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2. Haemagglutination Some viruses have sur- ‘ace projections or spikes for which erythrocytes possess complementary receptor sites. Such vi- ruses, when mixed with appropriate erythrocytes, are capable of binding them. This binding produces visible agglutination and is known as viral haemagglutination. The viral surface projections are proteins and are called haemagglutinins. The receptor sites on erythrocytes are not immunoglobulins and therefore, viral haemagglu- tination is not an antigen-antibody reaction. Some viruses can agglutinate red cells of various animal species whereas others may agglutinate red cells of only one specific species. The optimum tempera- ture and pH for agglutination varies with the type of virus. Table 3.4 shows characteristics of some haemagglutinating viruses. If a haemagglutinating virus, for example, In- fluenza virus, is suspected to be growing in the cell monolayer, it can be detected and quantitated with the help of haemagglutination (HA) test. 1 el Agglutination No apy (shield pattern) (amos Nation Httony > Fig. 3.5 The pattern of haemaggiutinay ; ion Technique 1. Place 25 wl of diluent (PBS or Saline) in | wells of the microtitre plate. The eleventh well acts as a cell control. 2. Place 25 tl of viral Suspension in the firs, well to make 1:2 dilution and mix, 3. Transfer 25 ul from the first well to the second well (1:4 dilution); continue till the tenth well. 4. Discard 25 wl from the tenth well. 5. Add 25 yl of appropriate red cell sus- pension to all wells including the cell control. 6. Incubate at appropriate temperature (see Table 3.4) until the control cells have settled to a discrete button. 7. Read the HA titre of the virus as the highest dilution that gives rackdagtucidtct) gh ni $69 The HA test is useful only for those viruses which are capable of haemagglutination. it) It does not provide a definitive iden- — tification, but only indicates the pres- ence of a haemagglutinating virus. )

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