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Leica Geosystems TruStory

The Great Ancona Landslide

On 13th December 1982, a very The affected area of Ancona consists of area, in order to draw up a plan for the
large zone of the city of Ancona an entire hillside, approximately 341.5 repair or reconstruction of the affected
was devastated by a huge landslide, hectares in total. It ranges from an homes. Preparation of a plan for
affecting 11 % of the urban area. approximate height of 170 metres above continuous monitoring of the landslide
Homes and infrastructure were sea level down to the sea itself. During area using geodetic and geotechnical
seriously damaged, about 3’000 the 15 days prior to the landslide on 13. instrumentation also began. This was
people had to be evacuated. December, 1982, the rainfall in the area used as the basis for a Civil Defence
The railway and state highway was not exceptionally high in absolute Emergency Plan.
were blocked, and water and gas terms but was persistent. This caused a
supplies interrupted. After years significant rise in groundwater levels. The Monitoring Plan was subdivided
of study authorities decided that into 2 parts; the first of these, relating
consolidation was not a feasible In response to the landslide, a series to the geodetic instrumentation, was
option. This was due to both the of specific laws were passed at both a put out to tender in 2006. The contract
cost and the environmental impact, regional and national level. This enabled was awarded to Leica Geosystems
which would have devastated the the allocation of funds needed for the Italy for the supply and installation of
areas’ natural character. Therefore, emergency operations, as well as to a high-precision continuous integrated
the City Council decided to ensure complete the clean-up and rehabilitation topographic monitoring system.
the safety of the local population by of the affected area and provide aid to the
designing and installing a complex local people. In association with the Ancona City
integrated monitoring system to Council engineers installation of the
provide constant control of the After the initial emergency operations, a monitoring system began at the end
landslip area. detailed study was done of the landslide of 2006 and was completed in the
summer of 2007. In October 2007 local
and national government representatives
officially presented the system to the public.
This coincided with the system startup and
calibration stage. This stage, currently still
underway, has enabled those responsible to
analyse the main results and to use them as
a basis for setting the alarm thresholds in
the Civil Defence Plan.

Three steps for maximum safety

Due to the large area to be monitored and
the complex morphology of the landslide
zone, the system was designed on the basis
of three monitoring levels.
• The first (alarm) level is comprised of
three main stations outside the landslide
area each with a robotic total station, dual
frequency GPS and dual axis inclinometer.
• The second level is comprised of five
monitoring stations inside the landslide
area, with identical instrumentation. No significant movements by May first results. This period of fine-tuning of the
• The third level is comprised of a The system runs automatically and is managed system has been fundamental in allowing the
network of 26 single frequency GPS by the Control Center in the City of Ancona, definition of the alert, the pre alarm and alarm
sensors and 200 prisms installed on about 3 km from the monitoring area. A thresholds.
homes, with all prism points measured by WLAN – HyperLAN main communications
robotic total stations. line provides complete and continuous real- Future implementations
time control of all the field sensors. The The tender for the second functional stage
Each station in the 1st and 2nd level network Control Center has a network of computers of the monitoring project includes supply
was installed on reinforced concrete piles. running Leica GeoMoS and Leica GNSS Spider and installation of underground geotechnical
Each pile is 1 meter in diameter, sunk into software. The software controls the sensors sensors and extremely high precision surface
the ground to depths varying from 10 to and performs analyses of the acquired data. dual axis inclinometers. The combination
25 meters, with about 3 meters above Custom software modules were specially of different sensors and technologies
ground level. Each concrete pile has a Leica developed for the management of the alert, allows for the most effective monitoring
TCA2003 robotic total station installed on pre-alarm and alarm thresholds and the of complex gravitational phenomena, such
top. The AX1202 GPS antennas together subsequent triggering of warning systems to as the Ancona landslide.This will allow the
with the Leica GRX1200 GPS receivers were protect the population. Remote access to the landslide phenomenon and its evolution over
installed by means of stainless steel posts, system is possible via the Internet to enable time to be studied by analysing the acquired
10 cm in diameter, with variable heights. relevant personnel to manage and oversee the measurements. Therefore helping to make
Each station was completed with wiring for system at any time. targeted, effective planning of any future
communication and power supply. consolidation work possible.
The Leica TCA2003 robotic total stations
The 3rd level network stations, were perform a measuring cycle to the prisms In Ancona, the local government and local
created by installing single frequency GPS every 4 hours. The GPS receivers record population have taken an active approach to
antennas and solar panels on the roofs of measurement sessions lasting 6 hours, with a living with a huge landslide. This new philosophy
private homes. Each station was wired to 15 sec. acquisition rate. Analysis of the results is a fresh, dynamic response to a complex
protect the power supply and installed in obtained between October 2007 and May problem: the solution moves beyond the
positions allowing easy access for possible 2008 revealed that no significant movements usual static concepts of ordinary engineering
maintenance work. Approximately 200 prisms of the structures in the risk area occurred. solutions, unfeasible or unaffordable in this
were installed on the homes in the area, for One year after the start-up of the surface case, while simultaneously reducing the risk
measurement by the seven Leica TCA2003 topography monitoring system, the engineers level for the people living in the affected areas.
robotic total stations. in charge have been able to analyse the

Leica Geosystems AG

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