the ability to change,
caused by this one. This fallacy is also
A. Appeal to pity (Argumentatum ad be dynamic, and continually redefine oneself
referred to as coincidental correlation or
misericordiam) is a specific kind of appeal to which works with our facticity to create
correlation not causation.
emotion in which someone tries to win
J. Hasty generalization one commits errors change.
support for an argument or idea by exploiting
if one reaches an inductive generalization
his or her opponent's feelings of pity or guilt.
based on insufficient evidence. The fallacy is Polytheism is a belief or worship of more
B. Appeal to ignorance (Argumentatum ad
commonly based on a broad conclusion upon
ignorantiam) whatever has not been proved than one god.
the statistics of a survey of a small group that
false must be true and vice versa. Monotheism is a belief in or worship of one
fails to sufficiently represent the whole
population. god.
Hinduism is one of the oldest Eastern ANTHROPOCENTRISM = Refers to a Sustainable Development - is development
traditions, practiced by hundreds of millions human-centered, or "anthropocentric," point that meets the needs of the present without
of people for about 5000 years, the oldest of view. Humans are the only, or primary, compromising the ability of future generations
holders of moral standing. to meet their own needs
religion in the world.
HUMANISM = Progressive philosophy of life Prudence - the ability to govern and
Brahman = ultimate reality. oneness of
that, without theism or other supernatural discipline oneself by the use of reason. It is
reality, self-hood beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to classically considered to be a virtue, and in
Atman = absolute soul lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that particular one of the four Cardinal virtues.
Samsara = endless series of birth aspire to greater good. Frugality - the quality of being frugal,
(reincarnation) PATHOCENTRISM = A philosophical position sparing, thrifty, prudent or economical in the
Karma = law of action, good or bad karma regarding the difference or similarities in the consumption of consumable resources such
Dharma = right action or role reaction to pain in humans and animals. as food, time or money, and avoiding waste,
BIOCENTRISM = A philosophical viewpoint lavishness or extravagance.
Moksha = liberation from samsara
that all living organisms, not just humans, are Conservation - the act of protecting Earth's
Buddhism = tears to enlightenment deserving of equal and moral and ethical natural resources for current and future
Siddharta Gautama Buddha = founder consideration. ECOCENTRISM =This generations.
Dharma in Buddhism = law of salvation concept believes that ecology is the central Preservation - The act of preserving; care to
and most significant part of the earth and preserve; act of keeping from destruction,
Nirvana = absolutely free from all forms of
thus promotes a nature-based system of decay or any
bondage and attachment
values. DEEP ECOLOGY = For this theory,
Arhat = one who entered nirvana HOLISM = Etymologically, holism comes ecological crisis is an outcome of
Bodhisattva = one who planned to enter from the Greek word "holos" meaning "all" or anthropocentrism
nirvana "total*. Concisely summarized by Aristotle in SOCIAL ECOLOGY = Ecological crisis
Four Noble of Truths = realizations of Metaphysics, "the whole is more than the results from authoritarian social structures.
Buddha sum of its parts". Destroying nature is a reflection wherein few
Eightfold Path = ways to escape suffering to people overpower others while exploiting the
environment for profit or self-interest.
achieve nirvana
ECOFEMINISM = This theory argues that
ecological crisis is a consequence of male
WEEK 7 and 8 dominance.
Erich Fromm = envisioned a society to be a
HUMAN PERSON IN THEIR responsible human being towards the
ENVIRONMENT environment
EGO-logical = humans over the environment
(Anthropocentric view)
ECO-logical = humans within the
environment (Egocentric view)
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND Square Dance - a country dance that starts THE DANCES OF VISAYAS
with four couples facing one another in a TINIKLING - Tinikling means "bamboo dance" in
HEALTH 3 square, with the steps and movements shouted English. The dance imitates the movement of the
Week 1 out by a caller. Tikling birds as they walk between grass stems,
Dragon Dance - Chinese run over tree branches, or dodge bamboo traps set
Bon Odori - Japanese by rice farmers. Dancers imitate the Tikling bird's
Intensity - depends on the type of dance you
Square Dance - West Americans legendary grace and speed by skilfully
choose. Fast-moving dance styles like hip hop
maneuvering between large bamboo poles.
and salsa are more intense than slower dances
THE DANCES OF LUZON KURATSA - The Kuratsa is highly favoured by the
like the tango or waltz. All of them will use your
Waray people of the Eastern Visayas region in the
whole body and will challenge your brain as you
BANGA - One of the interpretive dances created Philippines. Strictly speaking, The Kuratsa must be
learn the choreography and form. done with the Amenudo; that is, only one couple
Core - Depending on the type of dance you during the KAYAW days was the “BANGA” dance.
dances it at a time. The Kuratsa is however, very
choose, some of the steps/moves will engage This dance is performed with Kalinga women
different in the manner of execution to the Mexican
showing their agility in balancing the bangas on
the core muscles. counterpart.
top of their heads while toddling through rice
Arms - Although most dances focus on your Mazurka Boholana - is a Spanish-inspired
paddies and mountain paths; a daily routine to
lower body, you're also using your arms. ballroom dance from the Bohol province of the
fetch water from the mountain springs.
Legs - The choreography will have you doing Philippines. Although the mazurka is the Polish
Maglalatik - was originally performed in Biñan,
moves that work your lower body, including your national dance, it was wildly popular throughout
Laguna as a mock-war dance that demonstrates a
quads and hamstrings. Europe in the 19th century and even in colonized
fight between the Moros and the Christians over
Back - Dance uses your core muscles, lands overseas.
the prized latik or coconut meat during the Spanish
including those in your back. rule, this dance is also shown to pay tribute to the
Flexibility - Most dance-inspired workouts town’s patron saint, San Isidro Labrador. THE DANCES OF MINDANAO
include moves that improve flexibility. PANDANGGO SA ILAW - The word KINI - KINI - A martial arts dance originating from
Aerobic - Dancing raises your heart rate. The the Tausug people of the Sulu archipelago in the
Pandanggo comes from the Spanish dance
more up-tempo the dance style, the better it is Southwestern part of the Philippines. Male dancers
“fandango” characterized with lively steps and
for your heart. depict a fight between a cat and a hawk. They
clapping while following a varying 3⁄4 beat.
Strength - You won't be lifting weights, but your simulate martial arts movements while
Pandanggo requires excellent balancing skill to
manipulating daggers and fans. KINI-KINI
body weight counts, helping to build muscle maintain the stability of three tinggoy, or oil lamps,
represents the sophisticated women of the Royal
strength. placed on head and at the back of each hand.
Low-Impact - Dancing can be a high-or Balse - was a popular dance in Marikina, Rizal
Pangalay - is a traditional Tausug dance
low-impact workout depending on the style of during the Spanish times. Balse (valse in Spanish)
characterized by elaborate body postures and
dancing. means waltz. This dance was performed after the
gestures and the graceful arm and hand
lutrina (a religious procession) and the music that
movement of the dancer, amplified by the use of
Week 2 accompanied the dancers was played by the
janggay or metal claws. The dance is performed to
musikong bungbong (musicians using instruments
Folk Dance - a popular dance, considered as the music of the kulintangan, gandang, agong and
made of bamboo).
part of the tradition or custom of a particular gabang. Commonly referred to as the fingernail
people. dance, Pangalay is usually performed during
Cultural - relating to the ideas, customs, and weddings and other festive celebrations.
social behavior of a society.
Singkil - originated from the Maranao people who Game Dances - are those that are done with play Week 4
inhabit the shores of Lake Lanao. It is a re- telling elements. ARMS POSITIONS
of an episode from the Maranao epic legend Lubi-lubi - (Bikol dance) a combination 1st position -Both arms are raised forward in a
Darangen involving the rescue of Princess of simple folk and social steps (literally, Lubi circle in front of the chest with the fingertips about
Gandingan (abducted by the diwatas) by the means coconut. an inch apart.
legendary Prince Bantugan. Wedding Dances - are those dances that are 2nd position -Both arms are raised sideward with
KANDINGAN - Performed at Tausug weddings in performed during wedding feasts. a graceful curve at shoulder
Jolo, the Kandingan consists of figures and steps Pagkawin -The wedding ceremony is called level.
based on classical and Pagkawin. The festivity opens with the Pahanda or 3rd position -Left arm is raised sideward as in
traditional Indian dance forms. Dancers presentation of dowry. Relatives of the groom 2nd position; right arm raise
perform with slightly bent knees turned present to the relatives of the bride traditional upward.
outward, fingers held stiffly together with the thumb dowries that usually include the Salap-pa, a brass 4th position -Left arm is raised in front as in first
outward and apart. box containing money, jewelry, other valuables and position; right arm raised
the all-important betel nut. overhead.
Week 3 Courtship Dances - depict the art of courtship. 5th position -Both arms are raised overhead.
Sua-Sua. -dance from Jolo, Sulu. Literally
"Sua-sua" means small orange plant and is the FEET POSITIONS
Occupational Dance - depict the lifestyle and
name of a courtship dance and its accompanying
daily work of the people living in various 1st position -Heels close together; toes apart
topographies, for example, planting and pounding. within an angle of around 45 Degrees.
WAR DANCE - is a dance involving mock
Binatbatan - An occupational dance from Paoay, 2nd position -Point the right toe sideward; bring
combat, usually in reference to tribal warrior
Ilocos Norte. It depicts the beating of the cotton down the heel of the right foot.
societies where such dances were performed as a
pods to separate the seeds from the fibers with the 3rd position -Heel of one foot is close to in step
ritual connected with endemic warfare.
use of two sticks called “batbat” in the Ilocos of other foot.
region. Sagayan - War dance performed by both the
4th position -Point the right toe forward; bring
Maguindanao and Maranao depicting in dramatic
Mag-asik - Tiruray dance for females performed down the heel of the right foot.
fashion the steps their hero, Prince Bantugan, took
in Nuro, Cotabato. Dancers go around a piece of 5th position -Close the right foot to the left by
upon wearing his armaments, the war he fought in
bright colored cloth with small heavy steps but with circling and return to the first
and his subsequent victory afterwards.
graceful hand and arm movements. position.
Religious/ Ceremonial Dance - are those
associated with religion, vows and ceremonies. A TERMINOLOGIES IN FOLK DANCING
religious dance may be performed to drive away 1. Arms in lateral position- both arms are at
evil spirits and for having recovered from sickness, one side, either sideward right or left, this may be
favors granted and vows fulfilled. done at shoulder, chest or waist level.
Dugso - (meaning 'dance') is a ceremonial dance 2. Brush- weight on one foot, hit the floor with the
among the Manobo people in Bukidnon, Agusan ball or heel of the other foot (the free foot) after
and Misamis Oriental . The Dugso (also Dugsu) is which that foot is lifted from the floor to any
usually performed during important occasions like direction.
kaliga (feasts) or kaamulan (tribal gatherings). 3. Clockwise- like the motion of the hands of the
clock. R shoulder is toward the center of an
imaginary circle.
4. Counterclockwise- the reverse direction of Masskara - Bacolod - Another renowned Pahiyas Festival - Lucban, Quezon - Pahiyas
clockwise. L shoulder is toward the center of an Visayas festival is Bacolod's Masskara, a 20-day is the time when people in Lucban, Quezon give
imaginary circle. street party replete with food, drinks, dances, and thanks to San Isidro Labrador for a good harvest.
5. Cut- to displace quickly one foot with the other, a bevy of wild contests like chasing after a pig and Pahiyas means "decor". Every May 15, the fronts
thus completely taking off the weight of the body downing coconut milk. of houses are elaborately decorated with brightly
from the displaced foot. Kadayawan Festival - Davao City - Mindanao colored rice wafers, called kiping, a type of rice
6. Do-si-do- the vis-à-vis (opposites) both also has their own share of lavish fiestas led by dough made from a traditional recipe.
advance forward, pass each other’s right (or left) Davao City's Kadayawan Festival held annually Paru-paro Festival - Dasmarinas, Cavite - The
side, step across to the right (or left), move every 3rd week of August. This time it's primarily to paru-paro (known as butterfly in English) is a
backward without turning around, and pass each give thanks for a plentiful harvest so the streets universal symbol of change, transformation and
other’s left (or right) side to proper places. This is are decorated with freshly picked fruits and celebration. The birth of a butterfly starts with an
of foreign origin and is used in many Philippine vegetables. egg and becomes a butterfly larva (also known as
dances. Moriones Festival - Marinduque - During Holy a caterpillar) where it grows quickly. It sheds from
7. Free foot- the foot not bearing the weight of the Week each year, a biblical reenactment is seen on its chrysalis and flies off to new life. The butterfly
body. the roads of Marinduque when villagers don their has a strong correlation to the city.
8. Free hand- the hand not placed anywhere or interpretation of a Roman soldiers' helmet, dress,
not doing anything. and armour. Week 6
9. Hands on waist- place hands at the waistline. Pintados Festival - Tacloban - If you're into
10. “Hayon-hayon”- to place one forearm in tattoos and body arts then you might flip over the Social dance etiquette
front and the other at the back of the waist. This is yearly celebration of Pintados festival in Tacloban Personal Hygiene - In social dancing one
a Visayan term. when locals dance around the streets with inked encounters a lot more people. Making personal
bodies to symbolize the brave warriors of the past. hygiene a lot more vital.
Week 5 Panagbenga - Baguio Flower Festival - The Asking a prospective partner to dance -
mainland Luzon is not one to take the backseat in When asking someone to dance, a man must be
Ati-atihan - Kalibo - Dubbed as the Mother of All
terms of festivals too. Every year during the month polite. Snapping your fingers, nodding your head,
Festival in the Philippines, Kalibo's Ati-Atihan is the
of February, thousands of tourists both domestic or waving to call someone is a big no- no. if a lady
oldest festival in the country.
and foreign go up to the Summer Capital of the accepts your invitation, escort her to and from the
Sinulog - Cebu City - On the same day, Cebu
Philippines to witness the city bloom, literally. dance floor.
City also pays tribute to Santo Niño through their
Higantes Festival - Angono, Rizal - Every If you are asked to dance - In all social dance
Ati-Atihan Sinulog. What sets it apart is the way
23rd of November, head over to Angono, Rizal to functions, good manners should be shown when
they dance to the beat of the drums – two step
be part of its larger than life celebration - the you are asked to dance. Accept the invitation to
forward and one step backward – a movement
Higantes Festival. In celebration of the Feast of dance politely.
that's meant to simulate the water current (sulog)
San Clemente, people open their homes and On the dance area - Remember to politely
of Pahina River.
dining tables to visitors. It's also quite a sight to introduce yourself to your partner as well as to
Dinagyang - Iloilo City - Exactly a week later on
see papier-mâché giants sashaying down the other dancers. Dance in the best way you can.
the 4th Sunday of January, Iloilo City also holds
street, some measuring as tall as 12 ft.
the same cultural and religious festivity in honour At the end of music - Always show gratitude to
of the Child Jesus. Dinagyang consists of a fluvial your dance partner for sharing a dance moment
procession, colourful parades, and a competition with you. Say thank you when the music ends.
for the most intricate costume and impressive Then, escort your dance partner to the place
choreography. where she was when you asked her.
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 and are highly based on time duration and centralized A good title contains the fewest possible words that
on programs. adequately describe the contents and/or purpose of
Week 1 your research paper.
4. Experimental Design - this is one of the highest Research Topic – a general area of interest that you
Different–not the same as another or each other; forms of quantitative research wherein independent would like to pursue in your research
unlike in nature, form, or quality. variables are manipulated and various statistical -an intellectual stimulus calling for an answer in the
Descriptive- tests the causality between variables. techniques are involved in order to formulate a form of scientific inquiry.
Correlational - attempts to determine to what extent product. -topics or problems are general questions about
two or more variables are related to each other. relations among variables, or characteristics of the
Quasi-experimental - establish a causal relationship Types of Variable phenomenon which a researcher needs to undertake
between two or more variables. 1. Independent Variable(IV) – variable that stands Subject Matter - the main research variables to be
Experimental - often called “true experimentation”; alone and the variable that causes an effect to the studied
the independent variable is manipulated to assess dependent variable/s. It is the one that researcher/s Aim –the purpose for conducting the research study
causal relationships. manipulate/control in order to produce the necessary Locus – location/ place where the study will be
Cause – a reason for a certain action, condition or context in processing and determining the results of conducted
result to happen. the study. (Cause) Respondent– an individual or group of people that
Effect - expressing a result or outcome based on a 2. Dependent Variable (DV) - the one that is serves as the source of information during data
certain cause. assumed to be affected by an independent collection
Variables – subject matter of the study, important variable and some other mediating variables. (Effect)
elements of the research. Is the object, characteristic, Selected Guidelines in the Formulation of a
category, attribute, case, event, which has been Guidelines in Structuring and Identifying Research Title:
regarded measurable once it is assisted by statistical Research Variables: 1. The title must contain the following elements:
treatments. Furthermore, it can change 1. The independent variable is stated first before the a. the subject matter or research problem
to change, alter, improve, or be modified. dependent variable. b. the setting and locale of the study
2. Research Variables are always specific in structure. c. the respondents or participants involved in the study;
Kinds of Quantitative Research 3. Research Variables are the subject matter of the and
1. Descriptive Research - involves identifying and d. the time or period when the study was conducted (if
study, thus, it is always present in the research title
describing the cause or reason of a particular the title becomes too long because of these elements, the
timeframe or period may be omitted except in evaluation
phenomenon. It is focusing on independent and 4. The specific category of the independent variable
dependent variables. This design generally attempts and the dependent variable is always included.
2. The title must be broad enough to include all aspects
to test variable relationships or causality between 5. To identify variables in a research structure, using a of the study but should be brief and concise as possible.
variables. concept diagram can help determine the two 3. The use of the term “Analysis of”. “A Study of”, “An
Independent Variable – a variable that affects the variables. Investigation of”, and the like should be avoided. All these
dependent variable are understood to have been done in research.
Dependent Variable – a variable that receives the Week 2 4. If the title contains more than one line, it should be
effect from the independent variable Research Title – summarizes the main idea of the written in an inverted pyramid.
2. Correlational Design - seeks to analyze the whole paper and is the most notable part of the 5. When typed or encoded on the title page, all words in
relationship between variables(positive or negative) research paper. the title should be in capital letters.
that are involved in a research context. A research title entails an idea that is developed from 6. If possible, the title should not be longer than 15
3. Quasi- Experimental Design - determines the and integrated from a question raised by a substantive words.
causality between one or more variables. A lot of researcher/s about a particular research topic. 7. Avoid long, detailed titles that give too much
intervening factors are integrated since there are information.
A research title is a product of real- world
some other major variables that must be determined 8. To shorten the title, delete the terms “assessment” or
observations, wide reading, and meaningful
“evaluation” if these are already emphasized in the text.
interactions with other people.
Characteristics of a Good Title: Research Introduction - gives us the idea of what Characteristics of a Good Research Question
- Informative the research will be about. It gives the context of the 1. The question is feasible. It can be investigated in
-Not stuffy or dull study. a particular achievable time frame and resources.
-Written in phrase not in complete sentence 2. The question is clear. Most people can
-Straightforward Citation - An author uses citations to inform his/her understand the content of the question.
-No punctuation at the end audience that specific items in the work come from 3. The question is significant. It is worth
another source. investigating because it will contribute important
Week 3 -The most commonly used citation style for the social knowledge about the human condition and
sciences is the APA (American Psychological development of society.
Background–introductory idea, initial basis Association) style. More information about this style 4. The question is ethical. It will not involve physical
of a particular point. can be found on the Publication Manual of the or psychological harm, or to the natural or social
Gap–an issue that has not been fully addressed by American Psychological Association, (7th ed.). environment of which they are part.
previous studies. This is the problem that the
researchers will aim to solve or answer. Two Types of Citation Research Problem - a statement about an area of
Problem-ideas or concepts that are structured to be 1. In-text citation - In-text citations use only a few concern, a condition to be improved, or set of ideas
resolved details of the source, enough to locate its matching that exists in a scholarly literature, in theory, or in
Introduction–part of the research that describes the reference citation in the reference list. As the name practice that emphasizes the need for meaningful
basic background ideas. implies, it is placed within the text. understanding and deliberate investigation in a
Citation-a quotation from or reference to a 2. Reference List - Reference list citations provide research process.
book,paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work more information about the source, so that the reader Research Purpose - is generated from the research
Background of the Study - includes an overview of can find it if they wish. problem and clearly focuses on the development of
the research topic, the area being researched, as well the study. In the research process, the purpose is
as previous studies and relevant information on the Three options for placing citations(in-text) usually stated after the problem, supports the
topic. This part of a research study demonstrates the 1. Idea-focused - Place the author(s) and date (s) in problem, and clarifies the knowledge to be generated.
relevance of the research question parentheses at an appropriate place in or at the end Statement of the Problem
of the sentence. -The statement of the problem shortly addresses the
A Step-by-Step on How To Do the Background of 2. Researcher-focused-Place only the date in question: Derived from relevant research questions.
the Study: parentheses. -There should be main research problems, major and
1. Conduct preliminary researches 3. Chronology-focused-Integrate both the author minor research questions.
2. Read information and develop research questions and date into the cited sentence. Parts of the Statement of the Problem and
3. Write thesis statement Purpose
4. Use your thesis statement as guide for writing Week 4 1. Introduction (Introductory Statement) –
background of the study describes the presentation of the research questions
5. Create relevant sections in writing research Problem- ideas or concepts that are structured to be and research purpose.
background resolved 2. Major Question – stated the central inquiry of the
6. Identify any further studies to address gaps of the Statement- a definite or clear expression of research. It must be parallel with the research title.
study something in speech or writing 3. Supporting Research Questions – stated the
7. Revise and improve your research background in Purpose – the overall direction or focus of the study other specific instances of the problem that must be
terms of perceived gaps, rationale, observations, Research Question - research statements that are investigated in a research study to provide substantial
problems, questions and purposes constructed to inquire for further relevant answers, research theories.
theories and ideas. It addresses areas of research 4. Research Purpose- describes the goal of the
discovery and research analysis through relevant study in achieving a set of research results.
sources and methods.
Guidelines in Formulating the Statement of the Definition of Variables - A specialized part of the Research hypothesis - is any statement created by
Problem and Purpose research study that is operational and contextual in researchers when they try to attempt upon the
1. Statement of the Problem and Purpose must be nature outcome of a research or experiment.
complete with the necessary substantial parts. Scope and Delimitation of the study - are the two
2. Statement of the Problem and Purpose must be elements of a research paper that inform the reader Types of Hypothesis
relevant and sequential. what information is included in the research and its Based on Structure
3. The research title structure reflects the Statement parameters. 1. Null Hypothesis – a hypothesis that indicates the
of the Problem and Purpose. Scope- The scope of the study is a section of a nothingness and the similarities and the absence of
research paper that explains what information or change in the objects, principles and results of the
Introduction subject is being analyzed. potential weakness of the research study. It indicates a very low or no possibility
- Must contain the research title structure. study researcher cannot control.They are the of a result to be accomplished or the negativity of an
- The reasons of presenting the questions and shortcomings conditions that placed restrictions instance.
purposes Delimitation of study- The delimitation of the study is It is called the H0
- Clear and direct the explanation of the scope of study. 2. Alternative Hypothesis – a hypothesis that is
- Understandable by readers -study will be narrowed in scope, how it is bounded positive in its structure, indicating an increase or a
Major Question Significance of the study - are those persons, or change or even a point of difference and relationship,
- Must be complete, clear, and concise with the group of persons, or organizations or communities as it is the true goal of the researchers, to establish an
necessary information. a result of the study. identified response. It is called the H1.
- Reflects the type of study. Community – this study spreads awareness in the
- Reflects the major variables of the study. community on recognizing anxiety as a mental health Week 6
- Must be a realistic question with logical structure. concern and how meditation can be a useful approach
- Comprehensive enough for research. to alleviating it. Logical- each article must be rational enough to
Supporting Research Questions Academic Institutions and Administrators – describe a particular theory or concepts
- Relevant to the major question through this research, academic institutions and Current and Realistic – articles must be placed in a
- Relevant to the title structure administrators may promote programs and research context considering a specific research
- Must reflect intervening variables. advocacies regarding meditation to help problem based on the researchers’ scientific
- Clear and direct students deal with their anxiety issues. observation.
Research Purpose Mental health advocates – the result of this research Comprehensively Analytical – the researchers must
- Must be aligned with the research problem. will provide valuable information for the advocates to understand the function, content and discourse of the
- Reflects the research question. further their campaign on spreading awareness on ideas and analyze its relevance on the statement of
- Identifies the major reason for the study. how to deal with various mental health issues the research problem.
- Direct and specific. including anxiety and how. Consistency of Ideas – each article has to be related
Parents – this research may convince parents to with the research variables as well contribute to the
Week 5 consider programs involving meditation that may help formulation of substantial theories, constructs and
the students deal with their anxiety issues. thesis statements.
Scope - it is the extent of the area or subject matter Students – students will be directly benefited from Insightful– each article must be properly analyzed in
that something deals with or to which it is relevant. this research as its findings may encourage them to such a way that the practicality of the supporting
Limitation - it is a certain thing that restraints. consider meditation as an approach to lower their details can be used in the collection of primary
Significance -the quality of being worthy of attention; anxiety levels. research data.
importance. Future researchers – this study covers information
A research hypothesis - is any statement created by involving meditation as an approach to reducing
researchers when they try to attempt upon the anxiety levels. Thus, the result of this study can be
outcome of a research or experiment. used for future discussions on the capabilities of
meditation in alleviating other mental health concerns.
Steps in Reviewing Literature and Studies Structure of Review of Related Literature and 2. Argument synthesis-Helps the researcher to
1. Find relevant materials - Researchers should be Studies present own point of view with the support of relevant
selective and wise in determining a relevant research Introduction facts drawn from services and presented in a logical
material. - Must describe the general importance of all manner.
2. Read the reference comprehensively. -In reading presented research articles
a reference, there should be notecards in which - Must describe that all presented articles are for Week 7
relevant information is written and as considered the generating substantial theories Chapter 2
outline of the cited article. Citation and Analysis Concept – is any pre- conceived notion or idea that is
3. Paraphrase the ideas of the research article. - Citation - is a systematic way of crediting a work and in the center of a particular instance
Always remember that in paraphrasing an article, must consider a standardized format. It is also a way Conceptual Framework of the Research – Is a
proper restatement should be followed. of referring to: paradigm that gives a strong emphasis on the
4. Put proper citation (APA format) -Researchers o Name of the author interdependency and connection of each research
must be aware of the 7 th Edition APA format for o Title of work variables throughout the study
scientific articles. o Name and location of the company that published Theory - refers to the ideas that are collectively
5.Account the reference used by doing an your copy of the source common among most references
annotated bibliography - The reference list includes o Date your copy was published Theoretical Framework – diagram that presents all
all the research articles used in a research study o Page numbers of material you are borrowing the theories of the research study which establishes
Printed Sources Analysis - deals with the assertion and explanation of thesis statements.
-Author/s’ Last name, First Name – Initial. (Year of the researchers regarding the cited materials, it can
Publication.)Title of the Article/Topic. Title of the Book. affirm or negate the content of the materials but it
Week 8
Place of Publication: Name of Publishing Company, should be properly justified.
page range, volume number - Each article must be properly cited and
Methodology – focuses on the description of the
Ex. King, M. (2000). Wrestling with the angel: A life of paraphrased.
structured methods of research. Is the scientific and
Janet Frame. Auckland, New Zealand: Viking. - Each article must be classified into a set of
organized way of accumulating data from respondents
Online Sources categories.
and even accounting the research instruments used,
-Author/s’ Last name, First Name – Initial. (Year of - The research article needs to be properly explained
determining research designs, and even stating the
Publication.)Title of the Article/Topic. URL based on logical analysis of research problem,
actual respondents, locus of the data, nature of the
Ex.Dewston, R.A. (2006). Using the internet to academic reasons and substantial variables.
sources and the way the respondents have been
enhance teaching at the University of Waikato Synthesis
(Master’s Thesis, University of Waikato Hamilton, - Give the similarities and differences of all cited
Research Design –types of research to be done
New Zealand). articles
Data Gathering Procedure- describes the collection
6. Present set of cited articles - Formulate a general theory
of data to be used in a research
In presenting cited articles, there must complete - Provide the generalization of the relevance of all
Sample– representing the research respondents
information such as: cited articles
Data Presentation – process of using table and
-Author of the Article
graph to present research result
-Date of Publication Types of Syntheses
Method - Refers to any consecutive steps to be
- Paraphrased Article 1. Explanatory synthesis
followed in order to achieve something. But research
7. Explain each cited article -Each cited article must -Helps the reader to understand the topic
method should be specific and scientific.
be thoroughly explained in order to determine the -Present the facts in a reasonably objective manner
Data GatheringProcedure- an act of accumulating
importance of the article in the research study. -explanations given may entail descriptions, sequence
information that is vital in the research context
8.Provide a general synthesis - State a general of events or state of affairs.
1. Interview Method - This is done by asking an
theory that had been reflected in all accounted and
interviewee some selected questions randomly,
reviewed articles.
usually it is done in most qualitative research.
2. Survey/ Questionnaire Method – This is done by 2. Stratified Sampling – This sampling focuses on Data Presentation – a way of showing and
selecting purposive respondents and provides them selecting an equally distributed representation of a describing the data into an organized and presentable
forms which include questions that the respondents class. manner using tables, graphs and charts
will answer. 3. Cluster Sampling – This is also called area Three types of Data Presentation
3. Document Method - This is done by collecting sampling by which the geographical location is very 1. Textual Presentation – a type of presentation that
written articles (printed/ online) sources to support the much important in selecting respondents. focuses mainly on using words in explaining the
assumption of the researchers in their study. acquired data. It must be accompanied by tables and
4. Observation Method- It generates ideas by Instrument – any measuring tool to be used in a graphs.
focusing on the current phenomenon by witnessing research study 2. Tabular Presentation – a type of presentation that
how it occurs and how it will be resolved. Two common research instruments uses tables.
5. Experimental Method – It is usually the method to 1. Questionnaire – a form by which respondents are 3. Graphical Presentation – a type of presentation
be used if the study is more on investigation and/or set to answer pre-determined questions arranged in a that uses graphs and charts.
research project. particular scheme. Usually, it is used in quantitative -Tables – consists of rows and columns
research. -Rows – the horizontal part
Data – any important details or codes that are being It can either be in a form of a checklist, rating scales, -Columns – the vertical part
acquired in order to produce necessary information. or assessment tools -Cells – the intersection of rows and columns
Two types of Data 2. Interview Questions- a formal/ organized way of
1. Primary Data - These are acquired directly by the questions given to a few people, specifically Graphs and Charts
researcher from the source. respondents are being asked to state their opinions Chart – a visual representation that uses geometrical
2. Secondary Data – These are acquired from and/or ideas about a particular phenomenon. It can figures to show holistically the frequencies and its
reading printed materials or having access to the either be in the form of journals, field notes, and variations and distributions.
internet. It is considered secondary since the data interview guide questions. Graph – a visual and statistical representation that
have been published already and to acquire these, shows the analytical aspects of frequencies,
there are media to be used. Validity – deals with the extent of what is supposed to specifically trends and changes, which charts cannot
be measured. refers to the appropriateness of any do.
Important Ideas in Research Samples given means to what is expected to be done. Types of Graphs
-Population – the totality of the individuals Reliability – deals with the consistency of data results 1. Bar Graph – shows magnitude of the frequency,
-Target Population– the desired population to be Reliability can be subdivided into two: the frequency itself and the variations of frequencies.
used in a particular research study 1. Internal Reliability - if the data are near to what is 2. Histogram – a bar graph that is showing variations
-Sample – the subset of a population; the finite being expected to achieve. of intervals and ranges and its structure is marked by
number of individuals that will represent the 2. External Reliability – if two data sets can be adjoining boxes.
population generalized as one constructive and consolidated 3. Frequency Polygon Method – a graph that shows
-Sample Size – the number of respondents data set. continuity, trends, changes over a time period and/ or
-Respondent – the group of people who will give a duration, it can progress or regress.
relevant response to a given research problem in a Data Processing and Data Presentation 4. Circular/Pie Graph - a graph that shows
specified time Data Processing - a way of knowing the frequency of components, partition, composition and/or distribution.
data by counting and grouping them into a given data
Sampling Techniques/Procedures set.
The way of selecting a target set of respondents Counting – a way of quantifying categories by means
1. Purposive Sampling – Deals with selecting of using numbers
respondents based on the subject of the study and Tallying – a way of recording, sorting out, classifying,
the relevance of those respondents to the study the and arranging data obtained into its respective data
researchers are conducting. set.

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