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No.F.8( Islamabad, the 86 March, 2023
,11lh mecting of the StandinS Committ€€ onI4E!i,Xwillbo held on l4t Msrch.2023 rt 11:00 itr t;e
CoNtitutron Room (Olal Co!,mittee Room No. 5). Sccond Floor. Parlispept IIousG. IslarBrbrd' to discuss the
following agenda items: -

l. Recitation from the Holy Quran;

2- Confrrrnation ofminutes ofprevious meeting held on I8s tanuary,2\23i
3. Comprehensive repo impLmentation status of the rEcommendations of the previous mo€tiDg th€
4 Bilis:
1) The Islanabad Capital Territory l,ocal Govemmcnt Bill, 2022 (GovemrEetrt Blu);
2i The Pakistan citizenship (Amendment ) Bill, 2022(section l4A) (GoverrErDt Bill ):
3) The Natualization (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Govertrmert Bill)i
powers) Bill.
4i The Islamabad capital Tenitory criminal prosecurion scrvicc (conslitution, Functions and
2022 (Govertrmerl BiU)i
5) The Prohibition ofKite FlyinS Bill,2O2t (movcd by Mr. Jrmo. Iqbrl' MNA)i
6i The Code ofcrirninal Proced; (Amendment) Bill,202l Section -376 (move.d by syed tl,3!ain'
zi The Islamabad Pure l-ood Authority Bill,2020 (Section I l2 AA) (Moved by Mr' Mohsh Drwar' MNA);
8j fte C.imlnat taws (Amendment), Bill 2O2l (Scclions 2,22,24, and 164) (Moved by Ms Mehnez
Aziz" MNA); 'O
9) The Acid ard Bum Crime Bill, 2022 (moved by Dr. Mahrec! R'zrq Bbutto' MNA);
16) The criminal t aws (ArEendment), Bill 2021, (Sectior 297) (Moved by Mr' Jrme! Iqbrl, MNA);
lliThe Islamabad Capital Terrilory waqf Propertics Bill, 2o22(Amendmcnt of sectionsl0A)(Moved by
Moulem Abdul Akbrr Chirrli, MNA);
I2) Th€ Employment ofChildren (A]leodmeEt) Bill,2022 (moved by Mr' Keroomd Xhed Das'
f:i me cod" of c.i.innt Proceiurc (Amendment\ B1ll,2022 (section 320) (Movod by Mr' Qadir xhan' MNA);
Facilitation, Bill, 2022 ( moved by Dr. ssmim Mstloob, MNA);
t5)Tte Pakistan Citizcnship (Amcndment) Bill, 2022, (Section 17) (Movcd by Mr' Qadir Kh'n
Matrdokhril, MNA);
5. Calling Attention-Notic; No. 16 moved in the House on 24u November, 2022 by Ms. Asiya Azee6'
r"g*alng sa" *a hase ofCommercial Buildings for lhe Residential Purposes without completion ctrtiFcate
in lslamabad;
e_ Urtr"i.o*a in the Hous€ on 246 November, 2022 by M' Aliya Krmran, MNA regarding the issue of
leakage of rain water &om the roofs and walls of the Parliament LodS's;
7. KT irn, MNA' under Rule
Stane"d Question No. I , moved in tho House on I 26 Decemb.r,2022 by JslD Abdul
199 of ttre Rules of Proc€durc and conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2007, r€garding
appointrnent made in the NADRA sinc! August 20 I 8; ard
8. Any other item with the permission ofthc Chair'

2. TIe Hon. Membcrs/Movers are rcquested 10 kindly mske it convenient !o attcnd the meeting'

(MI]HA l) AF
I )eputy Secrotary/Secretary iltcc

No.F.8( I /2023.-Com-III/Interior lslamabad, the 8d' March, 2023

1. Mr. Ahmad Hussain Dcharr Cbrirmstr

2. Malik Sohail Khan Member
3. Rana Shamim Ahmed Khan Membcr
4. Syeda Nosheen Iftikhar Memher
5. Mr. Nadeem Abbas Member
6. Mr. Sajid Mehdi Member
7. Nawab Muhammad Yousaf Talpur Member
8. Syed Agha Rafiullah Member
9. Mir Munawar Ali Talpur Membcr
10. N,Ir. Asman tah Member
11. Mr. Usama Qadri Member
12. Mr. Muharnmad Akhlar lMengal Member
13. Mr. Nawab Sher Member
14. Dr. Zul-fiqar Ali Bhatti Membcr
15. Mehar Ghulam Muhammad lali Member
16. Mr. Muhammad Asim Nazir Member
t'|. Ms. Asiya Azecm Member/-lvlover
18. Sardar Talib Hassan Nakai Membcr
19. Makhdoom Syed Sarui-ul-Hassan cillali Member
20_ Minister for Interior Ex-Ollicio Member

l. Mr. James Iqba.l, MNA Mover
1 Syed Hasnain, MNA Mover
3. Mr. Mohsin Dawar, MNA Mover
4. Ms. Mehnaz Akbar Aziz, MNA Mover
5. Dr. Malueen Razzaq Bhutto, MNA Mover
6. Moulana AMul Akbar Chitrali, MNA Mover
'1. Ir,1r. Kesoomal KIrcal Das, MNA Mover
8. Ivk. Qadir Khan Mandokhail, MNA Mover
9. Dr. Samina Matloob, MNA Movcr
10 Ms. Aliya Karn'an, MNA Mover
11 Jarn Abdul Karim, MNA Mover

For information and ncccssary action with rcfcrcncr to aqenda: -

1. Secretrry, Ministry of lnterior, Government oI Pakistan, Islamabad, wilh thc roqucsl 10 attcnd thc
meeting along-with all concemcd ofllccrs and with completc relevant record. Forward a sofl copy of
Brief on e-mail: afzrlsoomroT4( ard ,15 hiud copics (cach in English & Urdu) at leasl
three days bcfore the meeting for advance study ofthe Hon. Members.
2. Secretsry, MiDistry of Law and Justice, Governnent of Pakistan, tsl&mabad with the rcquest to deputera
Senior Draftsmarl to attend the meeting.
3. Section Olficer (Coutrcil), Ministry of Intcrior, Govemment of Pakistan, [slamabad, with the request to
coordinate with all concemed ard forward name, CNIC and desiSnation ofthe participa s ofthe meeting well
before th€ meeting.
4. Sectio[ Officer, MiDistry of Law aud Justrce, Covemment ofPakistan, Islamabad with the request to forward
name, CNIC md designation ofthe participants ofthe meeting wollbefore thc mceling.

3 t )/2023{om-lIL{nterior Islamabad, 0re 8s March, 2023'

i'or infotmation and neccssarv action to f:rcilitxtc the holdins of thc sub
l. Joint Secrctary (F) National Assembly Secretariat.
2. Joint Secrctary (A) National Assembly Secretariat.
3. Direotor General (lT), National Assembly Secr€tariat, Islamabad with the request to placo Notice on
wehsite and also SMS to Committee Members / Movers.
4. Direotor General (Media), National Assombly Secretariat, Islamabad, with tl,e request to anange mcdia
coverage etc. ofthe meeting and ensure transmission ofPress Release to the media-
5. Director General (Legislative Drafting) with the request to kindly depute an oIficer from L.D Wing to
assist the Committee on Bills.
6. Director Oeneral, Photography, Nalional Assembly Secretarial.
7. Camcraman. llationalAssembly.Sucrctariat.
8. Drawing and Disbursing Officer, National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad.
9. Medicai Supe.intendent, Fedeml Covemment Services Hospiml, Islamabad, through In-charge Dispcnsary'
Parliament House, lslamabad.
10. Director, CDA (Parliament House), with the request to direct all concerned like Civil, Electrical and elc'
1 L 1)eputy Superintendent ofPolice (Sccurity), Parliament House, lslamabad.

12. Rcsource Ccntre, Parliament Lodges, lslamabad.

13. Engineer ln-charge, Communication Dranch, National Assembly Secretaria(, Islamabad
I 4. Sergeant-at-Arms, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad.

15. Annunciation Cell (NA), Nationat Asscmbly Seoretariat, lslamabad.

For informotion toi-

I . Joint Secretary (Admin), Prirne Ministcr's Office, Islamabad.
2. Accountant Geneml Pakistan Revenucs, Islamabad.
L Principal Secretary to Speaker, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad.
4. Director to Deputy Speaker, National Assembly Sec.etariat, Islamabad.
5. Directorto Leader ofOpposition, National Assembly olPakistan, Islamabad.
6. Director to Secretary, National Asscrrrhly Secretarial, Islamabad.
7. Sr. P.S to Seor€tary, Senatc Secretariat, lslamabad.
8. Sr. P.S to Additional Seoretary, (PAC), National Assembly Secrolariat, Islamabad.
9. P.S to Additional Secretary (Committecs), National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad.
10. A.P.S to Joinl secretary (Committees), National Ass€mbly Secretariat, Islamabad.
I l. Sr. P.S to Chairman Sfanding Committee on Interior, Islamabqd.
12. Committee Branch-l & II, National Assembly Secretariat,lslamabad.
13. Committec Branches-l & II, Senatc Sccrctariat, Islamabad.
14. Atl Olficers/Branches concemed, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad.

Coov also forwarded for i nlormntion to: -

Ilon. Attomey General fot Pakistan, Islamabad

(1 H I}
l)cputy Secretary/Sec Co
Tele: No.05I-920

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